Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry

Last Updated
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, 
Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf
SCTP: Michael Tuexen
DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different
services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and

Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as
documented in [RFC6335].

Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System
Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private
Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in
[RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are 
assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in 
[RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, 
the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per 
[RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned.

The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are
described in [RFC6335].

Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without
or prior to IANA registration.

* PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING:                                           *
*                                                                      *
* REGISTERED OR NOT.                                                   *

Request an Assignment

Available Formats




Plain text
Service Name Port Number Transport Protocol Description Assignee Contact Registration Date Modification Date Reference Service Code Unauthorized Use Reported Assignment Notes
parentcontrol Remote Parental Controls [John_Scalo] [John_Scalo] Defined TXT keys: None
passwordwallet PasswordWallet Data Synchronization Protocol [Sanford_Selznick] [Sanford_Selznick] Defined TXT keys: None
pcast Mac OS X Podcast Producer Server [Nick_Brosnahan] [Nick_Brosnahan] Defined TXT keys: None
p2pchat udp Peer-to-Peer Chat (Sample Java Bonjour application) [Roger_Pantos] [Roger_Pantos] Defined TXT keys: None
p2pstorage-sec tcp DataBOND p2p storage [Dell] [Jessica_Zhang] 2012-11-19 Defined TXT keys: txtvers, machineid, status
pairandshare tcp Pair & Share data protocol [Intel] [Joshua_Boelter] 2011-10-18 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
panoply tcp Panoply multimedia composite transfer protocol [Natarajan_Balasundar] [Natarajan_Balasundar] Defined TXT keys: None
parabay-p2p tcp Parabay P2P protocol [Vishnu_Varadaraj] [Vishnu_Varadaraj] Defined TXT keys: None
parity tcp PA-R-I-Ty (Public Address - Radio - Intercom - Telefony) [ims_Info] [Oskar_Persano] 2011-10-20 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
parity udp PA-R-I-Ty (Public Address - Radio - Intercom - Telefony) [ims_Info] [Oskar_Persano] 2011-10-20 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
payload-app tcp Local and remote file transfers [Didrik_Nordström] [Didrik_Nordström] 2022-12-02 Defined TXT keys: _payload._tcp.local, _payload._udp.local
payload-app udp Local and remote file transfers [Didrik_Nordström] [Didrik_Nordström] 2022-12-02 Defined TXT keys: _payload._tcp.local, _payload._udp.local
pblr tcp Peblar EV charger [Prodrive_Technologies_NE_B.V.] [Pieter_Voorthuijsen] 2025-01-13 Defined TXT keys: enabled=<true|false> API is enabled/disabled accmode=<read|readwrite> Access mode of the API version=<x.y> API version sn=<sn> Serial number of the product
pgpkey-hkp Horowitz Key Protocol (HKP) [Marc_Horowitz] [Marc_Horowitz] Defined TXT keys: None
pgpkey-http PGP Keyserver using HTTP/1.1 [Jeroen_Massar_3] [Jeroen_Massar_3] Defined TXT keys: path=<path on the server where the HKP applications reside> normally: "path=/pks/"
pgpkey-https PGP Keyserver using HTTPS [Jeroen_Massar_3] [Jeroen_Massar_3] Defined TXT keys: path=<path on the server where the HKP applications reside> normally: "path=/pks/"
