(last updated 2012-09-23)
Resource Identifier (RI) Scheme name: facetime
Status: provisional
Scheme syntax:
example: facetime://+19995551234
Scheme semantics:
FaceTime is a video conferencing software developed by Apple
for iPhone 4, the fourth generation iPod Touch, and computers
running Mac OS X.
Encoding considerations:
Unknown, use with care.
Applications/protocols that use this scheme name:
Apple has not published documentation on this protocol yet.
Interoperability considerations:
Unknown, use with care.
May be unsuitable for open use on the public internet.
Security considerations:
Unknown, use with care.
Registering party: Dave Thaler
Scheme creator: Apple
Author/Change controller:
Either the registering party or someone who is verified to represent
the scheme creator. See previous answer.
(file created 2012-09-23)