Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry

Last Updated
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, 
Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf
SCTP: Michael Tuexen
DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different
services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and

Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as
documented in [RFC6335].

Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System
Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private
Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in
[RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are 
assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in 
[RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, 
the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per 
[RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned.

The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are
described in [RFC6335].

Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without
or prior to IANA registration.

* PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING:                                           *
*                                                                      *
* REGISTERED OR NOT.                                                   *

Request an Assignment

Available Formats




Plain text
Service Name Port Number Transport Protocol Description Assignee Contact Registration Date Modification Date Reference Service Code Unauthorized Use Reported Assignment Notes
safarimenu Safari Menu [Jesus_De_Meyer] [Jesus_De_Meyer] Defined TXT keys: None
sallingbridge Salling Clicker Sharing [Jonas_Salling] [Jonas_Salling] Defined TXT keys: None
sallingclicker Salling Clicker Service [Jonas_Salling] [Jonas_Salling] Defined TXT keys: None
salutafugijms Salutafugi Peer-To-Peer Java Message Service Implementation [David_Walend] [David_Walend] Defined TXT keys: SalutaProperties
sandvox Sandvox [Karelia_Software] [Karelia_Software] Defined TXT keys: None
savagesoft tcp Proprietary Client Server Protocol [Andy_Savage] [Andy_Savage] 2012-07-13 Defined TXT keys: None
sc-golf StrawberryCat Golf Protocol [Phil_Willoughby] [Phil_Willoughby] Defined TXT keys: None
scanner Bonjour Scanning [Baskaran_Subramaniam] [Baskaran_Subramaniam] Defined TXT keys: None
schdca tcp schindler internal messaging service [Schindler_Aufzuege_ag] [Arno_Odermatt] 2018-12-19 Defined TXT keys: None
schick Schick [Heiko_Kretschmer] [Heiko_Kretschmer] Defined TXT keys: None
schims tcp schindler internal messaging service [Schindler_Aufzuege_ag] [Arno_Odermatt] 2015-12-05 Defined TXT keys: None
schlog tcp logging service [Schindler_Aufzuege_ag] [Arno_Odermatt] 2015-12-05 Defined TXT keys: None
schmpp tcp Schindler maintenance portal protocol [Schindler_Aufzuege_ag] [Arno_Odermatt] 2015-04-30 Defined TXT keys: None
schoms tcp schindler object messaging system [Schindler_Aufzuege_ag] [Arno_Odermatt] 2015-05-12 Defined TXT keys: None
schsap tcp Schindler service authentication portal [Schindler_Aufzuege_ag] [Arno_Odermatt] 2015-04-30 Defined TXT keys: None
schsrmp tcp Schindler internal messaging service [Schindler_Aufzuege_ag] [Arno_Odermatt] 2017-07-07 2017-07-10 Defined TXT keys: None
schvpp tcp schindler internal messaging service [Schindler_Aufzuege_ag] [Arno_Odermatt] 2018-12-19 Defined TXT keys: None
scone Scone [James_Moore] [James_Moore] Defined TXT keys: None
scoop-sftp tcp The service name is used by the SFTP protocol to upload log files from vehicles to road side units in a securely way in a cooperative intelligent transportation system. [SCOOP_at_F_Project] [Houda_Labiod] 2016-02-04 Defined TXT keys: None
