Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
- Last Updated
- 2025-03-11
- Expert(s)
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf SCTP: Michael Tuexen DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
- Reference
- [RFC6335]
- Note
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and SCTP. Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as documented in [RFC6335]. Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in [RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in [RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per [RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned. The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are described in [RFC6335]. Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without or prior to IANA registration. ************************************************************************ * PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: * * * * ASSIGNMENT OF A PORT NUMBER DOES NOT IN ANY WAY IMPLY AN * * ENDORSEMENT OF AN APPLICATION OR PRODUCT, AND THE FACT THAT NETWORK * * TRAFFIC IS FLOWING TO OR FROM A REGISTERED PORT DOES NOT MEAN THAT * * IT IS "GOOD" TRAFFIC, NOR THAT IT NECESSARILY CORRESPONDS TO THE * * ASSIGNED SERVICE. FIREWALL AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS SHOULD * * CHOOSE HOW TO CONFIGURE THEIR SYSTEMS BASED ON THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF * * THE TRAFFIC IN QUESTION, NOT WHETHER THERE IS A PORT NUMBER * * REGISTERED OR NOT. * ************************************************************************
- Request an Assignment
- Available Formats
Plain text
Service Name | Port Number | Transport Protocol | Description | Assignee | Contact | Registration Date | Modification Date | Reference | Service Code | Unauthorized Use Reported | Assignment Notes |
derby-repli | 4851 | tcp | Apache Derby Replication | [Jorgen_Loland] | [Jorgen_Loland] | 2008-02-27 | |||||
derby-repli | 4851 | udp | Apache Derby Replication | [Jorgen_Loland] | [Jorgen_Loland] | 2008-02-27 | |||||
4852-4866 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
unify-debug | 4867 | tcp | Unify Debugger | [Daegis_Inc] | [Chris_Anderson] | 2006-05 | 2012-07-31 | ||||
unify-debug | 4867 | udp | Unify Debugger | [Daegis_Inc] | [Chris_Anderson] | 2006-05 | 2012-07-31 | ||||
phrelay | 4868 | tcp | Photon Relay | ||||||||
phrelay | 4868 | udp | Photon Relay | ||||||||
phrelaydbg | 4869 | tcp | Photon Relay Debug | [Michael_Hunter] | [Michael_Hunter] | ||||||
phrelaydbg | 4869 | udp | Photon Relay Debug | [Michael_Hunter] | [Michael_Hunter] | ||||||
cc-tracking | 4870 | tcp | Citcom Tracking Service | [Wolfgang_Weidner] | [Wolfgang_Weidner] | 2005-12 | |||||
cc-tracking | 4870 | udp | Citcom Tracking Service | [Wolfgang_Weidner] | [Wolfgang_Weidner] | 2005-12 | |||||
wired | 4871 | tcp | Wired | [Axel_Andersson] | [Axel_Andersson] | 2006-02 | |||||
wired | 4871 | udp | Wired | [Axel_Andersson] | [Axel_Andersson] | 2006-02 | |||||
4872-4875 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
tritium-can | 4876 | tcp | Tritium CAN Bus Bridge Service | [James_Kennedy] | [James_Kennedy] | 2011-02-15 | |||||
tritium-can | 4876 | udp | Tritium CAN Bus Bridge Service | [James_Kennedy] | [James_Kennedy] | 2011-02-15 | |||||
lmcs | 4877 | tcp | Lighting Management Control System | [Timothy_Parry] | [Timothy_Parry] | 2011-02-15 | |||||
lmcs | 4877 | udp | Lighting Management Control System | [Timothy_Parry] | [Timothy_Parry] | 2011-02-15 | |||||
4878 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
