Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
- Last Updated
- 2025-03-11
- Expert(s)
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf SCTP: Michael Tuexen DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
- Reference
- [RFC6335]
- Note
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and SCTP. Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as documented in [RFC6335]. Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in [RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in [RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per [RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned. The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are described in [RFC6335]. Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without or prior to IANA registration. ************************************************************************ * PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: * * * * ASSIGNMENT OF A PORT NUMBER DOES NOT IN ANY WAY IMPLY AN * * ENDORSEMENT OF AN APPLICATION OR PRODUCT, AND THE FACT THAT NETWORK * * TRAFFIC IS FLOWING TO OR FROM A REGISTERED PORT DOES NOT MEAN THAT * * IT IS "GOOD" TRAFFIC, NOR THAT IT NECESSARILY CORRESPONDS TO THE * * ASSIGNED SERVICE. FIREWALL AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS SHOULD * * CHOOSE HOW TO CONFIGURE THEIR SYSTEMS BASED ON THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF * * THE TRAFFIC IN QUESTION, NOT WHETHER THERE IS A PORT NUMBER * * REGISTERED OR NOT. * ************************************************************************
- Request an Assignment
- Available Formats
Plain text
Service Name | Port Number | Transport Protocol | Description | Assignee | Contact | Registration Date | Modification Date | Reference | Service Code | Unauthorized Use Reported | Assignment Notes |
cautcpd | 3061 | tcp | cautcpd | ||||||||
cautcpd | 3061 | udp | cautcpd | ||||||||
ncacn-ip-tcp | 3062 | tcp | ncacn-ip-tcp | ||||||||
ncacn-ip-tcp | 3062 | udp | ncacn-ip-tcp | ||||||||
ncadg-ip-udp | 3063 | tcp | ncadg-ip-udp | [Gabi_Kalmar] | [Gabi_Kalmar] | ||||||
ncadg-ip-udp | 3063 | udp | ncadg-ip-udp | [Gabi_Kalmar] | [Gabi_Kalmar] | ||||||
rprt | 3064 | tcp | Remote Port Redirector | [Robin_Johnston] | [Robin_Johnston] | ||||||
rprt | 3064 | udp | Remote Port Redirector | [Robin_Johnston] | [Robin_Johnston] | ||||||
slinterbase | 3065 | tcp | slinterbase | [Bie_Tie] | [Bie_Tie] | ||||||
slinterbase | 3065 | udp | slinterbase | [Bie_Tie] | [Bie_Tie] | ||||||
netattachsdmp | 3066 | tcp | NETATTACHSDMP | [Mike_Young] | [Mike_Young] | ||||||
netattachsdmp | 3066 | udp | NETATTACHSDMP | [Mike_Young] | [Mike_Young] | ||||||
fjhpjp | 3067 | tcp | FJHPJP | [Ryozo_Furutani] | [Ryozo_Furutani] | ||||||
fjhpjp | 3067 | udp | FJHPJP | [Ryozo_Furutani] | [Ryozo_Furutani] | ||||||
ls3bcast | 3068 | tcp | ls3 Broadcast | ||||||||
ls3bcast | 3068 | udp | ls3 Broadcast | ||||||||
ls3 | 3069 | tcp | ls3 | [Jim_Thompson] | [Jim_Thompson] | ||||||
ls3 | 3069 | udp | ls3 | [Jim_Thompson] | [Jim_Thompson] | ||||||
mgxswitch | 3070 | tcp | MGXSWITCH | [George_Walter] | [George_Walter] | ||||||
mgxswitch | 3070 | udp | MGXSWITCH | [George_Walter] | [George_Walter] | ||||||
xplat-replicate | 3071 | tcp | Crossplatform replication protocol | [NetApp_3] | [Ravindra_Kuramkote] | 2017-08-24 | |||||