pgpkey-ldap PGP Keyserver using LDAP [Jeroen_Massar_3] [Jeroen_Massar_3] Defined TXT keys: None
pgpkey-mailto PGP Key submission using SMTP [Jeroen_Massar_3] [Jeroen_Massar_3] Defined TXT keys: user=<user portion of the mail address>
photoparata Photo Parata Event Photography Software [Sam_Carleton] [Sam_Carleton] Defined TXT keys: None
photoshow tcp Show Photos over TCP [Hamed_Ishbaitah] [Hamed_Ishbaitah] 2014-07-30 Defined TXT keys: None
photosmithsync tcp Photosmith's iPad to Lightroom sync protocol [Photosmith] [Chris_Horne] 2011-10-27 Defined TXT keys: None
pictua Pictua Intercommunication Protocol [Isaack_Rasmussen] [Isaack_Rasmussen] Defined TXT keys: None
piesync pieSync Computer to Computer Synchronization [Timothy_Wayper] [Timothy_Wayper] Defined TXT keys: None
pipedal tcp Pi Pedal Web Interface [Robin_Davies] [Robin_Davies] 2021-08-18 Defined TXT keys: None
piu Pedestal Interface Unit by RPM-PSI [James_Nikolai] [James_Nikolai] Defined TXT keys: None
pkixrep Public Key Infrastructure Repository Locator Service [RFC4386]
poch Parallel OperatiOn and Control Heuristic (Pooch) [Dean_Dauger] [Dean_Dauger] Defined TXT keys: None
pochi tcp A presenter to audience transfer service [Ringo_Wathelet] [Ringo_Wathelet] 2018-07-11 Defined TXT keys: key "txtvers" for specification versioning, and key "name" representing the advertising presentation string value name for the audience application to retrieve and display.
podcastproxy tcp Protocol for communication between Podcast [Moritz_Schmale] [Moritz_Schmale] 2011-10-07 Defined TXT keys: None
pokeeye Communication channel for "Poke Eye" Elgato EyeTV remote controller [Kristoffer_Lawson] [Kristoffer_Lawson] Defined TXT keys: None
powereasy-erp PowerEasy ERP [Ulaganathan_Sriramul] [Ulaganathan_Sriramul] Defined TXT keys: ip, port, name, instance, cgi-alias, major-version, minor-version, custom
powereasy-pos PowerEasy Point of Sale [Murthy_Parthasarathi] [Murthy_Parthasarathi] Defined TXT keys: ip, port, type, device-id, major-version, minor-version, custom
pplayer-ctrl Piano Player Remote Control [Juraj_Zopp] [Juraj_Zopp] Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
pres tcp Presence [RFC3861]
pres udp Presence [RFC3861]
presence Peer-to-peer messaging / Link-Local Messaging [XMPP_Registrar] [XMPP_Registrar] Defined TXT keys: See Note: Registration updated May 2007. Was formerly listed as "iChat AV" (Apple's IM client for Mac OS X) with TXT keys: txtvers, port.p2pj, phsh, vc, 1st, AIM, msg, status, last When first shipped in Mac OS X 10.2, iChat's peer-to-peer messaging protocol was created to solve the problem of serverless messaging between peers on the same link. However, there is nothing inherent in the protocol that limits it to being only link-local; it was simply an artifact of iChat in Mac OS X 10.2 using link-local Multicast DNS to discover peers. With the advent of Wide-Area DNS-SD, it is also possible to use iChat's peer-to-peer messaging between machines on different links.
print-caps Retrieve a description of a device's print capabilities [Troy_Bergstrand] [Troy_Bergstrand] Defined TXT keys: None
printopia tcp Printopia Server [Decisive_Tactics_Inc] [Chris_Kent] 2011-10-24 2015-04-11 Defined TXT keys: uuid, vers, pvers
profilemac Profile for Mac medical practice management software [David_Sinclair_2] [David_Sinclair_2] Defined TXT keys: None
prolog Prolog [Mike_Brady] [Mike_Brady] Defined TXT keys: version=<version number>
protonet Protonet node and service discovery protocol [Ali_Jelveh] [Ali_Jelveh] Defined TXT keys: version, notes
psap udp Progal Service Advertising Protocol [Soren_Weber] [Soren_Weber] Defined TXT keys: c0, c1, ..., cn
psia Physical Security Interoperability Alliance Protocol [Frank_Yeh] [Frank_Yeh] Defined TXT keys: txtvers, protovers
