Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry

Last Updated
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, 
Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf
SCTP: Michael Tuexen
DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different
services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and

Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as
documented in [RFC6335].

Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System
Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private
Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in
[RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are 
assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in 
[RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, 
the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per 
[RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned.

The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are
described in [RFC6335].

Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without
or prior to IANA registration.

* PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING:                                           *
*                                                                      *
* REGISTERED OR NOT.                                                   *

Request an Assignment

Available Formats




Plain text
Service Name Port Number Transport Protocol Description Assignee Contact Registration Date Modification Date Reference Service Code Unauthorized Use Reported Assignment Notes
infboard tcp InfBoard interactive whiteboard protocol [Eric_Sean_Conner] [Eric_Sean_Conner] 2011-10-17 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
informacast tcp Listing Singlewire InformaCast servers [Singlewire_Software_LLC] [Jerry_Steinhauer] 2019-03-11 Defined TXT keys: None
innergroup tcp Service for a Communications App [Santo_Porpiglia] [Santo_Porpiglia] 2015-05-28 Defined TXT keys: None
iot tcp Internet-of-things (IoT) JSON telegram service [SEVENSTAX_GmbH] [Ralf_Schwarzer] 2015-11-05 Defined TXT keys: <type>:application specific kind of protocol; <vers>:version of the 'type'; <device>:device descriptor
iota tcp iotaMed medical records server [MITM] [Martin_Wehlou] 2011-10-18 Defined TXT keys: none
iperfd tcp Network socket performance test [Robert_McMahon] [Robert_McMahon] 2022-09-02 Defined TXT keys: None
iqp tcp Control protocol for Phase One devices [Phase_One] [Christopher_Jacobsen] 2018-01-16 Defined TXT keys: txtvers,mk,md,us,un,ss,auth
irc-iot tcp The universal protocol for building IoT [Alexey_Y_Woronov] [Alexey_Y_Woronov] 2019-12-20 Defined TXT keys: _irc-iot
ir-hvac-000 tcp HVAC SMIL Server [Ingersoll_Rand_Inc] [John_Taylor] 2011-09-28 Defined TXT keys: None
irobotmcs tcp iRobot Monitor and Control Service [iRobot_Corporation] [Tim_Farlow] 2013-11-07 Defined TXT keys: None
iroid-sd tcp Iroid Data Service Discovery [iroïd] [Tom_Wagner] 2016-04-22 Defined TXT keys: none
irradiatd-iclip tcp iClip clipboard transfer [Irradiated_Software] [Thomas_Tempelmann] 2012-06-19 Defined TXT keys: none
irt-sharing tcp Image Resizer Toolbox preview sharing service [] [Juan_Guerrero] 2015-06-30 Defined TXT keys: irtshrng
isynchronize tcp iSynchronize data synchronization protocol [Smart_Apps_LTD] [Sergey_Bolshedvorsky] 2011-10-11 Defined TXT keys: none
itap-publish tcp iTap Publishing Service [HLW_Software_Development_GmbH] [Michael_Lacher] 2011-10-11 Defined TXT keys: uuid=<unique server key>
izira tcp Integrated Business Data Exchange [Blue_Ridge_Concepts_Inc.] [Robert_M_Gregory_Jr] 2020-09-04 Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password> m=<manifest_name> o=<owner_name> s=<site_name>
jmap tcp JSON Meta Application Protocol [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2016-01-22 2019-07-16 [RFC8620] This service name was previously assigned under the name "JSON Mail Access Protocol". This has been de-assigned and re-assigned with the approval of the previous assignee.
