Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry

Last Updated
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, 
Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf
SCTP: Michael Tuexen
DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different
services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and

Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as
documented in [RFC6335].

Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System
Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private
Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in
[RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are 
assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in 
[RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, 
the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per 
[RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned.

The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are
described in [RFC6335].

Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without
or prior to IANA registration.

* PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING:                                           *
*                                                                      *
* REGISTERED OR NOT.                                                   *

Request an Assignment

Available Formats




Plain text
Service Name Port Number Transport Protocol Description Assignee Contact Registration Date Modification Date Reference Service Code Unauthorized Use Reported Assignment Notes
smi Structure of Management Information
stp Stream Protocol
sun-rpc SUN Remote Procedure Call
tcp Transmission Control Protocol
tcp-aco TCP Alternate Checksum Option
thinwire Thinwire Protocol
tp-tcp ISO Transport Service on top of the TCP
trunk-1 Trunk-1 Protocol
trunk-2 Trunk-2 Protocol
ucl University College London Protocol
udp User Datagram Protocol
users Active Users Protocol
via-ftp VIA Systems-File Transfer Protocol
visa VISA Protocol
vmtp Versatile Message Transaction Protocol
wb-expak Wideband EXPAK
wb-mon Wideband Monitoring
xnet Cross Net Debugger
xns-idp Xerox NS IDP
1password 1Password Password Manager data sharing and synchronization protocol [Roustem_Karimov] [Roustem_Karimov] Defined TXT keys: None
7ksonar tcp Teledyne Marine 7k Sonar Protocol [Teledyne_Marine] [Anders_Brandt_5] 2023-10-03 Defined TXT keys: None
7ksonar udp Teledyne Marine 7k Sonar Protocol [Teledyne_Marine] [Anders_Brandt_5] 2023-10-03 Defined TXT keys: None
a-d-sync Altos Design Synchronization protocol [David_Lasker] [David_Lasker] Defined TXT keys: None
abi-instrument Applied Biosystems Universal Instrument Framework [ThermoFisher_Scientific] [Carlo_Quiñónez] 2021-07-27 Defined TXT keys: product=<short product name/model> description=<readable name> version=<firmware/instrument controller version>
accessdata-f2d FTK2 Database Discovery Service [Rick_Russell] [Rick_Russell] Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
accessdata-f2w FTK2 Backend Processing Agent Service [Rick_Russell] [Rick_Russell] Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
accessone Strix Systems 5S/AccessOne protocol [Scott_Herscher_2] [Scott_Herscher_2] Defined TXT keys: None
accountedge MYOB AccountEdge Defined TXT keys: None
acrobatsrv Adobe Acrobat Defined TXT keys: type, path, FeedType
acs-ctl-ds tcp Access Control Device [Honeywell_Security_Group] [John_Dziadosz] 2012-04-09 Defined TXT keys: MAC=, GW-MAC
acs-ctl-ds udp Access Control Device [Honeywell_Security_Group] [John_Dziadosz] 2012-04-09 Defined TXT keys: MAC=, GW-MAC
acs-ctl-gw tcp Access Control Gateway [Honeywell_Security_Group] [John_Dziadosz] 2012-04-09 Defined TXT keys: MAC=, GW-MAC
acs-ctl-gw udp Access Control Gateway [Honeywell_Security_Group] [John_Dziadosz] 2012-04-09 Defined TXT keys: MAC=, GW-MAC
acsp-server tcp AXIS Camera Station Pro Server [Axis_Communications_2] [Joachim_Ståhl] 2024-04-19 Defined TXT keys: None
actionitems ActionItems [Sailalong_Software] [Sailalong_Software] Defined TXT keys: None
activeraid Active Storage Proprietary Device Management Protocol [Skip_Levens] [Skip_Levens] Defined TXT keys: None
activeraid-ssl Encrypted transport of Active Storage Proprietary Device Management Protocol [Skip_Levens] [Skip_Levens] Defined TXT keys: None
