Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry

Last Updated
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, 
Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf
SCTP: Michael Tuexen
DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different
services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and

Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as
documented in [RFC6335].

Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System
Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private
Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in
[RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are 
assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in 
[RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, 
the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per 
[RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned.

The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are
described in [RFC6335].

Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without
or prior to IANA registration.

* PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING:                                           *
*                                                                      *
* REGISTERED OR NOT.                                                   *

Request an Assignment

Available Formats




Plain text
Service Name Port Number Transport Protocol Description Assignee Contact Registration Date Modification Date Reference Service Code Unauthorized Use Reported Assignment Notes
autosendimages tcp automatic sending Image data protocol [Canon_Inc_2] [Kazuo_Moritomo] 2017-04-17
autotargets-ap tcp Access Point for AutoTargets system [Automated_Target_Solutions_Inc.] [Nathan_Walker] 2015-12-28 Defined TXT keys: none
av Allen Vanguard Hardware Service [Mike_Bush] [Mike_Bush] Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
av-chat-ring-01 tcp TCP SpyChat Stream Message Exchange [Alexios_Vasileiadis] [Alexios_Vasileiadis] 2018-05-03 Defined TXT keys: There are two TXT record keys: 1st key: "txt-vers" associated with an 'int' entry. 2nd key: "conn-stat" associated with an 'int' entry.
avatars tcp Libravatar federated avatar hosting service. [libravatar_org] [Francois_Marier] 2011-10-11 Defined TXT keys: none
avatars-sec tcp Libravatar federated avatar hosting service. [libravatar_org] [Francois_Marier] 2011-10-11 Defined TXT keys: none
axis-nvr tcp Axis Network Video Recorders [Axis_Communications_AB] [Erik_Linge] 2018-05-24 Defined TXT keys: None
axis-nvr udp Axis Network Video Recorders [Axis_Communications_AB] [Erik_Linge] 2018-05-24 Defined TXT keys: None
axis-video Axis Video Cameras [Kristina_Sten] [Kristina_Sten] Defined TXT keys: None
autotunnel udp IPSEC VPN tunnel over UDP [Stuart_Cheshire] [Stuart_Cheshire] 2019-05-04 [RFC6281] Defined TXT Keys: None
b3d-convince 3M Unitek Digital Orthodontic System [Rajiv_Aaron_Manglani] [Rajiv_Aaron_Manglani] Defined TXT keys: txtvers=1, protovers=<api version>, guid=<32 hex digits>
babyphone BabyPhone [Johan_Kool] [Johan_Kool] Defined TXT keys: None
bandhelper-rc tcp Remote Control for BandHelper app [Arlo_Leach] [Arlo_Leach] 2017-04-21 Defined TXT keys: None
bandhelper-ss tcp Screen sharing for BandHelper app [Arlo_Leach] [Arlo_Leach] 2017-04-21 Defined TXT keys: None
barroomcomedy tcp Peer to peer file sharing for a media player application [Fred_Zimmerman] [Fred_Zimmerman] 2013-11-05 Defined TXT keys: None
bcloud-server tcp Buddycloud Server Delegation [buddycloud] [Simon_Tennant_2] 2014-06-19 Defined TXT keys: v, host
bdsk BibDesk Sharing [Adam_Maxwell] [Adam_Maxwell] Defined TXT keys: txtvers, authenticate
beacon Beacon Remote Service [Jeffrey_Sadeli] [Jeffrey_Sadeli] Defined TXT keys: version=<product version>, company=<product company>
