Date: Wed, 15 Oct 97 21:35:17 PDT From: Masahiko Sugimoto <sugimoto&> To: iana&ISI.EDU, sugimoto& Subject: Request for MIME media type Application/Vendor Tree - vnd. Name : Masahiko Sugimoto E-mail : sugimoto& MIME media type name : Application MIME subtype name : Vendor Tree - Required parameters : none Optional parameters : none Encoding considerations : nothing, using "binary". Security considerations : nothing, don't have executing mechasisms. Interoperability considerations : This media type will be using by OASYS GraphPro. However, because this media type are opened to the public, everyone can use it. Published specification : nothing Applications which use this media : following applications of FUJITSU, - OASYS GraphPro Additional information : 1. Magic number(s) : none 2. File extension(s) : fg5 3. Macintosh file type code : none Person to contact for further information : 1. Name : Masahiko Sugimoto 2. E-mail : sugimoto& Intended usage : Common This media type will be using HTTP. Author/Change controller : Name: Masahiko Sugimoto Company: Fujitsu Shizuoka Engineering Limited Section: Development Department 1, Development Division 3 Address: SouthSpot Shizuoka 12 fl. 18-1 Minami-cho, Shizuoka-Shi, 422, Japan TEL:+81-54-203-0214 FAX:+81-54-202-3125 E-mail:sugimoto&