(registered by RFC4627; last updated 2017-12-15) Type name: application Subtype name: json Required parameters: n/a Optional parameters: n/a Encoding considerations: binary Security considerations: See RFC 8259, Section 12. Interoperability considerations: Described in this document Published specification: RFC 8259 Applications that use this media type: JSON has been used to exchange data between applications written in all of these programming languages: ActionScript, C, C#, Clojure, ColdFusion, Common Lisp, E, Erlang, Go, Java, JavaScript, Lua, Objective CAML, Perl, PHP, Python, Rebol, Ruby, Scala, and Scheme. Additional information: Magic number(s): n/a File extension(s): .json Macintosh file type code(s): TEXT Person & email address to contact for further information: IESG <iesg&ietf.org> Intended usage: COMMON Restrictions on usage: none Author: Douglas Crockford <douglas&crockford.com> Change controller: IESG <iesg&ietf.org> Note: No "charset" parameter is defined for this registration. Adding one really has no effect on compliant recipients.