Type name: haptics Subtype name: hjif Required parameters: N/A Optional parameters: N/A Encoding considerations: 8bit if UTF-8; binary if UTF-16 or UTF-32 Interoperability considerations: The HJIF format is a human-readable haptic effect coding based on the JSON format. It is designed as an interchange format for temporal and spatial haptic effects. The haptic effects may target specific parts of the human body and may be associated with a reference device description allowing haptic rendering software to adapt the effects to available hardware. Security considerations: See Section 3 of RFC 9695. Published specification: ISO/IEC DIS 23090-31: Haptics coding [MPEG-Haptics-Coding]. Applications that use this media type: All applications that are able to create, edit, or display haptic media content. Additional information: File extension(s): Haptic file extensions used for HJIF files: .hjif Macintosh file type code(s): (no code specified) Macintosh Universal Type Identifier code: N/A Fragment Identifier: N/A Deprecated Alias: N/A Person & email address to contact for further information: Yeshwant Muthusamy(yeshwant&yeshvik.com) Change controller: ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 29/WG 7 (MPEG 3D Graphics and Haptic Coding) Informative References: [MPEG-Haptics-Coding] "ISO/IEC DIS 23090-31 Information Technology — Coded representation of immersive media — Part 31: Haptics coding", .