Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
- Last Updated
- 2025-03-11
- Expert(s)
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf SCTP: Michael Tuexen DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
- Reference
- [RFC6335]
- Note
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and SCTP. Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as documented in [RFC6335]. Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in [RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in [RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per [RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned. The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are described in [RFC6335]. Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without or prior to IANA registration. ************************************************************************ * PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: * * * * ASSIGNMENT OF A PORT NUMBER DOES NOT IN ANY WAY IMPLY AN * * ENDORSEMENT OF AN APPLICATION OR PRODUCT, AND THE FACT THAT NETWORK * * TRAFFIC IS FLOWING TO OR FROM A REGISTERED PORT DOES NOT MEAN THAT * * IT IS "GOOD" TRAFFIC, NOR THAT IT NECESSARILY CORRESPONDS TO THE * * ASSIGNED SERVICE. FIREWALL AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS SHOULD * * CHOOSE HOW TO CONFIGURE THEIR SYSTEMS BASED ON THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF * * THE TRAFFIC IN QUESTION, NOT WHETHER THERE IS A PORT NUMBER * * REGISTERED OR NOT. * ************************************************************************
- Request an Assignment
- Available Formats
Plain text
Service Name | Port Number | Transport Protocol | Description | Assignee | Contact | Registration Date | Modification Date | Reference | Service Code | Unauthorized Use Reported | Assignment Notes |
cpq-wbem | 2301 | tcp | Compaq HTTP | [Scott_Shaffer] | [Scott_Shaffer] | ||||||
cpq-wbem | 2301 | udp | Compaq HTTP | [Scott_Shaffer] | [Scott_Shaffer] | ||||||
binderysupport | 2302 | tcp | Bindery Support | [Narasimha_Rao_N] | [Narasimha_Rao_N] | ||||||
binderysupport | 2302 | udp | Bindery Support | [Narasimha_Rao_N] | [Narasimha_Rao_N] | ||||||
proxy-gateway | 2303 | tcp | Proxy Gateway | [Paul_Funk] | [Paul_Funk] | ||||||
proxy-gateway | 2303 | udp | Proxy Gateway | [Paul_Funk] | [Paul_Funk] | ||||||
attachmate-uts | 2304 | tcp | Attachmate UTS | [George_Gianelos] | [George_Gianelos] | ||||||
attachmate-uts | 2304 | udp | Attachmate UTS | [George_Gianelos] | [George_Gianelos] | ||||||
mt-scaleserver | 2305 | tcp | MT ScaleServer | [Paul_Glaubitz] | [Paul_Glaubitz] | ||||||
mt-scaleserver | 2305 | udp | MT ScaleServer | [Paul_Glaubitz] | [Paul_Glaubitz] | ||||||
tappi-boxnet | 2306 | tcp | TAPPI BoxNet | [Richard_Spartz] | [Richard_Spartz] | ||||||
tappi-boxnet | 2306 | udp | TAPPI BoxNet | [Richard_Spartz] | [Richard_Spartz] | ||||||
pehelp | 2307 | tcp | pehelp | [Jens_Kilian] | [Jens_Kilian] | ||||||
pehelp | 2307 | udp | pehelp | [Jens_Kilian] | [Jens_Kilian] | ||||||
sdhelp | 2308 | tcp | sdhelp | [Annette_Klecha] | [Annette_Klecha] | ||||||
sdhelp | 2308 | udp | sdhelp | [Annette_Klecha] | [Annette_Klecha] | ||||||
sdserver | 2309 | tcp | SD Server | ||||||||
sdserver | 2309 | udp | SD Server | ||||||||
sdclient | 2310 | tcp | SD Client | [Jeurgen_Broesamle] | [Jeurgen_Broesamle] | ||||||
sdclient | 2310 | udp | SD Client | [Jeurgen_Broesamle] | [Jeurgen_Broesamle] | ||||||
messageservice | 2311 | tcp | Message Service | ||||||||
messageservice | 2311 | udp | Message Service | ||||||||
wanscaler | 2312 | tcp | WANScaler Communication Service | [Allen_Samuels] | [Allen_Samuels] | 2006-11 | |||||