jnx-kcsync tcp jollys keychain cloud sync protocol [Patrick_Stein] [Patrick_Stein] 2011-10-24 Defined TXT keys: hash=<40hex characters> salt=<40hex characters> uuid=<40hex characters> Example: hash=5e7580598c0d7064d4fc79faaeb42585e1a675f8 salt=f0164cb3a0c3d7efe75abea8fda86d2d56c8dda9 uuid=db61dc092922252e45bbb264f59147138c7fd5fa
jukebox tcp Jukebox Request Service [Gary_Giebler_2] [Gary_Giebler_2] 2011-10-18 Defined TXT keys: None
jukejoint tcp Music sharing protocol [Phrenetic_Apps_LLC] [Christopher_Pow] 2016-04-12 Defined TXT keys: none
keynoteaccess tcp KeynoteAccess is used for sending remote requests/responses when controlling a slideshow with Keynote Remote [Apple] [Brad_Vaughan] 2011-10-12 Defined TXT keys: None
keynotepairing tcp KeynotePairing is used to pair Keynote Remote with Keynote [Apple] [Brad_Vaughan] 2011-10-12 Defined TXT keys: None
kiwin tcp Topology Discovery [Stephen_kiwin_PALM] [Stephen_kiwin_PALM] 2015-06-30 Defined TXT keys: kiwin, top
knx tcp KNX Discovery Protocol [KNX_Association_cvba] [Joost_Demarest] 2023-08-10 Defined TXT keys: None
kyma tcp Symbolic Sound Kyma Service Discovery [Symbolic_Sound_Corporation] [Kurt_Hebel] 2018-11-28 Defined TXT keys: None
larvaio-control tcp Larva IP Controller [larva.io_ltd] [Reijo_Sirila] 2019-02-11 Defined TXT keys: None
logsheetserver tcp logSheet Server Synchronization Server [X2_Studios_Ltd] [Jason_McNeil] 2020-05-06 Defined TXT keys: lssvers
lumiere tcp A protocol to remotely control DMX512 devices over the network [Gangsta_Ltd] [Jean-Charles_Boude] 2011-10-13 Defined TXT keys: None
lumis-lca tcp Lumis Cache Appliance Protocol [Lumis] [Rodrigo_Terra] 2011-10-24 Defined TXT keys: none
M30S1PT tcp Moritz30-Project Standard protocol 1 Plain Text [Moritz30] [Matthias_Merkel] 2015-12-07 Defined TXT keys: None
mas tcp Pravala Mobility and Aggregation Service [Pravala_Networks_ULC] [Severn_Tsui] 2016-06-01 Defined TXT keys: None
matterc tcp Matter Commissionable Node Discovery [Connectivity_Standards_Alliance] [Aron_Rosenberg] 2021-05-21 Defined TXT keys: None
matterd tcp Matter Commissioner Discovery [Connectivity_Standards_Alliance] [Aron_Rosenberg] 2021-05-21 Defined TXT keys: None
mavlink tcp MAVLink Micro Air Vehicle Communication Protocol [Roderick_Mann] [Roderick_Mann] 2011-10-20 Defined TXT keys: 0
mediatap tcp Mediatap streaming protocol [Mediatap_GbR] [Mario_Pörner] 2011-10-11 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
mercurydock tcp Mercury Dock Assistant [Spider_Electronics] [Kenny_Millar] 2014-03-10 Defined TXT keys: status, signature, ver
microdeep tcp A protocol for controlling a microscope [Zorth_Sarl] [David_Mendels] 2023-08-02 Defined TXT keys: txtvers version name uuid
mieleacs tcp Protocol for connected accessories [Miele_and_Cie._KG] [Nils_Langhammer] 2018-04-20 Defined TXT keys: txtvers and proprietary keys
mieleathome tcp Miele@home Protocol [Miele_and_Cie._KG] [Nils_Langhammer] 2014-03-13 Defined TXT keys: txtvers and proprietary keys
mieleprof tcp Miele protocol for prof. appliances [Miele_and_Cie._KG] [Nils_Langhammer] 2018-04-20 Defined TXT keys: txtvers and proprietary keys
mielesemiprof tcp Miele protocol for semi prof. appliances [Miele_and_Cie._KG] [Nils_Langhammer] 2018-04-20 Defined TXT keys: txtvers and proprietary keys
mist tcp A Medical Interoperability Service Type, used to identify medical devices providing network interfaces. [Jon_Griffeth] [Jon_Griffeth] 2017-01-12 Defined TXT keys: (dn dt md mf pr sn vn)
