Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) LIST EXTENDED Registry

Last Updated
Available Formats



Plain text

Registries included below


Registration Procedure(s)
FCFS; IANA approval template in [RFC5258] section 9.3
Available Formats

LIST-EXTENDED option name LIST-EXTENDED option type Implied return option(s) LIST-EXTENDED option description Published specification Security considerations Intended usage Person and email address to contact for further information Owner/Change controller
SUBSCRIBED SELECTION SUBSCRIBED Causes the LIST command to list subscribed mailboxes, rather than the actual mailboxes. [RFC5258], Section 3. [RFC5258], Section 8. COMMON [Alexey_Melnikov] [IESG]
REMOTE SELECTION (none) Causes the LIST command to return remote mailboxes as well as local ones, as described in RFC 2193. [RFC5258], Section 3. [RFC5258], Section 8. COMMON [Alexey_Melnikov] [IESG]
SUBSCRIBED RETURN Causes the LIST command to return subscription state. [RFC5258], Section 3. [RFC5258], Section 8. COMMON [Alexey_Melnikov] [IESG]
RECURSIVEMATCH SELECTION (none) Requests that CHILDINFO extended data item (childinfo-extended-item) is to be returned. [RFC5258], Section 3. [RFC5258], Section 8. COMMON [Alexey_Melnikov] [IESG]
CHILDREN RETURN Requests mailbox child information. [RFC5258], Section 3 and Section 4. [RFC5258], Section 8. COMMON [Alexey_Melnikov] [IESG]
UTF8 SELECTION UTF8 Causes the LIST response to include mailboxes that mandate the UTF8 SELECT/EXAMINE parameter. [RFC5738], Section 3.4.1 [RFC5738], Section 11 COMMON see Authors' Addresses at the end of [RFC5738] [IESG]
UTF8ONLY SELECTION UTF8 Causes the LIST response to include mailboxes that mandate the UTF8 SELECT/EXAMINE parameter and exclude mailboxes that do not support the UTF8 SELECT/EXAMINE parameter. [RFC5738], Section 3.4.1 [RFC5738], Section 11 COMMON see Authors' Addresses at the end of [RFC5738] [IESG]
UTF8 RETURN none Causes the LIST response to include \NoUTF8 and \UTF8Only mailbox attributes. [RFC5738], Section 3.4.2 [RFC5738], Section 11 COMMON see Authors' Addresses at the end of [RFC5738] [IESG]
STATUS RETURN Causes the LIST command to return STATUS responses in addition to LIST responses. [RFC5819] [RFC5819] COMMON [Alexey_Melnikov] [IESG]
SPECIAL-USE SELECTION SPECIAL-USE Limit the list to special-use mailboxes only [RFC6154] [none] COMMON Authors' Addresses at the end of [RFC6154] [IESG]
SPECIAL-USE RETURN Request special-use mailbox information [RFC6154] [none] COMMON Authors' Addresses at the end of [RFC6154] [IESG]
MYRIGHTS RETURN Causes the LIST command to return MYRIGHTS responses in addition to LIST responses. [RFC8440, Section 3] [RFC8440, Section 6] COMMON [Kenneth_Murchison] [IESG]
METADATA RETURN Causes the LIST command to return METADATA responses in addition to LIST responses. [RFC9590, Section 3] [RFC9590, Section 6] COMMON See Authors' Addresses at the end of [RFC9590] [IESG]


Registration Procedure(s)
IANA approval template in [RFC5258] section 9.3
Available Formats

LIST-EXTENDED extended data item tag LIST-EXTENDED extended data item description Which LIST-EXTENDED option(s) (and their types) causes this extended data item to be returned (if any) Published specification Security considerations Intended usage Person and email address to contact for further information Owner/Change controller
CHILDINFO The CHILDINFO extended data item describes the selection criteria that has caused it to be returned and indicates that the mailbox has one or more child mailboxes that match the selection criteria. RECURSIVEMATCH selection option [RFC5258, Section 3.5] [RFC5258, Section 8] COMMON [Alexey_Melnikov] [IESG]
OLDNAME The OLDNAME extended data item describes the old mailbox name for the mailbox identified by the LIST response. none [RFC5465, Section 5.4] [RFC9051] [none] COMMON [Alexey_Melnikov] [IESG]

Contact Information

ID Name Contact URI Last Updated
[Alexey_Melnikov] Alexey Melnikov mailto:Alexey.Melnikov&
[Kenneth_Murchison] Kenneth Murchison mailto:murch& 2018-08-15
[IESG] IESG mailto:iesg&