Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry

Last Updated
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, 
Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf
SCTP: Michael Tuexen
DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different
services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and

Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as
documented in [RFC6335].

Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System
Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private
Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in
[RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are 
assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in 
[RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, 
the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per 
[RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned.

The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are
described in [RFC6335].

Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without
or prior to IANA registration.

* PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING:                                           *
*                                                                      *
* REGISTERED OR NOT.                                                   *

Request an Assignment

Available Formats




Plain text
Service Name Port Number Transport Protocol Description Assignee Contact Registration Date Modification Date Reference Service Code Unauthorized Use Reported Assignment Notes
coviot tcp Service for coviot branded devices [Coviot] [Adnan_Senyurt] 2017-05-19 Defined TXT keys: FW_VERSION, PROTOCOL_VERSION, SERVICE_DESCRIPTION
coviot udp Service for coviot branded devices [Coviot] [Adnan_Senyurt] 2017-05-19 Defined TXT keys: FW_VERSION, PROTOCOL_VERSION, SERVICE_DESCRIPTION
cpnotebook2 NoteBook 2 [Circus_Ponies_Suppor] [Circus_Ponies_Suppor] Defined TXT keys: None
csi-mmws tcp Canfield Scientific Inc - Mirror Mobile Web Services [Canfield_Scientific_Inc] [James_Crismale] 2013-07-02 Defined TXT keys: path
cw-codetap CodeWarrior HTI Xscale PowerTAP [Ted_Woodward] [Ted_Woodward] Defined TXT keys: None
cw-dpitap CodeWarrior HTI DPI PowerTAP [Ted_Woodward] [Ted_Woodward] Defined TXT keys: None
cw-oncetap CodeWarrior HTI OnCE PowerTAP [Ted_Woodward] [Ted_Woodward] Defined TXT keys: None
cw-powertap CodeWarrior HTI COP PowerTAP [Ted_Woodward] [Ted_Woodward] Defined TXT keys: None
cytv CyTV - Network streaming for Elgato EyeTV [Andreas_Junghans] [Andreas_Junghans] Defined TXT keys: None
dacp Digital Audio Control Protocol (iTunes) [Amandeep_Jawa_3] [Amandeep_Jawa_3] Defined TXT keys: txtvers, Ver, DbId
dancepartner Dance partner application for iPhone [Rory_McClure] [Rory_McClure] Defined TXT keys: None
darkhorsetimer tcp Timer LAN service [Dark_Horse_GmbH_Co_KG] [Ludwig_Kannicht] 2015-06-02 Defined TXT keys: None
dataturbine Open Source DataTurbine Streaming Data Middleware [Tony_Fountain] [Tony_Fountain] Defined TXT keys: None
dbaudio tcp d&b audiotechnik remote network [d_b_audiotechnik] [Christian_Laendner] 2011-10-06 Defined TXT keys:txtvers=<TXT-Record version> protovers=<version of proprietary protocol> guid=<type> name=<name> sn=<serial number> device=<cleartext type> fwver=<firmware version>
dbaudio udp d&b audiotechnik remote network [d_b_audiotechnik] [Christian_Laendner] 2011-10-06 Defined TXT keys:txtvers=<TXT-Record version> protovers=<version of proprietary protocol> guid=<type> name=<name> sn=<serial number> device=<cleartext type> fwver=<firmware version>
dccp-ping dccp ping/traceroute using DCCP [Samuel_Jero] [Samuel_Jero] 2012-11-14 1885957735 Defined TXT keys: None
dell-soo-ds tcp Spotlight on Oracle Diagnostic Server [Dell_2] [Rob_Griffin_3] 2013-10-03 Defined TXT keys: None
dell-soo-ds udp Spotlight on Oracle Diagnostic Server [Dell_2] [Rob_Griffin_3] 2013-10-03 Defined TXT keys: None
