Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
- Last Updated
- 2025-03-11
- Expert(s)
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf SCTP: Michael Tuexen DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
- Reference
- [RFC6335]
- Note
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and SCTP. Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as documented in [RFC6335]. Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in [RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in [RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per [RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned. The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are described in [RFC6335]. Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without or prior to IANA registration. ************************************************************************ * PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: * * * * ASSIGNMENT OF A PORT NUMBER DOES NOT IN ANY WAY IMPLY AN * * ENDORSEMENT OF AN APPLICATION OR PRODUCT, AND THE FACT THAT NETWORK * * TRAFFIC IS FLOWING TO OR FROM A REGISTERED PORT DOES NOT MEAN THAT * * IT IS "GOOD" TRAFFIC, NOR THAT IT NECESSARILY CORRESPONDS TO THE * * ASSIGNED SERVICE. FIREWALL AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS SHOULD * * CHOOSE HOW TO CONFIGURE THEIR SYSTEMS BASED ON THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF * * THE TRAFFIC IN QUESTION, NOT WHETHER THERE IS A PORT NUMBER * * REGISTERED OR NOT. * ************************************************************************
- Request an Assignment
- Available Formats
Plain text
Service Name | Port Number | Transport Protocol | Description | Assignee | Contact | Registration Date | Modification Date | Reference | Service Code | Unauthorized Use Reported | Assignment Notes |
sips | 5061 | udp | SIP-TLS | 2014-04-09 | [RFC3263] | ||||||
sips | 5061 | sctp | SIP-TLS | [RFC4168] | |||||||
ca-1 | 5064 | tcp | Channel Access 1 | [Jeffrey_Hill] | [Jeffrey_Hill] | 2002-08 | |||||
ca-1 | 5064 | udp | Channel Access 1 | [Jeffrey_Hill] | [Jeffrey_Hill] | 2002-08 | |||||
powerschool | 5071 | tcp | PowerSchool | [Greg_Porter] | [Greg_Porter] | ||||||
powerschool | 5071 | udp | PowerSchool | [Greg_Porter] | [Greg_Porter] | ||||||
sdl-ets | 5081 | tcp | SDL - Ent Trans Server | [Marc_Morin] | [Marc_Morin] | 2002-04 | |||||
sdl-ets | 5081 | udp | SDL - Ent Trans Server | [Marc_Morin] | [Marc_Morin] | 2002-04 | |||||
cxtp | 5091 | sctp | Context Transfer Protocol | 2005-07 | [RFC4065] | ||||||
socalia | 5100 | tcp | Socalia service mux | [Alberto_Raydan_2] | [Alberto_Raydan_2] | 2005-08 | |||||
socalia | 5100 | udp | Socalia service mux | [Alberto_Raydan_2] | [Alberto_Raydan_2] | 2005-08 | |||||
talarian-tcp | 5101 | tcp | Talarian_TCP | [Leo_Martins] | [Leo_Martins] | ||||||
talarian-udp | 5101 | udp | Talarian_UDP | [Leo_Martins] | [Leo_Martins] | ||||||
oms-nonsecure | 5102 | tcp | Oracle OMS non-secure | [Todd_Guay] | [Todd_Guay] | 2005-08 | |||||
oms-nonsecure | 5102 | udp | Oracle OMS non-secure | [Todd_Guay] | [Todd_Guay] | 2005-08 | |||||
actifio-c2c | 5103 | tcp | Actifio C2C | [Ravi_Kollipara] | [Ravi_Kollipara] | 2010-06-18 | |||||
5103 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
5104 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
tinymessage | 5104 | udp | TinyMessage | [Josip_Medved] | [Josip_Medved] | 2010-10-20 | |||||
5105 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
hughes-ap | 5105 | udp | Hughes Association Protocol | [Varun_Santosh] | [Varun_Santosh] | 2010-10-20 | |||||
actifioudsagent | 5106 | tcp | Actifio UDS Agent | [Actifio] | [Madhav_Mutalik] | 2014-06-05 | |||||
5106 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
actifioreplic | 5107 | tcp | Disk to Disk replication between Actifio Clusters | [Actifio] | [Madhav_Mutalik] | 2015-10-23 | |||||
5107 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
