Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
- Last Updated
- 2025-03-11
- Expert(s)
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf SCTP: Michael Tuexen DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
- Reference
- [RFC6335]
- Note
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and SCTP. Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as documented in [RFC6335]. Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in [RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in [RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per [RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned. The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are described in [RFC6335]. Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without or prior to IANA registration. ************************************************************************ * PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: * * * * ASSIGNMENT OF A PORT NUMBER DOES NOT IN ANY WAY IMPLY AN * * ENDORSEMENT OF AN APPLICATION OR PRODUCT, AND THE FACT THAT NETWORK * * TRAFFIC IS FLOWING TO OR FROM A REGISTERED PORT DOES NOT MEAN THAT * * IT IS "GOOD" TRAFFIC, NOR THAT IT NECESSARILY CORRESPONDS TO THE * * ASSIGNED SERVICE. FIREWALL AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS SHOULD * * CHOOSE HOW TO CONFIGURE THEIR SYSTEMS BASED ON THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF * * THE TRAFFIC IN QUESTION, NOT WHETHER THERE IS A PORT NUMBER * * REGISTERED OR NOT. * ************************************************************************
- Request an Assignment
- Available Formats
Plain text
Service Name | Port Number | Transport Protocol | Description | Assignee | Contact | Registration Date | Modification Date | Reference | Service Code | Unauthorized Use Reported | Assignment Notes |
nsiiops | 261 | tcp | IIOP Name Service over TLS/SSL | [Jeff_Stewart] | [Jeff_Stewart] | ||||||
nsiiops | 261 | udp | IIOP Name Service over TLS/SSL | [Jeff_Stewart] | [Jeff_Stewart] | ||||||
arcisdms | 262 | tcp | Arcisdms | [Russell_Crook] | [Russell_Crook] | ||||||
arcisdms | 262 | udp | Arcisdms | [Russell_Crook] | [Russell_Crook] | ||||||
hdap | 263 | tcp | HDAP | [Troy_Gau] | [Troy_Gau] | ||||||
hdap | 263 | udp | HDAP | [Troy_Gau] | [Troy_Gau] | ||||||
bgmp | 264 | tcp | BGMP | [Dave_Thaler] | [Dave_Thaler] | ||||||
bgmp | 264 | udp | BGMP | [Dave_Thaler] | [Dave_Thaler] | ||||||
x-bone-ctl | 265 | tcp | X-Bone CTL | [Joe_Touch] | [Joe_Touch] | ||||||
x-bone-ctl | 265 | udp | X-Bone CTL | [Joe_Touch] | [Joe_Touch] | ||||||
sst | 266 | tcp | SCSI on ST | [Donald_D_Woelz] | [Donald_D_Woelz] | ||||||
sst | 266 | udp | SCSI on ST | [Donald_D_Woelz] | [Donald_D_Woelz] | ||||||
td-service | 267 | tcp | Tobit David Service Layer | ||||||||
td-service | 267 | udp | Tobit David Service Layer | ||||||||
td-replica | 268 | tcp | Tobit David Replica | [Franz_Josef_Leuders] | [Franz_Josef_Leuders] | ||||||
td-replica | 268 | udp | Tobit David Replica | [Franz_Josef_Leuders] | [Franz_Josef_Leuders] | ||||||
manet | 269 | tcp | MANET Protocols | [RFC5498] | |||||||
manet | 269 | udp | MANET Protocols | [RFC5498] | |||||||
270 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
gist | 270 | udp | Q-mode encapsulation for GIST messages | [RFC5971] | |||||||
