Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
- Last Updated
- 2025-03-11
- Expert(s)
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf SCTP: Michael Tuexen DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
- Reference
- [RFC6335]
- Note
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and SCTP. Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as documented in [RFC6335]. Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in [RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in [RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per [RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned. The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are described in [RFC6335]. Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without or prior to IANA registration. ************************************************************************ * PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: * * * * ASSIGNMENT OF A PORT NUMBER DOES NOT IN ANY WAY IMPLY AN * * ENDORSEMENT OF AN APPLICATION OR PRODUCT, AND THE FACT THAT NETWORK * * TRAFFIC IS FLOWING TO OR FROM A REGISTERED PORT DOES NOT MEAN THAT * * IT IS "GOOD" TRAFFIC, NOR THAT IT NECESSARILY CORRESPONDS TO THE * * ASSIGNED SERVICE. FIREWALL AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS SHOULD * * CHOOSE HOW TO CONFIGURE THEIR SYSTEMS BASED ON THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF * * THE TRAFFIC IN QUESTION, NOT WHETHER THERE IS A PORT NUMBER * * REGISTERED OR NOT. * ************************************************************************
- Request an Assignment
- Available Formats
Plain text
Service Name | Port Number | Transport Protocol | Description | Assignee | Contact | Registration Date | Modification Date | Reference | Service Code | Unauthorized Use Reported | Assignment Notes |
sco-websrvrmg3 | 598 | udp | SCO Web Server Manager 3 | [Simon_Baldwin] | [Simon_Baldwin] | ||||||
acp | 599 | tcp | Aeolon Core Protocol | [Michael_Alyn_Miller] | [Michael_Alyn_Miller] | ||||||
acp | 599 | udp | Aeolon Core Protocol | [Michael_Alyn_Miller] | [Michael_Alyn_Miller] | ||||||
ipcserver | 600 | tcp | Sun IPC server | [Bill_Schiefelbein] | [Bill_Schiefelbein] | ||||||
ipcserver | 600 | udp | Sun IPC server | [Bill_Schiefelbein] | [Bill_Schiefelbein] | ||||||
syslog-conn | 601 | tcp | Reliable Syslog Service | [RFC3195] | |||||||
syslog-conn | 601 | udp | Reliable Syslog Service | [RFC3195] | |||||||
xmlrpc-beep | 602 | tcp | XML-RPC over BEEP | [RFC3529] | |||||||
xmlrpc-beep | 602 | udp | XML-RPC over BEEP | [RFC3529] | |||||||
idxp | 603 | tcp | IDXP | [RFC4767] | |||||||
idxp | 603 | udp | IDXP | [RFC4767] | |||||||
tunnel | 604 | tcp | TUNNEL | [RFC3620] | |||||||
tunnel | 604 | udp | TUNNEL | [RFC3620] | |||||||
soap-beep | 605 | tcp | SOAP over BEEP | [RFC4227] | |||||||
soap-beep | 605 | udp | SOAP over BEEP | [RFC4227] | |||||||
urm | 606 | tcp | Cray Unified Resource Manager | ||||||||
urm | 606 | udp | Cray Unified Resource Manager | ||||||||
nqs | 607 | tcp | nqs | [Bill_Schiefelbein] | [Bill_Schiefelbein] | ||||||
nqs | 607 | udp | nqs | [Bill_Schiefelbein] | [Bill_Schiefelbein] | ||||||
sift-uft | 608 | tcp | Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer | [Rick_Troth] | [Rick_Troth] | ||||||
sift-uft | 608 | udp | Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer | [Rick_Troth] | [Rick_Troth] | ||||||