pstmailsync tcp File synchronization protocol for Pst Mail Sync [Arrow_Bit_SL] [Javier_Nigro] 2012-04-26 Defined TXT keys: uuid=<unique instance identifier>
pstmailsync-ssl tcp Secured file synchronization protocol for Pst Mail Sync [Arrow_Bit_SL] [Javier_Nigro] 2012-04-26 Defined TXT keys: uuid=<unique instance identifier>
ptnetprosrv2 PTNetPro Service [Apple_Computer] [Apple_Computer] Defined TXT keys: None Profiling and performance analysis protocol for Shark 4.0 and BigTop.
ptp-init tcp Picture Transfer Protocol(PTP) Initiator [Canon_Inc] [Tatsuhiko_Sakai] 2011-10-03 Defined TXT keys: srvver, mn, mf, md, srv, tid
ptp-req PTP Initiation Request Protocol [Mark_Wood] [Mark_Wood] Defined TXT keys: txtvers, guid, c0, c1, c2, ..., where the number of c_n attributes is variable
pulsar tcp Network service for Pulsar messaging and data sharing mobile app [Volodymyr_Pavliuk] [Volodymyr_Pavliuk] 2024-02-19 Defined TXT keys: None
puzzle Protocol used for puzzle games [Michael_Thomason] [Michael_Thomason] Defined TXT keys: None
pvaccess tcp Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System [Matej_Sekoranja] [Matej_Sekoranja] 2012-03-23 Defined TXT keys: None
qbox QBox Appliance Locator [Geoff_Back_4] [Geoff_Back_4] Defined TXT keys: None
qttp QuickTime Transfer Protocol [Stuart_Cheshire] [Stuart_Cheshire] Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password> path=<path to document> (Same as for _http._tcp)
quad tcp Distributed Game Data [Niall_Hogg] [Niall_Hogg] 2011-10-25 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
quinn Quinn Game Server [Simon_Haertel] [Simon_Haertel] Defined TXT keys: None
qwizcollab tcp Broadcast of Qwizdom Presentation sessions for joining by a client, such as Qwizdom Notes+. [Qwizdom_Inc.] [Matthew_Owings] 2015-09-21 Defined TXT keys: None
rakket Rakket Client Protocol [Orion_Reblitz_Richar] [Orion_Reblitz_Richar] Defined TXT keys: None
radiotag RadioTAG: Event tagging for radio services [Andy_Buckingham] [Andy_Buckingham] Defined TXT keys: None
radiovis RadioVIS: Visualisation for radio services [Andy_Buckingham] [Andy_Buckingham] Defined TXT keys: None
radioepg RadioEPG: Electronic Programme Guide for radio services [Andy_Buckingham] [Andy_Buckingham] Defined TXT keys: None
radioport tcp RadioPort Message Service [Bob_Iannucci] [Bob_Iannucci] 2011-11-23 Defined TXT keys: NONE
radioport udp RadioPort Message Service [Bob_Iannucci] [Bob_Iannucci] 2011-11-23 Defined TXT keys: NONE
radiusdtls udp Authentication, Accounting, and Dynamic Authorization via the RADIUS protocol. This service name is used to construct the SRV service label "_radiusdtls" for discovery of RADIUS/DTLS servers. [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2015-03-23 2015-10-06 [RFC7585] Defined TXT keys: None
radiustls tcp Authentication, Accounting, and Dynamic Authorization via the RADIUS protocol. This service name is used to construct the SRV service label "_radiustls" for discovery of RADIUS/TLS servers. [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2015-03-23 2015-10-06 [RFC7585] Defined TXT keys: None
railduino tcp Model Railroad Messaging [Railduino] [Volker_Wiegand_2] 2018-01-08 Defined TXT keys: role=master
raop Remote Audio Output Protocol (AirTunes) [BonjourDev] [BonjourDev] 2011-10-14 Defined TXT keys: None
rapta tcp Industrial IOT self-discovery network [Rapta_Inc] [Matt_Daue] 2022-09-22 Defined TXT keys: version
rbr RBR Instrument Communication [Greg_Johnson] [Greg_Johnson] Defined TXT keys: None
rce PowerCard [DeVoeSquared] [DeVoeSquared] Defined TXT keys: None
rdp Windows Remote Desktop Protocol [Jugaari] [Jugaari] Defined TXT keys: None
realplayfavs RealPlayer Shared Favorites [RealNetworks] [RealNetworks] Defined TXT keys: None
recipe-box tcp The Recipe Box Exchange [Corpus_Collusion] [Kathy_Tafel] 2011-08-23 Defined TXT keys: txtvers