wanscaler | 2312 | udp | WANScaler Communication Service | [Allen_Samuels] | [Allen_Samuels] | 2006-11 | |||||
iapp | 2313 | tcp | IAPP (Inter Access Point Protocol) | [Henri_Moelard] | [Henri_Moelard] | ||||||
iapp | 2313 | udp | IAPP (Inter Access Point Protocol) | [Henri_Moelard] | [Henri_Moelard] | ||||||
cr-websystems | 2314 | tcp | CR WebSystems | [Robin_Giese] | [Robin_Giese] | ||||||
cr-websystems | 2314 | udp | CR WebSystems | [Robin_Giese] | [Robin_Giese] | ||||||
precise-sft | 2315 | tcp | Precise Sft. | [Michael_Landwehr] | [Michael_Landwehr] | ||||||
precise-sft | 2315 | udp | Precise Sft. | [Michael_Landwehr] | [Michael_Landwehr] | ||||||
sent-lm | 2316 | tcp | SENT License Manager | [Pisharath_Krishnan] | [Pisharath_Krishnan] | ||||||
sent-lm | 2316 | udp | SENT License Manager | [Pisharath_Krishnan] | [Pisharath_Krishnan] | ||||||
attachmate-g32 | 2317 | tcp | Attachmate G32 | [Bryce_Bhatnagar] | [Bryce_Bhatnagar] | ||||||
attachmate-g32 | 2317 | udp | Attachmate G32 | [Bryce_Bhatnagar] | [Bryce_Bhatnagar] | ||||||
cadencecontrol | 2318 | tcp | Cadence Control | [Buck_Caldwell] | [Buck_Caldwell] | ||||||
cadencecontrol | 2318 | udp | Cadence Control | [Buck_Caldwell] | [Buck_Caldwell] | ||||||
infolibria | 2319 | tcp | InfoLibria | [Chris_Chiotasso] | [Chris_Chiotasso] | ||||||
infolibria | 2319 | udp | InfoLibria | [Chris_Chiotasso] | [Chris_Chiotasso] | ||||||
siebel-ns | 2320 | tcp | Siebel NS | [Gilberto_Arnaiz] | [Gilberto_Arnaiz] | ||||||
siebel-ns | 2320 | udp | Siebel NS | [Gilberto_Arnaiz] | [Gilberto_Arnaiz] | ||||||
rdlap | 2321 | tcp | RDLAP | [Robert_Wiebe] | [Robert_Wiebe] | ||||||
rdlap | 2321 | udp | RDLAP | [Robert_Wiebe] | [Robert_Wiebe] | ||||||
ofsd | 2322 | tcp | ofsd | ||||||||
ofsd | 2322 | udp | ofsd | ||||||||
3d-nfsd | 2323 | tcp | 3d-nfsd | [Mike_Sherrill] | [Mike_Sherrill] | ||||||
3d-nfsd | 2323 | udp | 3d-nfsd | [Mike_Sherrill] | [Mike_Sherrill] | ||||||
cosmocall | 2324 | tcp | Cosmocall | [Steve_Dellutri] | [Steve_Dellutri] | ||||||
cosmocall | 2324 | udp | Cosmocall | [Steve_Dellutri] | [Steve_Dellutri] | ||||||
ansysli | 2325 | tcp | ANSYS Licensing Interconnect | [Suzanne_Lorrin] | [Suzanne_Lorrin] | Modified: 27 October 2008 | |||||
ansysli | 2325 | udp | ANSYS Licensing Interconnect | [Suzanne_Lorrin] | [Suzanne_Lorrin] | Modified: 27 October 2008 | |||||
idcp | 2326 | tcp | IDCP | [Keisokugiken_Corp] | [Keisokugiken_Corp] | ||||||
idcp | 2326 | udp | IDCP | [Keisokugiken_Corp] | [Keisokugiken_Corp] | ||||||
xingcsm | 2327 | tcp | xingcsm | [Dave_Spencer] | [Dave_Spencer] | ||||||
xingcsm | 2327 | udp | xingcsm | [Dave_Spencer] | [Dave_Spencer] | ||||||
netrix-sftm | 2328 | tcp | Netrix SFTM | [Garrett_Herschleb] | [Garrett_Herschleb] | ||||||
netrix-sftm | 2328 | udp | Netrix SFTM | [Garrett_Herschleb] | [Garrett_Herschleb] | ||||||
nvd | 2329 | tcp | NVD | [Peter_Weyman] | [Peter_Weyman] | ||||||
nvd | 2329 | udp | NVD | [Peter_Weyman] | [Peter_Weyman] | ||||||
tscchat | 2330 | tcp | TSCCHAT | [Mike_Jackson] | [Mike_Jackson] | ||||||
tscchat | 2330 | udp | TSCCHAT | [Mike_Jackson] | [Mike_Jackson] | ||||||
agentview | 2331 | tcp | AGENTVIEW | [Ram_Iyer] | [Ram_Iyer] | ||||||
agentview | 2331 | udp | AGENTVIEW | [Ram_Iyer] | [Ram_Iyer] | ||||||
rcc-host | 2332 | tcp | RCC Host | [Martin_Shoemaker] | [Martin_Shoemaker] | ||||||
rcc-host | 2332 | udp | RCC Host | [Martin_Shoemaker] | [Martin_Shoemaker] | ||||||
snapp | 2333 | tcp | SNAPP | [Dan_Burrows] | [Dan_Burrows] | 2009-09-25 | |||||
snapp | 2333 | udp | SNAPP | [Dan_Burrows] | [Dan_Burrows] | 2009-09-25 | |||||
