Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
- Last Updated
- 2025-03-11
- Expert(s)
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf SCTP: Michael Tuexen DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
- Reference
- [RFC6335]
- Note
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and SCTP. Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as documented in [RFC6335]. Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in [RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in [RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per [RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned. The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are described in [RFC6335]. Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without or prior to IANA registration. ************************************************************************ * PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: * * * * ASSIGNMENT OF A PORT NUMBER DOES NOT IN ANY WAY IMPLY AN * * ENDORSEMENT OF AN APPLICATION OR PRODUCT, AND THE FACT THAT NETWORK * * TRAFFIC IS FLOWING TO OR FROM A REGISTERED PORT DOES NOT MEAN THAT * * IT IS "GOOD" TRAFFIC, NOR THAT IT NECESSARILY CORRESPONDS TO THE * * ASSIGNED SERVICE. FIREWALL AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS SHOULD * * CHOOSE HOW TO CONFIGURE THEIR SYSTEMS BASED ON THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF * * THE TRAFFIC IN QUESTION, NOT WHETHER THERE IS A PORT NUMBER * * REGISTERED OR NOT. * ************************************************************************
- Request an Assignment
- Available Formats
Plain text
Service Name | Port Number | Transport Protocol | Description | Assignee | Contact | Registration Date | Modification Date | Reference | Service Code | Unauthorized Use Reported | Assignment Notes |
ice-location | 4061 | udp | Ice Location Service (TCP) | ||||||||
ice-slocation | 4062 | tcp | Ice Location Service (SSL) | ||||||||
ice-slocation | 4062 | udp | Ice Location Service (SSL) | ||||||||
ice-router | 4063 | tcp | Ice Firewall Traversal Service (TCP) | ||||||||
ice-router | 4063 | udp | Ice Firewall Traversal Service (TCP) | ||||||||
ice-srouter | 4064 | tcp | Ice Firewall Traversal Service (SSL) | [Bernard_Normier] | [Bernard_Normier] | 2006-12 | |||||
ice-srouter | 4064 | udp | Ice Firewall Traversal Service (SSL) | [Bernard_Normier] | [Bernard_Normier] | 2006-12 | |||||
avanti-cdp | 4065 | tcp | Avanti Common Data IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "avanti_cdp". |
[Steve_Meyer_Sr] | [Steve_Meyer_Sr] | 2007-02 | |||||
avanti_cdp | 4065 | tcp | Avanti Common Data | [Steve_Meyer_Sr] | [Steve_Meyer_Sr] | 2007-02 | This entry is an alias to "avanti-cdp". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | ||||
avanti-cdp | 4065 | udp | Avanti Common Data IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "avanti_cdp". |
[Steve_Meyer_Sr] | [Steve_Meyer_Sr] | 2007-02 | |||||
avanti_cdp | 4065 | udp | Avanti Common Data | [Steve_Meyer_Sr] | [Steve_Meyer_Sr] | 2007-02 | This entry is an alias to "avanti-cdp". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | ||||
pmas | 4066 | tcp | Performance Measurement and Analysis | [Zenon_Fortuna] | [Zenon_Fortuna] | 2007-02 | |||||
pmas | 4066 | udp | Performance Measurement and Analysis | [Zenon_Fortuna] | [Zenon_Fortuna] | 2007-02 | |||||
idp | 4067 | tcp | Information Distribution Protocol | [Michaela_Vanderveen] | [Michaela_Vanderveen] | 2007-02 | |||||
idp | 4067 | udp | Information Distribution Protocol | [Michaela_Vanderveen] | [Michaela_Vanderveen] | 2007-02 | |||||
ipfltbcst | 4068 | tcp | IP Fleet Broadcast | [Trung_Huu_Tran] | [Trung_Huu_Tran] | 2007-03 | |||||
ipfltbcst | 4068 | udp | IP Fleet Broadcast | [Trung_Huu_Tran] | [Trung_Huu_Tran] | 2007-03 | |||||