npmp-trap | 609 | tcp | npmp-trap | ||||||||
npmp-trap | 609 | udp | npmp-trap | ||||||||
npmp-local | 610 | tcp | npmp-local | ||||||||
npmp-local | 610 | udp | npmp-local | ||||||||
npmp-gui | 611 | tcp | npmp-gui | [John_Barnes] | [John_Barnes] | ||||||
npmp-gui | 611 | udp | npmp-gui | [John_Barnes] | [John_Barnes] | ||||||
hmmp-ind | 612 | tcp | HMMP Indication | ||||||||
hmmp-ind | 612 | udp | HMMP Indication | ||||||||
hmmp-op | 613 | tcp | HMMP Operation | [Andrew_Sinclair] | [Andrew_Sinclair] | ||||||
hmmp-op | 613 | udp | HMMP Operation | [Andrew_Sinclair] | [Andrew_Sinclair] | ||||||
sshell | 614 | tcp | SSLshell | [Simon_J_Gerraty] | [Simon_J_Gerraty] | ||||||
sshell | 614 | udp | SSLshell | [Simon_J_Gerraty] | [Simon_J_Gerraty] | ||||||
sco-inetmgr | 615 | tcp | Internet Configuration Manager | ||||||||
sco-inetmgr | 615 | udp | Internet Configuration Manager | ||||||||
sco-sysmgr | 616 | tcp | SCO System Administration Server | ||||||||
sco-sysmgr | 616 | udp | SCO System Administration Server | ||||||||
sco-dtmgr | 617 | tcp | SCO Desktop Administration Server | [Christopher_Durham] | [Christopher_Durham] | ||||||
sco-dtmgr | 617 | udp | SCO Desktop Administration Server | [Christopher_Durham] | [Christopher_Durham] | ||||||
dei-icda | 618 | tcp | DEI-ICDA | [David_Turner] | [David_Turner] | ||||||
dei-icda | 618 | udp | DEI-ICDA | [David_Turner] | [David_Turner] | ||||||
compaq-evm | 619 | tcp | Compaq EVM | [Jem_Treadwell] | [Jem_Treadwell] | ||||||
compaq-evm | 619 | udp | Compaq EVM | [Jem_Treadwell] | [Jem_Treadwell] | ||||||
sco-websrvrmgr | 620 | tcp | SCO WebServer Manager | [Christopher_Durham] | [Christopher_Durham] | ||||||
sco-websrvrmgr | 620 | udp | SCO WebServer Manager | [Christopher_Durham] | [Christopher_Durham] | ||||||
escp-ip | 621 | tcp | ESCP | [Lai_Zit_Seng] | [Lai_Zit_Seng] | ||||||
escp-ip | 621 | udp | ESCP | [Lai_Zit_Seng] | [Lai_Zit_Seng] | ||||||
collaborator | 622 | tcp | Collaborator | [Johnson_Davis] | [Johnson_Davis] | ||||||
collaborator | 622 | udp | Collaborator | [Johnson_Davis] | [Johnson_Davis] | ||||||
oob-ws-http | 623 | tcp | DMTF out-of-band web services management protocol | [Jim_Davis] | [Jim_Davis] | 2007-06 | |||||
asf-rmcp | 623 | udp | ASF Remote Management and Control Protocol | [Carl_First] | [Carl_First] | ||||||
cryptoadmin | 624 | tcp | Crypto Admin | [Tony_Walker] | [Tony_Walker] | ||||||
cryptoadmin | 624 | udp | Crypto Admin | [Tony_Walker] | [Tony_Walker] | ||||||
dec-dlm | 625 | tcp | DEC DLM IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "dec_dlm". |
[Rudi_Martin_2] | [Rudi_Martin_2] | ||||||
dec_dlm | 625 | tcp | DEC DLM | [Rudi_Martin_2] | [Rudi_Martin_2] | This entry is an alias to "dec-dlm". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||
dec-dlm | 625 | udp | DEC DLM IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "dec_dlm". |
[Rudi_Martin_2] | [Rudi_Martin_2] | ||||||
dec_dlm | 625 | udp | DEC DLM | [Rudi_Martin_2] | [Rudi_Martin_2] | This entry is an alias to "dec-dlm". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||
asia | 626 | tcp | ASIA | [Michael_Dasenbrock] | [Michael_Dasenbrock] | ||||||
asia | 626 | udp | ASIA | [Michael_Dasenbrock] | [Michael_Dasenbrock] | ||||||
passgo-tivoli | 627 | tcp | PassGo Tivoli | [John_Rainford_2] | [John_Rainford_2] | ||||||
