Schema name: web3

Status: Provisional

Applications/protocols that use this scheme:

Currently, reading data from Web3 blockchain generally relies on a translation done by a Web2 proxy to Web3 blockchain. The translation is mostly done by the proxies such as dApp websites/node service providers, which are out of the control of users. The standard here aims to provide a simple way for Web2 users to directly access the content of Web3, especially on-chain Web contents such as SVG/HTML. Moreover, this standard enables interoperability with other standards already compatible with URIs, like SVG/HTML.


Qi Zhou
55 E 3rd Ave, San Mateo, CA 94401
mailto: qizhou&

Change controller:

Qi Zhou
55 E 3rd Ave, San Mateo, CA 94401
mailto: qizhou&


A draft specification can be found at

Scheme syntax:

"web3://" [userinfo "@"] contractName [":" chainid] path ["?" query]