Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
- Last Updated
- 2025-03-11
- Expert(s)
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf SCTP: Michael Tuexen DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
- Reference
- [RFC6335]
- Note
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and SCTP. Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as documented in [RFC6335]. Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in [RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in [RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per [RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned. The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are described in [RFC6335]. Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without or prior to IANA registration. ************************************************************************ * PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: * * * * ASSIGNMENT OF A PORT NUMBER DOES NOT IN ANY WAY IMPLY AN * * ENDORSEMENT OF AN APPLICATION OR PRODUCT, AND THE FACT THAT NETWORK * * TRAFFIC IS FLOWING TO OR FROM A REGISTERED PORT DOES NOT MEAN THAT * * IT IS "GOOD" TRAFFIC, NOR THAT IT NECESSARILY CORRESPONDS TO THE * * ASSIGNED SERVICE. FIREWALL AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS SHOULD * * CHOOSE HOW TO CONFIGURE THEIR SYSTEMS BASED ON THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF * * THE TRAFFIC IN QUESTION, NOT WHETHER THERE IS A PORT NUMBER * * REGISTERED OR NOT. * ************************************************************************
- Request an Assignment
- Available Formats
Plain text
Service Name | Port Number | Transport Protocol | Description | Assignee | Contact | Registration Date | Modification Date | Reference | Service Code | Unauthorized Use Reported | Assignment Notes |
mpm-snd | 46 | tcp | MPM [default send] | [Jon_Postel] | [Jon_Postel] | ||||||
mpm-snd | 46 | udp | MPM [default send] | [Jon_Postel] | [Jon_Postel] | ||||||
47 | tcp | Reserved | 2017-05-18 | This entry has been removed on 2017-05-18. | |||||||
47 | udp | Reserved | 2017-05-18 | This entry has been removed on 2017-05-18. | |||||||
auditd | 48 | tcp | Digital Audit Daemon | [Larry_Scott] | [Larry_Scott] | ||||||
auditd | 48 | udp | Digital Audit Daemon | [Larry_Scott] | [Larry_Scott] | ||||||
tacacs | 49 | tcp | Login Host Protocol (TACACS) | [Pieter_Ditmars] | [Pieter_Ditmars] | ||||||
tacacs | 49 | udp | Login Host Protocol (TACACS) | [Pieter_Ditmars] | [Pieter_Ditmars] | ||||||
re-mail-ck | 50 | tcp | Remote Mail Checking Protocol | [Steve_Dorner] | [Steve_Dorner] | ||||||
re-mail-ck | 50 | udp | Remote Mail Checking Protocol | [Steve_Dorner] | [Steve_Dorner] | ||||||
51 | Reserved | 2013-05-24 | This entry is being removed on 2013-05-24. | ||||||||
xns-time | 52 | tcp | XNS Time Protocol | [Susie_Armstrong] | [Susie_Armstrong] | ||||||
xns-time | 52 | udp | XNS Time Protocol | [Susie_Armstrong] | [Susie_Armstrong] | ||||||
domain | 53 | tcp | Domain Name Server | [Paul_Mockapetris] | [Paul_Mockapetris] | ||||||
domain | 53 | udp | Domain Name Server | [Paul_Mockapetris] | [Paul_Mockapetris] | ||||||
xns-ch | 54 | tcp | XNS Clearinghouse | [Susie_Armstrong] | [Susie_Armstrong] | ||||||
xns-ch | 54 | udp | XNS Clearinghouse | [Susie_Armstrong] | [Susie_Armstrong] | ||||||
isi-gl | 55 | tcp | ISI Graphics Language | ||||||||
isi-gl | 55 | udp | ISI Graphics Language | ||||||||
xns-auth | 56 | tcp | XNS Authentication | [Susie_Armstrong] | [Susie_Armstrong] | ||||||