pt-tls | 271 | tcp | IETF Network Endpoint Assessment (NEA) Posture Transport Protocol over TLS (PT-TLS) | [IESG] | [IETF_Chair] | 2012-07-31 | [RFC6876] | ||||
271 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
272-279 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
http-mgmt | 280 | tcp | http-mgmt | [Adrian_Pell] | [Adrian_Pell] | ||||||
http-mgmt | 280 | udp | http-mgmt | [Adrian_Pell] | [Adrian_Pell] | ||||||
personal-link | 281 | tcp | Personal Link | [Dan_Cummings] | [Dan_Cummings] | ||||||
personal-link | 281 | udp | Personal Link | [Dan_Cummings] | [Dan_Cummings] | ||||||
cableport-ax | 282 | tcp | Cable Port A/X | [Craig_Langfahl] | [Craig_Langfahl] | ||||||
cableport-ax | 282 | udp | Cable Port A/X | [Craig_Langfahl] | [Craig_Langfahl] | ||||||
rescap | 283 | tcp | rescap | [Paul_Hoffman] | [Paul_Hoffman] | ||||||
rescap | 283 | udp | rescap | [Paul_Hoffman] | [Paul_Hoffman] | ||||||
corerjd | 284 | tcp | corerjd | [Chris_Thornhill] | [Chris_Thornhill] | ||||||
corerjd | 284 | udp | corerjd | [Chris_Thornhill] | [Chris_Thornhill] | ||||||
285 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
fxp | 286 | tcp | FXP Communication | [James_Darnall] | [James_Darnall] | ||||||
fxp | 286 | udp | FXP Communication | [James_Darnall] | [James_Darnall] | ||||||
k-block | 287 | tcp | K-BLOCK | [Simon_P_Jackson] | [Simon_P_Jackson] | ||||||
k-block | 287 | udp | K-BLOCK | [Simon_P_Jackson] | [Simon_P_Jackson] | ||||||
288-307 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
novastorbakcup | 308 | tcp | Novastor Backup | [Brian_Dickman] | [Brian_Dickman] | ||||||
novastorbakcup | 308 | udp | Novastor Backup | [Brian_Dickman] | [Brian_Dickman] | ||||||
entrusttime | 309 | tcp | EntrustTime | [Peter_Whittaker] | [Peter_Whittaker] | ||||||
entrusttime | 309 | udp | EntrustTime | [Peter_Whittaker] | [Peter_Whittaker] | ||||||
bhmds | 310 | tcp | bhmds | [John_Kelly] | [John_Kelly] | ||||||
bhmds | 310 | udp | bhmds | [John_Kelly] | [John_Kelly] | ||||||
asip-webadmin | 311 | tcp | AppleShare IP WebAdmin | [Ann_Huang] | [Ann_Huang] | ||||||
asip-webadmin | 311 | udp | AppleShare IP WebAdmin | [Ann_Huang] | [Ann_Huang] | ||||||
vslmp | 312 | tcp | VSLMP | [Gerben_Wierda] | [Gerben_Wierda] | ||||||
vslmp | 312 | udp | VSLMP | [Gerben_Wierda] | [Gerben_Wierda] | ||||||
magenta-logic | 313 | tcp | Magenta Logic | [Karl_Rousseau] | [Karl_Rousseau] | ||||||
magenta-logic | 313 | udp | Magenta Logic | [Karl_Rousseau] | [Karl_Rousseau] | ||||||
opalis-robot | 314 | tcp | Opalis Robot | [Laurent_Domenech] | [Laurent_Domenech] | ||||||
opalis-robot | 314 | udp | Opalis Robot | [Laurent_Domenech] | [Laurent_Domenech] | ||||||
dpsi | 315 | tcp | DPSI | [Tony_Scamurra] | [Tony_Scamurra] | ||||||
dpsi | 315 | udp | DPSI | [Tony_Scamurra] | [Tony_Scamurra] | ||||||
decauth | 316 | tcp | decAuth | [Michael_Agishtein] | [Michael_Agishtein] | ||||||
decauth | 316 | udp | decAuth | [Michael_Agishtein] | [Michael_Agishtein] | ||||||
zannet | 317 | tcp | Zannet | [Zan_Oliphant] | [Zan_Oliphant] | ||||||
zannet | 317 | udp | Zannet | [Zan_Oliphant] | [Zan_Oliphant] | ||||||
pkix-timestamp | 318 | tcp | PKIX TimeStamp | [Robert_Zuccherato] | [Robert_Zuccherato] | ||||||
pkix-timestamp | 318 | udp | PKIX TimeStamp | [Robert_Zuccherato] | [Robert_Zuccherato] | ||||||