3071 | udp | Reserved | 2017-08-24 | ||||||||
csd-monitor | 3072 | tcp | ContinuStor Monitor Port | [NetApp] | [MSW_architecture_team] | 2014-07-18 | |||||
csd-monitor | 3072 | udp | ContinuStor Monitor Port | [NetApp] | [MSW_architecture_team] | 2014-07-18 | |||||
vcrp | 3073 | tcp | Very simple chatroom prot | [Andreas_Wurf] | [Andreas_Wurf] | ||||||
vcrp | 3073 | udp | Very simple chatroom prot | [Andreas_Wurf] | [Andreas_Wurf] | ||||||
xbox | 3074 | tcp | Xbox game port | [Damon_Danieli] | [Damon_Danieli] | ||||||
xbox | 3074 | udp | Xbox game port | [Damon_Danieli] | [Damon_Danieli] | ||||||
orbix-locator | 3075 | tcp | Orbix 2000 Locator | ||||||||
orbix-locator | 3075 | udp | Orbix 2000 Locator | ||||||||
orbix-config | 3076 | tcp | Orbix 2000 Config | ||||||||
orbix-config | 3076 | udp | Orbix 2000 Config | ||||||||
orbix-loc-ssl | 3077 | tcp | Orbix 2000 Locator SSL | ||||||||
orbix-loc-ssl | 3077 | udp | Orbix 2000 Locator SSL | ||||||||
orbix-cfg-ssl | 3078 | tcp | Orbix 2000 Locator SSL | [Eric_Newcomer] | [Eric_Newcomer] | ||||||
orbix-cfg-ssl | 3078 | udp | Orbix 2000 Locator SSL | [Eric_Newcomer] | [Eric_Newcomer] | ||||||
lv-frontpanel | 3079 | tcp | LV Front Panel | [Darshan_Shah] | [Darshan_Shah] | ||||||
lv-frontpanel | 3079 | udp | LV Front Panel | [Darshan_Shah] | [Darshan_Shah] | ||||||
stm-pproc | 3080 | tcp | stm_pproc IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "stm_pproc". |
[Paul_McGinnis] | [Paul_McGinnis] | ||||||
stm_pproc | 3080 | tcp | stm_pproc | [Paul_McGinnis] | [Paul_McGinnis] | This entry is an alias to "stm-pproc". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||
stm-pproc | 3080 | udp | stm_pproc IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "stm_pproc". |
[Paul_McGinnis] | [Paul_McGinnis] | ||||||
stm_pproc | 3080 | udp | stm_pproc | [Paul_McGinnis] | [Paul_McGinnis] | This entry is an alias to "stm-pproc". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||
tl1-lv | 3081 | tcp | TL1-LV | ||||||||
tl1-lv | 3081 | udp | TL1-LV | ||||||||
tl1-raw | 3082 | tcp | TL1-RAW | ||||||||
tl1-raw | 3082 | udp | TL1-RAW | ||||||||
tl1-telnet | 3083 | tcp | TL1-TELNET | [SONET_Internetworkin] | [SONET_Internetworkin] | ||||||
tl1-telnet | 3083 | udp | TL1-TELNET | [SONET_Internetworkin] | [SONET_Internetworkin] | ||||||
itm-mccs | 3084 | tcp | ITM-MCCS | [Portnoy_Boxman] | [Portnoy_Boxman] | ||||||
itm-mccs | 3084 | udp | ITM-MCCS | [Portnoy_Boxman] | [Portnoy_Boxman] | ||||||
pcihreq | 3085 | tcp | PCIHReq | [Paul_Sanders] | [Paul_Sanders] | ||||||
pcihreq | 3085 | udp | PCIHReq | [Paul_Sanders] | [Paul_Sanders] | ||||||
jdl-dbkitchen | 3086 | tcp | JDL-DBKitchen | [Hideo_Wakabayashi] | [Hideo_Wakabayashi] | ||||||
jdl-dbkitchen | 3086 | udp | JDL-DBKitchen | [Hideo_Wakabayashi] | [Hideo_Wakabayashi] | ||||||
asoki-sma | 3087 | tcp | Asoki SMA | [Andrew_Mossberg] | [Andrew_Mossberg] | ||||||
asoki-sma | 3087 | udp | Asoki SMA | [Andrew_Mossberg] | [Andrew_Mossberg] | ||||||
xdtp | 3088 | tcp | eXtensible Data Transfer Protocol | [Michael_Shearson] | [Michael_Shearson] | ||||||
xdtp | 3088 | udp | eXtensible Data Transfer Protocol | [Michael_Shearson] | [Michael_Shearson] | ||||||
ptk-alink | 3089 | tcp | ParaTek Agent Linking | [Robert_Hodgson_2] | [Robert_Hodgson_2] | ||||||