beamer Beamer Data Sharing Protocol [Frank_Szczerba] [Frank_Szczerba] Defined TXT keys: None
beatpack BeatPack Synchronization Server for BeatMaker [Mathieu_Garcia] [Mathieu_Garcia] Defined TXT keys: None
beatsdirect tcp Beats Direct allows for the discovery and control of devices [Beats_Electronics_LLC] [Eddie_Borjas] 2013-06-03 Defined TXT keys: None
beep Xgrid Technology Preview [David_Kramer_2] [David_Kramer_2] Defined TXT keys: None
behnke-cc tcp Behnke doorphones / emergency phones [Telefonbau_Behnke_GmbH] [Thomas_Kraemer] 2020-05-13 Defined TXT keys: None
behnke-station tcp Behnke audio / video intercom systems [Telefonbau_Behnke_GmbH] [Thomas_Kraemer] 2021-03-17 Defined TXT keys: mjpg, jpg, auth, camera, macaddress
behnke-video tcp Behnke doorphones / video intercoms [Telefonbau_Behnke_GmbH] [Thomas_Kraemer] 2021-03-17 Defined TXT keys: mjpg, jpg, auth, camera, macaddress
bender Bender Communication Protocol [Bender_GmbH_Co_KG] [Markus_Kremer] 2013-10-15 Defined TXT keys: product version bus id featuremask
beyondidentity tcp Beyond Identity Platform Authenticator S [Beyond_Identity_Inc.] [Monty_Wiseman] 2024-01-17 Defined TXT keys: proprietary
bfagent BuildForge Agent [Joe_Senner_2] [Joe_Senner_2] Defined TXT keys: None
bhipc tcp Becker & Hickl Inter Process Communication [Becker_Hickl_GmbH] [Enzo_Marscheck] 2023-02-15 Defined TXT keys: None
bhipc udp Becker & Hickl Inter Process Communication [Becker_Hickl_GmbH] [Enzo_Marscheck] 2023-02-15 Defined TXT keys: None
bidib tcp Model Railway Control via netBiDiB [BiDiB_Tools_e.V.] [Andreas_Bergmaier] 2022-12-26 Defined TXT keys: bidib,node,interface,uid,prod,user -
bigbangchess Big Bang Chess [Freeverse_Software] [Freeverse_Software] Defined TXT keys: None
bigbangmancala Big Bang Mancala [Freeverse_Software] [Freeverse_Software] Defined TXT keys: None
BioSonics tcp BioSonics Echosounders [BioSonics_Inc.] [Asa_Packer] 2023-12-05 Defined TXT keys: None
BioSonics udp BioSonics Echosounders [BioSonics_Inc.] [Asa_Packer] 2023-12-05 Defined TXT keys: None
bitflit tcp Data transfer service [Ramesh_Gupta] [Ramesh_Gupta] 2012-02-21 Defined TXT keys: provider, vendor, user, host, deploy, prototype, schedule
bittorrent BitTorrent Zeroconf Peer Discovery Protocol [Robin_Perkins] [Robin_Perkins] Defined TXT keys: None
blackbook Little Black Book Information Exchange Protocol [David_HM_Spector][Paul_M_Franceus] [David_HM_Spector][Paul_M_Franceus] Defined TXT keys: product=<application name> description=<application description name> version=<application version/build number> protovers=<version of protocol in use by by this application>
bluevertise udp BlueVertise Network Protocol (BNP) [Fabrizio_Guglielmino] [Fabrizio_Guglielmino] Defined TXT keys: role=<master or slave>
boardplus tcp board plus application transfer protocol [CX5_SOFTWARE] [Yohei_Yoshihara] 2013-02-04 Defined TXT keys: None
booked-sync tcp Booked communication protocol - Sharing And Sync Service [Sören_Havemester] [Sören_Havemester] 2013-02-18 Defined TXT keys: Edition, Version, Public Shares, Machine ID, Machine Name
bookworm Bookworm Client Discovery [Arne_Dirks] [Arne_Dirks] Defined TXT keys: flavors
bootstrap tcp Bootstrap service discovery [Pedro_Garcia] [Pedro_Garcia] 2023-03-20 Defined TXT keys: "url": if present, indicates a connection url (i.e. wss://, or to be used by the device for bootstrapping; "namespace": identifies the underlying application-level protocol (should be unique for the application protocol, typically a UUID or a URN)
