Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
- Last Updated
- 2025-03-11
- Expert(s)
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf SCTP: Michael Tuexen DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
- Reference
- [RFC6335]
- Note
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and SCTP. Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as documented in [RFC6335]. Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in [RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in [RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per [RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned. The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are described in [RFC6335]. Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without or prior to IANA registration. ************************************************************************ * PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: * * * * ASSIGNMENT OF A PORT NUMBER DOES NOT IN ANY WAY IMPLY AN * * ENDORSEMENT OF AN APPLICATION OR PRODUCT, AND THE FACT THAT NETWORK * * TRAFFIC IS FLOWING TO OR FROM A REGISTERED PORT DOES NOT MEAN THAT * * IT IS "GOOD" TRAFFIC, NOR THAT IT NECESSARILY CORRESPONDS TO THE * * ASSIGNED SERVICE. FIREWALL AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS SHOULD * * CHOOSE HOW TO CONFIGURE THEIR SYSTEMS BASED ON THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF * * THE TRAFFIC IN QUESTION, NOT WHETHER THERE IS A PORT NUMBER * * REGISTERED OR NOT. * ************************************************************************
- Request an Assignment
- Available Formats
Plain text
Service Name | Port Number | Transport Protocol | Description | Assignee | Contact | Registration Date | Modification Date | Reference | Service Code | Unauthorized Use Reported | Assignment Notes |
3566 | udp | Reserved | 2010-10-18 | ||||||||
dof-eps | 3567 | tcp | DOF Protocol Stack | [OpenDOF] | [Bryant_Eastham] | 2002-08 | 2015-04-23 | ||||
dof-eps | 3567 | udp | DOF Protocol Stack | [OpenDOF] | [Bryant_Eastham] | 2002-08 | 2015-04-23 | ||||
dof-tunnel-sec | 3568 | tcp | DOF Secure Tunnel | [OpenDOF] | [Bryant_Eastham] | 2003-01 | 2015-04-23 | ||||
dof-tunnel-sec | 3568 | udp | DOF Secure Tunnel | [OpenDOF] | [Bryant_Eastham] | 2003-01 | 2015-04-23 | ||||
mbg-ctrl | 3569 | tcp | Meinberg Control Service | [Meinberg_Funkuhren_GmbH_Co_KG] | [Meinberg_IANA_Registrations] | 2002-08 | 2019-04-23 | ||||
mbg-ctrl | 3569 | udp | Meinberg Control Service | [Meinberg_Funkuhren_GmbH_Co_KG] | [Meinberg_IANA_Registrations] | 2002-08 | 2019-04-23 | ||||
mccwebsvr-port | 3570 | tcp | MCC Web Server Port | ||||||||
mccwebsvr-port | 3570 | udp | MCC Web Server Port | ||||||||
megardsvr-port | 3571 | tcp | MegaRAID Server Port | ||||||||