inst-discovery | 4878 | udp | Agilent Instrument Discovery | [Charles_F_Steele] | [Charles_F_Steele] | 2011-02-15 | |||||
wsdl-event | 4879 | tcp | WSDL Event Receiver | [Charles_F_Steele] | [Charles_F_Steele] | 2011-02-15 | |||||
4879 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
hislip | 4880 | tcp | IVI High-Speed LAN Instrument Protocol | [IVI_Foundation] | [Larry_Ostheimer] | 2021-05-06 | |||||
4880 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
4881 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
socp-t | 4881 | udp | SOCP Time Synchronization Protocol | [Joe_Haver] | [Joe_Haver] | 2010-05-28 | |||||
4882 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
socp-c | 4882 | udp | SOCP Control Protocol | [Joe_Haver] | [Joe_Haver] | 2010-05-28 | |||||
wmlserver | 4883 | tcp | Meier-Phelps License Server | [William_Phelps] | [William_Phelps] | 2010-03-22 | |||||
4883 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
hivestor | 4884 | tcp | HiveStor Distributed File System | [Nicholas_Young] | [Nicholas_Young] | 2008-07-10 | |||||
hivestor | 4884 | udp | HiveStor Distributed File System | [Nicholas_Young] | [Nicholas_Young] | 2008-07-10 | |||||
abbs | 4885 | tcp | ABBS | [Ryan_Rubley] | [Ryan_Rubley] | ||||||
abbs | 4885 | udp | ABBS | [Ryan_Rubley] | [Ryan_Rubley] | ||||||
4886-4887 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
xcap-portal | 4888 | tcp | xcap code analysis portal public user access | [_88solutions_Corporation] | [Manfred_Koethe] | 2018-06-06 | |||||
4888 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
xcap-control | 4889 | tcp | xcap code analysis portal cluster control and administration | [_88solutions_Corporation] | [Manfred_Koethe] | 2018-06-06 | |||||
4889 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
4890-4893 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
lyskom | 4894 | tcp | LysKOM Protocol A | [Per_Cederqvist] | [Per_Cederqvist] | ||||||
lyskom | 4894 | udp | LysKOM Protocol A | [Per_Cederqvist] | [Per_Cederqvist] | ||||||
4895-4898 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
radmin-port | 4899 | tcp | RAdmin Port | [Dmitri_Znosko] | [Dmitri_Znosko] | 2003-03 | |||||
radmin-port | 4899 | udp | RAdmin Port | [Dmitri_Znosko] | [Dmitri_Znosko] | 2003-03 | |||||
hfcs | 4900 | tcp | HFSQL Client/Server Database Engine | [PC_SOFT] | [Jerome_AERTS_2] | 2006-03-02 | 2014-02-02 | ||||
hfcs | 4900 | udp | HFSQL Client/Server Database Engine | [PC_SOFT] | [Jerome_AERTS_2] | 2006-03-02 | 2014-02-02 | ||||
flr-agent | 4901 | tcp | FileLocator Remote Search Agent IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "flr_agent". |
[David_Vest] | [David_Vest] | 2008-11-19 | |||||
flr_agent | 4901 | tcp | FileLocator Remote Search Agent | [David_Vest] | [David_Vest] | 2008-11-19 | This entry is an alias to "flr-agent". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | ||||
4901 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
magiccontrol | 4902 | tcp | magicCONROL RF and Data Interface | [Andreas_Spalenski] | [Andreas_Spalenski] | 2008-11-24 | |||||
4902 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
4903-4911 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
lutap | 4912 | tcp | Technicolor LUT Access Protocol | [Markus_Loeffler] | [Markus_Loeffler] | 2009-02-17 | |||||
4912 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
lutcp | 4913 | tcp | LUTher Control Protocol | [Markus_Loeffler] | [Markus_Loeffler] | 2007-07-03 | |||||
bones | 4914 | tcp | Bones Remote Control | [Andreas_Foedrowitz] | [Andreas_Foedrowitz] | 2008-06-18 | |||||
