Type name: video

Subtype name: FFV1

Required parameters: None.

Optional parameters: These parameters are used to signal the capabilities of a receiver 
implementation. These parameters MUST NOT be used for any other purpose.

   version: The version of the FFV1 encoding as defined by Section 4.2.1.

   micro_version: The micro_version of the FFV1 encoding as defined by Section 4.2.2.

   coder_type: The coder_type of the FFV1 encoding as defined by Section 4.2.3.

   colorspace_type: The colorspace_type of the FFV1 encoding as defined by Section 4.2.5.

   bits_per_raw_sample: The bits_per_raw_sample of the FFV1 encoding as defined by 
   Section 4.2.7.

   max_slices: The value of max_slices is an integer indicating the maximum count of 
   Slices within a Frame of the FFV1 encoding.

Encoding considerations:
This media type is defined for encapsulation in several audiovisual container 
formats and contains binary data; see Section 4.3.3. This media type is framed 
binary data; see Section 4.8 of [RFC6838].

Security considerations: See Section 6 of this document.

Interoperability considerations: None.

Published specification: RFC 9043.

Applications that use this media type: Any application that requires the transport of 
lossless video can use this media type. Some examples are, but not limited to, screen 
recording, scientific imaging, and digital video preservation.

Fragment identifier considerations: N/A.

Additional information: None.

Person & email address to contact for further information:

Michael Niedermayer (mailto:michael&niedermayer.cc)

Intended usage: COMMON

Restrictions on usage: None.

Author: Dave Rice (mailto:dave&dericed.com)

Change controller: IETF CELLAR Working Group delegated from the IESG.