bprd |
13720 |
udp |
BPRD Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup) |
[Jeff_Holmbeck] |
[Jeff_Holmbeck] |
dsmcc-passthru |
13820 |
tcp |
DSMCC Pass-Thru Messages |
[Tim_Addington] |
[Tim_Addington] |
[ISO/IEC 13818-6 MPEG-2 DSM-CC] |
dsmcc-passthru |
13820 |
udp |
DSMCC Pass-Thru Messages |
[Tim_Addington] |
[Tim_Addington] |
[ISO/IEC 13818-6 MPEG-2 DSM-CC] |
medevolve |
13930 |
tcp |
MedEvolve Port Requester |
[Jon_Robertson] |
[Jon_Robertson] |
2008-10-24 |
13930 |
udp |
Reserved |
scotty-ft |
14000 |
tcp |
SCOTTY High-Speed Filetransfer |
[Patrick_Verbeek] |
[Patrick_Verbeek] |
2007-05 |
scotty-ft |
14000 |
udp |
SCOTTY High-Speed Filetransfer |
[Patrick_Verbeek] |
[Patrick_Verbeek] |
2007-05 |
sua |
14001 |
tcp |
[Miguel_Angel_Garcia] |
[Miguel_Angel_Garcia] |
sua |
14001 |
udp |
De-Registered |
[Miguel_Angel_Garcia] |
[Miguel_Angel_Garcia] |
2001-06-06 |
sua |
14001 |
sctp |
[Miguel_Angel_Garcia] |
[Miguel_Angel_Garcia] |
scotty-disc |
14002 |
udp |
Discovery of a SCOTTY hardware codec board |
[SCOTTY_Group_SE] |
[Patrick_Verbeek_2] |
2013-01-14 |
14002 |
tcp |
Reserved |
14003-14032 |
Unassigned |
sage-best-com1 |
14033 |
tcp |
sage Best! Config Server 1 |
[Christian_Rubach] |
[Christian_Rubach] |
sage-best-com1 |
14033 |
udp |
sage Best! Config Server 1 |
[Christian_Rubach] |
[Christian_Rubach] |
sage-best-com2 |
14034 |
tcp |
sage Best! Config Server 2 |
[Christian_Rubach] |
[Christian_Rubach] |
sage-best-com2 |
14034 |
udp |
sage Best! Config Server 2 |
[Christian_Rubach] |
[Christian_Rubach] |
14035-14140 |
Unassigned |
vcscmd |
14150 |
tcp |
Veritas Cluster Server Command Server |
[Anand_Bhalerao] |
[Anand_Bhalerao] |
2008-10-02 |
14150 |
udp |
Reserved |
cps |
14250 |
tcp |
Fencing Server |
[Mayank_Vasa] |
[Mayank_Vasa] |
2008-04-03 |
cps |
14250 |
udp |
Fencing Server |
[Mayank_Vasa] |
[Mayank_Vasa] |
2008-04-03 |
xpra |
14500 |
tcp |
xpra network protocol |
[Xpra] |
[Antoine_Martin] |
2016-10-05 |
14500 |
udp |
Reserved |
14501-14935 |
Unassigned |
hydap |
15000 |
tcp |
Hypack Data Aquisition |
[HYPACK_Inc] |
[Mircea_Neacsu] |
2011-10-27 |
hydap |
15000 |
udp |
Hypack Data Aquisition |
[HYPACK_Inc] |
[Mircea_Neacsu] |
2011-10-27 |
15001 |
Unassigned |
onep-tls |
15002 |
tcp |
Open Network Environment TLS |
[Cisco_3] |
[Andrew_Thurber] |
2014-01-21 |
15002 |
udp |
Reserved |
15003-15117 |
Unassigned |
bex-xr |
15660 |
tcp |
Backup Express Restore Server |
[Catalogic_Software_Inc] |
[Chi_Shih_Chang] |
2008-03-19 |
2015-02-04 |
bex-xr |
15660 |
udp |
Backup Express Restore Server |
[Catalogic_Software_Inc] |
[Chi_Shih_Chang] |
2008-03-19 |
2015-02-04 |
ptp |
15740 |
tcp |
Picture Transfer Protocol |
[Petronel_Bigioi] |
[Petronel_Bigioi] |
2004-11 |
Defined TXT keys: guid=<Device guid> |
ptp |
15740 |
udp |
Picture Transfer Protocol |
[Petronel_Bigioi] |
[Petronel_Bigioi] |
2004-11 |
Defined TXT keys: guid=<Device guid> |
fmsas |
16000 |
tcp |
Administration Server Access |
[Mark_Davidson] |
[Mark_Davidson] |
2010-10-06 |
Known Unauthorized Use on port 16000 |
16000 |
udp |
Reserved |
Known Unauthorized Use on port 16000 |
fmsascon |
16001 |
tcp |
Administration Server Connector |
[Mark_Davidson] |
[Mark_Davidson] |
2010-10-06 |
16001 |
udp |
Reserved |
gsms |
16002 |
tcp |
GoodSync Mediation Service |
[Vadim_Maslov] |
[Vadim_Maslov] |
2010-10-06 |
16002 |
udp |
Reserved |
16003 |
tcp |
Reserved |
alfin |
16003 |
udp |
Automation and Control by REGULACE.ORG |
[Ing_Tomas_Halabala] |
[Ing_Tomas_Halabala] |
2010-10-06 |
16004-16019 |
Unassigned |
jwpc |
16020 |
tcp |
Filemaker Java Web Publishing Core |
[Robert_Parks] |
[Robert_Parks] |
2010-05-12 |
16020 |
udp |
Reserved |
jwpc-bin |
16021 |
tcp |
Filemaker Java Web Publishing Core Binary |
[Robert_Parks] |
[Robert_Parks] |
2010-05-12 |
16021 |
udp |