bones | 4914 | udp | Bones Remote Control | [Andreas_Foedrowitz] | [Andreas_Foedrowitz] | 2008-06-18 | |||||
frcs | 4915 | tcp | Fibics Remote Control Service | [Ken_Lagarec] | [Ken_Lagarec] | 2009-04-17 | |||||
4915 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
4916-4935 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
an-signaling | 4936 | udp | Signal protocol port for autonomic networking | [Cisco_Systems_3] | [Toerless_Eckert_2] | 2014-06-06 | |||||
4936 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
4937 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
atsc-mh-ssc | 4937 | udp | ATSC-M/H Service Signaling Channel | [Jerry_Whitaker] | [Jerry_Whitaker] | 2008-10-27 | |||||
4938-4939 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
eq-office-4940 | 4940 | tcp | Equitrac Office | ||||||||
eq-office-4940 | 4940 | udp | Equitrac Office | ||||||||
eq-office-4941 | 4941 | tcp | Equitrac Office | ||||||||
eq-office-4941 | 4941 | udp | Equitrac Office | ||||||||
eq-office-4942 | 4942 | tcp | Equitrac Office | [Tom_Haapanen_2] | [Tom_Haapanen_2] | 2007-07-11 | |||||
eq-office-4942 | 4942 | udp | Equitrac Office | [Tom_Haapanen_2] | [Tom_Haapanen_2] | 2007-07-11 | |||||
4943-4948 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
munin | 4949 | tcp | Munin Graphing Framework | [Jimmy_Olsen] | [Jimmy_Olsen] | 2010-12-24 | |||||
munin | 4949 | udp | Munin Graphing Framework | [Jimmy_Olsen] | [Jimmy_Olsen] | 2010-12-24 | |||||
sybasesrvmon | 4950 | tcp | Sybase Server Monitor | [Chris_Irie] | [Chris_Irie] | 2008-03-26 | |||||
sybasesrvmon | 4950 | udp | Sybase Server Monitor | [Chris_Irie] | [Chris_Irie] | 2008-03-26 | |||||
pwgwims | 4951 | tcp | PWG WIMS | [Ira_McDonald] | [Ira_McDonald] | 2005-12 | |||||
pwgwims | 4951 | udp | PWG WIMS | [Ira_McDonald] | [Ira_McDonald] | 2005-12 | |||||
sagxtsds | 4952 | tcp | SAG Directory Server | [Michael_Chirila] | [Michael_Chirila] | 2006-01 | |||||
sagxtsds | 4952 | udp | SAG Directory Server | [Michael_Chirila] | [Michael_Chirila] | 2006-01 | |||||
dbsyncarbiter | 4953 | tcp | Synchronization Arbiter | [Dave_Neudoerffer_2] | [Dave_Neudoerffer_2] | 2009-11-18 | |||||
4953 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
4954-4968 | Unassigned | Known UNAUTHORIZED USE: port 4967 | |||||||||
ccss-qmm | 4969 | tcp | CCSS QMessageMonitor | ||||||||
ccss-qmm | 4969 | udp | CCSS QMessageMonitor | ||||||||
ccss-qsm | 4970 | tcp | CCSS QSystemMonitor | [David_Young] | [David_Young] | 2006-01 | |||||
ccss-qsm | 4970 | udp | CCSS QSystemMonitor | [David_Young] | [David_Young] | 2006-01 | |||||
burp | 4971 | tcp | BackUp and Restore Program | [Marat_Khalili] | [Marat_Khalili] | 2017-08-23 | |||||
4971 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
4972-4979 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
ctxs-vpp | 4980 | udp | Citrix Virtual Path | [Citrix_Systems] | [Rohith_Ramkumar] | 2015-04-17 | |||||
4980 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
4981-4982 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
4983 | Unassigned | 2005-12-22 | |||||||||
webyast | 4984 | tcp | WebYast | [Federico_Lucifredi] | [Federico_Lucifredi] | 2009-09-25 | |||||
4984 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
gerhcs | 4985 | tcp | GER HC Standard | [Roger_Ward] | [Roger_Ward] | 2009-09-25 | |||||
4985 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
mrip | 4986 | tcp | Model Railway Interface Program | [Howard_Amos] | [Howard_Amos] | 2006-04 | |||||
mrip | 4986 | udp | Model Railway Interface Program | [Howard_Amos] | [Howard_Amos] | 2006-04 |