(last updated 2009-08-04)


Email : gil.bernabeu&globalplatform.org

MIME media type name : Application

MIME subtype name : Vendor Tree - vnd.globalplatform.card-content-mgt-response

Required parameters : version = charset The version parameter consists of one or
more digits 0-9

Optional parameters :

Encoding considerations : binary
This media type may require encoding on transports not capable of handling binary.

Security considerations :
This media type does not contain active or executable content. The information
contained in the media type may need privacy and integrity services but these
are provided by an underling security protocol (e.g. TLS) or specific coding

Interoperability considerations :
No interoperability issues identified as the content is tested via a compliance

Published specification :
This MIME media type is required for GlobalPlatform (www.globalplatform.org)
Card Specification v 2.2 - Amendment B - Card Remote Application Management over
HTTP specification.

Applications which use this media :
This MIME media type is required for GlobalPlatform based card management
products for remote administration between a web server embedded in a smart card
and a remote entity via a secure channel with mutual authentication to load ,
install, delete and personalized on card application.

Additional information :

1. Magic number(s) : none
2. File extension(s) : none
3. Macintosh file type code : none
4. Object Identifiers: none

Person to contact for further information :

1. Name : Gil BERNABEU
2. Email : gil.bernabeu&globalglatform.org

Intended usage : Common

Author/Change controller : GlobalPlatform technical Director

(file created 2009-08-04)