Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Label Switched Paths (LSPs) Ping Parameters

Last Updated
Available Formats



Plain text

Registries included below

Message Types

Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures Note
0-191 Standards Action
192-247 RFC Required
248-251 Experimental Use Reserved, not to be assigned
252-255 Private Use Reserved, not to be assigned
Value Meaning Reference
0 Reserved [RFC9041]
1 MPLS Echo Request [RFC8029]
2 MPLS Echo Reply [RFC8029]
3 MPLS Proxy Ping Request [RFC7555]
4 MPLS Proxy Ping Reply [RFC7555]
5 MPLS Relayed Echo Reply [RFC7743]
6-247 Unassigned
248-251 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9041]
252-255 Reserved for Private Use [RFC8029]

Reply Modes

Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures Note
0-191 Standards Action
192-247 RFC Required
248-251 Experimental Use Reserved, not to be assigned
252-255 Private Use Reserved, not to be assigned
Value Meaning Reference
0 Reserved [RFC9041]
1 Do not reply [RFC8029]
2 Reply via an IPv4/IPv6 UDP packet [RFC8029]
3 Reply via an IPv4/IPv6 UDP packet with Router Alert (DEPRECATED) [RFC8029][RFC9570]
4 Reply via application-level control channel [RFC8029]
5 Reply via Specified Path [RFC7110]
6-247 Unassigned
248-251 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9041]
252-255 Reserved for Private Use [RFC8029]

Return Codes

Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures Note
0-191 Standards Action
192-247 RFC Required
248-251 Experimental Use Reserved, not to be assigned
252-255 Private Use Reserved, not to be assigned
Value Meaning Reference
0 No Return Code [RFC8029]
1 Malformed echo request received [RFC8029]
2 One or more of the TLVs was not understood [RFC8029]
3 Replying router is an egress for the FEC at stack-depth <RSC> [RFC8029]
4 Replying router has no mapping for the FEC at stack-depth <RSC> [RFC8029]
5 Downstream Mapping Mismatch (See [1]) [RFC8029]
6 Upstream Interface Index Unknown (See [1]) [RFC8029]
7 Reserved [RFC8029]
8 Label switched at stack-depth <RSC> [RFC8029]
9 Label switched but no MPLS forwarding at stack-depth <RSC> [RFC8029]
10 Mapping for this FEC is not the given label at stack-depth <RSC> [RFC8029]
11 No label entry at stack-depth <RSC> [RFC8029]
12 Protocol not associated with interface at FEC stack-depth <RSC> [RFC8029]
13 Premature termination of ping due to label stack shrinking to a single label [RFC8029]
14 See DDMAP TLV for meaning of Return Code and Return Subcode (See [2]) [RFC8029]
15 Label switched with FEC change [RFC8029]
16 Proxy Ping not authorized [RFC7555]
17 Proxy Ping parameters need to be modified [RFC7555]
18 MPLS Echo Request could not be sent [RFC7555]
19 Replying router has FEC mapping for topmost FEC [RFC7555]
20 One or more TLVs not returned due to MTU size [RFC7743]
21 OAM Problem/Unsupported BFD Version [RFC7759]
22 OAM Problem/Unsupported BFD Encapsulation format [RFC7759]
23 OAM Problem/Unsupported BFD Authentication Type [RFC7759]
24 OAM Problem/Mismatch of BFD Authentication Key ID [RFC7759]
25 OAM Problem/Unsupported Timestamp Format [RFC7759]
26 OAM Problem/Unsupported Delay Mode [RFC7759]
27 OAM Problem/Unsupported Loss Mode [RFC7759]
28 OAM Problem/Delay variation unsupported [RFC7759]
29 OAM Problem/Dyadic mode unsupported [RFC7759]
30 OAM Problem/Loopback mode unsupported [RFC7759]
31 OAM Problem/Combined mode unsupported [RFC7759]
32 OAM Problem/Fault management signaling unsupported [RFC7759]
33 OAM Problem/Unable to create fault management association [RFC7759]
34 OAM Problem/PM Configuration Error [RFC7759]
35 Mapping for this FEC is not associated with the incoming interface [RFC8287, Section 7.4]
36 Replying router is an egress for the address in the Egress TLV for the FEC at stack depth <RSC> [RFC9655]
37 Replying router is egress for the FEC at the stack depth. In addition, the BUM packets are dropped on the ES corresponding to the ESI received in EVPN Ethernet Auto-Discovery sub-TLV because of the Split Horizon Group filtering. [RFC9489]
38 Replying router is egress for the FEC at the stack depth. In addition, the BUM packets are forwarded because there is no ES corresponding to the ESI received in EVPN Ethernet Auto-Discovery sub-TLV. [RFC9489]
39-191 Unassigned
192 Inappropriate Target FEC Stack sub-TLV present [RFC9612]
193 Failed to establish the BFD session. The specified reverse path was not found. [RFC9612]
194-247 Unassigned
248-251 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9041]
252-255 Reserved for Private Use [RFC8029]


Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures Note
0-16383 Standards Action This range is for TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
16384-31739 RFC Required This range is for TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31740-31743 Experimental Use Reserved, not to be assigned. This range is for TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31744-32767 First Come First Served This range is for TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
32768-49161 Standards Action This range is for TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
49162-64507 RFC Required This range is for TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64508-64511 Experimental Use Reserved, not to be assigned. This range is for TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64512-65535 First Come First Served This range is for TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
Type TLV Name Reference Sub-TLV Registry
0 Reserved [RFC9041]
1 Target FEC Stack [RFC8029] []
2 Downstream Mapping (DEPRECATED) [RFC8029] No Sub-TLVs
3 Pad [RFC8029] No Sub-TLVs
4 LSR Capability [RFC8611] No Sub-TLVs
5 Vendor Enterprise Number [RFC8029] No Sub-TLVs
6 Detailed Interface and Label Stack [RFC8611] []
7 Interface and Label Stack [RFC8029] No Sub-TLVs
8 Unassigned
9 Errored TLVs [RFC8029] []
10 Reply TOS Byte [RFC8029] No Sub-TLVs
11 P2MP Responder Identifier [RFC6425] []
12 Echo Jitter [RFC6425] No Sub-TLVs
13 Source ID [RFC6426] No Sub-TLVs
14 Destination ID [RFC6426] No Sub-TLVs
15 BFD Discriminator [RFC5884] No Sub-TLVs
16 Reverse-path Target FEC Stack [RFC6426] []
17-19 Unassigned
20 Downstream Detailed Mapping [RFC8029] []
21 Reply Path [RFC7110] []
22 Reply TC [RFC7110] No Sub-TLVs
23 Proxy Echo Parameters [RFC7555] []
24 Reply-to Address [RFC7555] No Sub-TLVs
25 Upstream Neighbor Address [RFC7555] No Sub-TLVs
26 Downstream Neighbor Address [RFC7555] No Sub-TLVs
27 MPLS OAM Functions [RFC7759] []
29-16383 Unassigned
16384 BFD Reverse Path [RFC9612] Only non-multicast sub-TLVs (already defined or to be defined in the future) in the "Sub-TLVs for TLV Types 1, 16, and 21" registry at [] are permitted to be used in this field. Other sub-TLVs MUST NOT be used.
16385-31739 Unassigned
31740-31743 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9041] Not to be assigned. This range is for TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31744-32767 Unassigned
32768 Relay Node Address Stack TLV [RFC7743] No Sub-TLVs
32769 Time To Live [RFC7394] No Sub-TLVs
32770 Reply Mode Order TLV [RFC7737] No Sub-TLVs
32771 Egress TLV [RFC9655] No Sub-TLVs
32772-64507 Unassigned
64508-64511 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9041] Not to be assigned. This range is for TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64512-65535 Unassigned

