Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
- Last Updated
- 2025-03-11
- Expert(s)
TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Kumiko Ono, Wes Eddy, Brian Trammell, Jana Iyengar, and Michael Scharf SCTP: Michael Tuexen DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
- Reference
- [RFC6335]
- Note
Service names and port numbers are used to distinguish between different services that run over transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, DCCP, and SCTP. Service names are assigned on a first-come, first-served process, as documented in [RFC6335]. Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports (49152-65535); the different uses of these ranges are described in [RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in [RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per [RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned. The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are described in [RFC6335]. Assigned ports both System and User ports SHOULD NOT be used without or prior to IANA registration. ************************************************************************ * PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: * * * * ASSIGNMENT OF A PORT NUMBER DOES NOT IN ANY WAY IMPLY AN * * ENDORSEMENT OF AN APPLICATION OR PRODUCT, AND THE FACT THAT NETWORK * * TRAFFIC IS FLOWING TO OR FROM A REGISTERED PORT DOES NOT MEAN THAT * * IT IS "GOOD" TRAFFIC, NOR THAT IT NECESSARILY CORRESPONDS TO THE * * ASSIGNED SERVICE. FIREWALL AND SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS SHOULD * * CHOOSE HOW TO CONFIGURE THEIR SYSTEMS BASED ON THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF * * THE TRAFFIC IN QUESTION, NOT WHETHER THERE IS A PORT NUMBER * * REGISTERED OR NOT. * ************************************************************************
- Request an Assignment
- Available Formats
Plain text
Service Name | Port Number | Transport Protocol | Description | Assignee | Contact | Registration Date | Modification Date | Reference | Service Code | Unauthorized Use Reported | Assignment Notes |
microsoft-ds | 445 | tcp | Microsoft-DS | [Pradeep_Bahl] | [Pradeep_Bahl] | ||||||
microsoft-ds | 445 | udp | Microsoft-DS | [Pradeep_Bahl] | [Pradeep_Bahl] | ||||||
proxima-lm | 1445 | tcp | Proxima License Manager | ||||||||
proxima-lm | 1445 | udp | Proxima License Manager | ||||||||
dtn1 | 2445 | tcp | DTN1 | [Bob_Gaddie] | [Bob_Gaddie] | ||||||
dtn1 | 2445 | udp | DTN1 | [Bob_Gaddie] | [Bob_Gaddie] | ||||||
monp | 3445 | tcp | Media Object Network Protocol | [Aethercloud] | [Ron_Herardian] | 2002-03 | 2019-11-11 | ||||
monp | 3445 | udp | Media Object Network Protocol | [Aethercloud] | [Ron_Herardian] | 2002-03 | 2019-11-11 | ||||
upnotifyp | 4445 | tcp | UPNOTIFYP | [Mark_Fox] | [Mark_Fox] | ||||||
upnotifyp | 4445 | udp | UPNOTIFYP | [Mark_Fox] | [Mark_Fox] | ||||||
camp | 4450 | tcp | Common ASCII Messaging Protocol | [Control_Technology_Inc] | [Clint_Eskew] | 2011-10-28 | |||||
camp | 4450 | udp | Common ASCII Messaging Protocol | [Control_Technology_Inc] | [Clint_Eskew] | 2011-10-28 | |||||
ctisystemmsg | 4451 | tcp | CTI System Msg | [Control_Technology_Inc] | [Clint_Eskew] | 2011-10-28 | |||||
ctisystemmsg | 4451 | udp | CTI System Msg | [Control_Technology_Inc] | [Clint_Eskew] | 2011-10-28 | |||||
