(last updated 2002-07-17)

Name of requester          : Torsten Bronger
E-mail address of requester: bronger&
Tag to be registered       : de-DE-1996

English name of language   : German, German variant, orthography of 1996

Native name of language (transcribed into ASCII): Deutsch, deutsche 
Form, neue Rechtschreibung

Reference to published description of the language (book or article):

Duden -- Die deutsche Rechtschreibung, 22nd edition, Dudenverlag, 
Mannheim, 2000 ISBN 3-411-04012-2 (normative)

Any other relevant information:
Due to the German orthography reform of 1996, which introduced 
significant changes, it's necessary to make a distinction between 
German texts using the new and the traditional orthography.

(created 2001-07-17)
