Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

Constrained RESTful Environments (CoRE) Parameters

Last Updated
Available Formats



Plain text

Registries included below

Resource Type (rt=) Link Target Attribute Values

Carsten Bormann, Jaime Jimenez, Christian Amsüss
Registration requests should be sent to the [mailing list] described in 
[RFC6690]. If approved, designated experts should notify IANA within 
two weeks. For assistance, please contact IANA does not 
monitor the list.
Available Formats


Interface Description (if=) Link Target Attribute Values

Carsten Bormann, Jaime Jimenez, Christian Amsüss
Registration requests should be sent to the [mailing list] described in 
[RFC6690]. If approved, designated experts should notify IANA within 
two weeks. For assistance, please contact IANA does not 
monitor the list. 
Available Formats


CoAP Codes

Registration Procedure(s)
Reserved ranges may be allocated in accordance with section 4.3 of [RFC8126].
[RFC7252, Section 12.1]
Available Formats

Code Description Reference
0.00 Indicates an Empty message. [RFC7252, section 4.1]
0.01-0.31 Indicates a request. Values in this range are assigned by the [CoAP Method Codes] sub-registry. [RFC7252, section 12.1.1]
1.00-1.31 Reserved [RFC7252]
2.00-5.31 Indicates a response. Values in this range are assigned by the [CoAP Response Codes] sub-registry. [RFC7252, section 12.1.2]
6.00-7.31 Reserved [RFC7252]

CoAP Method Codes

Registration Procedure(s)
IETF Review or IESG Approval
[RFC7252, Section 12.1.1]
Available Formats

Code Name Reference
0.01 GET [RFC7252]
0.02 POST [RFC7252]
0.03 PUT [RFC7252]
0.04 DELETE [RFC7252]
0.05 FETCH [RFC8132]
0.06 PATCH [RFC8132]
0.07 iPATCH [RFC8132]
0.08-0.31 Unassigned

CoAP Response Codes

Registration Procedure(s)
IETF Review or IESG Approval
[RFC7252, Section 12.1.2]
Available Formats

Code Description Reference
2.00 Unassigned
2.01 Created [RFC7252]
2.02 Deleted [RFC7252]
2.03 Valid [RFC7252]
2.04 Changed [RFC7252]
2.05 Content [RFC7252]
2.06-2.30 Unassigned
2.31 Continue [RFC7959]
3.00-3.31 Reserved [RFC7252]
4.00 Bad Request [RFC7252]
4.01 Unauthorized [RFC7252]
4.02 Bad Option [RFC7252]
4.03 Forbidden [RFC7252]
4.04 Not Found [RFC7252]
4.05 Method Not Allowed [RFC7252]
4.06 Not Acceptable [RFC7252]
4.07 Unassigned
4.08 Request Entity Incomplete [RFC7959]
4.09 Conflict [RFC8132]
4.10-4.11 Unassigned
4.12 Precondition Failed [RFC7252]
4.13 Request Entity Too Large [RFC7252][RFC7959]
4.14 Unassigned
4.15 Unsupported Content-Format [RFC7252]
4.16-4.21 Unassigned
4.22 Unprocessable Entity [RFC8132]
4.23-4.28 Unassigned
4.29 Too Many Requests [RFC8516]
4.30-4.31 Unassigned
5.00 Internal Server Error [RFC7252]
5.01 Not Implemented [RFC7252]
5.02 Bad Gateway [RFC7252]
5.03 Service Unavailable [RFC7252]
5.04 Gateway Timeout [RFC7252]
5.05 Proxying Not Supported [RFC7252]
5.06-5.07 Unassigned
5.08 Hop Limit Reached [RFC8768]
5.09-5.31 Unassigned