Reserved |
16022-16160 |
Unassigned |
16163-16308 |
Unassigned |
etb4j |
16309 |
tcp |
etb4j |
[Christopher_R_Smith] |
[Christopher_R_Smith] |
2004-11 |
etb4j |
16309 |
udp |
etb4j |
[Christopher_R_Smith] |
[Christopher_R_Smith] |
2004-11 |
pduncs |
16310 |
tcp |
Policy Distribute, Update Notification |
[Diane_I_Shannon] |
[Diane_I_Shannon] |
2006-08 |
pduncs |
16310 |
udp |
Policy Distribute, Update Notification |
[Diane_I_Shannon] |
[Diane_I_Shannon] |
2006-08 |
netserialext1 |
16360 |
tcp |
Network Serial Extension Ports One |
[Michael_J_Hoy] |
[Michael_J_Hoy] |
netserialext1 |
16360 |
udp |
Network Serial Extension Ports One |
[Michael_J_Hoy] |
[Michael_J_Hoy] |
xoms |
16619 |
tcp |
X509 Objects Management Service |
[Francis_GASCHET] |
[Francis_GASCHET] |
2008-09-08 |
16620-16664 |
Unassigned |
16790-16899 |
Unassigned |
newbay-snc-mc |
16900 |
tcp |
Newbay Mobile Client Update Service |
[Srinivasa_Nayudu] |
[Srinivasa_Nayudu] |
2009-07-06 |
newbay-snc-mc |
16900 |
udp |
Newbay Mobile Client Update Service |
[Srinivasa_Nayudu] |
[Srinivasa_Nayudu] |
2009-07-06 |
16901-16949 |
Unassigned |
sgcip |
16950 |
tcp |
Simple Generic Client Interface Protocol |
[John_Aquilino] |
[John_Aquilino] |
sgcip |
16950 |
udp |
Simple Generic Client Interface Protocol |
[John_Aquilino] |
[John_Aquilino] |
16951-16990 |
Unassigned |
16996-17006 |
Unassigned |
isode-dua |
17007 |
tcp |
isode-dua |
17007 |
udp |
17008-17009 |
Unassigned |
ncpu |
17010 |
tcp |
Plan 9 cpu port |
[Ronald_G_Minnich] |
[Ronald_G_Minnich] |
2022-05-13 |
Defined TXT keys: u=username; k=keypattern; f=fstabFILE; n=namespace; h=hostkey; r=root |
17010 |
udp |
Reserved |
17011-17183 |
Unassigned |
avtp |
17220 |
tcp |
IEEE 1722 Transport Protocol for Time Sensitive Applications |
[Transport_Protocol_for_Time-Sensitive_Networking_TG] |
[Ashley_Butterworth] |
2014-03-07 |
avtp |
17220 |
udp |
IEEE 1722 Transport Protocol for Time Sensitive Applications |
[Transport_Protocol_for_Time-Sensitive_Networking_TG] |
[Ashley_Butterworth] |
2014-03-07 |
isa100-gci |
17223 |
tcp |
ISA100 GCI is a service utilizing a common interface between an ISA100 Wireless gateway and a client application |
[ISA100_Wireless_Compliance_Institute] |
[Jay_Werb] |
2015-07-24 |
db-lsp |
17500 |
tcp |
Dropbox LanSync Protocol |
[Paul_Bohm] |
[Paul_Bohm] |
2010-01-21 |
db-lsp-disc |
17500 |
udp |
Dropbox LanSync Discovery |
[Paul_Bohm] |
[Paul_Bohm] |
2010-01-21 |
17501-17554 |
Unassigned |
17730-17753 |
Unassigned |
biimenu |
18000 |
tcp |
Beckman Instruments, Inc. |
[R_L_Meyering] |
[R_L_Meyering] |
biimenu |
18000 |
udp |
Beckman Instruments, Inc. |
[R_L_Meyering] |
[R_L_Meyering] |
18001-18103 |
Unassigned |
radpdf |
18104 |
tcp |
RAD PDF Service |
[Christopher_Truxaw] |
[Christopher_Truxaw] |
2010-10-15 |
18104 |
udp |
Reserved |
18105-18135 |
Unassigned |
18137-18180 |
Unassigned |
18188-18240 |
Unassigned |
18260-18261 |
Unassigned |
18770-18880 |
Unassigned |
igrid |
19000 |
tcp |
iGrid Server |
[Massimo_Cafaro] |
[Massimo_Cafaro] |
2004-11 |
igrid |
19000 |
udp |
iGrid Server |
[Massimo_Cafaro] |
[Massimo_Cafaro] |
2004-11 |
19001-19006 |
Unassigned |
scintilla |
19007 |
tcp |
Scintilla protocol for device services |
[Veejansh_Inc] |
[Chirag_Patel] |
2014-03-04 |
scintilla |
19007 |
udp |
Scintilla protocol for device services |
[Veejansh_Inc] |
[Chirag_Patel] |
2014-03-04 |
19008-19019 |
Unassigned |
j-link |
19020 |
tcp |
J-Link TCP/IP Protocol |
19020 |
udp |
Reserved |
19021-19190 |
Unassigned |
cora |
19220 |
tcp |
Client Connection Management and Data Exchange Service |
[Softvise_GmbH] |
[Ronny_Krüger] |
2016-11-10 |
cora-disc |
19220 |
udp |
Discovery for Client Connection Management and Data Exchange Service |
[Softvise_GmbH] |
[Ronny_Krüger] |
2016-11-10 |
19399-19409 |
Unassigned |