(last updated 2011-01-25)

MIME media type name : Application

MIME subtype name : Vendor Tree - vnd.dvb.service

Required parameters : None

Optional parameters : None

Encoding considerations : binary

   This media type may require encoding on transports not capable of
   handling binary.

Security considerations : The security issues associates with this 
   type have not been assessed

Interoperability considerations : None

Published specification :

   GEM 1.2.2 - ETSI TS 102 728 v.1.1.1 (February 2010) available at

Applications which use this media : This media type is intended for 
   use by implementers of devices, services or applications compliant 
   with the GEM and MHP specifications

Additional information :

   1. Magic number(s) : None
   2. File extension(s) : .svc
   3. Macintosh file type code : None
   4. Object Identifiers: None

Person to contact for further information :

   1. Name : Michael Lagally
   2. Email : Michael.Lagally&oracle.com

Intended usage : Common

Author/Change controller : Peter Siebert, siebert&dvb.org

(file created 2011-01-25)