mles tcp Mles is a client-server data distribution protocol targeted to serve as a lightweight and reliable distributed publish/subscribe database service. [Juhamatti_Kuusisaari] [Juhamatti_Kuusisaari] 2017-02-24 2024-01-05 Defined TXT keys: None
mmm tcp Provides a client with access to the Mathematical Mesh, a user-focused PKI. [Phillip_Hallam-Baker] [Phillip_Hallam-Baker] 2015-11-18 Defined TXT keys: None
mn-passage tcp A Remote Control Application service used to control Computers on a Local Area Network [Midnight_Oil_Enterprises_LLC] [Dan_Corkill] 2013-07-09 Defined TXT keys: inherited from bonjour/iOS multipeer connectivity
mogeneti-auth tcp Authentication service for Mogeneti Software Applications [Mogeneti] [Bart_Rijpers] 2012-09-26 Defined TXT keys: none
msrps tcp MSRP protocol over TLS 2014-04-25 [RFC4976] Defined TXT keys:
naio tcp NetAcquire server input/output protocol [NetAcquire_Corporation] [David_Hauck] 2018-06-20 Defined TXT keys: txtvers, fn
nasmon tcp Proprietary communication protocol for NAS Monitor [Infinite_Loop] [Claus_Broch2] 2012-10-09 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
nasunifiler tcp This DNS-SD service is used by mobile clients to locate the Nasuni Filer (a storage product) for a given company. [Nasuni_Corporation] [David_Shaw-Nasuni] 2016-01-22 Defined TXT keys: companyfullname == The name of the company hosting the Nasuni Filer
ncount-issuer tcp The issuer service in the n-Count electronic value transfer system [n-Count_Technology_BV] [Eduard_de_Jong] 2013-01-22 Defined TXT keys: None
ndi tcp IP based video discovery and usage [NewTek_Inc] [Brad_McFarland] 2022-11-22 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
nedap-aepu tcp Nedap AEOS processing unit [Nedap] [Leon_van_der_Voort_van_der_Kleij] 2014-08-28 Defined TXT keys: None
netready tcp UpdateLogic NetReady Device Identification [UpdateLogic_Inc] [Chris_Nigbur] 2014-10-27 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
netvu-video tcp AD Group NetVu Connected Video [AD_Holdings] [Kelvin_Lawson] 2011-10-11 Defined TXT keys: none
nextcap tcp Proprietary communication protocol for NextCap capture solution [NextDay_Aps] [Claus_Broch] 2012-04-24 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
nfs-domainroot tcp NFS service for the domain root, the root of an organization's published file namespace. [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2012-04-24 [RFC6641] Defined TXT keys: None
ngr-keydist tcp NGR Key Distribution [nyantec] [Mikael_Voss] 2017-04-18 Defined TXT keys: None
ni tcp National Instruments Network Device [National_Instruments] [Joshua_Prewitt] 2011-10-24 Defined TXT keys: MAC, DevClass, ProdId, ProdName, SerialNo, Status, ImgPath, Comment
ni-ftp tcp NI FTP [Steve_Kille] [Steve_Kille] 2017-05-18 Defined TXT keys: None
ni-mail tcp NI MAIL [Steve_Kille] [Steve_Kille] 2017-05-18 Defined TXT keys: None
ni-rt tcp National Instruments Real-Time Target [National_Instruments] [Joshua_Prewitt] 2011-10-24 Defined TXT keys: MAC, OS, OSVer, ProcArch
ni-sysapi tcp National Instruments System API Service [National_Instruments] [Joshua_Prewitt] 2011-10-24 Defined TXT keys: MAC, Experts, Version
nodel tcp Lightweight event based control protocol utilising JavaScript Object Notation [Lumicom] [Michael_Cartmel] 2013-02-07 Defined TXT keys: None
nq tcp Network Quality test server endpoint [Stuart_Cheshire] [Stuart_Cheshire] 2022-07-11 Defined TXT keys: None
nusdp tcp Nuance Unity Service Discovery Protocol [Nuance_Communications_Inc] [Andrew_Andrews] 2017-04-20 Defined TXT keys: None
oak tcp Oak Device Services [Oak_Labs_Inc.] [Flynn_Joffray] 2017-02-09 Defined TXT keys: None