scoop-sftp udp The service name is used by the SFTP protocol to upload log files from vehicles to road side units in a securely way in a cooperative intelligent transportation system. [SCOOP_at_F_Project] [Houda_Labiod] 2016-02-04 Defined TXT keys: None
scpi-raw IEEE 488.2 (SCPI) Socket [Nick_Barendt_3] [Nick_Barendt_3] Defined TXT keys: None
scpi-telnet IEEE 488.2 (SCPI) Telnet [Nick_Barendt_3] [Nick_Barendt_3] Defined TXT keys: None
sdsharing Speed Download [Yazsoft] [Yazsoft] Defined TXT keys: None
see SubEthaEdit 2 [TheCodingMonkeys] [TheCodingMonkeys] Defined TXT keys: txtvers=1, name=<Full Name>, userid=<User ID>, version=2
seeCard seeCard [Stefan_Pantke] [Stefan_Pantke] Defined TXT keys: None
senteo-http Senteo Assessment Software Protocol [Michael_Boyle] [Michael_Boyle] Defined TXT keys: None
sentillion-vlc Sentillion Vault System [George_Hartz] [George_Hartz] Defined TXT keys: None
sentillion-vlt Sentillion Vault Systems Cluster [George_Hartz] [George_Hartz] Defined TXT keys: None
sepvsync SEPV Application Data Synchronization Protocol [Kazuya_Ogata] [Kazuya_Ogata] Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
serendipd serendiPd Shared Patches for Pure Data [Hans_Christoph_Stein] [Hans_Christoph_Stein] Defined TXT keys: None
servereye ServerEye AgentContainer Communication Protocol [Andreas_Behr] [Andreas_Behr] Defined TXT keys: None
servermgr Mac OS X Server Admin [Jeff_Albouze] [Jeff_Albouze] Defined TXT keys: None
services DNS Service Discovery [Stuart_Cheshire][Marc_Krochmal] [Stuart_Cheshire][Marc_Krochmal] Not a service type. Special name reserved for DNS-SD meta queries.
sessionfs Session File Sharing [Anthony_Williams] [Anthony_Williams] Defined TXT keys: Text keys are the file extensions of any file the user plans to share, i.e. pdf, doc, mp3.
setlistmaker-rc tcp Remote Control for Set List Maker app [Arlo_Leach] [Arlo_Leach] 2017-04-21 Defined TXT keys: None
setlistmaker-ss tcp Screen sharing for Set List Maker app [Arlo_Leach] [Arlo_Leach] 2017-04-21 Defined TXT keys: None
sftp-ssh Secure File Transfer Protocol over SSH [Bryan_Cole] [Bryan_Cole] Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password> path=<path>
sge-exec Sun Grid Engine (Execution Host) [Bill_Van_Etten] [Bill_Van_Etten] Defined TXT keys: None
sge-qmaster Sun Grid Engine (Master) [Bill_Van_Etten] [Bill_Van_Etten] Defined TXT keys: None
shifter Window Shifter server protocol [Antoine_Martin] [Antoine_Martin] Defined TXT keys: username The login username to use (optional) ssh_tunnel Whether an SSH tunnel must be used (required) iface The network interface the server is on (required - may be empty) version Software version (required) ID Server Identifier (requried)
ship tcp SHIP (Smart Home IP) [EEBus_Initiative] [Andreas_Westermann] 2014-11-10 Defined TXT keys: txtvers=<txtVersionNumber> id=<uniqueDeviceIdentifier> path=<wssPath> seesport=<portForSmartEndToEndSecurityIfSupported> register=<registerFlag>
shipsgm Swift Office Ships [Verek] [Verek] Defined TXT keys: None
shipsinvit Swift Office Ships [Verek] [Verek] Defined TXT keys: None
shoppersync SplashShopper Synchronization Service [Justin_Cepelak] [Justin_Cepelak] Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
shots-sync udp The protocol is used to sync database among iOS devices and Mac OS X computers. [Ryota_Kurata] [Ryota_Kurata] 2016-02-10 Defined TXT keys: None
shoutcast Nicecast [Rogue_Amoeba_2] [Rogue_Amoeba_2] Defined TXT keys: None
