Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
- Last Updated
- 2025-03-11
- Expert(s)
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf SCTP: Michael Tuexen DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
- Reference
- [RFC6335]
- Note
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and SCTP. Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as documented in [RFC6335]. Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in [RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in [RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per [RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned. The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are described in [RFC6335]. Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without or prior to IANA registration. ************************************************************************ * PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: * * * * ASSIGNMENT OF A PORT NUMBER DOES NOT IN ANY WAY IMPLY AN * * ENDORSEMENT OF AN APPLICATION OR PRODUCT, AND THE FACT THAT NETWORK * * TRAFFIC IS FLOWING TO OR FROM A REGISTERED PORT DOES NOT MEAN THAT * * IT IS "GOOD" TRAFFIC, NOR THAT IT NECESSARILY CORRESPONDS TO THE * * ASSIGNED SERVICE. FIREWALL AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS SHOULD * * CHOOSE HOW TO CONFIGURE THEIR SYSTEMS BASED ON THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF * * THE TRAFFIC IN QUESTION, NOT WHETHER THERE IS A PORT NUMBER * * REGISTERED OR NOT. * ************************************************************************
- Request an Assignment
- Available Formats
Plain text
Service Name | Port Number | Transport Protocol | Description | Assignee | Contact | Registration Date | Modification Date | Reference | Service Code | Unauthorized Use Reported | Assignment Notes |
stat-results | 4156 | tcp | STAT Results | ||||||||
stat-results | 4156 | udp | STAT Results | ||||||||
stat-scanner | 4157 | tcp | STAT Scanner Control | ||||||||
stat-scanner | 4157 | udp | STAT Scanner Control | ||||||||
stat-cc | 4158 | tcp | STAT Command Center | [Darwin_Ammala] | [Darwin_Ammala] | 2007-03 | |||||
stat-cc | 4158 | udp | STAT Command Center | [Darwin_Ammala] | [Darwin_Ammala] | 2007-03 | |||||
nss | 4159 | tcp | Network Security Service | [Dave_Wierbowski] | [Dave_Wierbowski] | 2006-08 | |||||
nss | 4159 | udp | Network Security Service | [Dave_Wierbowski] | [Dave_Wierbowski] | 2006-08 | |||||
jini-discovery | 4160 | tcp | Jini Discovery | [Mark_Hodapp] | [Mark_Hodapp] | ||||||
jini-discovery | 4160 | udp | Jini Discovery | [Mark_Hodapp] | [Mark_Hodapp] | ||||||
omscontact | 4161 | tcp | OMS Contact | ||||||||
omscontact | 4161 | udp | OMS Contact | ||||||||
omstopology | 4162 | tcp | OMS Topology | [David_Page] | [David_Page] | 2005-08 | |||||
omstopology | 4162 | udp | OMS Topology | [David_Page] | [David_Page] | 2005-08 | |||||
silverpeakpeer | 4163 | tcp | Silver Peak Peer Protocol | [Damon_Ennis] | [Damon_Ennis] | 2007-03 | |||||
silverpeakpeer | 4163 | udp | Silver Peak Peer Protocol | [Damon_Ennis] | [Damon_Ennis] | 2007-03 | |||||
silverpeakcomm | 4164 | tcp | Silver Peak Communication Protocol | [Damon_Ennis] | [Damon_Ennis] | 2007-03 | |||||
silverpeakcomm | 4164 | udp | Silver Peak Communication Protocol | [Damon_Ennis] | [Damon_Ennis] | 2007-03 | |||||
altcp | 4165 | tcp | ArcLink over Ethernet | [Dmitry_Brant] | [Dmitry_Brant] | 2007-03 | |||||
altcp | 4165 | udp | ArcLink over Ethernet | [Dmitry_Brant] | [Dmitry_Brant] | 2007-03 | |||||
joost | 4166 | tcp | Joost Peer to Peer Protocol | [Colm_MacCarthaigh] | [Colm_MacCarthaigh] | 2007-04 | |||||
joost | 4166 | udp | Joost Peer to Peer Protocol | [Colm_MacCarthaigh] | [Colm_MacCarthaigh] | 2007-04 | |||||
ddgn | 4167 | tcp | DeskDirect Global Network | [Laurie_Charlwood] | [Laurie_Charlwood] | 2007-08-22 | |||||