dell-soss-ds-w tcp Spotlight on SQL Server Diagnostic Server HTTP [Dell_2] [Rob_Griffin_3] 2013-10-03 Defined TXT keys: None
dell-ssms-ds tcp Spotlight SSMS Plugin Diagnostic Server [Dell_2] [Rob_Griffin_3] 2013-10-03 Defined TXT keys: None
demoncamremote tcp Peer-to-peer real-time video streaming [James_Alan_Bush] [James_Alan_Bush] 2017-09-26 Defined TXT keys: None
demoncamremote udp Peer-to-peer real-time video streaming [James_Alan_Bush] [James_Alan_Bush] 2017-09-26 Defined TXT keys: None
device-info Device Info [Stuart_Cheshire][Marc_Krochmal] [Stuart_Cheshire][Marc_Krochmal] Not a service type. Special name reserved for DNS-SD device info.
devonsync tcp DEVONthink synchronization protocol [DEVONtechnologies_LLC] [Rob_Rix][Eric_Boehnisch-Volkmann] 2011-10-18 Defined TXT keys: None at present
dhanda-g tcp DHANDAg is going for a site [DHANDAg] [Deepam] 2017-12-29 Defined TXT keys: None
dhanda-g udp DHANDAg is going for a site [DHANDAg] [Deepam] 2017-12-29 Defined TXT keys: None
dhanda-g sctp DHANDAg is going for a site [DHANDAg] [Deepam] 2017-12-29 Defined TXT keys: None
dictation Use of a dictation service by a hand-held device [Nuance_Communications_Inc] [Mark_Jackson] 2011-10-27 Defined TXT keys: ver, name
difi EyeHome [Elgato] [Elgato] Defined TXT keys: None
disconnect DisConnect Peer to Peer Game Protocol [Michael_S_Bogovich] [Michael_S_Bogovich] Defined TXT keys: None
displaysrc tcp Wi-Fi Alliance Display Source service [Wi-Fi_Alliance_3] [Gaurav_Jain] 2017-03-14 Defined TXT keys: None
dist-opencl Distributed OpenCL discovery protocol [William_Dillon] [William_Dillon] 2013-04-10 Defined TXT keys: TCPendpoint, UDPendpoint, UUID
ditrios Ditrios SOA Framework Protocol [Mark_Schmatz] [Mark_Schmatz] Defined TXT keys:
divelogsync Dive Log Data Sharing and Synchronization Protocol [Greg_McLaughlin] [Greg_McLaughlin] Defined TXT keys: None
dlpx-sp tcp Delphix Session Protocol [Delphix_Corp] [Peng_Dai] 2012-10-02 Defined TXT keys: None
dltimesync udp Local Area Dynamic Time Synchronisation Protocol [Geoff_Back_3] [Geoff_Back_3] Defined TXT keys: None
dns-llq-tls tcp DNS Long-Lived Queries over TLS [Stuart_Cheshire] [Stuart_Cheshire] 2019-05-04 [RFC6281] Defined TXT Keys: None
dns-push-tls tcp DNS Push Notification Service Type [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2019-11-25 [RFC8765, Section 6.1] Defined TXT Keys: None
dns-query-tls tcp DNS queries to the authoritative server over TLS [Stuart_Cheshire] [Stuart_Cheshire] 2019-05-04 Defined TXT Keys: None
dns-sd DNS Service Discovery [Stuart_Cheshire][Marc_Krochmal] [Stuart_Cheshire][Marc_Krochmal] Not a service type. Special name reserved for DNS-SD meta queries.
dns-update tcp DNS Dynamic Update Service [Stuart_Cheshire] [Stuart_Cheshire] 2019-05-04 DNS Dynamic Update Service for a given domain may not necessarily be provided by the principal name servers as advertised by the domain's "NS" records, and may not necessarily always be provided on port 53. The "_dns-update._udp.<domain>." SRV record gives the target host and port where DNS Dynamic Update Service is provided for the named domain.
dns-update udp DNS Dynamic Update Service [Stuart_Cheshire] [Stuart_Cheshire] 2019-05-04 DNS Dynamic Update Service for a given domain may not necessarily be provided by the principal name servers as advertised by the domain's "NS" records, and may not necessarily always be provided on port 53. The "_dns-update._udp.<domain>." SRV record gives the target host and port where DNS Dynamic Update Service is provided for the named domain.
dns-update-tls tcp DNS Dynamic Update Service over TLS [Stuart_Cheshire] [Stuart_Cheshire] 2019-05-04 [RFC6281] DNS Dynamic Update Service for a given domain may not necessarily be provided by the principal name servers as advertised by the domain's "NS" records, and may not necessarily always be provided on port 53. The "_dns-update._udp.<domain>." SRV record gives the target host and port where DNS Dynamic Update Service is provided for the named domain.