ptk-alink | 3089 | udp | ParaTek Agent Linking | [Robert_Hodgson_2] | [Robert_Hodgson_2] | ||||||
stss | 3090 | tcp | Senforce Session Services | [Peter_Boucher] | [Peter_Boucher] | ||||||
stss | 3090 | udp | Senforce Session Services | [Peter_Boucher] | [Peter_Boucher] | ||||||
1ci-smcs | 3091 | tcp | 1Ci Server Management | [Ralf_Bensmann] | [Ralf_Bensmann] | ||||||
1ci-smcs | 3091 | udp | 1Ci Server Management | [Ralf_Bensmann] | [Ralf_Bensmann] | ||||||
3092 | Unassigned | 2008-04-22 | |||||||||
rapidmq-center | 3093 | tcp | Jiiva RapidMQ Center | ||||||||
rapidmq-center | 3093 | udp | Jiiva RapidMQ Center | ||||||||
rapidmq-reg | 3094 | tcp | Jiiva RapidMQ Registry | [Mark_Ericksen] | [Mark_Ericksen] | ||||||
rapidmq-reg | 3094 | udp | Jiiva RapidMQ Registry | [Mark_Ericksen] | [Mark_Ericksen] | ||||||
panasas | 3095 | tcp | Panasas rendezvous port | [Patrick_Keane] | [Patrick_Keane] | 2017-08-17 | |||||
panasas | 3095 | udp | Panasas rendezvous port | [Patrick_Keane] | [Patrick_Keane] | 2017-08-17 | |||||
ndl-aps | 3096 | tcp | Active Print Server Port | [Martin_Norman] | [Martin_Norman] | ||||||
ndl-aps | 3096 | udp | Active Print Server Port | [Martin_Norman] | [Martin_Norman] | ||||||
3097 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
3097 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
itu-bicc-stc | 3097 | sctp | ITU-T Q.1902.1/Q.2150.3 | [Greg_Sidebottom] | [Greg_Sidebottom] | ||||||
umm-port | 3098 | tcp | Universal Message Manager | [Phil_Braham] | [Phil_Braham] | ||||||
umm-port | 3098 | udp | Universal Message Manager | [Phil_Braham] | [Phil_Braham] | ||||||
chmd | 3099 | tcp | CHIPSY Machine Daemon | [Trond_Borsting] | [Trond_Borsting] | ||||||
chmd | 3099 | udp | CHIPSY Machine Daemon | [Trond_Borsting] | [Trond_Borsting] | ||||||
opcon-xps | 3100 | tcp | OpCon/xps | [David_Bourland] | [David_Bourland] | ||||||
opcon-xps | 3100 | udp | OpCon/xps | [David_Bourland] | [David_Bourland] | ||||||
hp-pxpib | 3101 | tcp | HP PolicyXpert PIB Server | [Brian_O_Keefe] | [Brian_O_Keefe] | ||||||
hp-pxpib | 3101 | udp | HP PolicyXpert PIB Server | [Brian_O_Keefe] | [Brian_O_Keefe] | ||||||
slslavemon | 3102 | tcp | SoftlinK Slave Mon Port | [Moshe_Livne] | [Moshe_Livne] | ||||||
slslavemon | 3102 | udp | SoftlinK Slave Mon Port | [Moshe_Livne] | [Moshe_Livne] | ||||||
autocuesmi | 3103 | tcp | Autocue SMI Protocol | ||||||||
autocuesmi | 3103 | udp | Autocue SMI Protocol | ||||||||
autocuelog | 3104 | tcp | Autocue Logger Protocol | ||||||||
autocuetime | 3104 | udp | Autocue Time Service | [Geoff_Back] | [Geoff_Back] | ||||||
cardbox | 3105 | tcp | Cardbox | ||||||||
cardbox | 3105 | udp | Cardbox | ||||||||
cardbox-http | 3106 | tcp | Cardbox HTTP | [Martin_Kochanski] | [Martin_Kochanski] | ||||||
cardbox-http | 3106 | udp | Cardbox HTTP | [Martin_Kochanski] | [Martin_Kochanski] | ||||||
business | 3107 | tcp | Business protocol | ||||||||
business | 3107 | udp | Business protocol | ||||||||
geolocate | 3108 | tcp | Geolocate protocol | ||||||||
geolocate | 3108 | udp | Geolocate protocol | ||||||||
personnel | 3109 | tcp | Personnel protocol | [William_Randolph_Roy] | [William_Randolph_Roy] | ||||||
personnel | 3109 | udp | Personnel protocol | [William_Randolph_Roy] | [William_Randolph_Roy] | ||||||
sim-control | 3110 | tcp | simulator control port | [Ian_Bell] | [Ian_Bell] |