oca tcp Insecure OCP.1 protocol, which is the insecure TCP/IP implementation of the Object Control Architecture [OCA_Alliance] [Stephan_van_Tienen] 2012-10-11 Defined TXT keys: txtvers=1 protovers=x
oca udp Insecure OCP.1 protocol, which is the insecure TCP/IP implementation of the Object Control Architecture [OCA_Alliance] [Stephan_van_Tienen] 2012-10-11 Defined TXT keys: txtvers=1 protovers=x
ocasec tcp Secure OCP.1 protocol, which is the secure TCP/IP implementation of the Object Control Architecture [OCA_Alliance] [Stephan_van_Tienen] 2012-10-11 Defined TXT keys: txtvers=1 protovers=x
ocasec udp Secure OCP.1 protocol, which is the secure TCP/IP implementation of the Object Control Architecture [OCA_Alliance] [Stephan_van_Tienen] 2012-10-11 Defined TXT keys: txtvers=1 protovers=x
ocaws tcp Insecure OCP.1 hosted on a WebSocket [OCA_Alliance] [Stephan_van_Tienen] 2017-05-19 Defined TXT keys: txtvers protovers path
ola tcp Web Interface for the Open Lighting Architecture Software [Open_Lighting_Project] [Simon_Newton_2] 2013-12-09 2014-02-25 Subtypes: _www-http Defined TXT keys: None
omadm-bootstrap tcp Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Device Management (DM) Bootstrap Server Discovery Service [Open_Mobile_Alliance] [Open_Mobile_Alliance_Device_Management_DM_Working_Group] 2011-08-19 Defined TXT keys: None
omnistate tcp Resource state update notifications [The_Omni_Group] [The_Omni_Group] 2020-07-10 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
onenet-info tcp OneNet Application Information Service [National_Marine_Electronics_Association] [Mark_Oslund] 2019-12-09 2023-12-27 Defined TXT keys: txtvers, protovers, path
onenet-pairing tcp OneNet Pairing [National_Marine_Electronics_Association] [Mark_Oslund] 2019-12-09 2023-12-27 Defined TXT keys: txtvers, protovers, id, path
openpath tcp Discovery of OpenPath appliances [OpenPath_Security_Inc] [John_Hickey] 2018-01-11 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
p2pstorage-sec tcp DataBOND p2p storage [Dell] [Jessica_Zhang] 2012-11-19 Defined TXT keys: txtvers, machineid, status
pairandshare tcp Pair & Share data protocol [Intel] [Joshua_Boelter] 2011-10-18 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
panoply tcp Panoply multimedia composite transfer protocol [Natarajan_Balasundar] [Natarajan_Balasundar] Defined TXT keys: None
parabay-p2p tcp Parabay P2P protocol [Vishnu_Varadaraj] [Vishnu_Varadaraj] Defined TXT keys: None
parity tcp PA-R-I-Ty (Public Address - Radio - Intercom - Telefony) [ims_Info] [Oskar_Persano] 2011-10-20 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
payload-app tcp Local and remote file transfers [Didrik_Nordström] [Didrik_Nordström] 2022-12-02 Defined TXT keys: _payload._tcp.local, _payload._udp.local
payload-app udp Local and remote file transfers [Didrik_Nordström] [Didrik_Nordström] 2022-12-02 Defined TXT keys: _payload._tcp.local, _payload._udp.local
photoshow tcp Show Photos over TCP [Hamed_Ishbaitah] [Hamed_Ishbaitah] 2014-07-30 Defined TXT keys: None
photosmithsync tcp Photosmith's iPad to Lightroom sync protocol [Photosmith] [Chris_Horne] 2011-10-27 Defined TXT keys: None
pipedal tcp Pi Pedal Web Interface [Robin_Davies] [Robin_Davies] 2021-08-18 Defined TXT keys: None
pochi tcp A presenter to audience transfer service [Ringo_Wathelet] [Ringo_Wathelet] 2018-07-11 Defined TXT keys: key "txtvers" for specification versioning, and key "name" representing the advertising presentation string value name for the audience application to retrieve and display.