dnssd-srp tcp DNS-Based Service Discovery [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2024-04-12 2024-09-05 [RFC-ietf-dnssd-srp-25] Defined TXT keys: None
dnssd-srp-tls tcp DNS-Based Service Discovery (TLS) [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2024-04-12 2024-09-05 [RFC-ietf-dnssd-srp-25] Defined TXT keys: None
dop Roar (Death of Productivity) [Massive_Flow_Product] [Massive_Flow_Product] Defined TXT keys: name=<full username>
dots-call-home tcp DOTS Signal Channel Call Home Protocol. The service name is used to construct the SRV service names "_dots-call-home._udp" and "_dots-call-home._tcp" for discovering Call Home DOTS clients used to establish DOTS signal channel call home. [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2020-11-19 [RFC8973] Defined TXT keys: None
dots-call-home udp DOTS Signal Channel Call Home Protocol. The service name is used to construct the SRV service names "_dots-call-home._udp" and "_dots-call-home._tcp" for discovering Call Home DOTS clients used to establish DOTS signal channel call home. [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2020-11-19 [RFC8973] Defined TXT keys: None
dots-data tcp DOTS Data Channel Protocol. The service name is used to construct the SRV service name "_dots-data._tcp" for discovering DOTS servers used to establish DOTS data channel. [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2020-11-19 [RFC8973] Defined TXT keys: None
dropcopy DropCopy [base_t_Interactive] [base_t_Interactive] Defined TXT keys: None
dsgsync Datacolor SpyderGallery Desktop Sync Protocol [Datacolor] [Heath_Barber] 2011-10-14 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
dsl-sync Data Synchronization Protocol for Discovery Software products [John_Hogg] [John_Hogg] Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
dtrmtdesktop Desktop Transporter Remote Desktop Protocol [Daniel_Stodle] [Daniel_Stodle] Defined TXT keys: None
duckrace tcp A communication protocol that allows a school teacher to set work activities to students over a LAN. [Stinky_Kitten_Limited] [Gary_Atkinson] 2013-10-03 Defined TXT keys: txtvers uuid devicename
dxtgsync Documents To Go Desktop Sync Protocol [Tim_Boyle] [Tim_Boyle] Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
ea-dttx-poker Protocol for EA Downtown Texas Hold 'em [Ben_Lewis] [Ben_Lewis] Defined TXT keys: None
earphoria Earphoria [Rogue_Amoeba] [Rogue_Amoeba] Defined TXT keys: None
easyspndlg-sync tcp Sync service for the Easy Spend Log app [Aaron_L_Bratcher] [Aaron_L_Bratcher] 2011-10-17 Defined TXT keys: None
eb-amuzi Amuzi peer-to-peer session synchronization protocol [Zachary_Gramana] [Zachary_Gramana] Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
eb-sync tcp Easy Books App data sync helper for Mac OS X and iOS [Geode_Software_Ltd] [Mathew_Waters] 2014-05-14 Defined TXT keys: None
eb-sync udp Easy Books App data sync helper for Mac OS X and iOS [Geode_Software_Ltd] [Mathew_Waters] 2014-05-14 Defined TXT keys: None
ebms ebXML Messaging [Matthew_MacKenzie] [Matthew_MacKenzie] Defined TXT keys: Endpoint=</path/to/endpoint>
ecms Northrup Grumman/Mission Systems/ESL Data Flow Protocol [Dan_Goff] [Dan_Goff] Defined TXT keys: None
ebreg ebXML Registry [Matthew_MacKenzie] [Matthew_MacKenzie] Defined TXT keys: HttpBinding=</path/to/registry/http/binding>
ecbyesfsgksc Net Monitor Anti-Piracy Service [Guy_Meyer] [Guy_Meyer] Defined TXT keys: None
edcp udp LaCie Ethernet Disk Configuration Protocol [Nicolas_Bouilleaud] [Nicolas_Bouilleaud] Defined TXT keys: ip, mac, dhcp, mask, gtwy, wins, name, version
edge1 tcp Edge1 Base Station [Skycatch_Inc.] [Ruben_Beltran_del_Rio_3] 2018-02-09 Defined TXT keys: None
edsservice tcp Provides resolution of EDS services available on a given network [Morpho_Detection_LLC] [Natarajan_Subramanian] 2016-07-19 Defined TXT keys: None
eeg tcp EEG System Discovery across local and wide area networks [Shifted_Current] [Joel_Aaron_Clipperton] 2012-09-11 Defined TXT keys: Type