Sub-TLVs for TLV Types 1, 16, and 21

Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures Note
0-16383 Standards Action This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
16384-31739 RFC Required This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31740-31743 Experimental Use Reserved, not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31744-32767 First Come First Served This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
32768-49161 Standards Action This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
49162-64507 RFC Required This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64508-64511 Experimental Use Reserved, not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64512-65535 First Come First Served This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
Sub-Type Sub-TLV Name Reference Comment
0 Reserved [RFC9041]
1 LDP IPv4 prefix [RFC8029]
2 LDP IPv6 prefix [RFC8029]
3 RSVP IPv4 LSP [RFC8029]
4 RSVP IPv6 LSP [RFC8029]
5 Unassigned
6 VPN IPv4 prefix [RFC8029]
7 VPN IPv6 prefix [RFC8029]
8 L2 VPN endpoint [RFC8029]
9 "FEC 128" Pseudowire - IPv4 [RFC8029] DEPRECATED
10 "FEC 128" Pseudowire - IPv4 [RFC8029]
11 "FEC 129" Pseudowire - IPv4 [RFC8029]
12 BGP labeled IPv4 prefix [RFC8029]
13 BGP labeled IPv6 prefix [RFC8029]
14 Generic IPv4 prefix [RFC8029]
15 Generic IPv6 prefix [RFC8029]
16 Nil FEC [RFC8029]
17 RSVP P2MP IPv4 Session [RFC6425]
18 RSVP P2MP IPv6 Session [RFC6425]
19 Multicast P2MP LDP FEC Stack [RFC6425]
20 Multicast MP2MP LDP FEC Stack [RFC6425]
21 Unassigned
22 Static LSP [RFC6426]
23 Static Pseudowire [RFC6426]
24 "FEC 128" Pseudowire - IPv6 [RFC8029]
25 "FEC 129" Pseudowire - IPv6 [RFC8029]
26 IPv4 RSVP Tunnel [RFC7110]
27 IPv6 RSVP Tunnel [RFC7110]
28 Static Tunnel [RFC7110]
29 HSMP-upstream LDP FEC Stack [RFC7140]
30 HSMP-downstream LDP FEC Stack [RFC7140]
31 MT LDP IPv4 prefix [RFC7307]
32 MT LDP IPv6 prefix [RFC7307]
33 Entropy label FEC [RFC8012]
34 IPv4 IGP-Prefix Segment ID [RFC8287, Section 5.1][RFC8690]
35 IPv6 IGP-Prefix Segment ID [RFC8287, Section 5.2][RFC8690]
36 IGP-Adjacency Segment ID [RFC8287, Section 5.3][RFC8690]
37 P2MP Pseudowire sub-TLV [RFC8339]
38 PeerAdj SID [RFC9703]
39 PeerNode SID [RFC9703]
40 PeerSet SID [RFC9703]
41 P2MP Policy MPLS Candidate Path (TEMPORARY - registered 2023-04-27, extension registered 2024-03-27, expires 2025-04-27) [draft-ietf-pim-p2mp-policy-ping-04]
42 EVPN MAC/IP [RFC9489]
43 EVPN Inclusive Multicast [RFC9489]
44 EVPN Ethernet Auto-Discovery [RFC9489]
45 EVPN IP Prefix [RFC9489]
46 SID only, in the form of MPLS label [RFC9716, Section 4.1]
47 IPv4 Node Address with an optional SID for SR-MPLS [RFC9716, Section 4.2]
48 IPv6 Node Address with an optional SID for SR-MPLS [RFC9716, Section 4.3]
49-31739 Unassigned
31740-31743 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9041] Not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31744 IPv4 BGP Classful Transport [RFC-ietf-idr-bgp-ct-39]
31745 IPv6 BGP Classful Transport [RFC-ietf-idr-bgp-ct-39]
31746-64507 Unassigned
64508-64511 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9041] Not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64512-65535 Unassigned

Sub-TLVs for TLV Type 6

Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures Note
0-16383 Standards Action This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
16384-31739 RFC Required This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31740-31743 Experimental Use Reserved, not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31744-32767 First Come First Served This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
32768-49161 Standards Action This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
49162-64507 RFC Required This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64508-64511 Experimental Use Reserved, not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64512-65535 First Come First Served This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
Sub-Type Sub-TLV Name Reference Comment
0 Reserved [RFC8611][RFC9041]
1 Incoming Label Stack [RFC8611]
2 Incoming Interface Index [RFC8611]
3-31739 Unassigned
31740-31743 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9041] Not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31744-64507 Unassigned
64508-64511 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9041] Not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64512-65535 Unassigned

