DNS RRTYPE PARAMETER ALLOCATION TEMPLATE When ready for formal consideration, this template is to be submitted to IANA for processing by emailing the template to dns-rrtype-applications&ietf.org A. Submission Date: 2024-07-03 B.1 Submission Type: [x] New RRTYPE [ ] Modification to RRTYPE B.2 Kind of RR: [ ] Data RR [x] Meta-RR C. Contact Information for submitter (will be publicly posted): Name: Shumon Huque Email Address: shuque&gmail.com International telephone number: +1 (888) 726-7835 Other contact handles: D. Motivation for the new RRTYPE application. Please keep this part at a high level to inform the Expert and reviewers about uses of the RRTYPE. Most reviewers will be DNS experts that may have limited knowledge of your application space. Meta/Pseudo RR type to indicate an NXDOMAIN response in the NSEC type bitmap field of Compact Denial of Existence. For details, see: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-dnsop-compact-denial-of-existence/ This protocol has already been deployed in the field with private RR types. A formal early allocation is now requested, as the specification is stable, and other planned implementers are awaiting an official allocation of the codepoint. E. Description of the proposed RR type. This description can be provided in-line in the template, as an attachment, or with a publicly available URL. From the above mentioned draft: This document defines the use of a synthetic Resource Record type to signal the presence of a non-existent name. The mnemonic for this RR type is "NXNAME", chosen to clearly distinguish it from the response code mnemonic NXDOMAIN. Type Value Meaning NXNAME 128 NXDOMAIN indicator for Compact Denial of Existence This RR type is added to the NSEC type bitmap for responses to non- existent names (in addition to the required RRSIG and NSEC types). It is a "Meta-Type", as defined in [RFC6895], stores no data in a DNS zone, and cannot be usefully queried. From the IANA considerations section of the draft: IANA is requested to do the following: Allocate a new DNS Resource Record type code for NXNAME in the DNS parameters registry, from the meta type range. Specifically, the lowest available number (currently 128) in the meta range is requested to be allocated. A lower number lowers the size of the type bitmap, which reduces the size of the DNS response message. Type Value Meaning NXNAME 128 NXDOMAIN indicator for Compact Denial of Existence F. What existing RRTYPE or RRTYPEs come closest to filling that need and why are they unsatisfactory? None. G. What mnemonic is requested for the new RRTYPE (optional)? Note: If a mnemonic is not supplied, not allowed, or duplicates an existing RRTYPE or CLASS mnemonic, the Expert will assign a mnemonic. NXNAME Quoting from the draft: "The mnemonic for this RR type is "NXNAME", chosen to clearly distinguish it from the response code mnemonic NXDOMAIN." H. Does the requested RRTYPE make use of any existing IANA registry or require the creation of a new IANA subregistry in DNS Parameters? If so, please indicate which registry is to be used or created. If a new subregistry is needed, specify the allocation policy for it and its initial contents. Also include what the modification procedures will be. No. I. Does the proposal require/expect any changes in DNS servers/resolvers that prevent the new type from being processed as an unknown RRTYPE (see [RFC3597])? No, or not relevant. This is a meta-type that stores no data in the DNS. J. Comments: None.