efkon-elite tcp EFKON Lightweight Interface to Traffic Events [EFKON_AG] [Thomas_Kemmer] 2011-10-20 Defined TXT keys: txtvers, protovers, model, serial, scheme, path
egistix Egistix Auto-Discovery [Dave_Lindquist_2] [Dave_Lindquist_2] Defined TXT keys: None
eheap Interactive Room Software Infrastructure (Event Sharing) Defined TXT keys: None
embrace DataEnvoy [Rob_MacGregor] [Rob_MacGregor] Defined TXT keys: None
enphase-envoy tcp Enphase Energy Envoy [Enphase_Energy_Inc] [Chris_Eich] 2011-11-08 Defined TXT keys: - txtvers - protovers - serialnum
ep Endpoint Protocol (EP) for use in Home Automation systems [Tommy_van_der_Vorst] [Tommy_van_der_Vorst] Defined TXT keys: dns-sd_mdns
esp tcp Extensis Server Protocol [Loren_Barr] [Loren_Barr] 2006-12 Defined TXT keys: none
est tcp Enrollment Over Secure Transport [Jack_Visoky] [Jack_Visoky] 2017-10-06 [RFC7030]. Defined TXT keys: None
est-coaps udp EST over secure CoAP (EST-coaps) [Toerless_Eckert_3] [Toerless_Eckert_3] 2022-05-03 2022-05-04 [RFC9148]. Defined TXT keys: None
eucalyptus Eucalyptus Discovery [Support_Team] [Support_Team] Defined TXT keys: Eucalyptus-DNS-SD
eventserver Now Up-to-Date Defined TXT keys: None
evp tcp EvP - Generic EVENT protocol [Quentin_Glidic] 2013-06-05 Defined TXT keys: None
evs-notif EVS Notification Center Protocol [Eric_Gillet] [Eric_Gillet] Defined TXT keys: ID, Address
ewalletsync Synchronization Protocol for Ilium Software's eWallet [Dan_Amstutz] [Dan_Amstutz] Defined TXT keys: name=<friendly device name>
ewelink tcp eWeLink devices supporting LAN Control [Shenzhen_CoolKit_Technology_Co._Ltd.] [Michael_Hu] 2019-01-17 Defined TXT keys: txtvers, id, type, apivers, encrypt, data1, data2, data3, data4, iv
example Example Service Type Not a real service type. Special 'pretend' service types ("_example._udp" and "_example._tcp") reserved for use in illustrative examples in books and other documentation.
exb Exbiblio Cascading Service Protocol [Claes_Fredrik_Mannby] [Claes_Fredrik_Mannby] Defined TXT keys: Will be described at
extensissn Extensis Serial Number [Extensis] [Extensis] Defined TXT keys: None
eyetvsn EyeTV Sharing [Elgato] [Elgato] Defined TXT keys: txtvers=1, keyhash=<4 bytes>
facespan FaceSpan [Kerry_Hazelgren] [Kerry_Hazelgren] Defined TXT keys: None
faxstfx FAXstf [Smith_Micro] [Smith_Micro] Defined TXT keys: None
feed-sharing NetNewsWire 2.0 [Ranchero_Software] [Ranchero_Software] Defined TXT keys: None
feldwesen tcp proprietary [Kiel_University_of_Applied_Sciences] [Matthias-Christian_Ott] 2016-06-19 Defined TXT keys: None
firetask Firetask task sharing and synchronization protocol [Gerald_Aquila] [Gerald_Aquila] Defined TXT keys: None
fish Fish [Oriol_Ferrer_Mesia] [Oriol_Ferrer_Mesia] Defined TXT keys: None
fisk tcp Fiscalization service of [Armando_Vrushi] [Armando_Vrushi] 2021-09-27 Defined TXT keys: fisk-srv
fix Financial Information Exchange (FIX) Protocol [Joakim_Johansson] [Joakim_Johansson] Defined TXT keys: Currently valid enumerated values: FIX Session Protocol Versions (SESSIONVERSION): 1.1 FIX Application Protocol Versions (APPLICATIONVERSION): 2.7, 3.0, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.0 Possible TXT records defined and their values (replace uppercase text with enumerations from the list above): txtvers=1 fix=APPLICATIONVERSION fix supported=APPLICATIONVERSION[,APPLICATIONVERSION, ... ,APPLICATIONVERSION] fixt=SESSIONVERSION
fjork Fjork [John_Schilling] [John_Schilling] Defined TXT keys: None
fl-purr udp FilmLight Cluster Power Control Service [Darrin_Smart] [Darrin_Smart] Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
flightdmp tcp Flight Data Monitoring Protocol [Brad_Head] [Brad_Head] 2013-02-07 Defined TXT keys: None
flightdmp udp Flight Data Monitoring Protocol [Brad_Head] [Brad_Head] 2013-02-07 Defined TXT keys: None
flir-ircam tcp FLIR Infrared Camera [FLIR_Systems_AB] [Bjorn_Roth][Klas_Malmborg] 2011-10-20 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary

