Root KSK Ceremony 36

This ceremony has been completed.

Location Root Zone Key Management Facility West
El Segundo, California, USA
Ceremony Start 2019-02-27 21:00:00 UTC
Wednesday 27 February 2019, 1 p.m. (local time at facility)
Objectives Sign the ZSK for 2019Q2

Rewatch the ceremony

This is an archive of the live online broadcast provided during the ceremony. Formal audit footage and other materials from the ceremony are posted separately below.


This timeline is a rough guide only. We endeavour to adhere to the advertised start time, but the length of ceremonies varies. Note that the following day is held as a backup date in case the ceremony can not be conducted as scheduled.

Time (UTC) Time (Ceremony) Agenda
20:15 12:15 p.m. – 12:45 p.m. Check-in for in-person attendees
21:00 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. Ceremony
00:15 4:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Debrief with in-person attendees

Ceremony Materials

File Description
KC36_Script.pdf (242.9 KB) Proposed Key Signing Key Ceremony Script
KC36_Script_Annotated.pdf (3.9 MB) Annotated Key Signing Key Ceremony Script
KSK36_CAM01.mp4 (836.6 MB) Key Ceremony Audit Camera #1 Footage
KSK36_CAM02.mp4 (877.7 MB) Key Ceremony Audit Camera #2 Footage
KSK36_CAM03.mp4 (1.1 GB) Key Ceremony Audit Camera #3 Footage
coen-0.4.0-amd64.iso (238.3 MB) Signing Computer Operating System Image Release coen-0.4.0
coen-0.4.0-amd64.iso.sha256 (87 bytes) Signing Computer Operating System Image Release coen-0.4.0 SHA-256 Hash
ksrsigner-20190227-222718.log (6.3 KB) Key Signing Log
script-20190227.log (21.9 KB) Signing Computer Audit Log
ttyaudit-ttyS0-20190227-221242.log (12.1 KB) HSM Audit Log