Namespace ID: '3gpp2' requested Version: 1 Date: 2018-06-10 Registrant: Standards Organization: Third Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2) Contact: John Derr, MEID Global Hexadecimal Administrator, JDerr& Gary Pellegrino, TIA TR-45 EUMAG Chair, gary& c/o Telecommunications Industry Association 1320 N. Courthouse Rd., Suite 200 Arlington, Virginia 22201 USA Purpose: The '3gpp2' namespace is used to identify mobile equipment which uses technologies defined by the Third Generation Partnership Project 2 ((3GPP2); initially such equipment is identified by a URN that embeds a Mobile Equipment Identity (MEID) that is 15 hexadecimal digits long and unique to each individual mobile equipment (e.g., a handset or mobile phone). Syntax: The identifier is expressed in American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) characters and has a hierarchical expression using the Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) defined in [RFC5234], as follows: pp2-urn = "urn:" pp2-NID ":" pp2-NSS pp2-NID = "3gpp2" pp2-NSS = meid-specifier / future-pp2-specifier meid-specifier = "meid:" meidval future-pp2-specifier = future-specifier *[ ":" 1*( pchar / "/" ] future-specifier = 1*pp2-char pp2-char = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / pct-encoded where 'pchar' and 'pct-encoded' are defined in [RFC3986]. An NSS for the MEID is defined under the '3gpp2' NID. The representation of the MEID is a specific number of hexadecimal digits, as described in [S.R0048-A]. The formal definition of a URN with 'meid' NSS contains one meidval with the formal definition according to the following ABNF [RFC5234]: meidval = Manufacturer-Code "-" Serial-Number Manufacturer-Code = 8HEX Serial-Number = 6HEX HEX = DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F" Assignment: The Manufacturer Code and Serial Number portions of the MEID are permanently stored in the mobile equipment so they remain persistent as long as the mobile equipment exists. The process for Manufacturer Code and Serial Number assignment is documented in [SC.R4002-0] and the Manufacturer Code and Serial Number values once assigned are not re-assigned to other mobile equipments. Identifiers in the '3gpp2' namespace are defined and assigned by the 3GPP2 or an agency appointed by 3GPP2 after ensuring that the URNs to be assigned are unique. Procedures are in place to ensure that each MEID is uniquely assigned by the mobile equipment manufacturer so that it is guaranteed to uniquely identify that particular mobile equipment. Security and Privacy: See Section 6 of RFC 8464. Interoperability: Although both the 3GPP2 Mobile Equipment Identity (MEID) and the 3GPP International Mobile station Equipment Identity (IMEI) are used to identity mobile equipment, they are separate identifiers and are not to be confused. Internet implementations will not generally possess MEID identifiers. The identifiers generated by such implementations will typically be URNs within namespaces other than '3gpp2', and may, depending on context, even be non-URN URIs. Implementations are advised to be ready to process URIs other than '3gpp2' namespaced URNs, so as to aid in interoperability. Resolution: No resolution is envisioned. Documentation: Documentation can be found in the following specifications: o A Uniform Resource Name Namespace for the Device Identity and the Mobile Equipment Identity (MEID)" [RFC8464]. o 3G Mobile Equipment Identifier [S.R0048-A] <>. o GHA (Global Hexadecimal Administrator) Assignment Guidelines and Procedures for Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID) and Short Form Expanded UIM Identifier (SF_EUIMID) [SC.R4002-0] <>. Additional Information: Because the syntax of a 3GPP2 Mobile Equipment Identity (MEID) differs from that of a 3GPP International Mobile station Equipment Identity (IMEI), reuse of the URN specified in RFC 7254 is not possible.