from Maureen Cubberley, CIRA, to Michael Roberts, ICANN
(30 November
Michael M. Roberts
President and Chief Executive Officer
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
Marina del Rey, California 90292-6601
Re: Agreement Between CIRA
Dear Mr. Roberts:
In a March 11, 1999 letter,
the Government of Canada formally recognized the Canadian Internet Registration
Authority (CIRA) as the administrator of the .ca domain space, expressing
confidence that the CIRA Board would quickly put into place an effective
structure predicated on several core principles intended to ensure that
the .ca domain is appropriately administered as a key public resource.
On May 9, 2000, CIRA, the Government of Canada, and the University of
British Columbia (which has been administering the .ca domain) entered
into an Umbrella Agreement reiterating the recognition and on the same
date CIRA and the University of British Columbia entered into a Transition
Agreement detailing the particulars of the transfer.
The University of British
Columbia and CIRA have completed the steps required for transition and,
as stated in Michael Binder's October 10, 2000 letter to you, CIRA is
prepared to assume its duties as delegee of the .ca domain on December
1, 2000.
In the meantime, there have
been ongoing discussions within the global Internet community concerning
the appropriate relationships among ccTLD managers, their governments,
and ICANN. An important contribution to the advance of these discussions
was the adoption by ICANN's Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) in
February 2000 of its "Principles for Delegation and Administration
of Country Code Top Level Domains," which is posted at http://www.icann.org/gac/gac-cctldprinciples-23feb00.htm
(the "GAC principles"). The GAC principles, which are intended
to be applied flexibly to suit the particular circumstances of each
ccTLD, provide for a three-party communication-based relationship among
the ccTLD delegee, the government, and ICANN.
CIRA supports the framework of the GAC principles as a sound basis for
the ongoing relationships concerning the delegation and administration
of ccTLDs. In conjunction with its assumption of the duties of delegee
of the .ca domain, CIRA is prepared to enter into a formal, legally
binding agreement with ICANN that:
1. Commits ICANN
and CIRA to perform the obligations set forth in clause 10 of the
GAC principles. With respect to clause 10.2.3, CIRA intends to establish
an escrow or mirror site policy for the registry data managed by it.
The escrow agent or mirror site should be mutually approved by CIRA
and ICANN and should not be under CIRA's control. CIRA's policy will
ensure that the escrow agent or mirror site will maintain such data
in accordance with established business practices of the industry
in Canada. CIRA also intends to investigate means available to ensure
that such data is made available to any successor to CIRA in the administration
of the .ca domain space and that such data may be used by such a successor
in the administration of the domain space;
2. Commits CIRA
to respect any communication from the Government of Canada issued
pursuant to clause 9 of the GAC principles, and subject to the following
commits CIRA to implement aspects of clauses 9.1.6, 9.2 and 9.3 of
the GAC Principles that are not specifically dealt with in a communication
from the Government of Canada. CIRA is currently formulating, based
on community consultation, its ADR policy, and in that regard is assessing
how to promote the benefits of dispute resolution policies discussed
by clause 9.1.6. CIRA's existing Canadian Presence Requirements will
not be deemed to invoke the second sentence of clause 9.1.6 or clause
9.1.8. Further, CIRA shall not be obligated to comply with any policy
applicable to ccTLDs which ICANN may adopt pursuant to clause 9.1.8
that would have the effect of requiring CIRA to change its Canadian
Presence Requirements. CIRA understands that its existing Canadian
Presence Requirements are such that they do not invoke clause 9.1.8.
If these requirements change, CIRA acknowledges that there may be
a need to reconsider the potential application of clause 9.1.8 to
CIRA. In the event that CIRA begins to operate the .ca domain space
as an open domain, CIRA agrees to respect any ICANN policies that
apply to open domains; and
3. Provides
that CIRA agrees to reassignment of the delegation of the .ca domain
under the conditions and in the manner described in clauses 7.1 and
7.3 of the GAC principles and to hold ICANN harmless with respect
to any reassignment of the delegation according to those clauses.
CIRA recognizes that there
are some details to be worked out and some drafting work that must be
done to reduce these points to a formal written agreement. CIRA is prepared
to work with ICANN to expeditiously complete this work so that an agreement
may be concluded.
We request that ICANN recognize
CIRA as the operator and manager of the .ca domain with effect as of
12:01 a.m., local time in Ottawa, Ontario on December 1, 2000.
(Signature on file)
Maureen Cubberley
Chair CIRA Board |
cc: Industry Canada
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