(last updated 2011-03-08)

Name : Matthias Ludwig

Email : mludwig&quobject.com

MIME media type name : Application

MIME subtype name : Vendor Tree - vnd.quobject-quoxdocument

Required parameters : N/A

Optional parameters :

Encoding considerations : binary

Security considerations :
The media content will not include executable or active content. It will be a
simple compressed collection of xml text files and jpeg picture files. This
media type does not require privacy or integrity protection. There are no 
known security considerations.

Interoperability considerations :
There are no known interoperability considerations for this type. File format
can be read on any platform.

Published specification :

Applications which use this media :
Quobject Designer, Quobject Explorer

Additional information :
1. Magic number(s) : N/A
2. File extension(s) : .quox and .quiz (.quiz=compressed collection of multiple
.quox files + one xml information file containing the order in which questions
should be displayed)
3. Macintosh file type code : N/A
4. Object Identifiers: N/A

Person to contact for further information :
1. Name : Matthias Ludwig
2. Email : mludwig&quobject.com

Intended usage : Common
This type will be used for all documents conforming to the Question Object
Document format.

Author/Change controller : Matthias Ludwig

(file created 2011-03-08)