ptp-event | 319 | tcp | PTP Event | [Kang_Lee] | [Kang_Lee] | 2010-07-27 | |||||
ptp-event | 319 | udp | PTP Event | [Kang_Lee] | [Kang_Lee] | 2010-07-27 | |||||
ptp-general | 320 | tcp | PTP General | [Kang_Lee] | [Kang_Lee] | 2010-07-27 | |||||
ptp-general | 320 | udp | PTP General | [Kang_Lee] | [Kang_Lee] | 2010-07-27 | |||||
pip | 321 | tcp | PIP | [Gordon_Mohr] | [Gordon_Mohr] | ||||||
pip | 321 | udp | PIP | [Gordon_Mohr] | [Gordon_Mohr] | ||||||
rtsps | 322 | tcp | RTSPS | [Anders_Klemets] | [Anders_Klemets] | ||||||
rtsps | 322 | udp | RTSPS | [Anders_Klemets] | [Anders_Klemets] | ||||||
rpki-rtr | 323 | tcp | Resource PKI to Router Protocol | [IESG] | [IETF_Chair] | [RFC6810] | |||||
323 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
rpki-rtr-tls | 324 | tcp | Resource PKI to Router Protocol over TLS | [IESG] | [IETF_Chair] | [RFC6810] | |||||
324 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
325-332 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
texar | 333 | tcp | Texar Security Port | [Eugen_Bacic] | [Eugen_Bacic] | ||||||
texar | 333 | udp | Texar Security Port | [Eugen_Bacic] | [Eugen_Bacic] | ||||||
334-343 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
pdap | 344 | tcp | Prospero Data Access Protocol | [B_Clifford_Neuman] | [B_Clifford_Neuman] | ||||||
pdap | 344 | udp | Prospero Data Access Protocol | [B_Clifford_Neuman] | [B_Clifford_Neuman] | ||||||
pawserv | 345 | tcp | Perf Analysis Workbench | ||||||||
pawserv | 345 | udp | Perf Analysis Workbench | ||||||||
zserv | 346 | tcp | Zebra server | ||||||||
zserv | 346 | udp | Zebra server | ||||||||
fatserv | 347 | tcp | Fatmen Server | ||||||||
fatserv | 347 | udp | Fatmen Server | ||||||||
csi-sgwp | 348 | tcp | Cabletron Management Protocol | ||||||||
csi-sgwp | 348 | udp | Cabletron Management Protocol | ||||||||
mftp | 349 | tcp | mftp | [Dave_Feinleib] | [Dave_Feinleib] | ||||||
mftp | 349 | udp | mftp | [Dave_Feinleib] | [Dave_Feinleib] | ||||||
matip-type-a | 350 | tcp | MATIP Type A | [Alain_Robert] | [Alain_Robert] | [RFC2351] | |||||
matip-type-a | 350 | udp | MATIP Type A | [Alain_Robert] | [Alain_Robert] | [RFC2351] | |||||
matip-type-b | 351 | tcp | MATIP Type B | [Alain_Robert] | [Alain_Robert] | [RFC2351] | |||||
matip-type-b | 351 | udp | MATIP Type B | [Alain_Robert] | [Alain_Robert] | [RFC2351] | |||||
bhoetty | 351 | tcp | bhoetty | [John_Kelly] | [John_Kelly] | This entry records an unassigned but widespread use (added 5/21/97) | |||||
bhoetty | 351 | udp | bhoetty | [John_Kelly] | [John_Kelly] | This entry records an unassigned but widespread use (added 5/21/97) | |||||
dtag-ste-sb | 352 | tcp | DTAG | [Ruediger_Wald] | [Ruediger_Wald] | (assigned long ago) | |||||
dtag-ste-sb | 352 | udp | DTAG | [Ruediger_Wald] | [Ruediger_Wald] | (assigned long ago) | |||||
bhoedap4 | 352 | tcp | bhoedap4 | [John_Kelly] | [John_Kelly] | This entry records an unassigned but widespread use (added 5/21/97) | |||||
bhoedap4 | 352 | udp | bhoedap4 | [John_Kelly] | [John_Kelly] | This entry records an unassigned but widespread use (added 5/21/97) | |||||
ndsauth | 353 | tcp | NDSAUTH | [Jayakumar_Ramalingam] | [Jayakumar_Ramalingam] | ||||||
ndsauth | 353 | udp | NDSAUTH | [Jayakumar_Ramalingam] | [Jayakumar_Ramalingam] |