podcastproxy tcp Protocol for communication between Podcast [Moritz_Schmale] [Moritz_Schmale] 2011-10-07 Defined TXT keys: None
pres tcp Presence [RFC3861]
printopia tcp Printopia Server [Decisive_Tactics_Inc] [Chris_Kent] 2011-10-24 2015-04-11 Defined TXT keys: uuid, vers, pvers
pstmailsync tcp File synchronization protocol for Pst Mail Sync [Arrow_Bit_SL] [Javier_Nigro] 2012-04-26 Defined TXT keys: uuid=<unique instance identifier>
pstmailsync-ssl tcp Secured file synchronization protocol for Pst Mail Sync [Arrow_Bit_SL] [Javier_Nigro] 2012-04-26 Defined TXT keys: uuid=<unique instance identifier>
ptp-init tcp Picture Transfer Protocol(PTP) Initiator [Canon_Inc] [Tatsuhiko_Sakai] 2011-10-03 Defined TXT keys: srvver, mn, mf, md, srv, tid
pulsar tcp Network service for Pulsar messaging and data sharing mobile app [Volodymyr_Pavliuk] [Volodymyr_Pavliuk] 2024-02-19 Defined TXT keys: None
pvaccess tcp Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System [Matej_Sekoranja] [Matej_Sekoranja] 2012-03-23 Defined TXT keys: None
qttp QuickTime Transfer Protocol [Stuart_Cheshire] [Stuart_Cheshire] Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password> path=<path to document> (Same as for _http._tcp)
quad tcp Distributed Game Data [Niall_Hogg] [Niall_Hogg] 2011-10-25 Defined TXT keys: Proprietary
qwizcollab tcp Broadcast of Qwizdom Presentation sessions for joining by a client, such as Qwizdom Notes+. [Qwizdom_Inc.] [Matthew_Owings] 2015-09-21 Defined TXT keys: None
radioport tcp RadioPort Message Service [Bob_Iannucci] [Bob_Iannucci] 2011-11-23 Defined TXT keys: NONE

Contact Information

ID Name Organization Contact URI Last Updated
[AD_Holdings] AD Holdings mailto:klawson& 2011-10-11
[Alexey_Y_Woronov] Alexey Y. Woronov mailto:alexey& 2023-09-29
[Andrew_Andrews] Andrew Andrews mailto:Andrew.Andrews& 2017-04-26
[Apple] Apple mailto:vaughan& 2011-10-12
[Aron_Rosenberg] Aron Rosenberg Connectivity Standards Alliance mailto:arosenberg& 2021-07-16
[Arrow_Bit_SL] Arrow Bit SL mailto:info& 2012-04-26
[Bart_Rijpers] Bart Rijpers Mogeneti mailto:bart& 2012-09-26
[Blue_Ridge_Concepts_Inc.] Blue Ridge Concepts, Inc. mailto:gregory& 2020-09-04
[Bob_Iannucci] Bob Iannucci mailto:bob& 2011-11-23
[Brad_McFarland] Brad McFarland NewTek Inc mailto:bmcfarland& 2022-11-22
[Brad_Vaughan] Brad Vaughan Apple mailto:vaughan& 2011-10-12
[Canon_Inc] Canon Inc. mailto:fujii.ken-ichi149& 2011-10-10
[Chris_Horne] Chris Horne Photosmith mailto:ckhorne& 2011-10-27
[Chris_Kent] Chris Kent Decisive Tactics, Inc. mailto:ckent& 2015-04-09
[Chris_Nigbur] Chris Nigbur UpdateLogic, Inc. mailto:chris.nigbur& 2014-10-27
[Christopher_Jacobsen] Christopher Jacobsen mailto:cja& 2018-01-16