bootstrap udp Bootstrap service discovery [Pedro_Garcia] [Pedro_Garcia] 2023-03-20 Defined TXT keys: "url": if present, indicates a connection url (i.e. wss://, or to be used by the device for bootstrapping; "namespace": identifies the underlying application-level protocol (should be unique for the application protocol, typically a UUID or a URN)
boundaryscan udp Proprietary [Uwe_Ziegler] [Uwe_Ziegler] Defined TXT keys: blocked=<name of the device>, version=<firmware/instrument controller version>
bousg Bag Of Unusual Strategy Games Defined TXT keys: None
boutfitness tcp Bout Fitness Synchronization Service [Bout_Fitness_LLC] [Jesse_Curry] 2014-06-16 Defined TXT keys: None
boutfitness udp Bout Fitness Synchronization Service [Bout_Fitness_LLC] [Jesse_Curry] 2014-06-16 Defined TXT keys: None
boxraysrvr tcp Boxray Devices Host Server [Caprice_Productions] [Lance_Drake] 2012-07-05 Defined TXT keys: none
bq-cromo tcp bq Cromo protocol [MUNDO_READER_SL] [Adan_Munoz] 2014-09-05 Defined TXT keys: None
bq-cromo udp bq Cromo protocol [MUNDO_READER_SL] [Adan_Munoz] 2014-09-05 Defined TXT keys: None
breas tcp Breas [Breas_Medical_AB] [Jonas_Sjostedt] 2015-09-09 Defined TXT keys: None
breas udp Breas [Breas_Medical_AB] [Jonas_Sjostedt] 2015-09-09 Defined TXT keys: None
bri RFID Reader Basic Reader Interface [Thaddeus_Ternes] [Thaddeus_Ternes] Defined TXT keys: None
bridgeprotocol tcp JSON RPC Bridge Protocol [Michel_Stam_2] [Michel_Stam_2] 2012-11-20 Defined TXT keys: path, version
brski-proxy tcp The Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key Infrastructure Proxy [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2020-04-29 [RFC8995] Defined TXT keys: None
brski-reg-cmp tcp Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key Infrastructure registrar with CMP capabilities according to the Lightweight CMP Profile (LCMPP) [RFC9483] [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2024-09-23 [RFC9733] Defined TXT keys: None
brski-registrar tcp The Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key Infrastructure Registrar [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2020-04-29 [RFC8995] Defined TXT keys: None
bsqdea Backup Simplicity [Qdea] [Qdea] Defined TXT keys: None
btp tcp Beats Transfer Protocol allows for the discovery and control of devices [Beats_Electronics_LLC_2] [Yunho_Huh] 2014-02-17 2014-06-27 Defined TXT keys: None
buddycloud-api tcp buddycloud API [buddycloud] [Simon_Tennant] 2013-05-20 Defined TXT keys: v, host, protocol, path, port
buzzer tcp Service for opening electric doors [] [Arturo_Falck] 2017-12-22 Defined TXT keys: None
caldav tcp Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV) - non-TLS [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2012-02-17 [RFC6764] This is an extension of the http service. Defined TXT keys: path=<context path>
caldavs tcp Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV) - over TLS [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2012-02-17 [RFC6764] This is an extension of the https service. Defined TXT keys: path=<context path>
caltalk CalTalk [Joe_Groff] [Joe_Groff] Defined TXT keys: None
canon-chmp tcp Canon HTTP Management Protocol [Canon_Inc_3] [Tomoyuki_Hansaki] 2014-09-03 2015-03-16 Defined TXT keys: txtvers, mpath
carddav tcp vCard Extensions to WebDAV (CardDAV) - non-TLS [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2012-02-17 [RFC6352] This is an extension of the http service. Defined TXT keys: path=<context path>
carddavs tcp vCard Extensions to WebDAV (CardDAV) - over TLS [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2012-02-17 [RFC6352] This is an extension of the https service. Defined TXT keys: path=<context path>
cardsend Card Send Protocol [Jeff_Grossman] [Jeff_Grossman] Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
carousel tcp Carousel Player Protocol [Tightrope_Media_Systems] [Scott_Jann] 2011-10-17 Defined TXT keys: None
