Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
- Last Updated
- 2025-03-11
- Expert(s)
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf SCTP: Michael Tuexen DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
- Reference
- [RFC6335]
- Note
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and SCTP. Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as documented in [RFC6335]. Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in [RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in [RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per [RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned. The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are described in [RFC6335]. Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without or prior to IANA registration. ************************************************************************ * PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: * * * * ASSIGNMENT OF A PORT NUMBER DOES NOT IN ANY WAY IMPLY AN * * ENDORSEMENT OF AN APPLICATION OR PRODUCT, AND THE FACT THAT NETWORK * * TRAFFIC IS FLOWING TO OR FROM A REGISTERED PORT DOES NOT MEAN THAT * * IT IS "GOOD" TRAFFIC, NOR THAT IT NECESSARILY CORRESPONDS TO THE * * ASSIGNED SERVICE. FIREWALL AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS SHOULD * * CHOOSE HOW TO CONFIGURE THEIR SYSTEMS BASED ON THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF * * THE TRAFFIC IN QUESTION, NOT WHETHER THERE IS A PORT NUMBER * * REGISTERED OR NOT. * ************************************************************************
- Request an Assignment
- Available Formats
Plain text
Service Name | Port Number | Transport Protocol | Description | Assignee | Contact | Registration Date | Modification Date | Reference | Service Code | Unauthorized Use Reported | Assignment Notes |
sim-control | 3110 | tcp | simulator control port | [Ian_Bell] | [Ian_Bell] | ||||||
sim-control | 3110 | udp | simulator control port | [Ian_Bell] | [Ian_Bell] | ||||||
wsynch | 3111 | tcp | Web Synchronous Services | [Valery_Fremaux] | [Valery_Fremaux] | ||||||
wsynch | 3111 | udp | Web Synchronous Services | [Valery_Fremaux] | [Valery_Fremaux] | ||||||
ksysguard | 3112 | tcp | KDE System Guard | [Chris_Schlaeger] | [Chris_Schlaeger] | ||||||
ksysguard | 3112 | udp | KDE System Guard | [Chris_Schlaeger] | [Chris_Schlaeger] | ||||||
cs-auth-svr | 3113 | tcp | CS-Authenticate Svr Port | [Cliff_Diamond][Andy_Georgiou] | [Cliff_Diamond][Andy_Georgiou] | ||||||
cs-auth-svr | 3113 | udp | CS-Authenticate Svr Port | [Cliff_Diamond][Andy_Georgiou] | [Cliff_Diamond][Andy_Georgiou] | ||||||
ccmad | 3114 | tcp | CCM AutoDiscover | [Ram_Sudama] | [Ram_Sudama] | ||||||
ccmad | 3114 | udp | CCM AutoDiscover | [Ram_Sudama] | [Ram_Sudama] | ||||||
mctet-master | 3115 | tcp | MCTET Master | ||||||||
mctet-master | 3115 | udp | MCTET Master | ||||||||
mctet-gateway | 3116 | tcp | MCTET Gateway | ||||||||
mctet-gateway | 3116 | udp | MCTET Gateway | ||||||||
mctet-jserv | 3117 | tcp | MCTET Jserv | [Portnoy_Boxman] | [Portnoy_Boxman] | ||||||
mctet-jserv | 3117 | udp | MCTET Jserv | [Portnoy_Boxman] | [Portnoy_Boxman] | ||||||
pkagent | 3118 | tcp | PKAgent | [Michael_Douglass] | [Michael_Douglass] | ||||||
pkagent | 3118 | udp | PKAgent | [Michael_Douglass] | [Michael_Douglass] | ||||||
d2000kernel | 3119 | tcp | D2000 Kernel Port | ||||||||
d2000kernel | 3119 | udp | D2000 Kernel Port | ||||||||
d2000webserver | 3120 | tcp | D2000 Webserver Port | [Tomas_Rajcan] | [Tomas_Rajcan] | ||||||