[Christopher_Pow] Christopher Pow Phrenetic_Apps_LLC mailto:christopher.s.pow& 2016-04-12
[Claus_Broch] Claus Broch NextDay Aps mailto:nextday& 2012-04-24
[Claus_Broch2] Claus Broch Infinite Loop mailto:nasmon& 2012-10-09
[Connectivity_Standards_Alliance] Connectivity Standards Alliance mailto:ianaregistrations& 2021-07-23
[Dan_Corkill] Dan Corkill Midnight Oil Enterprises, LLC mailto:corkill& 2013-07-09
[David_Hauck] David Hauck mailto:davidh& 2018-06-20
[David_Mendels] David Mendels Zorth Sarl mailto:david& 2023-08-02
[David_Shaw-Nasuni] David Shaw mailto:dshaw& 2016-01-22
[Decisive_Tactics_Inc] Decisive Tactics, Inc. mailto:ckent& 2015-04-09
[Dell] Dell mailto:jessica_z& 2012-11-19
[Didrik_Nordström] Didrik Nordström mailto:didrik.nordstrom& 2022-12-02
[Eduard_de_Jong] Eduard de Jong n-Count Technology B.V. mailto:domains& 2013-01-22
[Eric_Sean_Conner] Eric Sean Conner mailto:esconner& 2011-10-17
[Flynn_Joffray] Flynn Joffray Oak Labs, Inc. mailto:flynn& 2017-02-09
[] mailto:juan.guerrero& 2015-06-30
[Gangsta_Ltd] Gangsta Ltd. mailto:jc& 2011-10-13
[Gary_Giebler_2] Gary Giebler mailto:gary& 2011-10-18
[Hamed_Ishbaitah] Hamed Ishbaitah mailto:Hamed.i& 2014-07-30
[HLW_Software_Development_GmbH] HLW Software Development GmbH mailto:office& 2011-10-11
[IESG] IESG mailto:iesg&
[IETF_Chair] IETF Chair IETF mailto:chair&
[ims_Info] ims Info Management Systems AG mailto:ope& 2011-10-20
[Ingersoll_Rand_Inc] Ingersoll Rand, Inc. mailto:john.taylor& 2011-09-28
[Infinite_Loop] Infinite Loop mailto:nasmon& 2012-10-09
[Intel] Intel mailto:joshua.boelter& 2011-10-18
[iRobot_Corporation] iRobot Corporation mailto:DL-ENG-SW-Management& 2013-11-07
[iroïd] iroïd mailto:dev& 2016-04-22
[Irradiated_Software] Irradiated Software mailto:info& 2012-06-19
[Jason_McNeil] Jason McNeil mailto:jmcneil& 2020-05-06
[Javier_Nigro] Javier Nigro Arrow Bit SL mailto:support& 2012-04-26
[Jean-Charles_Boude] Jean-Charles Boude Gangsta Ltd. mailto:jc& 2011-10-17
[Jerry_Steinhauer] Jerry Steinhauer Singlewire Software, LLC mailto:jerry.steinhauer& 2019-03-11
[Jessica_Zhang] Jessica Zhang Dell mailto:jessica_z& 2012-11-19
[John_Hickey] John Hickey mailto:john+iana& 2018-01-11
[John_Taylor] John Taylor Ingersoll Rand, Inc. mailto:john.taylor& 2011-09-28
[Jon_Griffeth] Jon Griffeth mailto:griffeth& 2017-01-12
[Joost_Demarest] Joost Demarest KNX Association cvba mailto:joost.demarest& 2023-08-10
[Joshua_Boelter] Joshua Boelter Intel mailto:joshua.boelter& 2011-10-18
[Joshua_Prewitt] Joshua Prewitt National Instruments mailto:joshua.prewitt& 2011-10-24
[Juan_Guerrero] Juan Guerrero mailto:ryoma.nagare& 2015-06-30
[Juhamatti_Kuusisaari] Juhamatti Kuusisaari mailto:juhamatti.kuusisaari& 2024-01-05
[Kelvin_Lawson] Kelvin Lawson AD Holdings mailto:klawson& 2011-10-11