megardsvr-port | 3571 | udp | MegaRAID Server Port | ||||||||
megaregsvrport | 3572 | tcp | Registration Server Port | [Sreenivas_Bagalkote] | [Sreenivas_Bagalkote] | 2002-08 | |||||
megaregsvrport | 3572 | udp | Registration Server Port | [Sreenivas_Bagalkote] | [Sreenivas_Bagalkote] | 2002-08 | |||||
tag-ups-1 | 3573 | tcp | Advantage Group UPS Suite | [James_Goddard] | [James_Goddard] | 2002-08 | |||||
tag-ups-1 | 3573 | udp | Advantage Group UPS Suite | [James_Goddard] | [James_Goddard] | 2002-08 | |||||
dmaf-server | 3574 | tcp | DMAF Server | ||||||||
dmaf-caster | 3574 | udp | DMAF Caster | [Ramakrishna_Nadendla] | [Ramakrishna_Nadendla] | 2002-08 | |||||
ccm-port | 3575 | tcp | Coalsere CCM Port | ||||||||
ccm-port | 3575 | udp | Coalsere CCM Port | ||||||||
cmc-port | 3576 | tcp | Coalsere CMC Port | [Chris_Hawkinson] | [Chris_Hawkinson] | 2002-08 | |||||
cmc-port | 3576 | udp | Coalsere CMC Port | [Chris_Hawkinson] | [Chris_Hawkinson] | 2002-08 | |||||
config-port | 3577 | tcp | Configuration Port | ||||||||
config-port | 3577 | udp | Configuration Port | ||||||||
data-port | 3578 | tcp | Data Port | [Anupam_Bharali] | [Anupam_Bharali] | 2002-08 | |||||
data-port | 3578 | udp | Data Port | [Anupam_Bharali] | [Anupam_Bharali] | 2002-08 | |||||
ttat3lb | 3579 | tcp | Tarantella Load Balancing | [Jim_Musgrave] | [Jim_Musgrave] | 2002-08 | |||||
ttat3lb | 3579 | udp | Tarantella Load Balancing | [Jim_Musgrave] | [Jim_Musgrave] | 2002-08 | |||||
nati-svrloc | 3580 | tcp | NATI-ServiceLocator | [Jason_Case] | [Jason_Case] | 2002-08 | |||||
nati-svrloc | 3580 | udp | NATI-ServiceLocator | [Jason_Case] | [Jason_Case] | 2002-08 | |||||
kfxaclicensing | 3581 | tcp | Ascent Capture Licensing | [Brad_Hamilton_2] | [Brad_Hamilton_2] | 2002-08 | |||||
kfxaclicensing | 3581 | udp | Ascent Capture Licensing | [Brad_Hamilton_2] | [Brad_Hamilton_2] | 2002-08 | |||||
press | 3582 | tcp | PEG PRESS Server | [Jim_DeLisle] | [Jim_DeLisle] | 2002-08 | |||||
press | 3582 | udp | PEG PRESS Server | [Jim_DeLisle] | [Jim_DeLisle] | 2002-08 | |||||
canex-watch | 3583 | tcp | CANEX Watch System | [Peter_Kollath] | [Peter_Kollath] | 2002-08 | |||||
canex-watch | 3583 | udp | CANEX Watch System | [Peter_Kollath] | [Peter_Kollath] | 2002-08 | |||||
u-dbap | 3584 | tcp | U-DBase Access Protocol | [Bodo_Rueskamp] | [Bodo_Rueskamp] | 2002-08 | |||||
u-dbap | 3584 | udp | U-DBase Access Protocol | [Bodo_Rueskamp] | [Bodo_Rueskamp] | 2002-08 | |||||
emprise-lls | 3585 | tcp | Emprise License Server | ||||||||
emprise-lls | 3585 | udp | Emprise License Server | ||||||||
emprise-lsc | 3586 | tcp | License Server Console | [James_J_Diaz] | [James_J_Diaz] | 2002-08 | |||||
emprise-lsc | 3586 | udp | License Server Console | [James_J_Diaz] | [James_J_Diaz] | 2002-08 | |||||