xns-auth | 56 | udp | XNS Authentication | [Susie_Armstrong] | [Susie_Armstrong] | ||||||
57 | tcp | any private terminal access | [Jon_Postel] | [Jon_Postel] | |||||||
57 | udp | any private terminal access | [Jon_Postel] | [Jon_Postel] | |||||||
xns-mail | 58 | tcp | XNS Mail | [Susie_Armstrong] | [Susie_Armstrong] | ||||||
xns-mail | 58 | udp | XNS Mail | [Susie_Armstrong] | [Susie_Armstrong] | ||||||
59 | tcp | any private file service | [Jon_Postel] | [Jon_Postel] | |||||||
59 | udp | any private file service | [Jon_Postel] | [Jon_Postel] | |||||||
60 | tcp | Unassigned | |||||||||
60 | udp | Unassigned | |||||||||
61 | tcp | Reserved | 2017-05-18 | This entry has been removed on 2017-05-18. | |||||||
61 | udp | Reserved | 2017-05-18 | This entry has been removed on 2017-05-18. | |||||||
acas | 62 | tcp | ACA Services | [E_Wald] | [E_Wald] | ||||||
acas | 62 | udp | ACA Services | [E_Wald] | [E_Wald] | ||||||
whoispp | 63 | tcp | whois++ IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "whois++". |
[Rickard_Schoultz] | [Rickard_Schoultz] | ||||||
whois++ | 63 | tcp | whois++ | [Rickard_Schoultz] | [Rickard_Schoultz] | This entry is an alias to "whoispp". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||
whoispp | 63 | udp | whois++ IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "whois++". |
[Rickard_Schoultz] | [Rickard_Schoultz] | ||||||
whois++ | 63 | udp | whois++ | [Rickard_Schoultz] | [Rickard_Schoultz] | This entry is an alias to "whoispp". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||
covia | 64 | tcp | Communications Integrator (CI) | [Dan_Smith] | [Dan_Smith] | ||||||
covia | 64 | udp | Communications Integrator (CI) | [Dan_Smith] | [Dan_Smith] | ||||||
tacacs-ds | 65 | tcp | TACACS-Database Service | [Kathy_Huber] | [Kathy_Huber] | ||||||
tacacs-ds | 65 | udp | TACACS-Database Service | [Kathy_Huber] | [Kathy_Huber] | ||||||
sql-net | 66 | tcp | Oracle SQL*NET IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "sql*net". |
[Jack_Haverty] | [Jack_Haverty] | ||||||
sql*net | 66 | tcp | Oracle SQL*NET | [Jack_Haverty] | [Jack_Haverty] | This entry is an alias to "sql-net". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||
sql-net | 66 | udp | Oracle SQL*NET IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "sql*net". |
[Jack_Haverty] | [Jack_Haverty] | ||||||
sql*net | 66 | udp | Oracle SQL*NET | [Jack_Haverty] | [Jack_Haverty] | This entry is an alias to "sql-net". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||
bootps | 67 | tcp | Bootstrap Protocol Server | [Bill_Croft] | [Bill_Croft] | [RFC951] | Defined TXT keys: None | ||||
bootps | 67 | udp | Bootstrap Protocol Server | ||||||||
bootpc | 68 | tcp | Bootstrap Protocol Client | [Bill_Croft] | [Bill_Croft] | ||||||
bootpc | 68 | udp | Bootstrap Protocol Client | [Bill_Croft] | [Bill_Croft] | ||||||
tftp | 69 | tcp | Trivial File Transfer | [David_Clark] | [David_Clark] | ||||||
tftp | 69 | udp | Trivial File Transfer | [David_Clark] | [David_Clark] | ||||||
gopher | 70 | tcp | Gopher | [Mark_McCahill] | [Mark_McCahill] | ||||||
gopher | 70 | udp | Gopher | [Mark_McCahill] | [Mark_McCahill] | ||||||
netrjs-1 | 71 | tcp | Remote Job Service | ||||||||
netrjs-1 | 71 | udp | Remote Job Service | ||||||||
netrjs-2 | 72 | tcp | Remote Job Service | ||||||||
netrjs-2 | 72 | udp | Remote Job Service | ||||||||
netrjs-3 | 73 | tcp | Remote Job Service | ||||||||
netrjs-3 | 73 | udp | Remote Job Service | ||||||||