adamhall tcp Adam Hall network control and monitoring [Adam_Hall_Group] [Eric_Sawade] 2022-07-15 Defined TXT keys: None
adamhall udp Adam Hall network control and monitoring [Adam_Hall_Group] [Eric_Sawade] 2022-07-15 Defined TXT keys: None
adaptive-rn tcp ARN (Adaptive Routing Notification) is a protocol designed to enable dynamic routing adjustments by sharing network status information between nodes in data center networks, improving efficiency and fault tolerance. [Hongyi_Huang] [Hongyi_Huang] 2024-11-22 Defined TXT keys: arn-protocol, adaptive-routing
adaptive-rn udp ARN (Adaptive Routing Notification) is a protocol designed to enable dynamic routing adjustments by sharing network status information between nodes in data center networks, improving efficiency and fault tolerance. [Hongyi_Huang] [Hongyi_Huang] 2024-11-22 Defined TXT keys: arn-protocol, adaptive-routing
addressbook Address-O-Matic [Massimiliano_Ribuoli] [Massimiliano_Ribuoli] Defined TXT keys: None
addressbooksrv tcp Address Book Server used for contacts and calendar synchronisation [AddressBookServer] [Alexander_Hartner] 2011-10-14 Defined TXT keys: _suffix, _prefix
adnodes difusi Cloud based plug & play network synchronization protocol, content pool database discovery, and cloudOS SAaS discovery protocol. [DIFUSI_Inc] [Mike_Wright] 2011-11-07 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
adobe-shadow tcp Adobe Shadow Server [Adobe_Systems] [Mike_Harris] 2012-04-17 Defined TXT keys: id
adobe-vc Adobe Version Cue Defined TXT keys: txtvers=1, name, version, build
adisk Automatic Disk Discovery [Bob_Bradley_2] [Bob_Bradley_2] Defined TXT keys: sys, dkX
adpro-setup ADPRO Security Device Setup [Patrick_Noffke] [Patrick_Noffke] Defined TXT keys: txtvers, type
aecoretech Apple Application Engineering Services [Hani_Abdelazim] [Hani_Abdelazim] Defined TXT keys: None
aeroflex Aeroflex instrumentation and software [David_Hagood] [David_Hagood] Defined TXT keys: orb_server=<port #> (optional) CORBA ORB server used for resource discovery product_id=<string> (optional) ID of licensed product txtvers="*IDN?=<identifier>" (optional) as per LXI specification (for not yet LXI compatible instruments)
aerohive-proxy tcp Aerohive Proxy Configuration Service [Aerohive_Networks] [Matthew_Gast] 2012-05-31 Defined TXT keys: name, port, username
affinity-docs0 tcp Affinity Designer document sharing [Serif_Europe_Ltd] [Tom_Lachecki] 2023-03-30 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
affinity-docs1 tcp Affinity Photo document sharing [Serif_Europe_Ltd] [Tom_Lachecki] 2023-03-30 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
affinity-docs2 tcp Affinity Publisher document sharing [Serif_Europe_Ltd] [Tom_Lachecki] 2023-03-30 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
affinity-cntent tcp Affinity content sharing [Serif_Europe_Ltd] [Tom_Lachecki] 2023-03-30 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
airdrop tcp Airdrop [Apple_Inc] [Marc_Krochmal_2] 2012-03-02 Defined TXT keys: flags, phash, ehash, cname
airmate tcp Airmate interworking protocol [Myriel_Aviation_-_Airmate] [Daniel_Mavrakis_3] 2020-09-21 Defined TXT keys: proprietary
airmate udp Airmate interworking protocol [Myriel_Aviation_-_Airmate] [Daniel_Mavrakis_3] 2020-09-21 Defined TXT keys: proprietary
airplay tcp Protocol for streaming of audio/video content [Apple_Inc_2] [Bob_Bradley_3] 2012-09-19 Defined TXT keys: am, cn, et, ft, fv, md, pk, pw, sf, tp, vn, vs
airplay udp Protocol for streaming of audio/video content [Apple_Inc_2] [Bob_Bradley_3] 2012-09-19 Defined TXT keys: am, cn, et, ft, fv, md, pk, pw, sf, tp, vn, vs
airport AirPort Base Station [Bob_Bradley_2] [Bob_Bradley_2] Defined TXT keys: waMA;
airpreview tcp Coda AirPreview [Panic_Inc] [Cabel_Sasser] 2012-07-19 Defined TXT keys: hasCamera, name, UUID
airprojector AirProjector [Yoshinori_Nakayama] [Yoshinori_Nakayama] Defined TXT keys: mac=<MAC address> ip=<IP address> note=<Location> use=<Status> mainprog=<Main program version> bootprog=<Boot program version>
airsharing Air Sharing [Erik_Rogers][Dave_Howell] [Erik_Rogers][Dave_Howell] Defined TXT keys: None
airsharingpro Air Sharing Pro [Erik_Rogers][Dave_Howell] [Erik_Rogers][Dave_Howell] Defined TXT keys: None