d2000webserver | 3120 | udp | D2000 Webserver Port | [Tomas_Rajcan] | [Tomas_Rajcan] | ||||||
pcmk-remote | 3121 | tcp | The pacemaker remote (pcmk-remote) service extends high availability functionality outside of the Linux cluster into remote nodes. | [David_Vossel] | [Andrew_Beekhof] | 2013-03-15 | port 3121 previously noted "Removed on 2003-09-17" | ||||
3121 | udp | Reserved | 2013-03-15 | port 3121 previously noted "Removed on 2003-09-17" | |||||||
vtr-emulator | 3122 | tcp | MTI VTR Emulator port | [John_Mertus] | [John_Mertus] | ||||||
vtr-emulator | 3122 | udp | MTI VTR Emulator port | [John_Mertus] | [John_Mertus] | ||||||
edix | 3123 | tcp | EDI Translation Protocol | [William_Randolph_Roy] | [William_Randolph_Roy] | ||||||
edix | 3123 | udp | EDI Translation Protocol | [William_Randolph_Roy] | [William_Randolph_Roy] | ||||||
beacon-port | 3124 | tcp | Beacon Port | [James_Paul_Duncan] | [James_Paul_Duncan] | ||||||
beacon-port | 3124 | udp | Beacon Port | [James_Paul_Duncan] | [James_Paul_Duncan] | ||||||
a13-an | 3125 | tcp | A13-AN Interface | [Douglas_Knisely] | [Douglas_Knisely] | ||||||
a13-an | 3125 | udp | A13-AN Interface | [Douglas_Knisely] | [Douglas_Knisely] | ||||||
3126 | Unassigned | 2007-10-04 | |||||||||
ctx-bridge | 3127 | tcp | CTX Bridge Port | [Alexander_Dubrovsky] | [Alexander_Dubrovsky] | ||||||
ctx-bridge | 3127 | udp | CTX Bridge Port | [Alexander_Dubrovsky] | [Alexander_Dubrovsky] | ||||||
ndl-aas | 3128 | tcp | Active API Server Port | [Martin_Norman] | [Martin_Norman] | ||||||
ndl-aas | 3128 | udp | Active API Server Port | [Martin_Norman] | [Martin_Norman] | ||||||
netport-id | 3129 | tcp | NetPort Discovery Port | [P_T_K_Farrar] | [P_T_K_Farrar] | ||||||
netport-id | 3129 | udp | NetPort Discovery Port | [P_T_K_Farrar] | [P_T_K_Farrar] | ||||||
icpv2 | 3130 | tcp | ICPv2 | [Duane_Wessels] | [Duane_Wessels] | ||||||
icpv2 | 3130 | udp | ICPv2 | [Duane_Wessels] | [Duane_Wessels] | ||||||
netbookmark | 3131 | tcp | Net Book Mark | [Yiftach_Ravid] | [Yiftach_Ravid] | Known Unauthorized Use on port 3131 | |||||
netbookmark | 3131 | udp | Net Book Mark | [Yiftach_Ravid] | [Yiftach_Ravid] | Known Unauthorized Use on port 3131 | |||||
ms-rule-engine | 3132 | tcp | Microsoft Business Rule Engine Update Service | [Anush_Kumar] | [Anush_Kumar] | ||||||
ms-rule-engine | 3132 | udp | Microsoft Business Rule Engine Update Service | [Anush_Kumar] | [Anush_Kumar] | ||||||
prism-deploy | 3133 | tcp | Prism Deploy User Port | [Joan_Linck] | [Joan_Linck] | ||||||
prism-deploy | 3133 | udp | Prism Deploy User Port | [Joan_Linck] | [Joan_Linck] | ||||||
ecp | 3134 | tcp | Extensible Code Protocol | [Jim_Trek][Mark_Bocko] | [Jim_Trek][Mark_Bocko] | ||||||
ecp | 3134 | udp | Extensible Code Protocol | [Jim_Trek][Mark_Bocko] | [Jim_Trek][Mark_Bocko] | ||||||
peerbook-port | 3135 | tcp | PeerBook Port | [John_Flowers] | [John_Flowers] | ||||||
peerbook-port | 3135 | udp | PeerBook Port | [John_Flowers] | [John_Flowers] | ||||||
grubd | 3136 | tcp | Grub Server Port | [Kord_Campbell] | [Kord_Campbell] | ||||||
grubd | 3136 | udp | Grub Server Port | [Kord_Campbell] | [Kord_Campbell] | ||||||
rtnt-1 | 3137 | tcp | rtnt-1 data packets | ||||||||
rtnt-1 | 3137 | udp | rtnt-1 data packets | ||||||||
rtnt-2 | 3138 | tcp | rtnt-2 data packets | [Ron_Muellerschoen] | [Ron_Muellerschoen] | ||||||
rtnt-2 | 3138 | udp | rtnt-2 data packets | [Ron_Muellerschoen] | [Ron_Muellerschoen] | ||||||
incognitorv | 3139 | tcp | Incognito Rendez-Vous | [Stephane_Bourque] | [Stephane_Bourque] | ||||||
incognitorv | 3139 | udp | Incognito Rendez-Vous | [Stephane_Bourque] | [Stephane_Bourque] | ||||||