5108-5110 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
taep-as-svc | 5111 | tcp | TAEP AS service | [Liu_Changchun] | [Liu_Changchun] | 2008-11-05 | |||||
taep-as-svc | 5111 | udp | TAEP AS service | [Liu_Changchun] | [Liu_Changchun] | 2008-11-05 | |||||
pm-cmdsvr | 5112 | tcp | PeerMe Msg Cmd Service | [Marcos_Della] | [Marcos_Della] | 2005-08 | |||||
pm-cmdsvr | 5112 | udp | PeerMe Msg Cmd Service | [Marcos_Della] | [Marcos_Della] | 2005-08 | |||||
5113 | Unassigned | 2010-11-09 | |||||||||
ev-services | 5114 | tcp | Enterprise Vault Services | [Richard_Jones_2] | [Richard_Jones_2] | 2009-05-26 | |||||
5114 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
autobuild | 5115 | tcp | Symantec Autobuild Service | [David_Warden] | [David_Warden] | 2008-11-17 | |||||
5115 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
5116 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
emb-proj-cmd | 5116 | udp | EPSON Projecter Image Transfer | [SEIKO_EPSON_4] | [SEIKO_EPSON_4] | 2008-11-17 | |||||
gradecam | 5117 | tcp | GradeCam Image Processing | [Robert_Porter] | [Robert_Porter] | 2009-09-24 | |||||
5117 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
5118-5119 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
barracuda-bbs | 5120 | tcp | Barracuda Backup Protocol | [Barracuda_Networks] | [Andrew_Blyler] | 2013-04-05 | |||||
barracuda-bbs | 5120 | udp | Barracuda Backup Protocol | [Barracuda_Networks] | [Andrew_Blyler] | 2013-04-05 | |||||
5121-5132 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
nbt-pc | 5133 | tcp | Policy Commander | [Emily_Harris] | [Emily_Harris] | 2004-11 | |||||
nbt-pc | 5133 | udp | Policy Commander | [Emily_Harris] | [Emily_Harris] | 2004-11 | |||||
ppactivation | 5134 | tcp | PP ActivationServer | [Ian_Bradley] | [Ian_Bradley] | 2009-10-14 | |||||
5134 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
erp-scale | 5135 | tcp | ERP-Scale | [Ian_Bradley] | [Ian_Bradley] | 2009-10-14 | Defined TXT keys: RFC=<RFC destination and status> Device=<Scale device and status> |
5135 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
5136 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
minotaur-sa | 5136 | udp | Minotaur SA | [Kenneth_Flynn] | [Kenneth_Flynn] | 2009-10-14 | |||||
ctsd | 5137 | tcp | MyCTS server port | [Jilles_Oldenbeuving] | [Jilles_Oldenbeuving] | 2002-06 | |||||
ctsd | 5137 | udp | MyCTS server port | [Jilles_Oldenbeuving] | [Jilles_Oldenbeuving] | 2002-06 | |||||
5138-5144 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
rmonitor-secure | 5145 | tcp | RMONITOR SECURE IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "rmonitor_secure". |
[Kory_Hamzeh] | [Kory_Hamzeh] | ||||||
rmonitor_secure | 5145 | tcp | RMONITOR SECURE | [Kory_Hamzeh] | [Kory_Hamzeh] | This entry is an alias to "rmonitor-secure". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||
rmonitor-secure | 5145 | udp | RMONITOR SECURE IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "rmonitor_secure". |
[Kory_Hamzeh] | [Kory_Hamzeh] | ||||||
rmonitor_secure | 5145 | udp | RMONITOR SECURE | [Kory_Hamzeh] | [Kory_Hamzeh] | This entry is an alias to "rmonitor-secure". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||
social-alarm | 5146 | tcp | Social Alarm Service | [Shaun_Byrne] | [Shaun_Byrne] | 2009-08-18 | |||||
5146 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
5147-5149 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
atmp | 5150 | tcp | Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol | [Kory_Hamzeh] | [Kory_Hamzeh] | ||||||
atmp | 5150 | udp | Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol | [Kory_Hamzeh] | [Kory_Hamzeh] | ||||||
esri-sde | 5151 | tcp | ESRI SDE Instance IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "esri_sde". |
[Peter_Aronson] | [Peter_Aronson] | Unauthorized Use Known on ports 5151 and 5152 | |||||