Sub-TLVs for TLV Type 9

Registration Procedure(s)
Available Formats

Sub-Type Sub-TLV Name Reference Comment
Any value TLV Not Understood [RFC8029] The entire errored TLV is returned

Sub-TLVs for TLV Type 11

Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures Note
0-16383 Standards Action This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
16384-31739 RFC Required This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31740-31743 Experimental Use Reserved, not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31744-32767 First Come First Served This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
32768-49161 Standards Action This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
49162-64507 RFC Required This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64508-64511 Experimental Use Reserved, not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64512-65535 First Come First Served This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
Sub-Type Sub-TLV Name Reference Comment
0 Reserved [RFC9041]
1 IPv4 Egress Address P2MP Responder [RFC6425]
2 IPv6 Egress Address P2MP Responder [RFC6425]
3 IPv4 Node Address P2MP Responder [RFC6425]
4 IPv6 Node Address P2MP Responder [RFC6425]
5-31739 Unassigned
31740-31743 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9041] Not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31744-64507 Unassigned
64508-64511 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9041] Not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64512-65535 Unassigned

Sub-TLVs for TLV Type 20

Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures Note
0-16383 Standards Action This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
16384-31739 RFC Required This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31740-31743 Experimental Use Reserved, not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31744-32767 First Come First Served This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
32768-49161 Standards Action This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
49162-64507 RFC Required This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64508-64511 Experimental Use Reserved, not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64512-65535 First Come First Served This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
Sub-Type Sub-TLV Name Reference Comment
0 Reserved [RFC9041]
1 Multipath data [RFC8029]
2 Label stack [RFC8029]
3 FEC stack change [RFC8029]
4 Local Interface Index [RFC8611]
5 Remote Interface Index [RFC8611]
6-31739 Unassigned
31740-31743 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9041] Not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31744-64507 Unassigned
64508-64511 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9041] Not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64512-65535 Unassigned

Sub-TLVs for TLV Type 23

Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures Note
0-16383 Standards Action This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
16384-31739 RFC Required This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31740-31743 Experimental Use Reserved, not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31744-32767 First Come First Served This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
32768-49161 Standards Action This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
49162-64507 RFC Required This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64508-64511 Experimental Use Reserved, not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64512-65535 First Come First Served This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
Sub-Type Sub-TLV Name Reference Comment
0 Reserved [RFC7555]
1 Next Hop [RFC7555]
2-31739 Unassigned
31740-31743 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9041] Not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31744-64507 Unassigned
64508-64511 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9041] Not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64512-65535 Unassigned

Sub-TLVs for TLV Type 27

Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures Note
0-16383 Standards Action This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
16384-31739 RFC Required This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31740-31743 Experimental Use Reserved, not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31744-32767 First Come First Served This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
32768-49161 Standards Action This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
49162-64507 RFC Required This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64508-64511 Experimental Use Reserved, not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64512-65535 First Come First Served This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
Sub-Type Sub-TLV Name Reference Comment
0 Reserved [RFC7759]
1-99 Unassigned
100 BFD Configuration [RFC7759]
101 BFD Local Discriminator [RFC7759]
102 BFD Negotiation Timer Parameters [RFC7759]
103 BFD Authentication [RFC7759]
104 Traffic Class [RFC7759]
105-199 Unassigned
200 Performance Monitoring [RFC7759]
201 PM Loss Measurement [RFC7759]
202 PM Delay Measurement [RFC7759]
203-299 Unassigned
300 Fault Management Signal [RFC7759]
301-399 Unassigned
400 Source MEP-ID [RFC7759]
401-31739 Unassigned
31740-31743 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9041] Not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that require an error message if not recognized. [RFC9041, Section 3.1]
31744-64507 Unassigned
64508-64511 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC9041] Not to be assigned. This range is for sub-TLVs that can be silently dropped if not recognized.
64512-65535 Unassigned

Measurement Timestamp Type

Moved to []  
per [RFC7214].

Loss/Delay Measurement Control Code: Query Codes

Moved to []  
per [RFC7214].