siminsufflator tcp Simulated insufflator synchronisation protocol [Niels_Castle_2] [Niels_Castle_2] 2014-06-18 Defined TXT keys: None
simmon Medical simulation patient monitor syncronisation protocol [Niels_Castle] [Niels_Castle] Defined TXT keys: None
simusoftpong simusoftpong iPhone game protocol [Anders_Svensson] [Anders_Svensson] Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
sipuri Session Initiation Protocol Uniform Resource Identifier [Jae_Woo_Lee] [Jae_Woo_Lee] Defined TXT keys: Defined in URL specification
sironaxray Sirona Xray Protocol [Michael_Dalpiaz] [Michael_Dalpiaz] Defined TXT keys: Manufacturer=Sirona
skillscapture tcp The protocol is used to transfer database records between an iOS device to a Mac OS X computer [Legentis_Ltd] [David_Elliman] 2013-07-01 Defined TXT keys: None
skillscapture udp The protocol is used to transfer database records between an iOS device to a Mac OS X computer [Legentis_Ltd] [David_Elliman] 2013-07-01 Defined TXT keys: None
skype Skype Defined TXT keys: platform, status, auth, rversion, version
sleep-proxy udp Sleep Proxy Server [Stuart_Cheshire][Marc_Krochmal] [Stuart_Cheshire][Marc_Krochmal] Defined TXT keys: None
sleeptracker tcp Sleeptracker(R) The loT Smartbed Platform [Fullpower_Technologies_Inc] [Corporate_Compliance_Officer] 2016-08-17 Defined TXT keys: serial=<serial> hostname=<host> osVer=<ver> appVer=<ver> unit=<name> environment=<env>
slimcli SliMP3 Server Command-Line Interface [Dean_Blackketter_2] [Dean_Blackketter_2] Defined TXT keys: None
slimhttp SliMP3 Server Web Interface [Dean_Blackketter_2] [Dean_Blackketter_2] Defined TXT keys: None
slpda tcp Remote Service Discovery in the Service Location [RFC3832]
slpda udp Remote Service Discovery in the Service Location [RFC3832]
smag tcp terminal access to laundry appliances [Schulthess_Maschinen_AG] [Michael_Schwetz] 2018-11-30 Defined TXT keys: mName, tName, lName, Type, Timestamp
smaho tcp Smart Home Device Setup [SMAHO] [Max_Köhler] 2021-11-15 Defined TXT keys: mo, ma, fw, hw, na, id
smartenergy Smart Energy Profile [Robby_Simpson] [Robby_Simpson] Defined TXT keys: See
smartsocket tcp home control [Robert_Diamond] [Robert_Diamond] 2012-07-06 Defined TXT keys: None
smb Server Message Block over TCP/IP Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password> path=<path>
smimeca tcp Domain signing certificate for S/MIME keys [IESG] [John_Levine] 2016-07-26 [draft-bhjl-x509-srv-01] Defined TXT keys: None
sms Short Text Message Sending and Delivery Status Service [Christian_Flintrup] [Christian_Flintrup] Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
smsync Syncellence file synchronization protocol [Dialectro_Software] [Gord_Peters] 2011-10-20 Defined TXT keys: device=<device type> protocol=<version number> os=<operating system name> osver=<operating system version>
snif-cln tcp End-to-end TLS Relay Client Connection [VESvault_Corp] [Jim_Zubov] 2021-12-15 [] Defined TXT keys: None
snif-fifo tcp End-to-end TLS Relay Cluster [VESvault_Corp] [Jim_Zubov] 2021-12-15 [] Defined TXT keys: None
snif-srv tcp End-to-end TLS Relay Service Connection [VESvault_Corp] [Jim_Zubov] 2021-12-29 [] Defined TXT keys: None
soap Simple Object Access Protocol [Andrew_Donoho] [Andrew_Donoho] Defined TXT keys: None
socketcloud Socketcloud distributed application framework [Robert_Goodyear] [Robert_Goodyear] Defined TXT keys: system, service, process, context, direction, status, progress, health, directive, flags
soda tcp Secure On Device API [Smith_Micro_Software_Inc] [David_Sperling_2] 2011-10-10 Defined TXT keys: a. ssid=<Wi-Fi SSID of the device> b. bssid=<Wi-Fi BSSID of the device>