ddgn | 4167 | udp | DeskDirect Global Network | [Laurie_Charlwood] | [Laurie_Charlwood] | 2007-08-22 | |||||
pslicser | 4168 | tcp | PrintSoft License Server | [David_Weisgerber] | [David_Weisgerber] | 2007-09-27 | |||||
pslicser | 4168 | udp | PrintSoft License Server | [David_Weisgerber] | [David_Weisgerber] | 2007-09-27 | |||||
iadt | 4169 | tcp | Automation Drive Interface Transport | [Paul_Suhler] | [Paul_Suhler] | 2008-02-15 | |||||
iadt-disc | 4169 | udp | Internet ADT Discovery Protocol | [Paul_A_Suhler] | [Paul_A_Suhler] | 2009-02-06 | |||||
d-cinema-csp | 4170 | tcp | SMPTE Content Synchonization Protocol | [Michael_Karagosian] | [Michael_Karagosian] | 2008-09-04 | |||||
4170 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
ml-svnet | 4171 | tcp | Maxlogic Supervisor Communication | [Taha_Paksu] | [Taha_Paksu] | 2009-12-21 | |||||
4171 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
pcoip | 4172 | tcp | PC over IP | [Teradici] | [Jeff_Dillabough] | 2009-12-23 | 2012-03-06 | ||||
pcoip | 4172 | udp | PC over IP | [Teradici] | [Jeff_Dillabough] | 2009-12-23 | 2012-03-06 | ||||
4173 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
mma-discovery | 4173 | udp | MMA Device Discovery | [MIDI_Manufacturers_Assoc_Inc] | [Tom_White] | 2011-11-14 | |||||
smcluster | 4174 | tcp | StorMagic Cluster Services | [Chris_Farey] | [Chris_Farey] | 2011-03-09 | |||||
sm-disc | 4174 | udp | StorMagic Discovery | [StorMagic_Ltd] | [Chris_Farey] | 2011-12-16 | |||||
bccp | 4175 | tcp | Brocade Cluster Communication Protocol | [Norival_Figueira] | [Norival_Figueira] | 2010-04-07 | |||||
4175 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
tl-ipcproxy | 4176 | tcp | Translattice Cluster IPC Proxy | [Michael_Lyle] | [Michael_Lyle] | 2009-11-03 | |||||
4176 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
wello | 4177 | tcp | Wello P2P pubsub service | [Christian_Westbrook] | [Christian_Westbrook] | 2007-11-15 | |||||
wello | 4177 | udp | Wello P2P pubsub service | [Christian_Westbrook] | [Christian_Westbrook] | 2007-11-15 | |||||
storman | 4178 | tcp | StorMan | [Werner_Guertler] | [Werner_Guertler] | 2009-05-11 | |||||
storman | 4178 | udp | StorMan | [Werner_Guertler] | [Werner_Guertler] | 2009-05-11 | |||||
MaxumSP | 4179 | tcp | Maxum Services | [Greg_Stine] | [Greg_Stine] | 2007-07-05 | |||||
MaxumSP | 4179 | udp | Maxum Services | [Greg_Stine] | [Greg_Stine] | 2007-07-05 | |||||
httpx | 4180 | tcp | HTTPX | [Paul_McGough] | [Paul_McGough] | 2007-02 | |||||
httpx | 4180 | udp | HTTPX | [Paul_McGough] | [Paul_McGough] | 2007-02 | 2016-01-05 | ||||
macbak | 4181 | tcp | MacBak | [Wes_Peters] | [Wes_Peters] | 2007-04 | |||||
macbak | 4181 | udp | MacBak | [Wes_Peters] | [Wes_Peters] | 2007-04 | |||||
pcptcpservice | 4182 | tcp | Production Company Pro TCP Service | [Ben_McNeill] | [Ben_McNeill] | 2007-05 | |||||
pcptcpservice | 4182 | udp | Production Company Pro TCP Service | [Ben_McNeill] | [Ben_McNeill] | 2007-05 | |||||
cyborgnet | 4183 | tcp | CyborgNet communications protocol | [Gareth_Nelson] | [Gareth_Nelson] | 2015-11-13 | |||||
cyborgnet | 4183 | udp | CyborgNet communications protocol | [Gareth_Nelson] | [Gareth_Nelson] | 2015-11-13 | |||||
universe-suite | 4184 | tcp | UNIVERSE SUITE MESSAGE SERVICE IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "universe_suite". |
[Gary_ANDREWS] | [Gary_ANDREWS] | 2008-01-07 | |||||
universe_suite | 4184 | tcp | UNIVERSE SUITE MESSAGE SERVICE | [Gary_ANDREWS] | [Gary_ANDREWS] | 2008-01-07 | This entry is an alias to "universe-suite". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | ||||
universe-suite | 4184 | udp | UNIVERSE SUITE MESSAGE SERVICE IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "universe_suite". |
[Gary_ANDREWS] | [Gary_ANDREWS] | 2008-01-07 | |||||
universe_suite | 4184 | udp | UNIVERSE SUITE MESSAGE SERVICE | [Gary_ANDREWS] | [Gary_ANDREWS] | 2008-01-07 | This entry is an alias to "universe-suite". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | ||||