alazartech-atn tcp Alazar Technologies ATN Communication Protocol [Alazar_Technologies] [Romain_Deterre] 2016-05-26 Defined TXT keys: None
aloe-gwp tcp Aloe Gateway Protocol [Layered_Logic] [Brooks_Bell] 2012-01-04 Defined TXT keys: Version
aloe-pp tcp Aloe Pairing Protocol [Layered_Logic] [Brooks_Bell] 2012-01-04 Defined TXT keys: Version, DeviceName, DeviceModel, DeviceSystem, DeviceSystemVersion, AppName, AppVersion
alpacadiscovery udp ASCOM Alpaca Device Discovery [ASCOM_Initiative] [Robert_B._Denny] 2020-02-24 Defined TXT keys: None
amazon-expiscor udp Device discovery for Amazon [ASLLC] [Andy_Jack] 2024-02-22 Defined TXT keys: None
amba-cam udp Ambarella Cameras [Louis_Sun] [Louis_Sun] Defined TXT keys: product=<product model name> description=<string name> version=<firmware version>
amiphd-p2p P2PTapWar Sample Application from "iPhone SDK Development" Book [Chris_Adamson] [Chris_Adamson] Defined TXT keys: None
ams-htm Proprietary protocol for Accu-Med HTM [AccuMed_Services] [Sam_Carleton_2] 2011-10-20 Defined TXT keys: None
animolmd Animo License Manager [Phil_Barrett] [Phil_Barrett] Defined TXT keys: None
animobserver Animo Batch Server [Phil_Barrett] [Phil_Barrett] Defined TXT keys: None
anquetsync Anquet map synchronization between desktop and handheld devices [Paul_Lesurf] [Paul_Lesurf] Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
antrmai tcp ANT Galio web services [ANT_Software] [Simon_Middleton] 2012-12-06 Defined TXT keys: txtvers, man
anyremote tcp remote control of Linux PCs from Android and J2ME [Mikhail_Fedotov] [Mikhail_Fedotov] 2014-12-10 Defined TXT keys: None
appelezvous Appelezvous [Marco_Piovanelli] [Marco_Piovanelli] Defined TXT keys: None
apple-ausend Apple Audio Units [James_McCartney] [James_McCartney] Defined TXT keys: None
apple-mobdev tcp Apple Mobile Device Protocol [Apple_2] [Paul_Chinn][Justin_Ko] 2011-10-20 Defined TXT keys: None
apple-midi udp Apple MIDI [Doug_Wyatt] [Doug_Wyatt] Defined TXT keys: None
applerdbg Apple Remote Debug Services (OpenGL Profiler) [Dave_Springer] [Dave_Springer] Defined TXT keys: None
appletv Apple TV [Amandeep_Jawa_3] [Amandeep_Jawa_3] Defined TXT keys: txtvers, PrVs, OSsi, MniT
appletv-itunes Apple TV discovery of iTunes [Amandeep_Jawa_3] [Amandeep_Jawa_3] Defined TXT keys: txtvers
appletv-pair Apple TV Pairing [Amandeep_Jawa_3] [Amandeep_Jawa_3] Defined TXT keys: txtvers
aquamon AquaMon Defined TXT keys: None
arcnet udp Arcturus Networks Inc. Hardware Services [Arcturus_Networks_Inc] [Michael_Durrant] 2011-10-20 Defined TXT keys: None
arn tcp Active Registry Network for distribution of values and streams [Mictron] [Michael_Wiklund] 2013-10-17 Defined TXT keys: None
aroundsound AroundSound's information sharing protocol [Winzig_LLC] [Around_Sound] 2011-10-20 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
asam-cmp udp ASAM Capture Module Protocol [ASAM_e_V] [Bernd_Wenzel] 2021-09-29 Defined TXT keys: None
aseba tcp protocol for an event-based architecture for distributed control of mobile robots [Mobsya_Association] [S_Magnenat] 2016-08-18 Defined TXT keys: txtvers, type, protovers, ids, pids
astnotify udp Asterisk Caller-ID Notification Service [Sven_Slezak] [Sven_Slezak] Defined TXT keys: prefix=<country code prefix> (numeric, additionally '+')
astralite Astralite [Tongji_University] [Tongji_University] Defined TXT keys: None
async address-o-sync [Markus_Brand] [Markus_Brand] Defined TXT keys: None
atnet udp AT protocol over IP [Selectron_BVBA] [Jan_Verschaeve] 2018-03-20 Defined TXT keys: None
atlassianapp Atlassian Application (JIRA, Confluence, Fisheye, Crucible, Crowd, Bamboo) discovery service [Denise_Fernandez] [Denise_Fernandez] Defined TXT keys: app.url
attero-ad tcp Attero Tech Audio Device [Attero_Tech_LLC] [David_Vaughn] 2015-09-24 Defined TXT keys: txtvers, protovers, CtrlType, Model
attero-ad udp Attero Tech Audio Device [Attero_Tech_LLC] [David_Vaughn] 2015-09-24 Defined TXT keys: txtvers, protovers, CtrlType, Model
audirvana-ap tcp Audirvana Remote Access Protocol [Audirvana_SCS] [Damien_Plisson] 2015-07-21 Defined TXT keys: txtvers, protovers
autosendimages tcp automatic sending Image data protocol [Canon_Inc_2] [Kazuo_Moritomo] 2017-04-17

