FOR ARCHIVING: Registration form for 'mdcegyp' --- LANGUAGE SUBTAG REGISTRATION FORM 1. Name of requester: Daniel A. Werning 2. E-mail address of requester: daniel.werning& 3. Record Requested: Type: variant Subtag: mdcegyp Description: Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs encoded in Manuel de Codage Prefix: egy 4. Intended meaning of the subtag: Encoding of Egyptian hieroglyphs according to the "Manuel de Codage" recommendations. 5. Reference to published description of the language (book or article): - Buurman, Jan, Nicolas Grimal, Michael Hainsworth, Jochem Hallof & Dirk van der Plas. 1988. Inventaire des signes hiéroglyphiques en vue de leur saisie informatique: Manuel de codage des textes hiéroglyphiques en vue de leur saisie sur ordinateur. 3rd, rev. ed. Paris. - van den Berg, Hans. 1997. "Manuel de Codage": A standard system for the computer-encoding of Egyptian transliteration and hieroglyphic texts. (Current URL:) (accessed December 13, 2024) - Wikipedia contributors, "Manuel de Codage," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed December 13, 2024). 6. Any other relevant information: Before the times of Unicode, Egyptology used a system defined in the so-called "Manuel de Codage" to encode Egyptian hieroglyphs (egy-Egyp), using Latin characters available on standard US/DE/FR keyboards. For example "Y3-Y1-Z2-N35-D36-X1-O1-M17-Y5-N35-X1-Y1" (egy-Latn-*mdcegyp) for 𓏞𓏛𓐰𓏥𓈖𓂝𓐰𓏏𓐱𓉐𓇋𓏠𓐰𓈖𓏏𓐰𓏛 (egy-Egyp). This Latin-based encoding of Egyptian hieroglyphs is still widely used in software implementations (e.g., JSesh, Unicode keyboards), Egyptological (online/offline) databases (e.g., Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae [v1.x and v2.x], Ramsès, Wikipedia), and communication among Egyptologists. Moreover, there are plenty of Egyptian texts in hieroglyphs encoded according to Manuel de Codage (egy-*mdcegyp).