cctv IP and Closed-Circuit Television for Securitiy applications [Frank_Rottmann] [Frank_Rottmann] Defined TXT keys: u=<username>, p=<password>, path=<path to XML file>
cerebra tcp Control the Cerebra Aquarium Controller [Vertex_Technologies_Inc] [Christopher_Schlacta] 2018-04-20 Defined TXT keys: None
certificates tcp Server for S/MIME and PGP certificates [IESG] [John_Levine] 2016-07-26 [draft-bhjl-x509-srv-01] Defined TXT keys: None
cheat The Cheat [Chaz_McGarvey] [Chaz_McGarvey] Defined TXT keys: None
chess Project Gridlock Defined TXT keys: None
chfts Fluid Theme Server Defined TXT keys: None
chili The CHILI Radiology System [Andre_Schroter] [Andre_Schroter] Defined TXT keys: None
ciao tcp Ciao Arduino Protocol [Mike_Colagrosso] [Mike_Colagrosso] 2011-10-24 Defined TXT keys: see
cip4discovery Discovery of JDF (CIP4 Job Definition Format) enabled devices [Stefan_Daun] [Stefan_Daun] Defined TXT keys: None
clipboard Clipboard Sharing Defined TXT keys: None
clique udp Clique Link-Local Multicast Chat Room [Telepathy_project] [Telepathy_project] Defined TXT keys: see
clscts Oracle CLS Cluster Topology Service [David_Brower] [David_Brower] Defined TXT keys: None
collabio tcp Collabio [XCDS_International_Ltd.] [Dmitriy_Rusakov] 2020-07-29 Defined TXT keys: firstName, lastName, documentName
collabio udp Collabio [XCDS_International_Ltd.] [Dmitriy_Rusakov] 2020-07-29 Defined TXT keys: firstName, lastName, documentName
collection Published Collection Object [Brady_Anderson] [Brady_Anderson] Defined TXT keys: version=?
commfort tcp A client-server chat for LAN or Internet with video chat support [CommFort_software_Ltd.] [Maxim_Mirgorodsky] 2016-03-03 Defined TXT keys: commfort, chat, communications, client-server, local chat, LAN, network, voice chat, video chat, video communication, video conference, file transfer
com-ocs-es-mcc ElectraStar media centre control protocol [OC] [OC] Defined TXT keys: None
compressnet tcp Management Utility/Compression Process [Bernie_Volz] [Bernie_Volz] 2025-02-13 Defined TXT keys: None
compressnet udp Management Utility/Compression Process [Bernie_Volz] [Bernie_Volz] 2025-02-13 Defined TXT keys: None
conecube udp DNS SRV service for smarthome server [cone_smart_solution] [Christoph_Bimminger] 2019-04-22 Defined TXT keys: none
contactserver Now Contact Defined TXT keys: None
controllerplus tcp game controller forwarding protocol [Apps_From_Outer_Space_LLC] [John_Haney] 2022-07-05 Defined TXT keys: None
convert tcp 0-RTT TCP Convert Protocol [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2020-03-27 [RFC8803] Defined TXT keys: None
coolanetaudio tcp Coolatoola Network Audio [] [Tim_Hewett] 2014-01-03 Defined TXT keys: None
core-rd tcp Resource Directory accessed using CoAP over TCP [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2021-03-16 [RFC9176] Defined TXT keys: None
core-rd udp Resource Directory accessed using CoAP [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2021-03-16 [RFC9176] Defined TXT keys: None
core-rd-tls tcp Resource Directory accessed using CoAP over TLS [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2021-03-16 2022-04-14 [RFC9176] Defined TXT keys: None
core-rd-dtls udp Resource Directory accessed using CoAP over DTLS [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2021-03-16 [RFC9176] Defined TXT keys: None
corroboree Corroboree Server [Heath_Raftery] [Heath_Raftery] Defined TXT keys: None
cosir tcp Computer Op System Information Report [Kevin_C_Barber] [Kevin_C_Barber] 2009-01-13 2023-12-05 Defined TXT keys: None
coviot tcp Service for coviot branded devices [Coviot] [Adnan_Senyurt] 2017-05-19 Defined TXT keys: FW_VERSION, PROTOCOL_VERSION, SERVICE_DESCRIPTION