minger | 4069 | tcp | Minger Email Address Validation Service | [Arvel_Hathcock] | [Arvel_Hathcock] | 2007-03 | |||||
minger | 4069 | udp | Minger Email Address Validation Service | [Arvel_Hathcock] | [Arvel_Hathcock] | 2007-03 | |||||
tripe | 4070 | tcp | Trivial IP Encryption (TrIPE) | [Mark_Wooding] | [Mark_Wooding] | 2007-07-10 | |||||
tripe | 4070 | udp | Trivial IP Encryption (TrIPE) | [Mark_Wooding] | [Mark_Wooding] | 2007-07-10 | |||||
aibkup | 4071 | tcp | Automatically Incremental Backup | [Volker_Wiegand] | [Volker_Wiegand] | 2007-07-10 | |||||
aibkup | 4071 | udp | Automatically Incremental Backup | [Volker_Wiegand] | [Volker_Wiegand] | 2007-07-10 | |||||
zieto-sock | 4072 | tcp | Zieto Socket Communications | [Malcolm_McLean] | [Malcolm_McLean] | 2007-07-19 | |||||
zieto-sock | 4072 | udp | Zieto Socket Communications | [Malcolm_McLean] | [Malcolm_McLean] | 2007-07-19 | |||||
iRAPP | 4073 | tcp | Interactive Remote Application Pairing Protocol | [Volodymyr_Bykov] | [Volodymyr_Bykov] | 2007-08-20 | 2016-11-23 | ||||
iRAPP | 4073 | udp | Interactive Remote Application Pairing Protocol | [Volodymyr_Bykov] | [Volodymyr_Bykov] | 2007-08-20 | 2016-11-23 | ||||
cequint-cityid | 4074 | tcp | Cequint City ID UI trigger | [Phill_Goeckler] | [Phill_Goeckler] | 2007-08-20 | |||||
cequint-cityid | 4074 | udp | Cequint City ID UI trigger | [Phill_Goeckler] | [Phill_Goeckler] | 2007-08-20 | |||||
perimlan | 4075 | tcp | ISC Alarm Message Service | [Bernie_Malkowski] | [Bernie_Malkowski] | 2007-08-20 | |||||
perimlan | 4075 | udp | ISC Alarm Message Service | [Bernie_Malkowski] | [Bernie_Malkowski] | 2007-08-20 | |||||
seraph | 4076 | tcp | Seraph DCS | [Jason_Spence] | [Jason_Spence] | 2008-01-22 | |||||
seraph | 4076 | udp | Seraph DCS | [Jason_Spence] | [Jason_Spence] | 2008-01-22 | |||||
4077 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
ascomalarm | 4077 | udp | Ascom IP Alarming | [Ascom_Austria_GmbH] | [Ascom_Austria_GmbH] | 2008-05-01 | |||||
cssp | 4078 | tcp | Coordinated Security Service Protocol | [Michael_McDaniels] | [Michael_McDaniels] | 2008-05-01 | |||||
4078 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
santools | 4079 | tcp | SANtools Diagnostic Server | [David_A_Lethe_2] | [David_A_Lethe_2] | 2008-05-01 | |||||
santools | 4079 | udp | SANtools Diagnostic Server | [David_A_Lethe_2] | [David_A_Lethe_2] | 2008-05-01 | |||||
lorica-in | 4080 | tcp | Lorica inside facing | ||||||||
lorica-in | 4080 | udp | Lorica inside facing | ||||||||
lorica-in-sec | 4081 | tcp | Lorica inside facing (SSL) | ||||||||
lorica-in-sec | 4081 | udp | Lorica inside facing (SSL) | ||||||||
lorica-out | 4082 | tcp | Lorica outside facing | ||||||||
lorica-out | 4082 | udp | Lorica outside facing | ||||||||
lorica-out-sec | 4083 | tcp | Lorica outside facing (SSL) | [Johannes_Skov_Frands] | [Johannes_Skov_Frands] | 2008-02-28 | |||||
lorica-out-sec | 4083 | udp | Lorica outside facing (SSL) | [Johannes_Skov_Frands] | [Johannes_Skov_Frands] | 2008-02-28 | |||||
4084 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
fortisphere-vm | 4084 | udp | Fortisphere VM Service | [Daniel_Becker_4] | [Daniel_Becker_4] | 2008-06-03 | |||||
ezmessagesrv | 4085 | tcp | EZNews Newsroom Message Service | [Gerald_R_Jensen] | [Gerald_R_Jensen] | 2008-06-05 | |||||
4085 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
4086 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
ftsync | 4086 | udp | Firewall/NAT state table synchronization | [Heiner_Erne] | [Heiner_Erne] | 2008-06-06 | |||||
applusservice | 4087 | tcp | APplus Service | [Alfred_Weindl] | [Marcus_Schairer] | 2008-06-05 | 2021-08-09 | ||||
4087 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
npsp | 4088 | tcp | Noah Printing Service Protocol | [Hiromi_Ohara] | [Hiromi_Ohara] | 2008-06-18 | |||||
4088 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
