(RFC 4354 published January 2006, subtype last updated January 2006)

MIME media type name: application

MIME subtype name: poc-settings+xml

Required parameters: (none)

Optional parameters: charset; Indicates the character encoding of
enclosed XML. Default is UTF-8 [7].

Encoding considerations: Uses XML, which can employ 8-bit
characters, depending on the character encoding used. See RFC
3023 [3], Section 3.2.

Security considerations: This content type is designed to carry
information about current PoC user settings, which in some cases
may be considered private information. Appropriate precautions
should be adopted to limit disclosure of this information.

Interoperability considerations: This content type provides a
common format for exchange of PoC settings information.

Published specification: RFC 4354 (this document).

Applications which use this media type: Push-to-talk over Cellular
systems in compliance with the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) PoC

Additional information: The Open Mobile Alliance publishes the
Push-to-talk over Cellular specifications in the OMA web site at

Person & email address to contact for further information: Miguel
A. Garcia-Martin, miguel.an.garcia&nokia.com

Intended usage: Limited use, restricted to PoC terminals and

Author/Change controller: Open Mobile Alliance
(http://www.openmobilealliance.org), PoC working group.

Other information: This media type is a specialization of
application/xml RFC 3023 [3], and many of the considerations
described there also apply to application/poc-settings+xml.