To apply for an IPv6 Multicast Address, we are looking for a technical description of the proposed use of the multicast address.
The IESG designated expert will review your request. The expert requires enough detail to understand why a globally unique multicast address is necessary. Once you have submitted the completed application form below, your application will be reviewed. Further information is provided in RFC 3307 and RFC 4291. Please note that there is less need to assign IPv6 multicast addresses than IPv4 addresses, as every IPv6 unicast range has a multicast address range assigned to it (see RFC 3306 for further information). For many other uses, a MADCAP server can be used to allocate IPv6 multicast addresses according to the principles set forth in RFC 4291.
If your request is approved, the fields marked "public" will be published in the IPv6 multicast address registry.