CoAP Option Numbers

Bilhanan Silverajan (primary), Klaus Hartke (secondary), Carsten Bormann (secondary), Jaime Jimenez (secondary), Alexander Pelov (secondary)
[RFC7252, Section 12.2]
Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures
0-255 IETF Review or IESG Approval
256-2047 Specification Required
2048-64999 Expert Review
65000-65535 Experimental use (no operational use)
Number Name Reference
0 Reserved [RFC7252]
1 If-Match [RFC7252][RFC8613]
2 Unassigned
3 Uri-Host [RFC7252][RFC8613]
4 ETag [RFC7252][RFC8613]
5 If-None-Match [RFC7252][RFC8613]
6 Observe [RFC7641][RFC8613]
7 Uri-Port [RFC7252][RFC8613]
8 Location-Path [RFC7252][RFC8613]
9 OSCORE [RFC8613]
10 Unassigned
11 Uri-Path [RFC7252][RFC8613]
12 Content-Format [RFC7252][RFC8613]
13 Unassigned
14 Max-Age [RFC7252][RFC8516][RFC8613]
15 Uri-Query [RFC7252][RFC8613]
16 Hop-Limit [RFC8768]
17 Accept [RFC7252][RFC8613]
18 Unassigned
19 Q-Block1 [RFC9177]
20 Location-Query [RFC7252][RFC8613]
21 EDHOC [RFC9668]
22 Unassigned
23 Block2 [RFC7959][RFC8323][RFC8613]
24-26 Unassigned
27 Block1 [RFC7959][RFC8323][RFC8613]
28 Size2 [RFC7959][RFC8613]
29-30 Unassigned
31 Q-Block2 [RFC9177]
32-34 Unassigned
35 Proxy-Uri [RFC7252][RFC8613]
36-38 Unassigned
39 Proxy-Scheme [RFC7252][RFC8613]
40-59 Unassigned
60 Size1 [RFC7252][RFC8613]
61-127 Unassigned
128 Reserved [RFC7252]
129-131 Unassigned
132 Reserved [RFC7252]
133-135 Unassigned
136 Reserved [RFC7252]
137-139 Unassigned
140 Reserved [RFC7252]
141-251 Unassigned
252 Echo [RFC9175]
253-257 Unassigned
258 No-Response [RFC7967][RFC8613]
259-291 Unassigned
292 Request-Tag [RFC9175]
293-2048 Unassigned
2049 OCF-Accept-Content-Format-Version [Michael_Koster]
2050-2052 Unassigned
2053 OCF-Content-Format-Version [Michael_Koster]
2054 Unassigned
2055 SCP82-Params [GPC_SPE_207]
2056-64999 Unassigned
65000-65535 Reserved for Experimental Use [RFC7252]