Contact Information

ID Name Organization Contact URI Last Updated
[Adam_Maxwell] Adam Maxwell mailto:amaxwell&
[Adan_Munoz] Adan Muñoz MUNDO READER SL mailto:adan.munoz& 2014-09-05
[Adnan_Senyurt] Adnan Senyurt Coviot mailto:adnansenyurt& 2017-05-19
[Alexios_Vasileiadis] Alexios Vasileiadis mailto:alexvas100& 2018-05-03
[Andre_Schroter] Andre Schroter mailto:A.Schroeter&
[Andreas_Bergmaier] Andreas Bergmaier mailto:andreas.bergmaier& 2022-01-04
[Apps_From_Outer_Space_LLC] Apps From Outer Space, LLC mailto:john& 2022-07-05
[Arlo_Leach] Arlo Leach mailto:arlo& 2017-04-21
[Arne_Dirks] Arne Dirks mailto:ad&
[Arturo_Falck] Arturo Falck mailto:info& 2017-12-22
[Asa_Packer] Asa Packer mailto:apacker& 2023-12-05
[Automated_Target_Solutions_Inc.] Automated Target Solutions, Inc. mailto:sales& 2015-12-28
[Axis_Communications_AB] Axis Communications AB mailto:erik.linge& 2018-05-24
[Beats_Electronics_LLC] Beats Electronics LLC. mailto:eddie& 2013-06-03
[Beats_Electronics_LLC_2] Beats Electronics LLC. mailto:yunho.huh& 2014-06-27
[Becker_Hickl_GmbH] Becker & Hickl GmbH mailto:info& 2023-02-15
[Bender_GmbH_Co_KG] Bender GmbH & Co. KG mailto:rnd& 2013-10-15
[Bernie_Volz] Bernie Volz mailto:volz&
[Beyond_Identity_Inc.] Beyond Identity Inc. mailto:iana& 2024-01-17
[BiDiB_Tools_e.V.] BiDiB & Tools e.V. mailto:info& 2022-12-26
[BioSonics_Inc.] BioSonics, Inc. mailto:engineering& 2023-12-05
[Bout_Fitness_LLC] Bout Fitness, LLC mailto:development& 2014-06-16
[Brady_Anderson] Brady Anderson mailto:banderso&
[Breas_Medical_AB] Breas Medical AB mailto:jonas.sjostedt&
[buddycloud] buddycloud mailto:simon& 2013-05-20
[Canon_Inc_2] Canon Inc mailto:fujii.ken-ichi149& 2017-04-17
[Canon_Inc_3] Canon Inc. mailto:fujii.ken-ichi149& 2014-09-03
[Caprice_Productions] Caprice Productions mailto:ldrake& 2012-07-05
[Chaz_McGarvey] Chaz McGarvey mailto:chaz&
[Christoph_Bimminger] Christoph Bimminger cone smart solution mailto:christoph.bimminger& 2019-04-22
[Christopher_Schlacta] Christopher Schlacta Vertex Technologies Inc mailto:christopher& 2018-04-20
[CommFort_software_Ltd.] CommFort software Ltd. mailto:support& 2016-03-03
[cone_smart_solution] cone smart solution mailto:office& 2019-04-22
[] mailto:helpme& 2014-01-03
[Coviot] Coviot mailto:tubainci& 2017-05-19
[CX5_SOFTWARE] CX5 SOFTWARE mailto:contact& 2013-02-04
[David_Brower] David Brower mailto:david.brower&
[David_HM_Spector] David HM Spector mailto:spector&
[David_Kramer_2] David Kramer mailto:dkramer&
[Dmitriy_Rusakov] Dmitriy Rusakov mailto:Dmitriy.Rusakov& 2020-07-29
[Eddie_Borjas] Eddie Borjas Beats Electronics LLC. mailto:eddie& 2013-06-03
[Enzo_Marscheck] Enzo Marscheck Becker & Hickl GmbH mailto:marscheck& 2023-02-15
[Erik_Linge] Erik Linge mailto:contact-iana& 2018-05-24
[Fabrizio_Guglielmino] Fabrizio Guglielmino mailto:guglielmino&
[Francois_Marier] Francois Marier mailto:francois& 2011-10-11
[Frank_Rottmann] Frank Rottmann mailto:Frank.Rottmann&
[Frank_Szczerba] Frank Szczerba mailto:frank&
[Fred_Zimmerman] Fred Zimmerman mailto:fredzim1& 2013-11-05
[Freeverse_Software] Freeverse Software mailto:info&