souschef SousChef Recipe Sharing Protocol [Ben] [Ben] Defined TXT keys: None
sox Simple Object eXchange [Igor_Mozolevsky] [Igor_Mozolevsky] Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
sparechange SpareChange data sharing protocol [Dave_Carrigan] [Dave_Carrigan] Defined TXT keys: None
sparql SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language [Alex_Tucker] [Alex_Tucker] Defined TXT keys: txtvers=1 path=<relative or absolute URL of endpoint> protovers=<number> [if not specified then default is 1.0, corresponding to SPARQL version] binding=<HTTP | SOAP> [if not specified then default is HTTP] vocabs=<space separated list of URIs> [RDF vocabularies or OWL ontologies used by the endpoint] metadata=<URL> [to fetch RDF/XML description of SPARQL service]
spearcat sPearCat Host Discovery [Pierre_Frisch_2] [Pierre_Frisch_2] Defined TXT keys: applicationname=<Application Name>, osname=<OS Name>, sslsupport=<Uses SSL>
spidap tcp Sierra Photonics Inc. data protocol [Sierra_Photonics_Inc] [Support_Staff] 2011-10-20 Defined TXT keys: None
spincrisis Spin Crisis [Sphera_Software] [Sphera_Software] Defined TXT keys: None
spiderelectron tcp Binary message passing protocol [Spider_Electron] [Kenny_Millar] 2015-02-05 Defined TXT keys: VER, STATUS
spl-itunes launchTunes [David_Nanian] [David_Nanian] Defined TXT keys: None
spr-itunes netTunes [David_Nanian] [David_Nanian] Defined TXT keys: None
splashsync SplashData Synchronization Service [Justin_Cepelak] [Justin_Cepelak] Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
split-dns64 tcp DNS64 in split configuration [Kasper_Dupont] [Kasper_Dupont] 2021-10-19 Defined TXT keys: None
spres tcp SongPresenter [Tobias_Hoffmann] [Tobias_Hoffmann] 2012-10-09 Defined TXT keys: version, name
spx-hmp tcp SpinetiX HMP [SpinetiX_S_A] [Diego_Santa_Cruz] 2011-10-18 Defined TXT keys: txtvers=1 cport= the port for the content HTTP server (secondary HTTP server used for content publishing) mode= the mode in which the HMP device is currently operating, one of "normal", "safe" or "recovery" serial= serial number of the HMP device firmware= firmware version string (e.g., 2.1.0-0.1.7844) model= model string (e.g., HMP100)
sqp tcp Square Connect Control Protocol [Square_Connect_Inc] [Mat_Henshall] 2011-10-07 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
ss-sign tcp Samsung Smart Interaction for Group Network [Samsung] [Lee_HoJun] 2013-01-03 Defined TXT keys: None
ss-sign-disc udp Samsung Smart Interaction for Group Network Discovery [Samsung] [Lee_HoJun] 2013-01-03 Defined TXT keys: None
ssd-audio tcp Studio Six Digital Wireless Audio [Studio_Six_Digital_LLC] [Andrew_Smith] 2018-10-26 Defined TXT keys: None
ssh tcp SSH Remote Login Protocol [Tatu_Ylonen] [Tatu_Ylonen] Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password>
ssscreenshare Screen Sharing Defined TXT keys: None
startrecapp tcp Remote Controlled Multimedia Recorder Network [Luca_Cipressi] [Luca_Cipressi] 2015-03-27 Defined TXT keys: None
stingray-rpc tcp Stingray Remote Procedure Call [IK_SATPROF_LLC] [Sergey_Zubov_2] 2014-05-02 Defined TXT keys: None
stingray-remote tcp Stingray remote control [IK_SATPROF_LLC] [Sergey_Zubov_2] 2014-05-02 Defined TXT keys: None
strateges Strateges [Jean_Olivier_Lanctot] [Jean_Olivier_Lanctot] Defined TXT keys: None
stanza Lexcycle Stanza service for discovering shared books [Marc_Prud_hommeaux] [Marc_Prud_hommeaux] Defined TXT keys: None
stickynotes Sticky Notes [Johnnie_Walker] [Johnnie_Walker] Defined TXT keys: None
stotp tcp One Time Pad Synchronisation [softthere_com] [James_Crosby] 2011-10-17 Defined TXT keys: None