Contact Information

ID Name Organization Contact URI Last Updated
[AccuMed_Services] AccuMed Services mailto:scarleton& 2011-10-20
[Adam_Hall_Group] Adam Hall Group mailto:eric.sawade& 2022-07-15
[AddressBookServer] mailto:iana& 2011-10-18
[Adobe_Systems] Adobe Systems Inc. mailto:mikeharr& 2012-04-17
[Aerohive_Networks] Aerohive Networks mailto:iana& 2012-06-04
[Alazar_Technologies] Alazar Technologies mailto:support& 2016-05-26
[Alexander_Hartner] Alexander Hartner mailto:dev& 2011-10-14
[Amandeep_Jawa_3] Amandeep Jawa mailto:daap&
[Anders_Brandt_5] Anders Brandt Teledyne Marine mailto:Anders.Brandt& 2023-10-03
[Andy_Jack] Andy Jack Services LLC mailto:jackaj& 2024-02-22
[ANT_Software] ANT Software Limited mailto:simon.middleton& 2012-12-06
[Apple_2] Apple mailto:justin.ko& 2011-10-20
[Apple_Inc] Apple Inc. mailto:marc& 2012-03-02
[Apple_Inc_2] Apple Inc. mailto:bradley& 2012-09-19
[Arcturus_Networks_Inc] Arcturus Networks Inc. mailto:mdurrant& 2011-10-20
[Around_Sound] Winzig LLC mailto:aroundsound& 2011-10-20
[ASAM_e_V] ASAM e.V. mailto:marius.dupuis& 2022-07-01
[ASCOM_Initiative] ASCOM Initiative mailto:rdenny& 2020-02-24
[ASLLC] Services LLC mailto:iana-registrations& 2024-02-22
[Attero_Tech_LLC] Attero Tech LLC mailto:it.dept& 2015-09-24
[Audirvana_SCS] Audirvana SCS mailto:contact& 2015-07-21
[Axis_Communications_2] Axis Communications mailto:contact-iana& 2024-04-19
[Bernd_Wenzel] Bernd Wenzel ASAM e.V. mailto:bernd.wenzel& 2022-07-01
[Bob_Bradley_2] Bob Bradley mailto:bradley&
[Bob_Bradley_3] Bob Bradley Apple Inc. mailto:bradley& 2012-09-19
[Brooks_Bell] Brooks Bell Layered Logic, Inc. mailto:brooks& 2012-01-04
[Cabel_Sasser] Cabel Sasser Panic Inc. mailto:cabel& 2012-07-19
[Canon_Inc_2] Canon Inc mailto:fujii.ken-ichi149& 2017-04-17
[Carlo_Quiñónez] Carlo Quiñónez ThermoFisher Scientific mailto:carlo.quinonez& 2021-07-27
[Chris_Adamson] Chris Adamson mailto:invalidname&
[Damien_Plisson] Damien Plisson Audirvana SCS mailto:damien78& 2015-07-21
[Daniel_Mavrakis_3] Daniel Mavrakis mailto:mavrakis.daniel& 2020-09-21
[Dave_Howell] Dave Howell mailto:dave&
[Dave_Springer] Dave Springer mailto:daves&
[David_Hagood] David Hagood mailto:david.hagood&
[David_Lasker] David Lasker mailto:dave&
[David_Vaughn] David Vaughn mailto:dvaughn& 2015-09-24
[Denise_Fernandez] Denise Fernandez mailto:dcbfernandez&
[DIFUSI_Inc] DIFUSI, Inc. mailto:mike& 2011-11-07
[Doug_Wyatt] Doug Wyatt mailto:dwyatt&
[Eric_Sawade] Eric Sawade Adam Hall Group mailto:eric.sawade& 2022-07-15
[Erik_Rogers] Erik Rogers mailto:erik&
[Hani_Abdelazim] Hani Abdelazim mailto:hani&
[Honeywell_Security_Group] Honeywell Security Group mailto:john.dziadosz& 2012-04-09
[Hongyi_Huang] Hongyi Huang mailto:hhy.hongyi& 2024-11-22
[James_McCartney] James McCartney mailto:jmccartney&
