MIME Media type:  application/soap+fastinfoset 
(last updated October 2005)

The IESG has approved a request to register the
"application/soap+fastinfoset" MIME media type in the standards tree.
This media type is a product of the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO).

The IESG contact persons are Ted Hardie and Scott Hollenbeck.

MIME media type name:

MIME subtype name:

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:
"action": This parameter shall be used to identify the intent of the W3C
SOAP message infoset as specified for the "action" parameter of the W3C SOAP
1.2 "application/soap+xml" MIME media type (see W3C SOAP 1.2 Part 2,
Appendix A). The value of the "action" parameter shall be an absolute
URI-reference as specified in IETF RFC 2396. No restriction shall be placed
on the specificity of the URI or that it is resolvable.

Encoding considerations:
This media type is used to identify W3C SOAP message infosets serialized as
fast infoset documents as specified in ITU-T Rec. X.892 | ISO/IEC 24824-2.
Use of this MIME media type will require additional specification if used on
transports that do not provide 8-bit binary transparency. (For the purposes
of Fast Web Services, ITU-T Rec. X.892 | ISO/IEC 24824-2, this media type is
always used with HTTP as the transport mechanism, and no further
specification is needed.)

Security considerations:
Because W3C SOAP message infosets can carry application defined data whose
semantics is independent from that of any MIME wrapper (or context within
which the MIME wrapper is used), one should not expect to be able to
understand the semantics of the W3C SOAP message infoset based on the
semantics of the MIME wrapper alone. 
Therefore, whenever using the "application/soap+fastinfoset" media type, it
is strongly recommended that the security implications of the context within
which the W3C SOAP message infoset is used is fully understood. The security
implications are likely to involve the specific SOAP binding to an
underlying protocol as well as the application-defined semantics of the data
carried in the W3C SOAP message infoset.

Interoperability considerations:
There are no known interoperability issues.

Published specification:
ITU-T Rec. X.892 | ISO/IEC 24824-2

Applications which use this media type:
No known applications that use this media type.

Additional information:
Magic number(s):
For details on the identification of a fast infoset document refer to the
magic number section of the "application/fastinfoset" media type. 
The identification of a W3C SOAP message infoset serialized as a fast
infoset document requires that the fast infoset document be parsed and that
the properties of the element information item, corresponding to the root of
the element tree, conform to the properties of the SOAP Envelope element
information item specified in W3C SOAP 1.2, 5.1.

File extension(s):
W3C SOAP message infosets serialized as fast infoset documents are not
required or expected to be stored as files.

Person & email address to contact for further information:
ITU-T ASN.1 Rapporteur (contact via tsb&itu.int) ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 ASN.1
Rapporteur (contact via secretariat&jtc1sc06.org)

Intended usage:

Author/Change controller:
Joint ITU-T | ISO/IEC balloting procedures in accordance with ITU-T Rec.
A.23 Collaboration with the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on information
technology, Annex A and ISO/IEC JTC1 Directives, Annex K.

(file created 31 October 2005)