(registered 2015-12-08, last updated 2015-12-08)

Scheme name: dis

Status: Provisional

Scheme syntax: dis:<path>
A DIS URI has no authority, query or fragment part.
It has only a path part that may be absolute or root less.
The path segments uses exclusively the characters
'-', '_', '~, '.', '0' to '9', 'A' to 'Z' and 'a' to 'z'.
The total length of a dis URI, including the scheme
name, is limited to 98 characters.
URI examples: "dis:", "dis:/", "dis:~", "dis:/B/67/0vH"

Encoding considerations:
Not all combinations of the valid chars form a valid URI.
The URI has an equivalent binary representation called
a Distributed Information Reference (DIR).

Applications/protocols that use this scheme name:
The URI is a reference to an information stored in the
Distributed Information System (DIS). The protocol
is named Distributed Information Transport Protocol

Security consideration: Unknown, use with care.

Contact: Christophe Meessen <uri-review [at] ditp.org>

Change controller: same as contact

References: http://www.ditp.org