[Jan_Verschaeve] Jan Verschaeve mailto:jv& 2018-03-20
[Joachim_Ståhl] Joachim Ståhl Axis Communications mailto:contact-iana& 2024-04-19
[John_Dziadosz] John Dziadosz Honeywell Security Group mailto:john.dziadosz& 2012-04-09
[Justin_Ko] Justin Ko Apple mailto:justin.ko& 2011-10-20
[Kazuo_Moritomo] Kazuo Moritomo Canon Inc mailto:moritomo.kazuo& 2017-04-17
[Layered_Logic] Layered Logic, Inc. mailto:brooks& 2012-01-04
[Louis_Sun] Louis Sun mailto:lysun&
[Marc_Krochmal_2] Marc Krochmal Apple Inc. mailto:marc& 2012-03-02
[Marco_Piovanelli] Marco Piovanelli mailto:support&
[Markus_Brand] Markus Brand mailto:address-o-sync&
[Massimiliano_Ribuoli] Massimiliano Ribuoli and Marco Stefani mailto:support&
[Matthew_Gast] Matthew Gast Aerohive Networks mailto:mgast& 2012-05-31
[Michael_Durrant] Michael Durrant Arcturus Networks Inc. mailto:mdurrant& 2011-10-20
[Michael_Wiklund] Michael Wiklund Mictron mailto:iana& 2013-10-17
[Mictron] Mictron mailto:iana& 2013-10-17
[Mike_Harris] Mike Harris Adobe Systems Inc. mailto:mikeharr& 2012-04-17
[Mike_Wright] Mike Wright DIFUSI, Inc. mailto:mike& 2011-11-07
[Mikhail_Fedotov] Mikhail Fedotov mailto:anyremote& 2014-12-10
[Mobsya_Association] Mobsya Association mailto:stephane.magnenat& 2016-08-18
[Myriel_Aviation_-_Airmate] Myriel Aviation / Airmate mailto:mavrakis.daniel& 2020-09-21
[Panic_Inc] Panic Inc. mailto:cabel& 2012-07-19
[Patrick_Noffke] Patrick Noffke mailto:patrick.noffke&
[Paul_Chinn] Paul Chinn Apple mailto:pchinn& 2011-10-20
[Paul_Lesurf] Paul Lesurf mailto:paul.lesurf&
[Phil_Barrett] Phil Barrett mailto:support&
[Rick_Russell] Rick Russell mailto:rrussell&
[Robert_B._Denny] Robert B. Denny ASCOM Initiative mailto:rdenny& 2020-02-24
[Romain_Deterre] Romain Deterre mailto:romain& 2016-05-26
[Roustem_Karimov] Roustem Karimov mailto:roustem&
[Selectron_BVBA] Selectron BVBA mailto:jv& 2018-03-20
[Sailalong_Software] Sailalong Software mailto:CustomerService&
[Sam_Carleton_2] Sam Carleton AccuMed Services mailto:scarleton& 2011-10-20
[Scott_Herscher_2] Scott Herscher mailto:scott&
[Serif_Europe_Ltd] Serif (Europe) Ltd. mailto:affinity& 2023-03-30
[Simon_Middleton] Simon Middleton ANT Software Limited mailto:simon.middleton& 2012-12-06
[Skip_Levens] Skip Levens mailto:skip&
[S_Magnenat] Stéphane Magnenat mailto:stephane.magnenat& 2016-08-18
[Sven_Slezak] Sven Slezak mailto:sunny&
[Teledyne_Marine] Teledyne Marine mailto:info& 2023-10-03
[ThermoFisher_Scientific] ThermoFisher Scientific mailto:carlo.quinonez& 2021-07-27
[Tom_Lachecki] Tom Lachecki Serif (Europe) Ltd. mailto:tlachecki& 2023-03-30
[Tongji_University] Tongji University mailto:neo.gui&
[Winzig_LLC] Winzig LLC mailto:aroundsound& 2011-10-20
[Yoshinori_Nakayama] Yoshinori Nakayama mailto:yoshinori_nakayama&