[Kenny_Millar] Kenny Millar Spider Electronics mailto:kenny& 2014-03-10
[KNX_Association_cvba] KNX Association cvba mailto:joost.demarest& 2023-08-10
[Kurt_Hebel] Kurt Hebel Symbolic Sound Corporation mailto:kurt& 2018-11-28
[larva.io_ltd] ltd. mailto:hi& 2019-02-11
[Leon_van_der_Voort_van_der_Kleij] Leon van der Voort van der Kleij Nedap mailto:leon.vandervoortvanderkleij& 2014-08-28
[Lumicom] Lumicom mailto:support& 2013-02-07
[Lumis] Lumis mailto:rterra& 2011-10-24
[Mario_Pörner] Mario Pörner Mediatap GbR mailto:mario.poerner& 2011-10-11
[Mark_Oslund] Mark Oslund National Marine Electronics Association mailto:info& 2023-12-27
[Martin_Wehlou] J. Martin Wehlou Man In The Middle AB mailto:martin& 2011-10-18
[Matej_Sekoranja] Matej Sekoranja mailto:matej.sekoranja& 2012-03-23
[Matthew_Owings] Matthew Owings mailto:matt& 2015-09-21
[Matthias_Merkel] Matthias Merkel mailto:moritz30& 2015-12-07
[Mediatap_GbR] Mediatap GbR mailto:info& 2011-10-11
[Michael_Cartmel] Michael Cartmel Lumicom mailto:michael.cartmel& 2013-02-07
[Michael_Lacher] Michael Lacher HLW Software Development GmbH mailto:michael.lacher& 2011-10-11
[Midnight_Oil_Enterprises_LLC] Midnight Oil Enterprises, LLC mailto:corkill& 2013-07-09
[Miele_and_Cie._KG] Miele & Cie. KG mailto:nils.langhammer& 2018-04-20
[Mikael_Voss] Mikael Voss mailto:mvs& 2017-04-18
[MITM] Man In The Middle AB mailto:martin& 2011-10-18
[Mogeneti] Mogeneti mailto:serveradmin& 2012-09-26
[Moritz30] Moritz30 mailto:moritz30& 2015-12-07
[Moritz_Schmale] Moritz Schmale mailto:narrow.m& 2011-10-07
[n-Count_Technology_BV] n-Count Technology B.V. mailto:ncount& 2013-01-22
[Nasuni_Corporation] Nasuni Corporation mailto:it& 2016-01-22
[Natarajan_Balasundar] Natarajan Balasundara mailto:rajan&
[National_Instruments] National Instruments mailto:joshua.prewitt& 2011-10-24
[National_Marine_Electronics_Association] National Marine Electronics Association mailto:standards& 2023-12-27
[Nedap] Nedap mailto:leon.vandervoortvanderkleij& 2014-08-28
[NetAcquire_Corporation] NetAcquire Corporation mailto:davidh& 2018-06-20
[NewTek_Inc] NewTek Inc mailto:cs& 2022-11-22
[NextDay_Aps] NextDay Aps mailto:nextday& 2012-04-24
[Niall_Hogg] Niall Hogg mailto:niall.hogg& 2011-10-25
[Nils_Langhammer] Dr. Nils Langhammer Miele & Cie. KG mailto:nils.langhammer& 2018-04-20
[Nuance_Communications_Inc] Nuance Communications, Inc. mailto:Mark.Jackson& 2011-10-27
[nyantec] nyantec mailto:info& 2017-04-18
[Oak_Labs_Inc.] Oak Labs, Inc. mailto:ops& 2017-02-09
[OCA_Alliance] OCA Alliance mailto:tina.lipscomb& 2017-05-19
[Open_Lighting_Project] Open Lighting Project mailto:simon& 2013-12-09
[Open_Mobile_Alliance] Open Mobile Alliance mailto:Technical-Comments& 2011-08-19