ace-client | 2334 | tcp | ACE Client Auth | ||||||||
ace-client | 2334 | udp | ACE Client Auth | ||||||||
ace-proxy | 2335 | tcp | ACE Proxy | [Riaz_Zolfonoon] | [Riaz_Zolfonoon] | ||||||
ace-proxy | 2335 | udp | ACE Proxy | [Riaz_Zolfonoon] | [Riaz_Zolfonoon] | ||||||
appleugcontrol | 2336 | tcp | Apple UG Control | [Gene_Tyacke] | [Gene_Tyacke] | ||||||
appleugcontrol | 2336 | udp | Apple UG Control | [Gene_Tyacke] | [Gene_Tyacke] | ||||||
ideesrv | 2337 | tcp | ideesrv | [Marazzi] | [Marazzi] | ||||||
ideesrv | 2337 | udp | ideesrv | [Marazzi] | [Marazzi] | ||||||
norton-lambert | 2338 | tcp | Norton Lambert | [Richard_de_Mornay] | [Richard_de_Mornay] | ||||||
norton-lambert | 2338 | udp | Norton Lambert | [Richard_de_Mornay] | [Richard_de_Mornay] | ||||||
3com-webview | 2339 | tcp | 3Com WebView | [Jennifer_Grace] | [Jennifer_Grace] | ||||||
3com-webview | 2339 | udp | 3Com WebView | [Jennifer_Grace] | [Jennifer_Grace] | ||||||
wrs-registry | 2340 | tcp | WRS Registry IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "wrs_registry". |
[Christophe_Cleraux] | [Christophe_Cleraux] | ||||||
wrs_registry | 2340 | tcp | WRS Registry | [Christophe_Cleraux] | [Christophe_Cleraux] | This entry is an alias to "wrs-registry". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||
wrs-registry | 2340 | udp | WRS Registry IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "wrs_registry". |
[Christophe_Cleraux] | [Christophe_Cleraux] | ||||||
wrs_registry | 2340 | udp | WRS Registry | [Christophe_Cleraux] | [Christophe_Cleraux] | This entry is an alias to "wrs-registry". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||
xiostatus | 2341 | tcp | XIO Status | [Randy_Maas] | [Randy_Maas] | ||||||
xiostatus | 2341 | udp | XIO Status | [Randy_Maas] | [Randy_Maas] | ||||||
manage-exec | 2342 | tcp | Seagate Manage Exec | [Jim_Flaherty] | [Jim_Flaherty] | ||||||
manage-exec | 2342 | udp | Seagate Manage Exec | [Jim_Flaherty] | [Jim_Flaherty] | ||||||
nati-logos | 2343 | tcp | nati logos | [James_Juhasz] | [James_Juhasz] | ||||||
nati-logos | 2343 | udp | nati logos | [James_Juhasz] | [James_Juhasz] | ||||||
fcmsys | 2344 | tcp | fcmsys | ||||||||
fcmsys | 2344 | udp | fcmsys | ||||||||
dbm | 2345 | tcp | dbm | [Dean_Robson] | [Dean_Robson] | ||||||
dbm | 2345 | udp | dbm | [Dean_Robson] | [Dean_Robson] | ||||||
redstorm-join | 2346 | tcp | Game Connection Port IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "redstorm_join". |
redstorm_join | 2346 | tcp | Game Connection Port | This entry is an alias to "redstorm-join". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||||
redstorm-join | 2346 | udp | Game Connection Port IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "redstorm_join". |
redstorm_join | 2346 | udp | Game Connection Port | This entry is an alias to "redstorm-join". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||||
redstorm-find | 2347 | tcp | Game Announcement and Location IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "redstorm_find". |
redstorm_find | 2347 | tcp | Game Announcement and Location | This entry is an alias to "redstorm-find". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||||
redstorm-find | 2347 | udp | Game Announcement and Location IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "redstorm_find". |
redstorm_find | 2347 | udp | Game Announcement and Location | This entry is an alias to "redstorm-find". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||||
redstorm-info | 2348 | tcp | Information to query for game status IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "redstorm_info". |