Contact Information

ID Name Organization Contact URI Last Updated
[Alex_Tucker] Alex Tucker mailto:alex&
[Anders_Svensson] Anders Svensson mailto:pong&
[Andreas_Behr] Andreas Behr mailto:andreas.behr&
[Andreas_Westermann] Andreas Westermann EEBus Initiative mailto:westermann& 2014-11-10
[Andrew_Donoho] Andrew Donoho mailto:awd&
[Andrew_Smith] Andrew Smith Studio Six Digital LLC mailto:andrew& 2018-10-26
[Andy_Savage] Andy Savage mailto:andy.savage1& 2012-07-13
[Anthony_Williams] Anthony Williams mailto:tonydubs&
[Antoine_Martin] Antoine Martin mailto:antoine& 2016-10-05
[Arlo_Leach] Arlo Leach mailto:arlo& 2017-04-21
[Arno_Odermatt] Arno Odermatt Schindler Aufzuege ag mailto:arno.odermatt& 2017-07-07
[Baskaran_Subramaniam] Baskaran Subramaniam mailto:baskaran&
[Ben] Ben mailto:ben&
[Bill_Van_Etten] Bill Van Etten mailto:Bill&
[Bryan_Cole] Bryan Cole mailto:bryan.cole&
[Christian_Flintrup] Christian Flintrup mailto:chr&
[Corporate_Compliance_Officer] Corporate Compliance Officer mailto:compliance& 2016-08-17
[Dave_Carrigan] Dave Carrigan mailto:dave&
[David_Elliman] David Elliman Legentis Ltd mailto:dave& 2013-07-01
[David_Nanian] David Nanian mailto:dnanian& 2007-09-28
[David_Sperling_2] David Sperling Smith Micro Software, Inc. mailto:dsperling& 2011-10-10
[David_Walend] David Walend mailto:david&
[Dean_Blackketter_2] Dean Blackketter mailto:dean&
[Dialectro_Software] Dialectro Software mailto:g& 2011-10-20
[Diego_Santa_Cruz] Diego Santa Cruz SpinetiX S.A. mailto:Diego.SantaCruz& 2011-10-18
[EEBus_Initiative] EEBus Initiative mailto:info& 2014-11-10
[Fullpower_Technologies_Inc] Fullpower Technologies, Inc. mailto:domains& 2016-08-22
[George_Hartz] George Hartz mailto:george.hartz&
[Gord_Peters] Gord Peters Dialectro Software mailto:g& 2011-10-20
[Hans_Christoph_Stein] Hans-Christoph Steiner mailto:hans&
[Heiko_Kretschmer] Heiko Kretschmer mailto:info&
[Houda_Labiod] Houda Labiod SCOOP@F Project mailto:houda.labiod& 2016-02-04
[IESG] IESG mailto:iesg&
[Igor_Mozolevsky] Igor Mozolevsky mailto:igor&
[IK_SATPROF_LLC] IK SATPROF LLC mailto:reg& 2014-05-02
[Jae_Woo_Lee] Jae Woo Lee mailto:jae&
[James_Crosby] James Crosby mailto:james& 2011-10-17
[James_Moore] James Moore mailto:jam&
[Jean_Olivier_Lanctot] Jean-Olivier Lanctot-D. mailto:jolivierld&
[Jeff_Albouze] Jeff Albouze mailto:foup&
[Jesus_De_Meyer] Jesus De Meyer mailto:jesus&
[Jim_Zubov] Jim Zubov VESvault Corp mailto:jz& 2021-12-29
[John_Levine] John Levine mailto:standards& 2016-07-26
[Johnnie_Walker] Johnnie Walker mailto:mrwalker&
[Jonas_Salling] Jonas Salling mailto:jonas&
[Justin_Cepelak] Justin Cepelak mailto:jcepelak&
[Karelia_Software] Karelia Software
