Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
- Last Updated
- 2025-03-11
- Expert(s)
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf SCTP: Michael Tuexen DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
- Reference
- [RFC6335]
- Note
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and SCTP. Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as documented in [RFC6335]. Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in [RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in [RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per [RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned. The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are described in [RFC6335]. Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without or prior to IANA registration. ************************************************************************ * PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: * * * * ASSIGNMENT OF A PORT NUMBER DOES NOT IN ANY WAY IMPLY AN * * ENDORSEMENT OF AN APPLICATION OR PRODUCT, AND THE FACT THAT NETWORK * * TRAFFIC IS FLOWING TO OR FROM A REGISTERED PORT DOES NOT MEAN THAT * * IT IS "GOOD" TRAFFIC, NOR THAT IT NECESSARILY CORRESPONDS TO THE * * ASSIGNED SERVICE. FIREWALL AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS SHOULD * * CHOOSE HOW TO CONFIGURE THEIR SYSTEMS BASED ON THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF * * THE TRAFFIC IN QUESTION, NOT WHETHER THERE IS A PORT NUMBER * * REGISTERED OR NOT. * ************************************************************************
- Request an Assignment
- Available Formats
Plain text
Service Name | Port Number | Transport Protocol | Description | Assignee | Contact | Registration Date | Modification Date | Reference | Service Code | Unauthorized Use Reported | Assignment Notes |
e1-interface | 38462 | sctp | E1 signalling transport (3GPP) | [Huawei_Technologies_France] | [Yang_Xudong][Issam_Toufik] | 2018-11-06 | 2018-11-15 | ||||
38463-38471 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
38472 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
38472 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
f1-control | 38472 | sctp | F1 Control Plane (3GPP) | [Luis_Lopes] | [Luis_Lopes] | 2017-06-23 | |||||
38473-38637 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
psqlmws | 38638 | tcp | Premier SQL Middleware Server | [Brain_Patchwork_DX_LLC] | [Ozz_Nixon] | 2022-02-15 | |||||
38638 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
38639-38799 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
sruth | 38800 | tcp | Sruth is a service for the distribution of routinely- generated but arbitrary files based on a publish/subscribe distribution model and implemented using a peer-to-peer transport mechanism | [University_Corporation_for_Atmospheric_Research] | [Steven_Emmerson] | 2012-05-07 | |||||
38800 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
38801-38864 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
secrmmsafecopya | 38865 | tcp | Security approval process for use of the secRMM SafeCopy program | [Squadra_Technologies] | [Anthony_LaMark] | 2012-03-14 | |||||
38865 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
38866-39062 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
vroa | 39063 | tcp | Children's hearing test/Telemedicine | [Hearing_Australia] | [Dan_Zhou] | 2021-12-23 | |||||
39063 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
39064-39680 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
turbonote-1 | 39681 | tcp | TurboNote Default Port | [Peter_Hyde] | [Peter_Hyde] | ||||||
turbonote-1 | 39681 | udp | TurboNote Default Port | [Peter_Hyde] | [Peter_Hyde] | ||||||
