48050 |
udp |
Reserved |
48051-48127 |
Unassigned |
isnetserv |
48128 |
tcp |
Image Systems Network Services |
[Bengt_Gustafsson] |
[Bengt_Gustafsson] |
2006-05 |
isnetserv |
48128 |
udp |
Image Systems Network Services |
[Bengt_Gustafsson] |
[Bengt_Gustafsson] |
2006-05 |
blp5 |
48129 |
tcp |
Bloomberg locator |
[Albert_Hou] |
[Albert_Hou] |
2006-05 |
blp5 |
48129 |
udp |
Bloomberg locator |
[Albert_Hou] |
[Albert_Hou] |
2006-05 |
48130-48555 |
Unassigned |
com-bardac-dw |
48556 |
tcp |
com-bardac-dw |
[Nicholas_J_Howes] |
[Nicholas_J_Howes] |
com-bardac-dw |
48556 |
udp |
com-bardac-dw |
[Nicholas_J_Howes] |
[Nicholas_J_Howes] |
48557-48618 |
Unassigned |
iqobject |
48619 |
tcp |
iqobject |
[Bjorn_de_Bonnenfant] |
[Bjorn_de_Bonnenfant] |
2003-11 |
iqobject |
48619 |
udp |
iqobject |
[Bjorn_de_Bonnenfant] |
[Bjorn_de_Bonnenfant] |
2003-11 |
48620-48652 |
Unassigned |
robotraconteur |
48653 |
tcp |
Robot Raconteur transport |
[Wason_Technology_LLC] |
[John_Wason] |
2014-01-27 |
robotraconteur |
48653 |
udp |
Robot Raconteur transport |
[Wason_Technology_LLC] |
[John_Wason] |
2014-01-27 |
48654-48999 |
Unassigned |
matahari |
49000 |
tcp |
Matahari Broker |
[Matahari_Project] |
[Zane_Bitter] |
2011-08-31 |
49000 |
udp |
Reserved |
nusrp |
49001 |
tcp |
Nuance Unity Service Request Protocol |
[Nuance_Communications_Inc3] |
[Andrew_Andrews] |
2017-04-20 |
nusdp-disc |
49001 |
udp |
Nuance Unity Service Discovery Protocol |
[Nuance_Communications_Inc3] |
[Andrew_Andrews] |
2017-04-20 |
49002-49149 |
Unassigned |
inspider |
49150 |
tcp |
InSpider System |
[AnRobot] |
[Zhang_Xinnan] |
2017-11-06 |
49150 |
udp |
Reserved |
49151 |
Reserved |
2024-12-20 |
[RFC6335] |
argus |
ARGUS Protocol |
arp |
Address Resolution Protocol |
bbn-rcc-mon |
BBN RCC Monitoring |
bootp |
Bootstrap Protocol |
br-sat-mon |
Backroom SATNET Monitoring |
cftp |
chaos |
CHAOS Protocol |
clock |
DCNET Time Server Protocol |
cmot |
Common Mgmnt Info Ser and Prot over TCP/IP |
cookie-jar |
Authentication Scheme |
dcn-meas |
DCN Measurement Subsystems Protocol |
dgp |
Dissimilar Gateway Protocol |
dmf-mail |
Digest Message Format for Mail |
egp |
Exterior Gateway Protocol |
ehf-mail |
Encoding Header Field for Mail |
emcon |
Emission Control Protocol |
fconfig |
Fujitsu Config Protocol |
ggp |
Gateway Gateway Protocol |
hmp |
Host Monitoring Protocol |
host2-ns |
Host2 Name Server |
icmp |
Internet Control Message Protocol |
igmp |
Internet Group Management Protocol |
igp |
Interior Gateway Protocol |
imap2 |
Interim Mail Access Protocol version 2 |
ip |
Internet Protocol |
ipcu |
Internet Packet Core Utility |
ippc |
Internet Pluribus Packet Core |
ip-arc |
Internet Protocol on ARCNET |
ip-arpa |
Internet Protocol on ARPANET |
ip-cmprs |
Compressing TCP/IP Headers |
ip-dc |
Internet Protocol on DC Networks |
ip-dvmrp |
Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol |
ip-e |
Internet Protocol on Ethernet Networks |
ip-ee |
Internet Protocol on Exp. Ethernet Nets |
ip-fddi |
Transmission of IP over FDDI |
ip-hc |
Internet Protocol on Hyperchannnel |
ip-ieee |
Internet Protocol on IEEE 802 |
ip-ipx |
Transmission of 802.2 over IPX Networks |
ip-mtu |
IP MTU Discovery Options |
ip-netbios |
Internet Protocol over NetBIOS Networks |
ip-slip |
Transmission of IP over Serial Lines |
ip-wb |
Internet Protocol on Wideband Network |
ip-x25 |
Internet Protocol on X.25 Networks |
irtp |
Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol |
iso-tp4 |
ISO Transport Protocol Class 4 |
larp |
Locus Address Resoultion Protocol |
leaf-1 |
Leaf-1 Protocol |
leaf-2 |
Leaf-2 Protocol |
loc-srv |
Location Service |
mail |
Format of Electronic Mail Messages |
merit-inp |
MERIT Internodal Protocol |
mib |
Management Information Base |
mihcs |
MIH Command Services |
[RFC5679] |
mihes |
MIH Event Services |
[RFC5679] |
mihis |
MIH Information Services |
[RFC5679] |
mfe-nsp |
MFE Network Services Protocol |
mit-subnet |
MIT Subnet Support |
mux |
Multiplexing Protocol |
netblt |
Bulk Data Transfer Protocol |
neted |
Network Standard Text Editor |
netrjs |
Remote Job Service |
nfile |
A File Access Protocol |
nvp-ii |
Network Voice Protocol |
ospf |
Open Shortest Path First Interior GW Protocol |
pcmail |
Pcmail Transport Protocol |
ppp |
Point-to-Point Protocol |
prm |
Packet Radio Measurement |
pup |
PUP Protocol |
quote |
Quote of the Day Protocol |
rarp |
A Reverse Address Resolution Protocol |
ratp |
Reliable Asynchronous Transfer Protocol |
rdp |
Reliable Data Protocol |
rip |
Routing Information Protocol |
rvd |
Remote Virtual Disk Protocol |
sat-expak |
Satnet and Backroom EXPAK |
sat-mon |
SATNET Monitoring |
smi |
Structure of Management Information |