recipe-sharing tcp Recipe Sharing Protocol [Daniel_G_Taylor] [Daniel_G_Taylor] 2007-11 Defined TXT keys: []
recolive-cc tcp Remote Camera Control [RecoLive_Sàrl] [Gabriele_Mondada] 2012-08-29 Defined TXT keys: txtvers, cid, nbd, cap
recolive-cc udp Remote Camera Control [RecoLive_Sàrl] [Gabriele_Mondada] 2012-08-29 Defined TXT keys: txtvers, cid, nbd, cap
recordit-itp tcp Recordit Image Transport Protocol [Freshout] [Ruben_Beltran_del_Rio_2] 2014-04-14 Defined TXT keys: None
remote Remote Device Control Protocol [Gregory_Dudek] [Gregory_Dudek] Defined TXT keys: txtvers=<TXT record version tag> protovers=<protocol vesion number> forground=<primary device or system> version=<firmware/instrument controller version>
remotebuddy tcp Remote Buddy remote control software command and data exchange [IOSPIRIT_GmbH] [Felix_Schwarz] 2014-09-23 Defined TXT keys: None
remoteburn LaCie Remote Burn [Serge_DE_LUCA] [Serge_DE_LUCA] Defined TXT keys: server_version, min_client_version
renderpipe ARTvps RenderDrive/PURE Renderer Protocol [Andrew_Hoddinott] [Andrew_Hoddinott] Defined TXT keys: None
rendezvouspong RendezvousPong [Math_Game_House_Soft] [Math_Game_House_Soft] Defined TXT keys: None
renkara-sync Renkara synchronization protocol [Michael_J_Primeaux] [Michael_J_Primeaux] Defined TXT keys: None
resol-vbus RESOL VBus [Daniel_Wippermann] [Daniel_Wippermann] Defined TXT keys: None
retrospect Retrospect backup and restore service [Michael_Marks] [Michael_Marks] Defined TXT keys: None
rfbc Remote Frame Buffer Client (Used by VNC viewers in listen-mode) [Ole_Morten_Duesund] [Ole_Morten_Duesund] Defined TXT keys: server=dns-name/ip-address:port of currently displayed VNC server. Empty if not showing anything/available.
rfid RFID Reader Mach1(tm) Protocol [Paul_Dietrich] [Paul_Dietrich] Defined TXT keys: None
rgb tcp RGB Spectrum Device Discovery [RGB_Spectrum] [Steve_Hershey] 2011-10-10 Defined TXT keys: Keyboard, Mouse, Option1, Option2, Option3, Option4, ModelName
riousbprint Remote I/O USB Printer Protocol [Rob_Newberry] [Rob_Newberry] Defined TXT keys: See BonjourPrinting.pdf.
roambot tcp Roambot communication [Roambotics_Inc] [Scott_Menor] 2013-10-18 Defined TXT keys: None
robustirc tcp Like ircu (RFC1459), but failure tolerant due to strong consistency among n>=3 servers [Michael_Stapelberg] [Michael_Stapelberg] 2015-01-07 Defined TXT keys: None
roku-rcp Roku Control Protocol [Don_Woodward] [Don_Woodward] Defined TXT keys: txtvers=1
roomcast-capi tcp RoomCast Control Protocol [Colin_Corby] [Colin_Corby] 2017-02-01 Defined TXT keys: protocolVersion, uuid
roomcast-mapi tcp RoomCast Management Protocol [Colin_Corby] [Colin_Corby] 2017-02-01 Defined TXT keys: protocolVersion, uuid
rql RemoteQuickLaunch [Daniel_Heffernan] [Daniel_Heffernan] Defined TXT keys: None
rr-disc Robot Raconteur discovery [Wason_Technology_LLC] [John_Wason] 2014-01-27 Defined TXT keys: None
rradict tcp Ruckus Radio Access Device, Installation, Commissioning and Troubleshooting service. [Dave_Stephenson] [Dave_Stephenson] 2016-03-09 Defined TXT keys: txtvers=<version>, serial=<serial number>, mac=<mac-address>, model=<model number>, opMode=<operational mode>, tx=<transmitter-status>, timing=<timing-status>
rsmp-server Remote System Management Protocol (Server Instance) [Geoff_Back_3] [Geoff_Back_3] Defined TXT keys: apiver=<major.minor>
rubygems RubyGems GemServer [Rich_Kilmer] [Rich_Kilmer] Defined TXT keys: None
rxxmiele tcp Miele protocol robot cleaners [Miele_and_Cie._KG] [Nils_Langhammer] 2018-04-20 Defined TXT keys: txtvers and proprietary keys
rym-rrc tcp Raymarine remote control protocol [Raymarine_UK_Limited] [Geoffrey_Beer] 2012-05-24 2012-06-04 Defined TXT keys: raymarine-mfd-rrc-version, raymarine-mfd-model, raymarine-mfd-serial
safarimenu Safari Menu [Jesus_De_Meyer] [Jesus_De_Meyer] Defined TXT keys: None