CoAP Content-Formats

Esko Dijk (primary), Klaus Hartke (secondary), Carsten Bormann (secondary), Jaime Jimenez (secondary), Alexander Pelov (secondary)
[RFC7252, Section 12.3][RFC Errata 4954]
The validity of the combination of Content Coding, Content Type and 
parameters is checked prior to assignment.
Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures
0-255 Expert Review
256-9999 IETF Review or IESG Approval
10000-64999 First Come First Served
65000-65535 Experimental use (no operational use)
Content Type Content Coding ID Reference
text/plain; charset=utf-8 0 [RFC2046][RFC3676][RFC5147]
Unassigned 1-15
application/cose; cose-type="cose-encrypt0" 16 [RFC9052]
application/cose; cose-type="cose-mac0" 17 [RFC9052]
application/cose; cose-type="cose-sign1" 18 [RFC9052]
application/ace+cbor 19 [RFC9200]
Unassigned 20
image/gif 21 []
image/jpeg 22 [ISO/IEC 10918-5]
image/png 23 [RFC2083]
Unassigned 24-39
application/link-format 40 [RFC6690]
application/xml 41 [RFC3023]
application/octet-stream 42 [RFC2045][RFC2046]
Unassigned 43-46
application/exi 47 ["Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Format 1.0 (Second Edition)", February 2014]
Unassigned 48-49
application/json 50 [RFC8259]
application/json-patch+json 51 [RFC6902]
application/merge-patch+json 52 [RFC7396]
Unassigned 53-59
application/cbor 60 [RFC8949]
application/cwt 61 [RFC8392]
application/multipart-core 62 [RFC8710]
application/cbor-seq 63 [RFC8742]
application/edhoc+cbor-seq 64 [RFC9528]
application/cid-edhoc+cbor-seq 65 [RFC9528]
Unassigned 66-95
application/cose; cose-type="cose-encrypt" 96 [RFC9052]
application/cose; cose-type="cose-mac" 97 [RFC9052]
application/cose; cose-type="cose-sign" 98 [RFC9052]
Unassigned 99-100
application/cose-key 101 [RFC9052]
application/cose-key-set 102 [RFC9052]
Unassigned 103-109
application/senml+json 110 [RFC8428]
application/sensml+json 111 [RFC8428]
application/senml+cbor 112 [RFC8428]
application/sensml+cbor 113 [RFC8428]
application/senml-exi 114 [RFC8428]
application/sensml-exi 115 [RFC8428]
Unassigned 116-139
application/yang-data+cbor; id=sid 140 [RFC9254]
Unassigned 141-255
application/coap-group+json 256 [RFC7390]
application/concise-problem-details+cbor 257 [RFC9290]
application/swid+cbor 258 [RFC9393]
application/pkixcmp 259 [RFC9482][RFC-ietf-lamps-rfc6712bis-10]
application/yang-sid+json 260 [RFC9595]
application/ace-groupcomm+cbor 261 [RFC9594]
application/ace-trl+cbor 262 [RFC-ietf-ace-revoked-token-notification-09]
application/eat+cwt 263 [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-media-type-12]
application/eat+jwt 264 [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-media-type-12]
application/eat-bun+cbor 265 [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-media-type-12]
application/eat-bun+json 266 [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-media-type-12]
application/eat-ucs+cbor 267 [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-media-type-12]
application/eat-ucs+json 268 [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-media-type-12]
application/coap-eap 269 [RFC-ietf-ace-wg-coap-eap-14]
Unassigned 270
application/dots+cbor 271 [RFC9132]
application/missing-blocks+cbor-seq 272 [RFC9177]
Unassigned 273-279
application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=server-generated-key 280 [RFC7030][RFC8551][RFC9148]
application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=certs-only 281 [RFC8551][RFC9148]
Unassigned 282-283
application/pkcs8 284 [RFC5958][RFC8551][RFC9148]
application/csrattrs 285 [RFC7030][RFC9148]
application/pkcs10 286 [RFC5967][RFC8551][RFC9148]
application/pkix-cert 287 [RFC2585][RFC9148]
Unassigned 288-289
application/aif+cbor 290 [RFC9237]
application/aif+json 291 [RFC9237]
Unassigned 292-309
application/senml+xml 310 [RFC8428]
application/sensml+xml 311 [RFC8428]
Unassigned 312-319
application/senml-etch+json 320 [RFC8790]
Unassigned 321
application/senml-etch+cbor 322 [RFC8790]
Unassigned 323-339
application/yang-data+cbor 340 [RFC9254]
application/yang-data+cbor; id=name 341 [RFC9254]
Unassigned 342-431
application/td+json 432 ["Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description 1.1", April 2022]
application/tm+json 433 ["Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description 1.1", April 2022]
Unassigned 434-600
application/uccs+cbor 601 [RFC-ietf-rats-uccs-12, Section 6.4]
Unassigned 602-835
application/voucher+cose (TEMPORARY - registered 2022-04-12, extension registered 2025-03-07, expires 2026-04-12) 836 [draft-ietf-anima-constrained-voucher-23]
Unassigned 837-1541
Reserved, do not use 1542-1543 [OMA-TS-LightweightM2M-V1_0]
Unassigned 1544-9999
application/vnd.ocf+cbor 10000 [Michael_Koster]
application/oscore 10001 [RFC8613]
application/javascript 10002 [RFC4329]
application/eat+cwt; eat_profile=",2023:psa#tfm" 10003 [RFC-tschofenig-rats-psa-token-24]
application/eat+cwt; eat_profile=",2019:psa#legacy" 10004 [RFC-tschofenig-rats-psa-token-24]
application/eat+cwt; eat_profile=2.16.840.1.113741.1.16.1 10005 [RFC-ietf-rats-eat-media-type-12][draft-cds-rats-intel-corim-profile-02]
Unassigned 10006-10569
application/toc+cbor 10570 [CE-Binding, Section 6.3.1]
application/ce+cbor 10571 [CE-Binding, Section 6.3.2]
Unassigned 10572-11049
application/json deflate 11050 [RFC8259][RFC9110, Section]
Unassigned 11051-11059
application/cbor deflate 11060 [RFC8949][RFC9110, Section]
Unassigned 11061-11541
application/vnd.oma.lwm2m+tlv 11542 [OMA-TS-LightweightM2M-V1_0]
application/vnd.oma.lwm2m+json 11543 [OMA-TS-LightweightM2M-V1_0]
application/vnd.oma.lwm2m+cbor 11544 [OMA-TS-LightweightM2M-V1_2]
Unassigned 11545-19999
text/css 20000 [RFC2318]
Unassigned 20001-29999
image/svg+xml 30000 []
Unassigned 30001-64999
Reserved for Experimental Use 65000-65535 [RFC7252]