netrjs-4 | 74 | tcp | Remote Job Service | [Bob_Braden] | [Bob_Braden] | ||||||
netrjs-4 | 74 | udp | Remote Job Service | [Bob_Braden] | [Bob_Braden] | ||||||
75 | tcp | any private dial out service | [Jon_Postel] | [Jon_Postel] | |||||||
75 | udp | any private dial out service | [Jon_Postel] | [Jon_Postel] | |||||||
deos | 76 | tcp | Distributed External Object Store | [Robert_Ullmann] | [Robert_Ullmann] | ||||||
deos | 76 | udp | Distributed External Object Store | [Robert_Ullmann] | [Robert_Ullmann] | ||||||
77 | tcp | any private RJE service | [Jon_Postel] | [Jon_Postel] | |||||||
77 | udp | any private RJE service | [Jon_Postel] | [Jon_Postel] | |||||||
vettcp | 78 | tcp | vettcp | [Christopher_Leong] | [Christopher_Leong] | ||||||
vettcp | 78 | udp | vettcp | [Christopher_Leong] | [Christopher_Leong] | ||||||
finger | 79 | tcp | Finger | [David_Zimmerman] | [David_Zimmerman] | Unauthorized use by some mail users (see [RFC4146] for details) | |||||
finger | 79 | udp | Finger | [David_Zimmerman] | [David_Zimmerman] | Unauthorized use by some mail users (see [RFC4146] for details) | |||||
http | 80 | tcp | World Wide Web HTTP | [IESG] | [IETF_Chair] | 2021-10-01 | [RFC9110] | Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password> path=<path to document> | |||
http | 80 | udp | World Wide Web HTTP | [IESG] | [IETF_Chair] | 2021-10-01 | [RFC9110] | Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password> path=<path to document> | |||
www | 80 | tcp | World Wide Web HTTP | [IESG] | [IETF_Chair] | 2021-10-01 | [RFC9110] | This is a duplicate of the "http" service and should not be used for discovery purposes. | |||
www | 80 | udp | World Wide Web HTTP | [IESG] | [IETF_Chair] | 2021-10-01 | [RFC9110] | This is a duplicate of the "http" service and should not be used for discovery purposes. | |||
www-http | 80 | tcp | World Wide Web HTTP | [Tim_Berners_Lee] | [Tim_Berners_Lee] | This is a duplicate of the "http" service and should not be used for discovery purposes. u=<username> p=<password> path=<path to document> (see txtrecords.html#http) Known Subtypes: _printer NOTE: The meaning of this service type, though called just "http", actually denotes something more precise than just "any data transported using HTTP". The DNS-SD service type "http" should only be used to advertise content that: * is served over HTTP, * can be displayed by "typical" web browser client software, and * is intented primarily to be viewed by a human user. Of course, the definition of "typical web browser" is subjective, and may change over time, but for practical purposes the DNS-SD service type "http" can be understood as meaning "human-readable HTML content served over HTTP". In some cases other widely-supported content types may also be appropriate, such as plain text over HTTP, or JPEG image over HTTP. Content types not intented primarily for viewing by a human user, or not widely-supported in web browsing clients, should not be advertised as DNS-SD service type "http", even if they do happen to be transported over HTTP. Such types should be advertised as their own logical service type with their own DNS-SD service type, for example, XUL (XML User Interface Language) transported over HTTP is advertised explicitly as DNS-SD service type "xul-http". | |||||