p2pgroup | 3587 | tcp | Peer to Peer Grouping | [Igor_Kostic] | [Igor_Kostic] | 2002-08 | |||||
p2pgroup | 3587 | udp | Peer to Peer Grouping | [Igor_Kostic] | [Igor_Kostic] | 2002-08 | |||||
sentinel | 3588 | tcp | Sentinel Server | [Ian_Gordon] | [Ian_Gordon] | 2002-08 | |||||
sentinel | 3588 | udp | Sentinel Server | [Ian_Gordon] | [Ian_Gordon] | 2002-08 | |||||
isomair | 3589 | tcp | isomair | [Richard_Fleming] | [Richard_Fleming] | 2002-08 | |||||
isomair | 3589 | udp | isomair | [Richard_Fleming] | [Richard_Fleming] | 2002-08 | |||||
wv-csp-sms | 3590 | tcp | WV CSP SMS Binding | [Matti_Salmi] | [Matti_Salmi] | 2002-08 | |||||
wv-csp-sms | 3590 | udp | WV CSP SMS Binding | [Matti_Salmi] | [Matti_Salmi] | 2002-08 | |||||
gtrack-server | 3591 | tcp | LOCANIS G-TRACK Server | ||||||||
gtrack-server | 3591 | udp | LOCANIS G-TRACK Server | ||||||||
gtrack-ne | 3592 | tcp | LOCANIS G-TRACK NE Port | [Juergen_Edelhaeuser] | [Juergen_Edelhaeuser] | 2002-08 | |||||
gtrack-ne | 3592 | udp | LOCANIS G-TRACK NE Port | [Juergen_Edelhaeuser] | [Juergen_Edelhaeuser] | 2002-08 | |||||
bpmd | 3593 | tcp | BP Model Debugger | [Keith_Fligg] | [Keith_Fligg] | 2002-09 | |||||
bpmd | 3593 | udp | BP Model Debugger | [Keith_Fligg] | [Keith_Fligg] | 2002-09 | |||||
mediaspace | 3594 | tcp | MediaSpace | ||||||||
mediaspace | 3594 | udp | MediaSpace | ||||||||
shareapp | 3595 | tcp | ShareApp | [Jeff_King] | [Jeff_King] | 2002-09 | |||||
shareapp | 3595 | udp | ShareApp | [Jeff_King] | [Jeff_King] | 2002-09 | |||||
iw-mmogame | 3596 | tcp | Illusion Wireless MMOG | [Jan_Vrsinsky] | [Jan_Vrsinsky] | 2002-09 | |||||
iw-mmogame | 3596 | udp | Illusion Wireless MMOG | [Jan_Vrsinsky] | [Jan_Vrsinsky] | 2002-09 | |||||
a14 | 3597 | tcp | A14 (AN-to-SC/MM) | ||||||||
a14 | 3597 | udp | A14 (AN-to-SC/MM) | ||||||||
a15 | 3598 | tcp | A15 (AN-to-AN) | [David_Ott] | [David_Ott] | 2002-09 | |||||
a15 | 3598 | udp | A15 (AN-to-AN) | [David_Ott] | [David_Ott] | 2002-09 | |||||
quasar-server | 3599 | tcp | Quasar Accounting Server | [Brad_Pepers] | [Brad_Pepers] | 2002-09 | |||||
quasar-server | 3599 | udp | Quasar Accounting Server | [Brad_Pepers] | [Brad_Pepers] | 2002-09 | |||||
trap-daemon | 3600 | tcp | text relay-answer | [John_Willis] | [John_Willis] | 2002-09 | 2017-07-26 | ||||
trap-daemon | 3600 | udp | text relay-answer | [John_Willis] | [John_Willis] | 2002-09 | 2017-07-26 | ||||
visinet-gui | 3601 | tcp | Visinet Gui | [Jeff_Douglass] | [Jeff_Douglass] | 2002-09 | |||||
visinet-gui | 3601 | udp | Visinet Gui | [Jeff_Douglass] | [Jeff_Douglass] | 2002-09 | |||||
infiniswitchcl | 3602 | tcp | InfiniSwitch Mgr Client | [Lee_VanTine] | [Lee_VanTine] | 2002-09 | |||||
infiniswitchcl | 3602 | udp | InfiniSwitch Mgr Client | [Lee_VanTine] | [Lee_VanTine] | 2002-09 | |||||