[Heath_Raftery] Heath Raftery mailto:heath&
[IESG] IESG mailto:iesg&
[IETF_Chair] IETF Chair IETF mailto:chair&
[Jeff_Grossman] Jeff Grossman mailto:jagrossm&
[Jeffrey_Sadeli] Jeffrey Sadeli mailto:jeffrey&
[Jesse_Curry] Jesse Curry Bout Fitness, LLC mailto:jesse& 2014-06-16
[Joe_Groff] Joe Groff mailto:arcata&
[Joe_Senner_2] Joe Senner mailto:support&
[Johan_Kool] Johan Kool mailto:johan&
[John_Haney] John Haney Apps From Outer Space, LLC mailto:john& 2022-07-05
[John_Levine] John Levine mailto:standards& 2016-07-26
[Jonas_Sjostedt] Jonas Sjostedt mailto:jonas.sjostedt&
[Kazuo_Moritomo] Kazuo Moritomo Canon Inc mailto:moritomo.kazuo& 2017-04-17
[Kevin_C_Barber] Kevin C. Barber mailto:kevin.c.barber& 2023-12-05
[Kristina_Sten] Kristina Sten mailto:kristina.sten&
[Lance_Drake] Lance Drake Caprice Productions mailto:bonjour& 2012-07-05
[libravatar_org] mailto:francois& 2011-10-11
[Markus_Kremer] Markus Kremer Bender GmbH & Co. KG mailto:markus.kremer& 2013-10-15
[Mathieu_Garcia] Mathieu Garcia mailto:mathieu.garcia&
[Maxim_Mirgorodsky] Maxim Mirgorodsky CommFort software Ltd. mailto:support& 2016-03-03
[Michel_Stam_2] Michel Stam mailto:michel.iana& 2012-11-20
[Mike_Bush] Mike Bush mailto:mike.bush&
[Mike_Colagrosso] Mike Colagrosso mailto:ciao& 2011-10-24
[] mailto:info& 2017-12-22
[Monty_Wiseman] Monty Wiseman mailto:monty.wiseman& 2024-01-17
[MUNDO_READER_SL] MUNDO READER SL mailto:adan.munoz& 2014-09-05
[Nathan_Walker] Nathan Walker Automated Target Solutions, Inc. mailto:n.walker& 2015-12-28
[OC] OC mailto:ocs&
[Paul_M_Franceus] Paul M Franceus mailto:paul&
[Pedro_Garcia] Pedro Garcia mailto:pedro.garcia& 2023-03-20
[Qdea] Qdea mailto:support&
[Rajiv_Aaron_Manglani] Rajiv Aaron Manglani mailto:rajivmanglani&
[Ramesh_Gupta] Ramesh Gupta mailto:ramesh& 2012-02-21
[Robin_Perkins] Robin Perkins mailto:robin.perkins&
[Scott_Jann] Scott Jann Tightrope Media Systems, Inc. mailto:sjann& 2011-10-17
[Simon_Tennant] Simon Tennant buddycloud mailto:simon& 2013-05-20
[Simon_Tennant_2] Simon Tennant buddycloud mailto:simon& 2014-06-19
[Sören_Havemester] Sören Havemester mailto:reshave& 2013-02-18
[Stefan_Daun] Stefan Daun mailto:secretariat&
[Stuart_Cheshire] Stuart Cheshire mailto:cheshire& 2022-07-11
[Telefonbau_Behnke_GmbH] Telefonbau Behnke GmbH mailto:info& 2021-03-17
[Telepathy_project] Telepathy project mailto:telepathy&
[Thaddeus_Ternes] Thaddeus Ternes mailto:thaddeus.ternes&
[Thomas_Kraemer] Thomas Kraemer Telefonbau Behnke GmbH mailto:thomas_kraemer& 2021-03-17
[Tightrope_Media_Systems] Tightrope Media Systems, Inc. mailto:sjann& 2011-10-17
[Tim_Hewett] Tim Hewett mailto:helpme& 2014-01-03
[Tomoyuki_Hansaki] Tomoyuki Hansaki Canon Inc. mailto:hansaki.tomoyuki& 2014-09-03
[Uwe_Ziegler] Uwe Ziegler Goepel electronic GmbH mailto:u.ziegler&
[Vertex_Technologies_Inc] Vertex Technologies Inc mailto:info& 2018-04-20
[XCDS_International_Ltd.] XCDS International Ltd. mailto:contact& 2020-07-29
[Yohei_Yoshihara] Yohei Yoshihara CX5 SOFTWARE mailto:yohei_yoshihara& 2013-02-04
[Yunho_Huh] Yunho Huh Beats Electronics LLC. mailto:yunho.huh& 2014-06-27