CoAP Signaling Codes

Registration Procedure(s)
IETF Review or IESG Approval
Available Formats

Code Name Reference
7.00 Unassigned
7.01 CSM [RFC8323]
7.02 Ping [RFC8323]
7.03 Pong [RFC8323]
7.04 Release [RFC8323]
7.05 Abort [RFC8323]
7.06-7.31 Unassigned

CoAP Signaling Option Numbers

Bilhanan Silverajan (primary), Klaus Hartke (secondary), Alexander Pelov (secondary)
Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures Note
0-255 IETF Review or IESG Approval Range applies to Option Number field
256-2047 Specification Required Range applies to Option Number field
2048-64999 Expert Review Range applies to Option Number field
65000-65535 Experimental use (no operational use) Range applies to Option Number field
Applies to Number Name Reference
7.01 2 Max-Message-Size [RFC8323]
7.01 4 Block-Wise-Transfer [RFC8323]
7.01 6 Extended-Token-Length [RFC8974]
7.02, 7.03 2 Custody [RFC8323]
7.04 2 Alternative-Address [RFC8323]
7.04 4 Hold-Off [RFC8323]
7.05 2 Bad-CSM-Option [RFC8323]
7.xx (all) 9 OSCORE [RFC8613]

OSCORE Flag Bits

Registration Procedure(s)
Expert Review
Francesca Palombini, Göran Selander, Christian Amsüss
Available Formats

Bit Position Name Description Reference
0 Reserved [RFC8613]
1 Reserved [RFC8613]
2 Group Flag For using a Group OSCORE Security Context, set to 1 if the message is protected with the group mode [draft-ietf-core-oscore-groupcomm-14]
3 Kid Context Flag Set to 1 if kid context is present in the compressed COSE object [RFC8613]
4 Kid Flag Set to 1 if kid is present in the compressed COSE object [RFC8613]
5-7 Partial IV Length Encodes the Partial IV length; can have value 0 to 5 [RFC8613]
8 Extension-2 Flag Set to 1 if the OSCORE Option specifies a third byte, which includes the flag bits 16-23 [draft-ietf-core-oscore-key-update-03]
9-14 Unassigned
15 Nonce Flag Set to 1 if nonce is present in the compressed COSE object [draft-ietf-core-oscore-key-update-03]
16 Extension-3 Flag Set to 1 if the OSCORE Option specifies a fourth byte, which includes the flag bits 24-31 [draft-ietf-core-oscore-key-update-03]
17-23 Unassigned
24 Extension-4 Flag Set to 1 if the OSCORE Option specifies a fifth byte, which includes the flag bits 32-39 [draft-ietf-core-oscore-key-update-03]
25-31 Unassigned
32 Extension-5 Flag Set to 1 if the OSCORE Option specifies a sixth byte, which includes the flag bits 40-47 [draft-ietf-core-oscore-key-update-03]
33-39 Unassigned
40 Extension-6 Flag Set to 1 if the OSCORE Option specifies a seventh byte, which includes the flag bits 48-55 [draft-ietf-core-oscore-key-update-03]
41-47 Unassigned
48 Extension-7 Flag Set to 1 if the OSCORE Option specifies a eighth byte, which includes the flag bits 56-63 [draft-ietf-core-oscore-key-update-03]
49-63 Unassigned

RD Parameters

Registration Procedure(s)
Expert Review
Carsten Bormann, Jaime Jiménez, Christian Amsüss
In accordance with [RFC9423], all entries with the 
"A" flag set, including new ones, MUST also be registered in the 
"Target Attributes" registry [IANA registry core-parameters].
Available Formats

Name Short Validity Use Description Reference
Endpoint Name ep Unicode* RLA Name of the endpoint [RFC9176]
Lifetime lt 1-4294967295 R Lifetime of the registration in seconds [RFC9176]
Sector d Unicode* RLA Sector to which this endpoint belongs [RFC9176]
Registration Base URI base URI RLA The scheme, address, port, and path at which this server is available [RFC9176]
Page page Integer L Used for pagination [RFC9176]
Count count Integer L Used for pagination [RFC9176]
Endpoint Type et [RFC9176, Section 9.3.1] RLA Semantic type of the endpoint (see[RFC9176, Section 9.4]) [RFC9176]

Endpoint Type (et=) RD Parameter Values

Carsten Bormann, Jaime Jiménez, Christian Amsüss
Available Formats

Range Registration Procedures
value starts with "core" IETF Review
all other values Specification Required
Value Description Reference Notes
core.rd-group An application group, as described in [RFC9176] Appendix A. [RFC9176]

