Namespace Identifier: GVAT Version: 1.0 Date: 2023-05-01. Registrant: Bundeskanzleramt der Republik Österreich Ballhausplatz 2, 1010 Wien, Austria smartdata& Purpose: The GVAT URNs identify all types of digital objects of Austrian government institutions and organizations in the possession of the Austrian administration. The GVAT URNs allow unambiguous identification of digital objects, thus improving their findability and reusability. The GVAT URNs also help internal systems to better track provenance and object evolution. The GVAT URN namespace is independent of any existing URN namespaces, URI schemes, and non-URN identifier systems. The resolution mechanism is anticipated for URNs assigned within the GVAT namespace. The Austrian Federal Chancellery will operate an internal resolution service. The GVAT URN namespace is not expected to become a constituent part of a standard being developed in the IETF or some other recognized standards body. Syntax: The syntax for the GVAT URN namestring is defined using the Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) below. namestring = assigned-name assigned-name = "urn:gvat:" NSS NSS = delegation-area-number "/" object delegation-area-number = 1%x31–39 3%x30–39 1%x31–39 object = 1*(%x41–5A / %x61–7A / %x30–39 / %x2D) Assignment: The registration of URNs within the GVAT namespace is limited to Austrian government institutions and organizations in the possession of the Austrian administration. The Austrian Federal Chancellery decides which further institutions or organizations get the right to assign URNs within the GVAT namespace, that is, to become delegated authorities. Each delegated authority gets its own delegation area number, a unique part of the NSS. Thus, there are no collisions among URNs minted by different delegated authorities. Each delegated authority is individually responsible for the uniqueness of URNs assigned by it and for conformance with the syntax of the GVAT URN namespace. Security and Privacy: The identifiers do not include any semantics. There is no public resolution service. There are no specific security and privacy constraints stemming directly from the GVAT URN syntax and assignment strategy. Interoperability: No interoperability issues are known at this stage. Resolution: A resolution mechanism is anticipated for URNs assigned within the GVAT namespace, but primarily for internal and non-public use. Documentation: None Additional Information: None Revision Information: None