Loss/Delay Measurement Control Code: Response Codes

Moved to []  
per [RFC7214].

MPLS Loss/Delay Measurement TLV Object

Moved to []  
per [RFC7214].

Global Flags

Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
Available Formats

Bit number Name Reference
15 V Flag [RFC8029]
14 T Flag [RFC6425]
13 Validate Reverse Path [RFC6426][RFC Errata 4012]
12-0 Unassigned [RFC8029]

Downstream Detailed Mapping Address Type Registry

Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
When a code point is assigned that is not also assigned in the
Next Hop Address Type Registry, the code point there must be
marked "Reserved".
Available Formats

Type # Address Type K Octets Reference
0 Unassigned
1 IPv4 Numbered 16 [RFC8029]
2 IPv4 Unnumbered 16 [RFC8029]
3 IPv6 Numbered 40 [RFC8029]
4 IPv6 Unnumbered 28 [RFC8029]
5 Non IP 12 [RFC6426]
6 Reserved [RFC7555]
7 Reserved [RFC7555]
8-255 Unassigned

Next Hop Address Type Registry

Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
When a code point is assigned that is not also assigned in the
Downstream Mapping Address Type Registry, the code point there must be
marked "Reserved".
Available Formats

Type Type of Next Hop Address Length IF Length Reference
0 Unassigned
1 IPv4 Numbered 4 4 [RFC8029]
2 IPv4 Unnumbered 4 4 [RFC8029]
3 IPv6 Numbered 16 16 [RFC8029]
4 IPv6 Unnumbered 16 4 [RFC8029]
5 Reserved [RFC6426][RFC7555]
6 IPv4 Protocol Adj 4 0 [RFC7555]
7 IPv6 Protocol Adj 16 0 [RFC7555]
8-255 Unassigned

Reply Path Return Codes

Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures
0x0000-0xFFFB Standards Action
0xFFFC-0xFFFF Experimental Use
Value Meaning Reference
0x0000 No return code [RFC7110]
0x0001 Malformed Reply Path TLV was received [RFC7110]
0x0002 One or more of the sub-TLVs in the Reply Path TLV were not understood [RFC7110]
0x0003 The echo reply was sent successfully using the specified Reply Path [RFC7110]
0x0004 The specified Reply Path was not found, the echo reply was sent via other LSP [RFC7110]
0x0005 The specified Reply Path was not found, the echo reply was sent via pure IP forwarding (non-MPLS) path [RFC7110]
0x0006 Use Reply Path TLV from this echo reply for building the next echo request [RFC9716]
0x0007 Local policy does not allow dynamic return path building [RFC9716]
0x0008-0xFFFB Unassigned [RFC7110]
0xFFFC-0xFFFF Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC7110]

DS Flags

Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
Available Formats

Bit Number Name Reference
7 N: Treat as a Non-IP Packet [RFC8029]
6 I: Interface and Label Stack Object Request [RFC8029]
5 E: ELI/EL push indicator [RFC8012]
4 L: Label-based load balance indicator [RFC8012]
3 G: LAG Description Indicator [RFC8611]
2-0 Unassigned

Multipath Types

Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures
0-250 Standards Action
251-254 Experimental Use
Value Meaning Reference
0 no multipath [RFC8029]
1 Unassigned
2 IP address [RFC8029]
3 Unassigned
4 IP address range [RFC8029]
5-7 Unassigned
8 Bit-masked IP address set [RFC8029]
9 Bit-masked label set [RFC8029]
10 IP and label set [RFC8012]
11-250 Unassigned
251-254 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC8029]
255 Reserved [RFC8029]

Pad Types

Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures
1-250 Standards Action
251-254 Experimental Use
Value Meaning Reference
0 Reserved [RFC8029]
1 Drop Pad TLV from reply [RFC8029]
2 Copy Pad TLV to reply [RFC8029]
3-250 Unassigned
251-254 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC8029]
255 Reserved [RFC8029]

Interface and Label Stack and Detailed Interface and Label Stack Address Types

Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures
1-250 Standards Action
251-254 Experimental Use
Value Meaning Reference
0 Reserved [RFC8029]
1 IPv4 Numbered [RFC8029]
2 IPv4 Unnumbered [RFC8029]
3 IPv6 Numbered [RFC8029]
4 IPv6 Unnumbered [RFC8029]
5-250 Unassigned
251-254 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC8029]
255 Reserved [RFC8029]