ctiprogramload | 4452 | tcp | CTI Program Load | [Control_Technology_Inc] | [Clint_Eskew] | 2011-10-28 | |||||
ctiprogramload | 4452 | udp | CTI Program Load | [Control_Technology_Inc] | [Clint_Eskew] | 2011-10-28 | |||||
nssalertmgr | 4453 | tcp | NSS Alert Manager | ||||||||
nssalertmgr | 4453 | udp | NSS Alert Manager | ||||||||
nssagentmgr | 4454 | tcp | NSS Agent Manager | [Jim_Hill] | [Jim_Hill] | ||||||
nssagentmgr | 4454 | udp | NSS Agent Manager | [Jim_Hill] | [Jim_Hill] | ||||||
prchat-user | 4455 | tcp | PR Chat User | ||||||||
prchat-user | 4455 | udp | PR Chat User | ||||||||
prchat-server | 4456 | tcp | PR Chat Server | ||||||||
prchat-server | 4456 | udp | PR Chat Server | ||||||||
prRegister | 4457 | tcp | PR Register | [Donny_Gilor] | [Donny_Gilor] | ||||||
prRegister | 4457 | udp | PR Register | [Donny_Gilor] | [Donny_Gilor] | ||||||
mcp | 4458 | tcp | Matrix Configuration Protocol | [Tim_DeBaillie] | [Tim_DeBaillie] | 2006-12 | |||||
mcp | 4458 | udp | Matrix Configuration Protocol | [Tim_DeBaillie] | [Tim_DeBaillie] | 2006-12 | |||||
4459 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
smbdirect | 5445 | tcp | Server Message Block over Remote Direct Memory Access | [Microsoft_Corporation_2] | [Tom_Talpey] | 2012-03-15 | |||||
5445 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
smbdirect | 5445 | sctp | Server Message Block over Remote Direct Memory Access | [Microsoft_Corporation_2] | [Tom_Talpey] | 2012-03-15 | |||||
sge-execd | 6445 | tcp | Grid Engine Execution Service IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "sge_execd". |
[Andreas_Haas] | [Andreas_Haas] | 2006-08 | |||||
sge_execd | 6445 | tcp | Grid Engine Execution Service | [Andreas_Haas] | [Andreas_Haas] | 2006-08 | This entry is an alias to "sge-execd". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | ||||
sge-execd | 6445 | udp | Grid Engine Execution Service IANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "sge_execd". |
[Andreas_Haas] | [Andreas_Haas] | 2006-08 | |||||
sge_execd | 6445 | udp | Grid Engine Execution Service | [Andreas_Haas] | [Andreas_Haas] | 2006-08 | This entry is an alias to "sge-execd". This entry is now historic, not usable for use with many common service discovery mechanisms. | ||||
copy | 8445 | tcp | Port for copy peer sync feature | [Copy] | [Jason_Dictos] | 2012-09-19 | |||||
copy-disc | 8445 | udp | Port for copy discovery | [Copy] | [Jason_Dictos] | 2012-09-19 | |||||
mindarray-ca | 9445 | tcp | MindArray Systems Console Agent | [MINDARRAY_SYSTEMS] | [ALPESH_DHAMELIA] | 2011-10-25 | |||||
9445 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
36445-36461 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
acronis-backup | 44445 | tcp | Acronis Backup Gateway service port | [Acronis] | [Kevin_Reed] | 2019-11-25 | |||||
44445 | udp | Reserved | |||||||||
44446-44543 | Unassigned | Known UNAUTHORIZED USE: Ports 44515 & 44516 | |||||||||
44544 | tcp | Reserved | |||||||||
domiq | 44544 | udp | DOMIQ Building Automation | [DOMIQ_Sp_zoo] | [Filip_Zawadiak] | 2011-08-29 | |||||
44545-44552 | Unassigned | ||||||||||
rbr-debug | 44553 | tcp | REALbasic Remote Debug | [Aaron_Ballman] | [Aaron_Ballman] | 2004-11 | |||||
rbr-debug | 44553 | udp | REALbasic Remote Debug | [Aaron_Ballman] | [Aaron_Ballman] | 2004-11 | |||||
44554-44599 | Unassigned |