Contact Information

ID Name Organization Contact URI Last Updated
[Aaron_L_Bratcher] Aaron L. Bratcher mailto:aaronlbratcher& 2011-10-17
[Adnan_Senyurt] Adnan Senyurt Coviot mailto:adnansenyurt& 2017-05-19
[Amandeep_Jawa_3] Amandeep Jawa mailto:daap&
[Andreas_Junghans] Andreas Junghans mailto:cytv&
[Armando_Vrushi] Armando Vrushi mailto:mandi& 2021-09-27
[Ben_Lewis] Ben Lewis mailto:apple&
[Bjorn_Roth] Bjorn Roth FLIR Systems AB mailto:bjorn.roth& 2011-10-20
[Brad_Head] Brad Head mailto:brad.head& 2013-02-07
[Canfield_Scientific_Inc] Canfield Scientific, Inc. mailto:jim.crismale& 2013-07-02
[Chris_Eich] Chris Eich Enphase Energy, Inc. mailto:ceich& 2011-11-08
[Christian_Laendner] Christian Laendner d&b audiotechnik 2011-10-06
[Circus_Ponies_Suppor] Circus Ponies Support mailto:admin&
[Claes_Fredrik_Mannby] Claes-Fredrik Mannby mailto:cf&
[Coviot] Coviot mailto:tubainci& 2017-05-19
[d_b_audiotechnik] d&b audiotechnik 2011-10-06
[Dan_Amstutz] Dan Amstutz mailto:dan&
[Dan_Goff] Dan Goff mailto:Dan.Goff&
[Daniel_Stodle] Daniel Stodle mailto:daniels&
[Dark_Horse_GmbH_Co_KG] Dark Horse GmbH & Co KG mailto:l.kannicht& 2015-06-02
[Darrin_Smart] Darrin Smart mailto:dns-sd&
[Datacolor] Datacolor mailto:hbarber& 2011-10-14
[Dave_Lindquist_2] Dave Lindquist mailto:dlindquist&
[Deepam] Deepam mailto:jaatdeepam& 2017-12-29
[Dell_2] Dell mailto:rob.gri55in& 2013-10-03
[Delphix_Corp] Delphix Corp mailto:peng.dai& 2012-11-01
[DEVONtechnologies_LLC] DEVONtechnologies, LLC mailto:info& 2011-10-18
[DHANDAg] DHANDAg mailto:groupsdhanda& 2017-12-29
[EFKON_AG] EFKON AG mailto:t.kemmer& 2011-10-20
[Elgato] Elgato mailto:support&
[Enphase_Energy_Inc] Enphase Energy, Inc. mailto:ceich& 2011-11-08
[Eric_Boehnisch-Volkmann] Eric Boehnisch-Volkmann DEVONtechnologies, LLC mailto:eboehnisch& 2011-10-18
[Eric_Gillet] Eric Gillet mailto:e.gillet&
[Extensis] Extensis mailto:webmaster&
[FLIR_Systems_AB] FLIR Systems AB mailto:bjorn.roth& 2011-10-20
[Gary_Atkinson] Gary Atkinson Stinky Kitten Limited mailto:gary& 2013-10-03
[Gaurav_Jain] Gaurav Jain Wi-Fi Alliance mailto:gjain& 2017-03-14
[Geode_Software_Ltd] Geode Software Ltd mailto:mathew_waters& 2014-05-14
[Geoff_Back_3] Geoff Back mailto:geoff&
[Gerald_Aquila] Gerald Aquila mailto:gerald.aquila&
[Greg_McLaughlin] Greg McLaughlin mailto:ggregm&
[Guy_Meyer] Guy Meyer mailto:rominar&
[Heath_Barber] Heath Barber Datacolor mailto:hbarber& 2011-10-14
[IESG] IESG mailto:iesg&
[IETF_Chair] IETF Chair IETF mailto:chair&
[Jack_Visoky] Jack Visoky mailto:jmvisoky& 2017-10-06
[James_Alan_Bush] James Alan Bush mailto:jamesalanbush& 2017-09-26
[James_Crismale] James Crismale Canfield Scientific, Inc. mailto:jim.crismale& 2013-07-02
[Joakim_Johansson] Joakim Johansson mailto:joakim.johansson&
[Joel_Aaron_Clipperton] Joel Aaron Clipperton Shifted Current LLC mailto:joel& 2012-09-11
[John_Hogg] John Hogg mailto:it&
