(template updated by RFC6533; previous version included in RFC5337)

Type name:  message

Subtype name:  global-disposition-notification

Required parameters:  none

Optional parameters:  none

Encoding considerations:  This media type contains disposition
   notification attributes in the UTF-8 charset.  The 8-bit content
   transfer encoding MUST be used with this content-type, unless it
   is sent over a 7-bit transport environment, in which case quoted-
   printable or base64 may be necessary.

Security considerations:  See Section 7.

Interoperability considerations:  This media type provides
   functionality similar to the message/disposition-notification
   content-type for email message disposition information.  Clients
   of the previous format will need to be upgraded to interpret the
   new format; however, the new media type makes it simple to
   identify the difference.

Published specification:  RFC 6533

Applications that use this media type:  Email clients or servers that
   support message disposition notification generation or parsing.

Additional information:

   Magic number(s):  none

   File extension(s):  The extension ".u8mdn" is suggested.

   Macintosh file type code(s):  A uniform type identifier (UTI) of
      "public.utf8-email-message-disposition-notification" is
      suggested.  This type conforms to "public.utf8-plain-text".

Person & email address to contact for further information:  See the
   Authors' Addresses section of this document.

Intended usage:  COMMON

Restrictions on usage:  This is expected to be the second part of a

Author:  See the Authors' Addresses section of this document.

Change controller:  IETF Standards Process