Proxy Flags

Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
Available Formats

Bit Number Name Reference
0 Request for FEC Neighbor Address info [RFC7555]
1 Request for Downstream Mapping [RFC7555]
2 Request for Downstream Detailed Mapping [RFC7555]
3 Explicit DSCP Request [RFC7555]
4-15 Unassigned

MPLS OAM Function Flags

Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
Available Formats

Bit Position MPLS OAM Function Flag Description Reference
0 C Continuity Check (CC) [RFC7759]
1 V Connectivity Verification (CV) [RFC7759]
2 F Fault Management Signal (FMS) [RFC7759]
3 L Performance Monitoring/Loss (PM/Loss) [RFC7759]
4 D Performance Monitoring/Delay (PM/Delay) [RFC7759]
5 T Throughput Measurement [RFC7759]
6-30 Unassigned (Must be zero)
31 Reserved [RFC7759]

Protocol in the Segment ID Sub-TLV

Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures
0-250 Standards Action
251-254 Experimental Use
Value Meaning Reference Notes
0 Any IGP Protocol [RFC8287]
1 OSPF [RFC8287] To be used for OSPFv2 only.
2 ISIS [RFC8287]
3 OSPFv3 [RFC9214]
4-250 Unassigned
251-254 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC8287]
255 Reserved [RFC8287]

Adjacency Type in the IGP-Adjacency Segment ID

Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures
0-250 Standards Action
251-254 Experimental Use
Value Meaning Reference
0 Unnumbered interface Adjacency [RFC8287]
1 Parallel Adjacency [RFC8287]
2-3 Unassigned
4 IPv4, non-parallel Adjacency [RFC8287]
5 Unassigned
6 IPv4, non-parallel Adjacency [RFC8287]
7-250 Unassigned
251-254 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC8287]
255 Reserved [RFC8287]

Protocol in Label Stack Sub-TLV of Downstream Detailed Mapping TLV

Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures
0-250 Standards Action
251-254 Experimental Use
Value Meaning Reference Notes
0 Unknown [RFC8029, Section]
1 Static [RFC8029, Section]
2 BGP [RFC8029, Section]
3 LDP [RFC8029, Section]
4 RSVP-TE [RFC8029, Section]
5 OSPF [RFC8287, Section 6] To be used for OSPFv2 only.
6 ISIS [RFC8287, Section 6]
7 OSPFv3 [RFC9214]
8-250 Unassigned
251-254 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC8287]
255 Reserved [RFC8287]

LSR Capability Flags

Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
Available Formats

Value Meaning Reference
31 D: Downstream LAG Info Accommodation [RFC8611]
30 U: Upstream LAG Info Accommodation [RFC8611]
0-29 Unassigned

Interface Index Flags

Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
Available Formats

Bit Number Name Reference
15 M: LAG Member Link Indicator [RFC8611]
0-14 Unassigned

Segment ID Sub-TLV Flags

Registration Procedure(s)
Standards Action
Available Formats

Bit Number Name Reference
0 Unassigned
1 A-Flag [RFC9716, Section 4.4]
2-7 Unassigned


The Return Subcode (RSC) contains the point in the label stack where pro-
cessing was terminated. If the RSC is 0, no labels were processed.
Otherwise, the packet was label switched at depth RSC.
The Return Code is per "Downstream Detailed Mapping TLV" (Section 3.4). 
This Return Code MUST be used only in the message header and MUST be set 
only in the MPLS echo reply message. If the Return Code is set in the 
MPLS echo request message, then it MUST be ignored. When this Return 
Code is set, each Downstream Detailed Mapping TLV MUST have an 
appropriate Return Code and Return Subcode. This Return Code 
MUST be used when there are multiple downstreams for a given 
node (such as Point-to-Multipoint (P2MP)or ECMP),and the 
node needs to return a Return Code/Return Subcode for 
each downstream. This Return Code MAY be used even 
when there is only one downstream for a given node.