(last updated 2008-08-06) Type name: application Subtype name: Vendor Tree - vnd.software602.filler.form-xml-zip Required parameters: None Optional parameters: None Encoding considerations: Binary Security considerations: ZFO is a binary file - a ZIP archive containing a plain XML content. The XML content is secured by signing the file itself through the means of the XML Signature standard. The ZIP file itself can be protected in the usual way by setting up a password. This media type doesn't contain any active or executable content. Some content of the FO file might contain private information, which can be encrypted using XML Encryption standard.. Interoperability considerations: There are no special interoperability issues. Published specification: Software602 distinguishes the ZFO file as a ZIP archive file containing the FO electronic form. The FO electronic form is a XML data file containing an electronic form intended for usage in the 602XML applications. The form is a composure of the layout structure using XSL-FO, data instance and data model using generic XML elements defined in the 602XML framework. The whole electronic form structure is always embedded into a digital signature represented by XML elements of the XML Signature standard Applications that use this media type: The ZFO file is used by the Software602 602XML applications - 602XML Filler, 602XML Designer, 602XML Designer Express and 602XML FormServer Additional information: Magic number(s): NONE File extension(s): ZFO Macintosh file type code(s): - Person & email address to contact for further information: Jakub Hytka, hytka&602.cz, Martin Vondrous, vondrous&602.cz <mailto:vondrous&602.cz> Intended usage: Common Restrictions on usage: None Author: Jakub Hytka Change controller: Jakub Hytka, Martin Vondrous (file created 2008-08-06)