(registered by RFC7946)

Type name:  application

Subtype name:  geo+json

Required parameters:  n/a

Optional parameters:  n/a

Encoding considerations:  binary

Security considerations:  See Section 10 of RFC7946

Interoperability considerations:  See Section 11 of RFC7946

Published specification:  RFC7946

Applications that use this media type:  No known applications
  currently use this media type.  This media type is intended for
  GeoJSON applications currently using the "application/
  vnd.geo+json" or "application/json" media types, of which there
  are several categories: web mapping, geospatial databases,
  geographic data processing APIs, data analysis and storage
  services, and data dissemination.

Additional information:

  Magic number(s):  n/a

  File extension(s):  .json, .geojson

  Macintosh file type code:  n/a

  Object Identifiers:  n/a

  Windows clipboard name:  GeoJSON

  Macintosh uniform type identifier:  public.geojson conforms to

Person to contact for further information:  Sean Gillies

Intended usage:  COMMON

Restrictions on usage:  none

Restrictions on usage:  none

Author:  see "Authors' Addresses" section of RFC7946.

Change controller:  Internet Engineering Task Force