[Open_Mobile_Alliance_Device_Management_DM_Working_Group] Open Mobile Alliance Device Management (DM) Working Group mailto:Technical-Comments& 2011-08-19
[OpenPath_Security_Inc] OpenPath Security Inc mailto:john+iana& 2018-01-11
[Oskar_Persano] Oskar Persano ims Info Management Systems AG mailto:ope& 2011-10-20
[Patrick_Stein] Patrick Stein mailto:Patrick.Stein& 2011-10-24
[Phase_One] Phase One mailto:cja& 2018-01-16
[Phillip_Hallam-Baker] Phillip Hallam-Baker mailto:phill& 2015-11-18
[Photosmith] Photosmith mailto:ckhorne& 2011-10-27
[Phrenetic_Apps_LLC] Phrenetic Apps LLC mailto:christopher.s.pow& 2016-04-12
[Pravala_Networks_ULC] Pravala Networks ULC mailto:admin& 2016-06-01
[Qwizdom_Inc.] Qwizdom, Inc. mailto:matt& 2015-09-21
[Ralf_Schwarzer] Ralf Schwarzer mailto:ralf.schwarzer& 2015-11-05
[Reijo_Sirila] Reijo Sirila mailto:reijo& 2019-02-19
[Ringo_Wathelet] Ringo Wathelet mailto:ringowathelet& 2018-07-11
[Robert_M_Gregory_Jr] Robert M Gregory Jr mailto:gregory.robert.m& 2020-09-04
[Robert_McMahon] Robert McMahon mailto:rjmcmahon& 2022-09-02
[Robin_Davies] Robin Davies mailto:rerdavies& 2021-08-18
[Roderick_Mann] Roderick Mann mailto:rmann& 2011-10-20
[Rodrigo_Terra] Rodrigo Terra Lumis mailto:rterra& 2011-10-24
[Santo_Porpiglia] Santo Porpiglia mailto:sonnyporpiglia& 2015-05-28
[Sergey_Bolshedvorsky] Sergey Bolshedvorsky Smart Apps LTD mailto:info& 2011-10-11
[SEVENSTAX_GmbH] SEVENSTAX GmbH mailto:info& 2015-11-05
[Severn_Tsui] Severn Tsui mailto:severn& 2016-06-01
[Simon_Newton_2] Simon Newton mailto:simon& 2013-12-09
[Singlewire_Software_LLC] Singlewire Software, LLC mailto:jerry.steinhauer& 2019-03-11
[Smart_Apps_LTD] Smart Apps LTD mailto:info& 2011-10-11
[Spider_Electronics] Spider Electronics mailto:kenny& 2014-03-10
[Stephen_kiwin_PALM] Stephen [kiwin] PALM mailto:iana& 2015-06-30
[Stephan_van_Tienen] Stephan van Tienen OCA Alliance mailto:stephan.vantienen& 2017-05-19
[Steve_Kille] Steve Kille mailto:steve.kille& 2017-05-18
[Stuart_Cheshire] Stuart Cheshire mailto:cheshire& 2022-07-11
[Symbolic_Sound_Corporation] Symbolic Sound Corporation mailto:symsound& 2018-11-28
[Tatsuhiko_Sakai] Tatsuhiko Sakai Canon Inc. mailto:sakai.tatsuhiko& 2011-10-03
[The_Omni_Group] The Omni Group mailto:info& 2020-07-10
[Thomas_Tempelmann] Thomas Tempelmann mailto:tt& 2012-06-19
[Tim_Farlow] Tim Farlow iRobot Corporation mailto:tfarlow& 2013-11-07
[Tom_Wagner] Tom Wagner iroïd mailto:tom& 2016-04-22
[UpdateLogic_Inc] UpdateLogic, Inc. mailto:it& 2014-10-27
[Vishnu_Varadaraj] Vishnu Varadaraj mailto:vishnuv&
[Volodymyr_Pavliuk] Volodymyr Pavliuk mailto:gwotan& 2024-02-19
[X2_Studios_Ltd] X2 Studios Ltd mailto:support& 2020-05-06
[Zorth_Sarl] Zorth Sarl mailto:info& 2023-08-02