Standard Problem Detail Keys

Registration Procedure(s)
Specification Required
Thomas Fossati, Carsten Bormann
Available Formats

Key Value Name CDDL Type Brief Description Change Controller Reference
-1 title text / tag38 Short, human-readable summary of the problem shape IETF ( or [RFC9290]
-2 detail text / tag38 Human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem IETF ( or [RFC9290]
-3 instance ~uri URI reference identifying specific occurrence of the problem IETF ( or [RFC9290]
-4 response-code uint .size 1 CoAP response code IETF ( or [RFC9290]
-5 base-uri ~uri Base URI IETF ( or [RFC9290]
-6 base-lang tag38-ltag Base language tag (see [RFC9290, Appendix A]) IETF ( or [RFC9290]
-7 base-rtl tag38-direction Base writing direction (see [RFC9290, Appendix A]) IETF ( or [RFC9290]
-8 unprocessed-coap-option one-or-more<uint> Option number(s) of CoAP option(s) that were not understood IETF ( or [RFC9290, Section 3.1.1]
-25 request-body-error-position uint Byte index inside the request body at which the error became apparent [CoRE_WG] [draft-amsuess-core-pd-body-error-position-00]

Custom Problem Detail Keys

Registration Procedure(s)
Expert Review
Thomas Fossati, Carsten Bormann
Available Formats

Key Value Name Brief Description Change Controller Reference
0 ace-groupcomm-error Carry [RFC9594] problem details in a Concise Problem Details data item IETF [RFC9594, Section 4.1.2]
1 ace-trl-error Carry [RFC-ietf-ace-revoked-token-notification-09] problem details in a Concise Problem Details data item. IETF [RFC-ietf-ace-revoked-token-notification-09, Section 6.1]
7807 tunnel-7807 Carry [RFC7807] problem details in a Concise Problem Details data item IETF ( or [RFC9290, Appendix B]

Target Attributes

Registration Procedure(s)
Expert Review
Carsten Bormann, Marco Tiloca
Available Formats

Attribute Name Brief Description Change Controller Reference
href reserved (not useful as target attribute name) IETF [RFC6690]
anchor reserved (not useful as target attribute name) IETF [RFC6690]
rel reserved (not useful as target attribute name) IETF [RFC6690]
rev reserved (not useful as target attribute name) IETF [RFC6690]
hreflang (Web Linking) IETF [RFC8288]
media (Web Linking) IETF [RFC8288]
title (Web Linking) IETF [RFC8288]
type (Web Linking) IETF [RFC8288]
rt resource type IETF [RFC6690, Section 3.1]
if interface description IETF [RFC6690, Section 3.2]
sz maximum size estimate IETF [RFC6690, Section 3.3]
ct Content-Format hint IETF [RFC7252, Section 7.2.1]
obs observable resource IETF [RFC7641, Section 6]
hct HTTP-CoAP URI mapping template IETF [RFC8075, Section 5.5]
osc hint: resource only accessible using OSCORE IETF [RFC8613, Section 9]
ep Endpoint Name (with rt="core.rd-ep") IETF [RFC9176, Section 9.3]
d Sector (with rt="core.rd-ep") IETF [RFC9176, Section 9.3]
base Registration Base URI (with rt="core.rd-ep") IETF [RFC9176, Section 9.3]
et Endpoint Type (with rt="core.rd-ep") IETF [RFC9176, Section 9.3]
ed-i Hint: support for the EDHOC Initiator role IETF [RFC9668]
ed-r Hint: support for the EDHOC Responder role IETF [RFC9668]
ed-method A supported authentication method for EDHOC IETF [RFC9668]
ed-csuite A supported cipher suite for EDHOC IETF [RFC9668]
ed-cred-t A supported type of authentication credential for EDHOC IETF [RFC9668]
ed-idcred-t A supported type of authentication credential identifier for EDHOC IETF [RFC9668]
ed-ead A supported External Authorization Data (EAD) item for EDHOC IETF [RFC9668]
ed-comb-req Hint: support for the EDHOC+OSCORE request IETF [RFC9668]

Contact Information

ID Name Contact URI Last Updated
[CoRE_WG] IETF CoRE WG (reverts to IETF after WG closes) mailto:core&
[Michael_Koster] Michael Koster mailto:michael.koster& 2017-07-03