wcpp | 4185 | tcp | Woven Control Plane Protocol | [Christopher_LILJENST] | [Christopher_LILJENST] | 2008-04-14 | |||||
wcpp | 4185 | udp | Woven Control Plane Protocol | [Christopher_LILJENST] | [Christopher_LILJENST] | 2008-04-14 | |||||
boxbackupstore | 4186 | tcp | Box Backup Store Service | [Chris_Wilson] | [Chris_Wilson] | 2008-09-11 | |||||
4186 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
csc-proxy | 4187 | tcp | Cascade Proxy IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "csc_proxy". |
[Matt_Craighead] | [Matt_Craighead] | 2008-09-11 | |||||
csc_proxy | 4187 | tcp | Cascade Proxy | [Matt_Craighead] | [Matt_Craighead] | 2008-09-11 | This entry is an alias to "csc-proxy". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | ||||
4187 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
vatata | 4188 | tcp | Vatata Peer to Peer Protocol | [Song_Jian] | [Song_Jian] | 2008-09-15 | |||||
vatata | 4188 | udp | Vatata Peer to Peer Protocol | [Song_Jian] | [Song_Jian] | 2008-09-15 | |||||
pcep | 4189 | tcp | Path Computation Element Communication Protocol | ||||||||
4189 | udp | Reserved | [RFC5440] | ||||||||
sieve | 4190 | tcp | ManageSieve Protocol | ||||||||
4190 | udp | Reserved | [RFC5804] | ||||||||
4191 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
dsmipv6 | 4191 | udp | Dual Stack MIPv6 NAT Traversal | [RFC5555] | |||||||
azeti | 4192 | tcp | Azeti Agent Service | [Uwe_Holz] | [Uwe_Holz] | 2009-11-09 | |||||
azeti-bd | 4192 | udp | azeti blinddate | [Michael_Werski] | [Michael_Werski] | 2010-02-18 | |||||
pvxplusio | 4193 | tcp | PxPlus remote file srvr | [Mike_King] | [Mike_King] | 2009-11-09 | |||||
4193 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
spdm | 4194 | tcp | Security Protocol and Data Model | [Intel_Corporation] | [Eduardo_Cabre] | 2022-01-10 | |||||
4194 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
aws-wsp | 4195 | tcp | AWS protocol for cloud remoting solution | [Amazon.com_Services_LLC] | [Lauren_Townsend] | 2020-04-06 | |||||
aws-wsp | 4195 | udp | AWS protocol for cloud remoting solution | [Amazon.com_Services_LLC] | [Lauren_Townsend] | 2020-04-06 | |||||
aws-wsp | 4195 | sctp | AWS protocol for cloud remoting solution | [Amazon.com_Services_LLC] | [Lauren_Townsend] | 2020-04-06 | |||||
aws-wsp | 4195 | dccp | AWS protocol for cloud remoting solution | [Amazon.com_Services_LLC] | [Lauren_Townsend] | 2020-04-06 | |||||
4196 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
hctl | 4197 | tcp | Harman HControl Protocol | [Harman_International_Industries_Inc] | [Darin_Smith] | 2017-02-16 | |||||
hctl | 4197 | udp | Harman HControl Protocol | [Harman_International_Industries_Inc] | [Darin_Smith] | 2017-02-16 | |||||
4198 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
eims-admin | 4199 | tcp | EIMS ADMIN | [Glenn_Anderson] | [Glenn_Anderson] | ||||||
eims-admin | 4199 | udp | EIMS ADMIN | [Glenn_Anderson] | [Glenn_Anderson] | ||||||
vrml-multi-use | 4200-4299 | VRML Multi User Systems | [Mitra] | [Mitra] | |||||||
corelccam | 4300 | tcp | Corel CCam | [Jason_Aiken] | [Jason_Aiken] | ||||||
corelccam | 4300 | udp | Corel CCam | [Jason_Aiken] | [Jason_Aiken] | ||||||
d-data | 4301 | tcp | Diagnostic Data | ||||||||
d-data | 4301 | udp | Diagnostic Data | ||||||||
d-data-control | 4302 | tcp | Diagnostic Data Control | [Jon_March] | [Jon_March] | 2006-09 | |||||
d-data-control | 4302 | udp | Diagnostic Data Control | [Jon_March] | [Jon_March] | 2006-09 | |||||
srcp | 4303 | tcp | Simple Railroad Command Protocol | [Matthias_Trute] | [Matthias_Trute] | 2007-01 | |||||
srcp | 4303 | udp | Simple Railroad Command Protocol | [Matthias_Trute] | [Matthias_Trute] | 2007-01 | |||||
owserver | 4304 | tcp | One-Wire Filesystem Server | [Paul_Alfille] | [Paul_Alfille] | 2007-01 | Defined TXT keys: txtvers |