ariliamulti | 3140 | tcp | Arilia Multiplexor | [Stephane_Bourque_2] | [Stephane_Bourque_2] | ||||||
ariliamulti | 3140 | udp | Arilia Multiplexor | [Stephane_Bourque_2] | [Stephane_Bourque_2] | ||||||
vmodem | 3141 | tcp | VMODEM | [Ray_Gwinn] | [Ray_Gwinn] | ||||||
vmodem | 3141 | udp | VMODEM | [Ray_Gwinn] | [Ray_Gwinn] | ||||||
rdc-wh-eos | 3142 | tcp | RDC WH EOS | [Udi_Nir] | [Udi_Nir] | ||||||
rdc-wh-eos | 3142 | udp | RDC WH EOS | [Udi_Nir] | [Udi_Nir] | ||||||
seaview | 3143 | tcp | Sea View | [Jim_Flaherty_2] | [Jim_Flaherty_2] | ||||||
seaview | 3143 | udp | Sea View | [Jim_Flaherty_2] | [Jim_Flaherty_2] | ||||||
tarantella | 3144 | tcp | Tarantella | [Roger_Binns] | [Roger_Binns] | ||||||
tarantella | 3144 | udp | Tarantella | [Roger_Binns] | [Roger_Binns] | ||||||
csi-lfap | 3145 | tcp | CSI-LFAP | [Paul_Amsden] | [Paul_Amsden] | Known UNAUTHORIZED USE: port 3145 | |||||
csi-lfap | 3145 | udp | CSI-LFAP | [Paul_Amsden] | [Paul_Amsden] | Known UNAUTHORIZED USE: port 3145 | |||||
bears-02 | 3146 | tcp | bears-02 | [Bruce_McKinnon_2] | [Bruce_McKinnon_2] | ||||||
bears-02 | 3146 | udp | bears-02 | [Bruce_McKinnon_2] | [Bruce_McKinnon_2] | ||||||
rfio | 3147 | tcp | RFIO | [Frederic_Hemmer] | [Frederic_Hemmer] | ||||||
rfio | 3147 | udp | RFIO | [Frederic_Hemmer] | [Frederic_Hemmer] | ||||||
nm-game-admin | 3148 | tcp | NetMike Game Administrator | ||||||||
nm-game-admin | 3148 | udp | NetMike Game Administrator | ||||||||
nm-game-server | 3149 | tcp | NetMike Game Server | ||||||||
nm-game-server | 3149 | udp | NetMike Game Server | ||||||||
nm-asses-admin | 3150 | tcp | NetMike Assessor Administrator | ||||||||
nm-asses-admin | 3150 | udp | NetMike Assessor Administrator | ||||||||
nm-assessor | 3151 | tcp | NetMike Assessor | [Andrew_Sharpe] | [Andrew_Sharpe] | ||||||
nm-assessor | 3151 | udp | NetMike Assessor | [Andrew_Sharpe] | [Andrew_Sharpe] | ||||||
feitianrockey | 3152 | tcp | FeiTian Port | [Huang_Yu] | [Huang_Yu] | ||||||
feitianrockey | 3152 | udp | FeiTian Port | [Huang_Yu] | [Huang_Yu] | ||||||
s8-client-port | 3153 | tcp | S8Cargo Client Port | [Jon_S_Kyle] | [Jon_S_Kyle] | ||||||
s8-client-port | 3153 | udp | S8Cargo Client Port | [Jon_S_Kyle] | [Jon_S_Kyle] | ||||||
ccmrmi | 3154 | tcp | ON RMI Registry | [Ram_Sudama] | [Ram_Sudama] | ||||||
ccmrmi | 3154 | udp | ON RMI Registry | [Ram_Sudama] | [Ram_Sudama] | ||||||
jpegmpeg | 3155 | tcp | JpegMpeg Port | [Richard_Bassous] | [Richard_Bassous] | ||||||
jpegmpeg | 3155 | udp | JpegMpeg Port | [Richard_Bassous] | [Richard_Bassous] | ||||||
indura | 3156 | tcp | Indura Collector | [Bruce_Kosbab] | [Bruce_Kosbab] | ||||||
indura | 3156 | udp | Indura Collector | [Bruce_Kosbab] | [Bruce_Kosbab] | ||||||
lsa-comm | 3157 | tcp | LSA Communicator | [Brian_Carnell] | [Brian_Carnell] | 2024-03-18 | |||||
lsa-comm | 3157 | udp | LSA Communicator | [Brian_Carnell] | [Brian_Carnell] | 2024-03-18 | |||||
stvp | 3158 | tcp | SmashTV Protocol | [Christian_Wolff] | [Christian_Wolff] | ||||||
stvp | 3158 | udp | SmashTV Protocol | [Christian_Wolff] | [Christian_Wolff] | ||||||
navegaweb-port | 3159 | tcp | NavegaWeb Tarification | [Miguel_Angel_Fernand] | [Miguel_Angel_Fernand] | ||||||
navegaweb-port | 3159 | udp | NavegaWeb Tarification | [Miguel_Angel_Fernand] | [Miguel_Angel_Fernand] | ||||||
tip-app-server | 3160 | tcp | TIP Application Server | [Integral_Software] | [Olivier_Mascia] | 2023-11-07 | |||||
tip-app-server | 3160 | udp | TIP Application Server | [Integral_Software] | [Olivier_Mascia] | 2023-11-07 |