int-rcv-cntrl | 3603 | tcp | Integrated Rcvr Control | [Dave_Stone] | [Dave_Stone] | 2002-09 | |||||
int-rcv-cntrl | 3603 | udp | Integrated Rcvr Control | [Dave_Stone] | [Dave_Stone] | 2002-09 | |||||
bmc-jmx-port | 3604 | tcp | BMC JMX Port | [Portnoy_Boxman] | [Portnoy_Boxman] | 2002-09 | |||||
bmc-jmx-port | 3604 | udp | BMC JMX Port | [Portnoy_Boxman] | [Portnoy_Boxman] | 2002-09 | |||||
comcam-io | 3605 | tcp | ComCam IO Port | [Don_Gilbreath] | [Don_Gilbreath] | 2002-09 | |||||
comcam-io | 3605 | udp | ComCam IO Port | [Don_Gilbreath] | [Don_Gilbreath] | 2002-09 | |||||
splitlock | 3606 | tcp | Splitlock Server | [Andrew_Tune] | [Andrew_Tune] | 2002-09 | |||||
splitlock | 3606 | udp | Splitlock Server | [Andrew_Tune] | [Andrew_Tune] | 2002-09 | |||||
precise-i3 | 3607 | tcp | Precise I3 | [Tomer_Shain] | [Tomer_Shain] | 2002-09 | |||||
precise-i3 | 3607 | udp | Precise I3 | [Tomer_Shain] | [Tomer_Shain] | 2002-09 | |||||
trendchip-dcp | 3608 | tcp | Trendchip control protocol | [Ming_Jen_Chen] | [Ming_Jen_Chen] | 2002-09 | |||||
trendchip-dcp | 3608 | udp | Trendchip control protocol | [Ming_Jen_Chen] | [Ming_Jen_Chen] | 2002-09 | |||||
cpdi-pidas-cm | 3609 | tcp | CPDI PIDAS Connection Mon | [Tony_Splaver] | [Tony_Splaver] | 2002-09 | |||||
cpdi-pidas-cm | 3609 | udp | CPDI PIDAS Connection Mon | [Tony_Splaver] | [Tony_Splaver] | 2002-09 | |||||
echonet | 3610 | tcp | ECHONET | [Takeshi_Saito] | [Takeshi_Saito] | 2002-09 | |||||
echonet | 3610 | udp | ECHONET | [Takeshi_Saito] | [Takeshi_Saito] | 2002-09 | |||||
six-degrees | 3611 | tcp | Six Degrees Port | [Zach_Nies] | [Zach_Nies] | 2002-09 | |||||
six-degrees | 3611 | udp | Six Degrees Port | [Zach_Nies] | [Zach_Nies] | 2002-09 | |||||
dataprotector | 3612 | tcp | Micro Focus Data Protector | [Micro_Focus] | [Shishir_Misra] | 2002-09 | 2019-09-30 | ||||
dataprotector | 3612 | udp | Micro Focus Data Protector | [Micro_Focus] | [Shishir_Misra] | 2002-09 | 2019-09-30 | ||||
alaris-disc | 3613 | tcp | Alaris Device Discovery | [Chris_Dern] | [Chris_Dern] | 2004-06 | |||||
alaris-disc | 3613 | udp | Alaris Device Discovery | [Chris_Dern] | [Chris_Dern] | 2004-06 | |||||
sigma-port | 3614 | tcp | Satchwell Sigma | [Dave_Chapman] | [Dave_Chapman] | 2011-06-06 | |||||
sigma-port | 3614 | udp | Satchwell Sigma | [Dave_Chapman] | [Dave_Chapman] | 2011-06-06 | |||||
start-network | 3615 | tcp | Start Messaging Network | [Peter_Rocca] | [Peter_Rocca] | 2002-10 | |||||
start-network | 3615 | udp | Start Messaging Network | [Peter_Rocca] | [Peter_Rocca] | 2002-10 | |||||
cd3o-protocol | 3616 | tcp | cd3o Control Protocol | [Chris_Wilcox] | [Chris_Wilcox] | 2002-10 | |||||
cd3o-protocol | 3616 | udp | cd3o Control Protocol | [Chris_Wilcox] | [Chris_Wilcox] | 2002-10 |