(RFC 6690 published August 2012, subtype last updated August 2012)

Type name: application

Subtype name: link-format

Required parameters: None

Optional parameters: None

Encoding considerations: Binary data (UTF-8)

Security considerations:

Multicast requests using CoAP for the well-known link-format
resources could be used to perform denial of service on a constrained
network. A multicast request SHOULD only be accepted if the request
is sufficiently authenticated and secured using, e.g., IPsec or an
appropriate object security mechanism.

CoRE Link Format parsers should be aware that a link description may
be cyclical, i.e., contain a link to itself. These cyclical links
could be direct or indirect (i.e., through referenced link
resources). Care should be taken when parsing link descriptions and
accessing cyclical links.

Interoperability considerations: None

Published specification: RFC 6690

Applications that use this media type: CoAP server and client
implementations for resource discovery and HTTP applications that use
the link-format as a payload.

Additional information:

Magic number(s):

File extension(s): *.wlnk

Macintosh file type code(s):

Intended usage: COMMON

Restrictions on usage: None

Author: CoRE WG

Change controller: IETF