39682-39999 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
safetynetp | 40000 | tcp | SafetyNET p | [Pilz_GmbH_and_Co._KG] | [Matthias_Holzaepfel] | 2006-11 | 2022-12-15 | ||||
safetynetp | 40000 | udp | SafetyNET p | [Pilz_GmbH_and_Co._KG] | [Matthias_Holzaepfel] | 2006-11 | 2022-12-15 | ||||
40001-40022 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
40023 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
k-patentssensor | 40023 | udp | K-PatentsSensorInformation | [Vaisala] | [Saku_Lahteenmaki] | 2015-12-02 | 2021-02-02 | ||||
40024-40403 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
sptx | 40404 | tcp | Simplify Printing TX | [Tricerat] | [Eric_Musgrave] | 2013-12-09 | |||||
40404 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
40405-40840 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
cscp | 40841 | tcp | CSCP | [Michael_Dodge] | [Michael_Dodge] | ||||||
cscp | 40841 | udp | CSCP | [Michael_Dodge] | [Michael_Dodge] | ||||||
csccredir | 40842 | tcp | CSCCREDIR | [Sudhir_Menon] | [Sudhir_Menon] | ||||||
csccredir | 40842 | udp | CSCCREDIR | [Sudhir_Menon] | [Sudhir_Menon] | ||||||
csccfirewall | 40843 | tcp | CSCCFIREWALL | [Sudhir_Menon] | [Sudhir_Menon] | ||||||
csccfirewall | 40843 | udp | CSCCFIREWALL | [Sudhir_Menon] | [Sudhir_Menon] | ||||||
40844-40852 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
40853 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
ortec-disc | 40853 | udp | ORTEC Service Discovery | [Jesse_Ursery] | [Jesse_Ursery] | 2010-11-22 | |||||
40854-41110 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
fs-qos | 41111 | tcp | Foursticks QoS Protocol | [Chee_Kent_Lam] | [Chee_Kent_Lam] | 2002-04 | |||||
fs-qos | 41111 | udp | Foursticks QoS Protocol | [Chee_Kent_Lam] | [Chee_Kent_Lam] | 2002-04 | |||||
41112-41120 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
tentacle | 41121 | tcp | Tentacle Server | [Sancho_Lerena] | [Sancho_Lerena] | 2009-06-02 | |||||
41121 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
41122-41229 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
z-wave-s | 41230 | tcp | Z-Wave Protocol over SSL/TLS | [Sigma_Designs_3] | [Anders_Brandt_4] | 2015-06-26 | |||||
z-wave-s | 41230 | udp | Z-Wave Protocol over DTLS | [Sigma_Designs_3] | [Anders_Brandt_4] | 2015-06-26 | |||||
41231-41793 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
crestron-cip | 41794 | tcp | Crestron Control Port | [Crestron_Electronics] | [John_Pavlik] | 2003-01 | 2019-10-17 | ||||
crestron-cip | 41794 | udp | Crestron Control Port | [Crestron_Electronics] | [John_Pavlik] | 2003-01 | 2019-10-17 | ||||
crestron-ctp | 41795 | tcp | Crestron Terminal Port | [Crestron_Electronics] | [John_Pavlik] | 2003-01 | 2019-10-17 | ||||
crestron-ctp | 41795 | udp | Crestron Terminal Port | [Crestron_Electronics] | [John_Pavlik] | 2003-01 | 2019-10-17 | ||||
crestron-cips | 41796 | tcp | Crestron Secure Control Port | [Crestron_Electronics] | [John_Pavlik] | 2012-06-27 | 2019-10-17 | ||||
41796 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
crestron-ctps | 41797 | tcp | Crestron Secure Terminal Port | [Crestron_Electronics] | [John_Pavlik] | 2012-06-27 | 2019-10-17 | ||||
41797 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
41798-42507 | Unassigned | Unauthorized Use Known on port 42000 | |||||||||
candp | 42508 | tcp | Computer Associates network discovery protocol | [Jon_Press] | [Jon_Press] | 2005-09 | |||||
candp | 42508 | udp | Computer Associates network discovery protocol | [Jon_Press] | [Jon_Press] | 2005-09 | |||||
candrp | 42509 | tcp | CA discovery response | [Jon_Press] | [Jon_Press] | 2005-08 | |||||
candrp | 42509 | udp | CA discovery response | [Jon_Press] | [Jon_Press] | 2005-08 | |||||