passgo-tivoli | 627 | udp | PassGo Tivoli | [John_Rainford_2] | [John_Rainford_2] | ||||||
qmqp | 628 | tcp | QMQP | [D_J_Bernstein] | [D_J_Bernstein] | 2018-04-05 | |||||
qmqp | 628 | udp | QMQP | [D_J_Bernstein] | [D_J_Bernstein] | 2018-04-05 | |||||
3com-amp3 | 629 | tcp | 3Com AMP3 | [Prakash_Banthia] | [Prakash_Banthia] | ||||||
3com-amp3 | 629 | udp | 3Com AMP3 | [Prakash_Banthia] | [Prakash_Banthia] | ||||||
rda | 630 | tcp | RDA | [John_Hadjioannou] | [John_Hadjioannou] | ||||||
rda | 630 | udp | RDA | [John_Hadjioannou] | [John_Hadjioannou] | ||||||
ipp | 631 | tcp | IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) | [IESG] | [IETF_Chair] | 2018-07-06 | [RFC8011] | Defined TXT keys: See BonjourPrinting.pdf. | |||
ipp | 631 | udp | IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) | [IESG] | [IETF_Chair] | 2018-07-06 | [RFC8011] | Defined TXT keys: See BonjourPrinting.pdf. | |||
ipps | 631 | tcp | Internet Printing Protocol over HTTPS | [IESG] | [IETF_Chair] | 2018-07-06 | [RFC8011] | ||||
bmpp | 632 | tcp | bmpp | [Troy_Rollo] | [Troy_Rollo] | ||||||
bmpp | 632 | udp | bmpp | [Troy_Rollo] | [Troy_Rollo] | ||||||
servstat | 633 | tcp | Service Status update (Sterling Software) | [Greg_Rose] | [Greg_Rose] | ||||||
servstat | 633 | udp | Service Status update (Sterling Software) | [Greg_Rose] | [Greg_Rose] | ||||||
ginad | 634 | tcp | ginad | [Mark_Crother] | [Mark_Crother] | ||||||
ginad | 634 | udp | ginad | [Mark_Crother] | [Mark_Crother] | ||||||
rlzdbase | 635 | tcp | RLZ DBase | [Michael_Ginn] | [Michael_Ginn] | ||||||
rlzdbase | 635 | udp | RLZ DBase | [Michael_Ginn] | [Michael_Ginn] | ||||||
ldaps | 636 | tcp | ldap protocol over TLS/SSL (was sldap) | [Pat_Richard] | [Pat_Richard] | ||||||
ldaps | 636 | udp | ldap protocol over TLS/SSL (was sldap) | [Pat_Richard] | [Pat_Richard] | ||||||
lanserver | 637 | tcp | lanserver | [Chris_Larsson] | [Chris_Larsson] | ||||||
lanserver | 637 | udp | lanserver | [Chris_Larsson] | [Chris_Larsson] | ||||||
mcns-sec | 638 | tcp | mcns-sec | [Kaz_Ozawa] | [Kaz_Ozawa] | ||||||
mcns-sec | 638 | udp | mcns-sec | [Kaz_Ozawa] | [Kaz_Ozawa] | ||||||
msdp | 639 | tcp | MSDP | [Dino_Farinacci] | [Dino_Farinacci] | ||||||
msdp | 639 | udp | MSDP | [Dino_Farinacci] | [Dino_Farinacci] | ||||||
entrust-sps | 640 | tcp | entrust-sps | [Marek_Buchler] | [Marek_Buchler] | ||||||
entrust-sps | 640 | udp | entrust-sps | [Marek_Buchler] | [Marek_Buchler] | ||||||
repcmd | 641 | tcp | repcmd | [Scott_Dale] | [Scott_Dale] | ||||||
repcmd | 641 | udp | repcmd | [Scott_Dale] | [Scott_Dale] | ||||||
esro-emsdp | 642 | tcp | ESRO-EMSDP V1.3 | [Mohsen_Banan_2] | [Mohsen_Banan_2] | ||||||
esro-emsdp | 642 | udp | ESRO-EMSDP V1.3 | [Mohsen_Banan_2] | [Mohsen_Banan_2] | ||||||
sanity | 643 | tcp | SANity | [Peter_Viscarola] | [Peter_Viscarola] | ||||||
sanity | 643 | udp | SANity | [Peter_Viscarola] | [Peter_Viscarola] | ||||||
dwr | 644 | tcp | dwr | [Bill_Fenner] | [Bill_Fenner] | ||||||
dwr | 644 | udp | dwr | [Bill_Fenner] | [Bill_Fenner] | ||||||
pssc | 645 | tcp | PSSC | [Egon_Meier_Engelen] | [Egon_Meier_Engelen] | ||||||
pssc | 645 | udp | PSSC | [Egon_Meier_Engelen] | [Egon_Meier_Engelen] | ||||||
ldp | 646 | tcp | LDP | [Bob_Thomas] | [Bob_Thomas] | ||||||
ldp | 646 | udp | LDP | [Bob_Thomas] | [Bob_Thomas] | ||||||
dhcp-failover | 647 | tcp | DHCP Failover | [IESG] | [IETF_Chair] | 2018-05-21 | [RFC8156] |