[Kasper_Dupont] Kasper Dupont mailto:kasperd& 2021-10-19
[Kazuya_Ogata] Kazuya Ogata mailto:info&
[Kenny_Millar] Kenny Millar Spider Electronics mailto:kenny& 2014-03-10
[Lee_HoJun] Lee HoJun Samsung mailto:rcn95& 2013-01-03
[Legentis_Ltd] Legentis Ltd mailto:dave& 2013-07-01
[Luca_Cipressi] Luca Cipressi mailto:lucacipressi& 2015-03-27
[Marc_Krochmal] Marc Krochmal mailto:marc&
[Marc_Prud_hommeaux] Marc Prud'hommeaux mailto:support&
[Mat_Henshall] Mat Henshall Square Connect, Inc. mailto:mat& 2011-10-07
[Max_Köhler] Max Köhler SMAHO mailto:max& 2021-11-15
[Michael_Boyle] Michael Boyle mailto:michaelboyle&
[Michael_Dalpiaz] Michael Dalpiaz mailto:Michael.Dalpiaz&
[Michael_Schwetz] Michael Schwetz Schulthess Maschinen AG mailto:michael.schwetz& 2018-11-30
[Nick_Barendt_3] Nick Barendt mailto:nbarendt&
[Niels_Castle] Niels Castle mailto:castle&
[Niels_Castle_2] Niels Castle mailto:castle& 2014-06-18
[Phil_Willoughby] Phil Willoughby mailto:phil.willoughby&
[Pierre_Frisch_2] Pierre Frisch mailto:pierre.frisch&
[Robby_Simpson] Robby Simpson, PhD mailto:rsimpson&
[Robert_Diamond] Robert Diamond mailto:rmd6502& 2012-07-06
[Robert_Goodyear] Robert Goodyear mailto:robg&
[Rogue_Amoeba_2] Rogue Amoeba mailto:nicecast&
[Ryota_Kurata] Ryota Kurata mailto:r_k& 2016-02-10
[Samsung] Samsung mailto:rcn95& 2013-01-03
[Schindler_Aufzuege_ag] Schindler Aufzuege ag mailto:arno.odermatt& 2018-12-19
[Schulthess_Maschinen_AG] Schulthess Maschinen AG mailto:iot-admin& 2018-11-30
[SCOOP_at_F_Project] SCOOP@F Project mailto:houda.labiod& 2016-02-04
[Sergey_Zubov_2] Sergey Zubov IK SATPROF LLC mailto:sergey.zubov& 2014-05-02
[Sierra_Photonics_Inc] Sierra Photonics, Inc. mailto:support& 2011-10-20
[SMAHO] SMAHO mailto:engineering& 2021-11-15
[Smith_Micro_Software_Inc] Smith Micro Software, Inc. mailto:dsperling& 2011-10-10
[softthere_com] mailto:technical& 2011-10-17
[Sphera_Software] Sphera Software mailto:contact&
[Spider_Electron] Spider Electron mailto:kenny& 2015-02-05
[SpinetiX_S_A] SpinetiX S.A. mailto:Diego.SantaCruz& 2011-10-18
[Square_Connect_Inc] Square Connect, Inc. mailto:mat& 2011-10-07
[Stefan_Pantke] Stefan Pantke mailto:sales&
[Stuart_Cheshire] Stuart Cheshire mailto:cheshire& 2022-07-11
[Studio_Six_Digital_LLC] Studio Six Digital LLC mailto:andrew& 2018-10-26
[Support_Staff] Support Staff Sierra Photonics, Inc. mailto:support& 2011-10-20
[Tatu_Ylonen] Tatu Ylonen mailto:ylo&
[TheCodingMonkeys] TheCodingMonkeys mailto:monkeys&
[Tobias_Hoffmann] Tobias Hoffmann mailto:th55& 2012-10-09
[Verek] Verek mailto:info&
[VESvault_Corp] VESvault Corp mailto:info& 2021-12-29
[Yazsoft] Yazsoft mailto:info&