(last updated 2021-06-17) Type name: application Subtype name: rdap+json Required parameters: n/a Encoding considerations: See Section 3.1 of [RFC6839]. Security considerations: The media represented by this identifier does not have security considerations beyond that found in Section 12 of [RFC8259]. Interoperability considerations: There are no known interoperability problems regarding this media format. Published specification: RFC 9083 Applications that use this media type: Implementations of the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP). Additional information: This media type is a product of the IETF REGEXT Working Group. The REGEXT charter, information on the REGEXT mailing list, and other documents produced by the REGEXT Working Group can be found at https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/ regext/. Person & email address to contact for further information: IESG <iesg&ietf.org> Intended usage: COMMON Restrictions on usage: none Author: Andy Newton Change controller: IETF Provisional Registration: No