esri_sde | 5151 | tcp | ESRI SDE Instance | [Peter_Aronson] | [Peter_Aronson] | This entry is an alias to "esri-sde". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||
esri-sde | 5151 | udp | ESRI SDE Remote Start IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "esri_sde". |
[Peter_Aronson] | [Peter_Aronson] | Unauthorized Use Known on ports 5151 and 5152 | |||||
esri_sde | 5151 | udp | ESRI SDE Remote Start | [Peter_Aronson] | [Peter_Aronson] | This entry is an alias to "esri-sde". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||
sde-discovery | 5152 | tcp | ESRI SDE Instance Discovery | [Peter_Aronson] | [Peter_Aronson] | Unauthorized Use Known on ports 5151 and 5152 | |||||
sde-discovery | 5152 | udp | ESRI SDE Instance Discovery | [Peter_Aronson] | [Peter_Aronson] | Unauthorized Use Known on ports 5151 and 5152 | |||||
5153 | tcp | Reserved | 2009-07-01 | 2018-04-19 | Historic usage was toruxserver. De-Assigned on 2018-04-19 | ||||||
5153 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
bzflag | 5154 | tcp | BZFlag game server | [Tim_Riker] | [Tim_Riker] | 2003-07 | |||||
bzflag | 5154 | udp | BZFlag game server | [Tim_Riker] | [Tim_Riker] | 2003-07 | |||||
asctrl-agent | 5155 | tcp | Oracle asControl Agent | [Todd_Guay] | [Todd_Guay] | 2005-08 | |||||
asctrl-agent | 5155 | udp | Oracle asControl Agent | [Todd_Guay] | [Todd_Guay] | 2005-08 | |||||
rugameonline | 5156 | tcp | Russian Online Game | [Andrey_Mohov] | [Andrey_Mohov] | 2010-08-17 | |||||
5156 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
mediat | 5157 | tcp | Mediat Remote Object Exchange | [Oliver_Anan] | [Oliver_Anan] | 2010-09-02 | |||||
5157 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
5158-5160 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
snmpssh | 5161 | tcp | SNMP over SSH Transport Model | [RFC5592] | |||||||
5161 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
snmpssh-trap | 5162 | tcp | SNMP Notification over SSH Transport Model | [RFC5592] | Known Unauthorized Use on port 5162 | ||||||
5162 | udp | Reserved | Known Unauthorized Use on port 5162 | ||||||||
sbackup | 5163 | tcp | Shadow Backup | [Glenn_Allen] | [Glenn_Allen] | 2009-08-05 | |||||
5163 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
vpa | 5164 | tcp | Virtual Protocol Adapter | [Douglas_Goodall] | [Douglas_Goodall] | 2009-08-05 | |||||
vpa-disc | 5164 | udp | Virtual Protocol Adapter Discovery | [Douglas_Goodall] | [Douglas_Goodall] | 2009-08-05 | |||||
ife-icorp | 5165 | tcp | ife_1corp IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "ife_icorp". |
[Paul_Annala] | [Paul_Annala] | ||||||
ife_icorp | 5165 | tcp | ife_1corp | [Paul_Annala] | [Paul_Annala] | This entry is an alias to "ife-icorp". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||
ife-icorp | 5165 | udp | ife_1corp IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "ife_icorp". |
[Paul_Annala] | [Paul_Annala] | ||||||
ife_icorp | 5165 | udp | ife_1corp | [Paul_Annala] | [Paul_Annala] | This entry is an alias to "ife-icorp". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | |||||
winpcs | 5166 | tcp | WinPCS Service Connection | [Complan_Network_AS] | [Complan_Network_AS] | 2006-02 | |||||
winpcs | 5166 | udp | WinPCS Service Connection | [Complan_Network_AS] | [Complan_Network_AS] | 2006-02 | |||||
scte104 | 5167 | tcp | SCTE104 Connection | [Thomas_Russell] | [Thomas_Russell] | 2005-05 | |||||
scte104 | 5167 | udp | SCTE104 Connection | [Thomas_Russell] | [Thomas_Russell] | 2005-05 | |||||
scte30 | 5168 | tcp | SCTE30 Connection | [Thomas_Russell] | [Thomas_Russell] | 2005-05 | |||||
scte30 | 5168 | udp | SCTE30 Connection | [Thomas_Russell] | [Thomas_Russell] | 2005-05 | |||||
5169-5171 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
pcoip-mgmt | 5172 | tcp | PC over IP Endpoint Management | [Teradici_2] | [Paul_Helter] | 2014-04-28 | |||||
5172 | udp | Reserved |