[John_Schilling] John Schilling mailto:john&
[Kerry_Hazelgren] Kerry Hazelgren mailto:hazelgren&
[Kiel_University_of_Applied_Sciences] Kiel University of Applied Sciences mailto:info& 2016-06-19
[Klas_Malmborg] Klas Malmborg FLIR Systems AB mailto:Klas.Malmborg& 2011-10-20
[Loren_Barr] Loren Barr mailto:lbarr& 2006-12
[Ludwig_Kannicht] Ludwig Kannicht Dark Horse GmbH & Co KG mailto:l.kannicht& 2015-06-02
[Marc_Krochmal] Marc Krochmal mailto:marc&
[Mark_Jackson] Mark Jackson Nuance Communications, Inc. mailto:Mark.Jackson& 2011-10-27
[Mark_Schmatz] Mark Schmatz mailto:ditrios&
[Massive_Flow_Product] Massive Flow Productions mailto:info&
[Mathew_Waters] Mathew Waters Geode Software Ltd mailto:mathew_waters& 2014-05-14
[Matthew_MacKenzie] Matthew MacKenzie mailto:mattm&
[Matthias-Christian_Ott] Matthias-Christian Ott 2016-06-19
[Michael_Hu] Michael Hu Shenzhen CoolKit Technology Co., Ltd. 2019-01-17
[Michael_S_Bogovich] Michael S. Bogovich mailto:info&
[Morpho_Detection_LLC] Morpho Detection LLC mailto:nsubrama& 2016-07-19
[Natarajan_Subramanian] Natarajan Subramanian mailto:nsubrama& 2016-07-19
[Nicolas_Bouilleaud] Nicolas Bouilleaud mailto:nbouilleaud&
[Nuance_Communications_Inc] Nuance Communications, Inc. mailto:Mark.Jackson& 2011-10-27
[Oriol_Ferrer_Mesia] Oriol Ferrer Mesia mailto:tm05788&
[Peng_Dai] Peng Dai Delphix Corp mailto:peng.dai& 2012-11-01
[Quentin_Glidic] Quentin Glidic mailto:sardemff7& 2013-06-05
[Ranchero_Software] Ranchero Software mailto:info&
[Rob_Griffin_3] Rob Griffin Dell mailto:rob.gri55in& 2013-10-03
[Rob_MacGregor] Rob MacGregor mailto:rob.macgregor&
[Rob_Rix] Rob Rix DEVONtechnologies, LLC mailto:rrix& 2011-10-18
[Rogue_Amoeba] Rogue Amoeba mailto:earphoria&
[Rory_McClure] Rory McClure mailto:mcclurert&
[Ruben_Beltran_del_Rio_3] Ruben Beltran del Rio mailto:benb& 2018-02-09
[Samuel_Jero] Samuel Jero mailto:sj323707& 2012-11-14
[Shenzhen_CoolKit_Technology_Co._Ltd.] Shenzhen CoolKit Technology Co., Ltd. mailto:admin& 2019-01-17
[Shifted_Current] Shifted Current LLC mailto:ask& 2012-09-11
[Skycatch_Inc.] Skycatch, Inc. mailto:dev& 2018-02-09
[Smith_Micro] Smith Micro mailto:cs&
[Stinky_Kitten_Limited] Stinky Kitten Limited mailto:info& 2013-10-03
[Stuart_Cheshire] Stuart Cheshire mailto:cheshire& 2022-07-11
[Support_Team] Support Team mailto:support&
[Ted_Woodward] Ted Woodward mailto:ted&
[Thomas_Kemmer] Thomas Kemmer EFKON AG mailto:t.kemmer& 2011-10-20
[Tim_Boyle] Tim Boyle mailto:tboyle&
[Toerless_Eckert_3] Toerless Eckert mailto:tte& 2022-05-03
[Tommy_van_der_Vorst] Tommy van der Vorst mailto:tommy&
[Tony_Fountain] Tony Fountain mailto:tfountain&
[Wi-Fi_Alliance_3] Wi-Fi Alliance mailto:gjain& 2017-03-14
[William_Dillon] William Dillon mailto:wdillon&
[Zachary_Gramana] Zachary Gramana mailto:contactus&
[base_t_Interactive] 10base-t Interactive mailto:support&