www-http | 80 | udp | World Wide Web HTTP | [Tim_Berners_Lee] | [Tim_Berners_Lee] | This is a duplicate of the "http" service and should not be used for discovery purposes. u=<username> p=<password> path=<path to document> (see txtrecords.html#http) Known Subtypes: _printer NOTE: The meaning of this service type, though called just "http", actually denotes something more precise than just "any data transported using HTTP". The DNS-SD service type "http" should only be used to advertise content that: * is served over HTTP, * can be displayed by "typical" web browser client software, and * is intented primarily to be viewed by a human user. Of course, the definition of "typical web browser" is subjective, and may change over time, but for practical purposes the DNS-SD service type "http" can be understood as meaning "human-readable HTML content served over HTTP". In some cases other widely-supported content types may also be appropriate, such as plain text over HTTP, or JPEG image over HTTP. Content types not intented primarily for viewing by a human user, or not widely-supported in web browsing clients, should not be advertised as DNS-SD service type "http", even if they do happen to be transported over HTTP. Such types should be advertised as their own logical service type with their own DNS-SD service type, for example, XUL (XML User Interface Language) transported over HTTP is advertised explicitly as DNS-SD service type "xul-http". | |||||
http | 80 | sctp | HTTP | [Randall_Stewart] | [Randall_Stewart] | 2022-02-07 | [RFC9260] | Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password> path=<path to document> | |||
81 | Unassigned | 2007-09-06 | |||||||||
xfer | 82 | tcp | XFER Utility | [Thomas_M_Smith] | [Thomas_M_Smith] | ||||||
xfer | 82 | udp | XFER Utility | [Thomas_M_Smith] | [Thomas_M_Smith] | ||||||
mit-ml-dev | 83 | tcp | MIT ML Device | [David_Reed] | [David_Reed] | ||||||
mit-ml-dev | 83 | udp | MIT ML Device | [David_Reed] | [David_Reed] | ||||||
ctf | 84 | tcp | Common Trace Facility | [Hugh_Thomas] | [Hugh_Thomas] | ||||||
ctf | 84 | udp | Common Trace Facility | [Hugh_Thomas] | [Hugh_Thomas] | ||||||
mit-ml-dev | 85 | tcp | MIT ML Device | [David_Reed] | [David_Reed] | ||||||
mit-ml-dev | 85 | udp | MIT ML Device | [David_Reed] | [David_Reed] | ||||||
mfcobol | 86 | tcp | Micro Focus Cobol | [Simon_Edwards] | [Simon_Edwards] | ||||||
mfcobol | 86 | udp | Micro Focus Cobol | [Simon_Edwards] | [Simon_Edwards] | ||||||
87 | tcp | any private terminal link | [Jon_Postel] | [Jon_Postel] | |||||||
87 | udp | any private terminal link | [Jon_Postel] | [Jon_Postel] | |||||||
kerberos | 88 | tcp | Kerberos | [B_Clifford_Neuman] | [B_Clifford_Neuman] | 2022-02-18 | [RFC4120] | ||||
kerberos | 88 | udp | Kerberos | [B_Clifford_Neuman] | [B_Clifford_Neuman] | 2022-02-18 | [RFC4120] | ||||
su-mit-tg | 89 | tcp | SU/MIT Telnet Gateway | [Mark_Crispin] | [Mark_Crispin] | ||||||
su-mit-tg | 89 | udp | SU/MIT Telnet Gateway | [Mark_Crispin] | [Mark_Crispin] | ||||||
dnsix | 90 | tcp | DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map | [Charles_Watt] | [Charles_Watt] | PORT 90 also being used unofficially by Pointcast | |||||
dnsix | 90 | udp | DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map | [Charles_Watt] | [Charles_Watt] | PORT 90 also being used unofficially by Pointcast | |||||
mit-dov | 91 | tcp | MIT Dover Spooler | [Eliot_Moss] | [Eliot_Moss] | ||||||
mit-dov | 91 | udp | MIT Dover Spooler | [Eliot_Moss] | [Eliot_Moss] | ||||||
npp | 92 | tcp | Network Printing Protocol | [Louis_Mamakos] | [Louis_Mamakos] | ||||||
npp | 92 | udp | Network Printing Protocol | [Louis_Mamakos] | [Louis_Mamakos] |