(registered 2024-08-29, last updated 2024-08-29) Type name: application Subtype name: trust-mark-delegation+jwt Required parameters: n/a Optional parameters: n/a Encoding considerations: binary; A Trust Mark delegation is a signed JWT; JWT values are encoded as a series of base64url-encoded values (some of which may be the empty string) separated by period ('.') characters. Security considerations: See Section 16 of this specification Interoperability considerations: n/a Published specification: Section 15.5 of this specification Applications that use this media type: Applications that use this specification Fragment identifier considerations: n/a Additional information: Magic number(s): n/a File extension(s): n/a Macintosh file type code(s): n/a Person & email address to contact for further information: Roland Hedberg, roland&catalogix.se Intended usage: COMMON Restrictions on usage: none Author: Roland Hedberg, roland&catalogix.se Change controller: OpenID Foundation Artifact Binding Working Group - openid-specs-ab&lists.openid.net