Contact Information

ID Name Organization Contact URI Last Updated
[Ali_Jelveh] Ali Jelveh mailto:ali&
[Andrew_Hoddinott] Andrew Hoddinott mailto:support&
[Andy_Buckingham] Andy Buckingham mailto:feedback&
[Apple_Computer] Apple Computer mailto:perftools-feedback&
[Arrow_Bit_SL] Arrow Bit SL mailto:info& 2012-04-26
[Bob_Iannucci] Bob Iannucci mailto:bob& 2011-11-23
[BonjourDev] BonjourDev mailto:bonjourdev& 2011-10-14
[Canon_Inc] Canon Inc. mailto:fujii.ken-ichi149& 2011-10-10
[Chris_Horne] Chris Horne Photosmith mailto:ckhorne& 2011-10-27
[Chris_Kent] Chris Kent Decisive Tactics, Inc. mailto:ckent& 2015-04-09
[Colin_Corby] Colin Corby mailto:colin.corby& 2017-02-01
[Corpus_Collusion] Corpus Collusion mailto:developer& 2011-08-23
[Daniel_G_Taylor] Daniel G. Taylor mailto:dan& 2007-11
[Daniel_Heffernan] Daniel Heffernan mailto:me&
[Daniel_Wippermann] Daniel Wippermann mailto:Daniel.Wippermann&
[Dave_Stephenson] Dave Stephenson mailto:dave.stephenson& 2016-03-09
[David_Sinclair_2] David Sinclair mailto:bonjour&
[DeVoeSquared] DeVoeSquared mailto:support&
[Dean_Dauger] Dean Dauger mailto:D&
[Decisive_Tactics_Inc] Decisive Tactics, Inc. mailto:ckent& 2015-04-09
[Dell] Dell mailto:jessica_z& 2012-11-19
[Didrik_Nordström] Didrik Nordström mailto:didrik.nordstrom& 2022-12-02
[Don_Woodward] Don Woodward mailto:dwoodward&
[Felix_Schwarz] Felix Schwarz IOSPIRIT GmbH 2014-09-23
[Frank_Yeh] Frank Yeh mailto:fyeh&
[Freshout] Freshout mailto:navid& 2014-04-14
[Gabriele_Mondada] Gabriele Mondada RecoLive Sàrl mailto:gmondada& 2012-08-29
[Geoff_Back_3] Geoff Back mailto:geoff&
[Geoff_Back_4] Geoff Back mailto:geoff.back&
[Geoffrey_Beer] Geoffrey Beer Raymarine UK Limited mailto:Geoff.Beer& 2012-05-24
[Greg_Johnson] Greg Johnson mailto:greg.johnson&
[Gregory_Dudek] Gregory Dudek mailto:dudek&
[Hamed_Ishbaitah] Hamed Ishbaitah mailto:Hamed.i& 2014-07-30
[IESG] IESG mailto:iesg&
[IETF_Chair] IETF Chair IETF mailto:chair&
[ims_Info] ims Info Management Systems AG mailto:ope& 2011-10-20
[Intel] Intel mailto:joshua.boelter& 2011-10-18
[IOSPIRIT_GmbH] IOSPIRIT GmbH mailto:info& 2014-09-23
[Isaack_Rasmussen] Isaack Rasmussen mailto:isaack&
[James_Nikolai] James Nikolai mailto:jamesnikolai&
[Javier_Nigro] Javier Nigro Arrow Bit SL mailto:support& 2012-04-26
[Jeroen_Massar_3] Jeroen Massar mailto:jeroen&
[Jessica_Zhang] Jessica Zhang Dell mailto:jessica_z& 2012-11-19
[Jesus_De_Meyer] Jesus De Meyer mailto:jesus&
[John_Scalo] John Scalo mailto:scalo&
[John_Wason] John Wason Wason Technology, LLC mailto:wason& 2014-01-27
[Joshua_Boelter] Joshua Boelter Intel mailto:joshua.boelter& 2011-10-18
[Jugaari] Jugaari mailto:support&
[Juraj_Zopp] Juraj Zopp mailto:juraj.zopp&
[Kathy_Tafel] Kathy Tafel Corpus Collusion mailto:kt& 2011-08-23
[Kristoffer_Lawson] Kristoffer Lawson mailto:setok&
[Marc_Horowitz] Marc Horowitz mailto:marc&
[Mark_Wood] Mark Wood mailto:mark.d.wood&
[Matej_Sekoranja] Matej Sekoranja mailto:matej.sekoranja& 2012-03-23
[Math_Game_House_Soft] Math Game House Software mailto:mathgamehouse&
[Matt_Daue] Matt Daue Rapta, Inc mailto:mdaue& 2022-09-22