caerpc | 42510 | tcp | CA eTrust RPC | [Jon_Press] | [Jon_Press] | 2005-08 | |||||
caerpc | 42510 | udp | CA eTrust RPC | [Jon_Press] | [Jon_Press] | 2005-08 | |||||
42511-42998 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
curiosity | 42999 | tcp | API endpoint for search application | [Curiosity_GmbH] | [Rafael_Fernandes_de_Oliveira] | 2022-12-09 | |||||
42999 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
recvr-rc | 43000 | tcp | Receiver Remote Control | [Research_Electronics_International] | [Ross_Binkley] | 2012-12-20 | |||||
recvr-rc-disc | 43000 | udp | Receiver Remote Control Discovery | [Research_Electronics_International] | [Ross_Binkley] | 2012-12-20 | |||||
43001-43187 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
reachout | 43188 | tcp | REACHOUT | [Roman_Kriis] | [Roman_Kriis] | ||||||
reachout | 43188 | udp | REACHOUT | [Roman_Kriis] | [Roman_Kriis] | ||||||
ndm-agent-port | 43189 | tcp | NDM-AGENT-PORT | [Roman_Kriis] | [Roman_Kriis] | ||||||
ndm-agent-port | 43189 | udp | NDM-AGENT-PORT | [Roman_Kriis] | [Roman_Kriis] | ||||||
ip-provision | 43190 | tcp | IP-PROVISION | [Roman_Kriis] | [Roman_Kriis] | ||||||
ip-provision | 43190 | udp | IP-PROVISION | [Roman_Kriis] | [Roman_Kriis] | ||||||
noit-transport | 43191 | tcp | Reconnoiter Agent Data Transport | [Theo_Schlossnagle] | [Theo_Schlossnagle] | 2009-05-19 | |||||
43191 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
43192-43209 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
shaperai | 43210 | tcp | Shaper Automation Server Management | [Shaper_Automation] | [Yohann_Sulaiman] | 2012-06-22 | |||||
shaperai-disc | 43210 | udp | Shaper Automation Server Management Discovery | [Shaper_Automation] | [Yohann_Sulaiman] | 2012-06-22 | |||||
43211-43437 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
43438 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
hmip-routing | 43438 | udp | HmIP LAN Routing | [eQ-3_Entwicklung_GmbH] | [Tido_de_Vries] | 2018-02-28 | |||||
eq3-update | 43439 | tcp | EQ3 firmware update | [eQ-3_Entwicklung_GmbH] | [Tido_de_Vries] | 2012-02-10 | 2014-05-09 | ||||
eq3-config | 43439 | udp | EQ3 discovery and configuration | [eQ-3_Entwicklung_GmbH] | [Tido_de_Vries] | 2012-02-10 | 2014-05-09 | ||||
ew-mgmt | 43440 | tcp | Cisco EnergyWise Management | ||||||||
ew-disc-cmd | 43440 | udp | Cisco EnergyWise Discovery and Command Flooding | [John_Parello] | [John_Parello] | 2009-05-19 | |||||
ciscocsdb | 43441 | tcp | Cisco NetMgmt DB Ports | [Cisco_Systems] | [Cisco_Systems] | 2005-11 | |||||
ciscocsdb | 43441 | udp | Cisco NetMgmt DB Ports | [Cisco_Systems] | [Cisco_Systems] | 2005-11 | |||||
43442-44122 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
z-wave-tunnel | 44123 | tcp | Z-Wave Secure Tunnel | [Sigma_Designs_Inc] | [Anders_Brandt_3] | 2012-10-12 | 2015-06-26 | ||||
44123 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
44124-44320 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
pmcd | 44321 | tcp | PCP server (pmcd) | [Ken_McDonell] | [Ken_McDonell] | 2010-12-20 | |||||
pmcd | 44321 | udp | PCP server (pmcd) | [Ken_McDonell] | [Ken_McDonell] | 2010-12-20 | |||||
pmcdproxy | 44322 | tcp | PCP server (pmcd) proxy | [Ken_McDonell] | [Ken_McDonell] | 2003-07 | 2010-12-20 | ||||
pmcdproxy | 44322 | udp | PCP server (pmcd) proxy | [Ken_McDonell] | [Ken_McDonell] | 2003-07 | 2010-12-20 | ||||
pmwebapi | 44323 | tcp | HTTP binding for Performance Co-Pilot client API | [Performance_Co-Pilot_PCP_Project] | [Ken_McDonell_2] | 2013-10-09 | |||||
44323 | udp | Unassigned | "pcp" assignment withdrawn, moved to port 5351 per RFC6887 | ||||||||
44324-44443 | Unassigned |