opencore | 4089 | tcp | OpenCORE Remote Control Service | [Pim_van_Riezen] | [Pim_van_Riezen] | 2006-07 | |||||
opencore | 4089 | udp | OpenCORE Remote Control Service | [Pim_van_Riezen] | [Pim_van_Riezen] | 2006-07 | |||||
omasgport | 4090 | tcp | OMA BCAST Service Guide | [Mark_Lipford] | [Mark_Lipford] | 2006-07 | |||||
omasgport | 4090 | udp | OMA BCAST Service Guide | [Mark_Lipford] | [Mark_Lipford] | 2006-07 | |||||
ewinstaller | 4091 | tcp | EminentWare Installer | ||||||||
ewinstaller | 4091 | udp | EminentWare Installer | ||||||||
ewdgs | 4092 | tcp | EminentWare DGS | [David_A_Gayler_2] | [David_A_Gayler_2] | 2006-07 | |||||
ewdgs | 4092 | udp | EminentWare DGS | [David_A_Gayler_2] | [David_A_Gayler_2] | 2006-07 | |||||
pvxpluscs | 4093 | tcp | Pvx Plus CS Host | [Michael_King] | [Michael_King] | 2006-07 | |||||
pvxpluscs | 4093 | udp | Pvx Plus CS Host | [Michael_King] | [Michael_King] | 2006-07 | |||||
sysrqd | 4094 | tcp | sysrq daemon | [Julien_Danjou] | [Julien_Danjou] | 2006-07 | |||||
sysrqd | 4094 | udp | sysrq daemon | [Julien_Danjou] | [Julien_Danjou] | 2006-07 | |||||
xtgui | 4095 | tcp | xtgui information service | [Jim_Robanske] | [Jim_Robanske] | 2006-05 | |||||
xtgui | 4095 | udp | xtgui information service | [Jim_Robanske] | [Jim_Robanske] | 2006-05 | |||||
bre | 4096 | tcp | BRE (Bridge Relay Element) | [Stephen_Egbert] | [Stephen_Egbert] | ||||||
bre | 4096 | udp | BRE (Bridge Relay Element) | [Stephen_Egbert] | [Stephen_Egbert] | ||||||
patrolview | 4097 | tcp | Patrol View | [Portnoy_Boxman] | [Portnoy_Boxman] | ||||||
patrolview | 4097 | udp | Patrol View | [Portnoy_Boxman] | [Portnoy_Boxman] | ||||||
drmsfsd | 4098 | tcp | drmsfsd | [Masao_Iwai] | [Masao_Iwai] | ||||||
drmsfsd | 4098 | udp | drmsfsd | [Masao_Iwai] | [Masao_Iwai] | ||||||
dpcp | 4099 | tcp | DPCP | [John_Croft] | [John_Croft] | ||||||
dpcp | 4099 | udp | DPCP | [John_Croft] | [John_Croft] | ||||||
igo-incognito | 4100 | tcp | IGo Incognito Data Port | [Paul_Reddy_2] | [Paul_Reddy_2] | 2002-02 | |||||
igo-incognito | 4100 | udp | IGo Incognito Data Port | [Paul_Reddy_2] | [Paul_Reddy_2] | 2002-02 | |||||
brlp-0 | 4101 | tcp | Braille protocol | ||||||||
brlp-0 | 4101 | udp | Braille protocol | ||||||||
brlp-1 | 4102 | tcp | Braille protocol | ||||||||
brlp-1 | 4102 | udp | Braille protocol | ||||||||
brlp-2 | 4103 | tcp | Braille protocol | ||||||||
brlp-2 | 4103 | udp | Braille protocol | ||||||||
brlp-3 | 4104 | tcp | Braille protocol | [Sebastien_Hinderer] | [Sebastien_Hinderer] | 2006-03 | |||||
brlp-3 | 4104 | udp | Braille protocol | [Sebastien_Hinderer] | [Sebastien_Hinderer] | 2006-03 | |||||
shofar | 4105 | tcp | Shofar | [ShofarNexus] | [John_Kozlowski] | 2006-07 | 2012-02-20 | ||||
shofar | 4105 | udp | Shofar | [ShofarNexus] | [John_Kozlowski] | 2006-07 | 2012-02-20 | ||||
synchronite | 4106 | tcp | Synchronite | [James_Figgins] | [James_Figgins] | 2006-07 | |||||
synchronite | 4106 | udp | Synchronite | [James_Figgins] | [James_Figgins] | 2006-07 | |||||
j-ac | 4107 | tcp | JDL Accounting LAN Service | [Takashi_Sahara] | [Takashi_Sahara] | 2006-09 | |||||
j-ac | 4107 | udp | JDL Accounting LAN Service | [Takashi_Sahara] | [Takashi_Sahara] | 2006-09 | |||||
accel | 4108 | tcp | ACCEL | [Masahiro_Koiwai] | [Masahiro_Koiwai] | 2006-10 | |||||
accel | 4108 | udp | ACCEL | [Masahiro_Koiwai] | [Masahiro_Koiwai] | 2006-10 | |||||
izm | 4109 | tcp | Instantiated Zero-control Messaging | [David_Miller] | [David_Miller] | 2007-02 | |||||
izm | 4109 | udp | Instantiated Zero-control Messaging | [David_Miller] | [David_Miller] | 2007-02 | |||||
g2tag | 4110 | tcp | G2 RFID Tag Telemetry Data | [David_Goodall] | [David_Goodall] | 2007-02 | |||||
g2tag | 4110 | udp | G2 RFID Tag Telemetry Data | [David_Goodall] | [David_Goodall] | 2007-02 |