[Matthew_Owings] Matthew Owings mailto:matt& 2015-09-21
[Michael_J_Primeaux] Michael J Primeaux mailto:michael.primeaux&
[Michael_Marks] Michael Marks mailto:marks_michael&
[Michael_Stapelberg] Michael Stapelberg mailto:michael+iana& 2015-01-07
[Michael_Thomason] Michael Thomason mailto:mthomason&
[Miele_and_Cie._KG] Miele & Cie. KG mailto:nils.langhammer& 2018-04-20
[Mike_Brady] Mike Brady mailto:brady&
[Moritz_Schmale] Moritz Schmale mailto:narrow.m& 2011-10-07
[Murthy_Parthasarathi] Murthy Parthasarathi mailto:pvmurthy&
[Natarajan_Balasundar] Natarajan Balasundara mailto:rajan&
[Niall_Hogg] Niall Hogg mailto:niall.hogg& 2011-10-25
[Nick_Brosnahan] Nick Brosnahan mailto:nbrosnahan&
[Nils_Langhammer] Dr. Nils Langhammer Miele & Cie. KG mailto:nils.langhammer& 2018-04-20
[Ole_Morten_Duesund] Ole-Morten Duesund mailto:ole-morten.duesund&
[Orion_Reblitz_Richar] Orion Reblitz-Richardson mailto:orionr&
[Oskar_Persano] Oskar Persano ims Info Management Systems AG mailto:ope& 2011-10-20
[Paul_Dietrich] Paul Dietrich mailto:registrar&
[Photosmith] Photosmith mailto:ckhorne& 2011-10-27
[Pieter_Voorthuijsen] Pieter Voorthuijsen Prodrive Technologies NE B.V. mailto:pieter.voorthuijsen& 2025-01-13
[Prodrive_Technologies_NE_B.V.] Prodrive Technologies NE B.V. mailto:pieter.voorthuijsen& 2025-01-13
[Qwizdom_Inc.] Qwizdom, Inc. mailto:matt& 2015-09-21
[Railduino] Railduino mailto:volker& 2018-01-08
[Rapta_Inc] Rapta, Inc mailto:admin& 2022-09-22
[Raymarine_UK_Limited] Raymarine UK Limited mailto:Geoff.Beer& 2012-05-24
[RealNetworks] RealNetworks mailto:macplayer&
[RecoLive_Sàrl] RecoLive Sàrl mailto:recoinfo& 2012-09-07
[RGB_Spectrum] RGB Spectrum mailto:shershey& 2011-10-10
[Rich_Kilmer] Rich Kilmer mailto:rich&
[Ringo_Wathelet] Ringo Wathelet mailto:ringowathelet& 2018-07-11
[Roambotics_Inc] Roambotics, Inc. mailto:iana& 2013-10-18
[Rob_Newberry] Rob Newberry mailto:rnewberry&
[Robin_Davies] Robin Davies mailto:rerdavies& 2021-08-18
[Roger_Pantos] Roger Pantos mailto:rpantos&
[Ruben_Beltran_del_Rio_2] Ruben Beltran del Rio Freshout mailto:ben& 2014-04-14
[Sam_Carleton] Sam Carleton mailto:scarleton&
[Sanford_Selznick] Sanford Selznick mailto:sanford-srvtype&
[Scott_Menor] Scott Menor Roambotics, Inc. mailto:scott& 2013-10-18
[Serge_DE_LUCA] Serge DE LUCA mailto:sdeluca&
[Simon_Haertel] Simon Haertel mailto:simonhaertel&
[Soren_Weber] Soren Weber mailto:sw&
[Steve_Hershey] Steve Hershey RGB Spectrum mailto:shershey& 2011-10-10
[Stuart_Cheshire] Stuart Cheshire mailto:cheshire& 2022-07-11
[Tatsuhiko_Sakai] Tatsuhiko Sakai Canon Inc. mailto:sakai.tatsuhiko& 2011-10-03
[Timothy_Wayper] Timothy Wayper mailto:timmy&
[Troy_Bergstrand] Troy Bergstrand mailto:troy.bergstrand&
[Ulaganathan_Sriramul] Ulaganathan Sriramulu mailto:ulag&
[Vishnu_Varadaraj] Vishnu Varadaraj mailto:vishnuv&
[Volker_Wiegand_2] Volker Wiegand mailto:volker& 2018-01-08
[Volodymyr_Pavliuk] Volodymyr Pavliuk mailto:gwotan& 2024-02-19
[Wason_Technology_LLC] Wason Technology, LLC mailto:wason& 2014-01-27
[XMPP_Registrar] XMPP Registrar mailto:registrar&